
Wowza Video integrates all the core streaming technologies your business requires into a single platform, making it an ideal solution for organizations looking to enhance their products and services with video.

Use the API to add live streaming and playback functionality to your applications. It offers complete programmatic control over live streams, transcoders, stream sources, and stream targets. Anything you can do in the Wowza Video UI can also be achieved by making HTTP-based requests to cloud-based servers through the REST API.

Supported Operations

Wowza Video REST API Reference Documentation

Fetch all asset tags

This operation retrieves a list of all of the tags that have been used previously by an organization.

Fetch all assets

This operation shows limited details for all of your assets. For detailed information, fetch a single asset.

Create an asset

This operation creates an asset. You can only upload MP4 format and H.264 and AAC encoded files. Any files with unsupported codecs are rejected.

Fetch an asset

This operation shows the details of a specific asset. The fields returned vary depending on when you send this request. For example, if a resource hasn't been created yet during the processing state, you won't see **available_renditions** in the response. **Tip**: If your original upload URL expired and you need a new one for an asset, send this request and the response will contain a new upload URL.

Update an asset

This operation updates an asset. Assets must be uploaded and complete processing before they can be updated. The fields returned vary depending on when you send this request. For example, if a stream doesn't have unique viewer data, you won't see **unique_viewers** in the response.

Delete an asset

This operation deletes an asset, including all assigned outputs and targets. To ensure an efficient and clean transcoding process, you can't delete an asset when it's in the **processing** state. You can only delete an asset in the **uploading**, **failed**, or **completed** state.

Restream an asset

This operation returns a live stream ID you can use to re-stream an uploaded asset.

Report asset as uploaded

This operation reports that an asset was successfully uploaded to Google storage.

Report asset upload as failed

This operation reports that an asset uploaded to Google storage failed. You can only upload MP4 format and H.264 and AAC encoded files. Any files with unsupported codecs are rejected.

Fetch all live streams

This operation shows limited details for all of your live streams. For detailed information, fetch a single live stream.

Create a live stream

This operation creates a live stream.

Fetch a live stream

This operation shows the details of a specific live stream.

Update a live stream

This operation updates a live stream.

Delete a live stream

This operation deletes a live stream, including all assigned outputs and targets. <br><br><b>Note</b>: You can't remove live streams that have an asset_id. Assets must be removed by sending a DEL request to the /assets endpoint.

Regenerate the connection code for a live stream

This operation regenerates the connection code of a live stream.

Reset a live stream

This operation resets a live stream.

Start a live stream

This operation starts a live stream.

Fetch the state of a live stream

This operation shows the current state of a live stream.

Fetch metrics for an active live stream

This operation returns a hash of metrics keys, each of which identifies a status, text description, unit, and value.

Stop a live stream

This operation stops a live stream.

Fetch the thumbnail URL of a live stream

This operation shows the thumbnail URL of a started live stream.

Fetch all players

This operation shows limited details for all of your players. For detailed information, fetch a single player.

Fetch a player

This operation shows details of a specific player.

Update a player

This operation updates a player.

Rebuild player code

This operation rebuilds the player with the current configuration.

Fetch the state of a player

This operation shows the current state of a player.

Fetch all player URLs

This operation shows the details of all player URLs.

Create a player URL

This operation creates a new player URL.

Fetch a player URL

This operation shows the details of a player URL.

Update a player URL

This operation updates a player URL.

Delete a player URL

This operation deletes a player URL.

Fetch all real-time streams

This operation shows limited details for all of your real-time streams. For detailed information, fetch a single real-time stream.

Create a real-time stream

This operation creates a real-time stream.

Fetch a real-time stream

This operation shows the details of a specific real-time stream.

Update a real-time stream

This operation updates a real-time stream.

Delete a real-time stream

This operation deletes a real-time stream.

Fetch all recordings

This operation shows limited details for all of your recordings. For detailed information, fetch a single recording.

Fetch a recording

This operation shows the details of a specific recording.

Delete a recording

This operation deletes a recording. <br><br><b>Note</b>: You can't remove recordings that have an asset_id. Assets must be removed by sending a DEL request to the /assets endpoint.

Fetch the state of a recording

This operation shows the current state of a recording.

Fetch all schedules

This operation shows the details of all of your schedules.

Create a schedule

This operation creates a schedule.

Fetch a schedule

This operation shows the details of a specific schedule.

Update a schedule

This operation updates a schedule.

Delete a schedule

This operation deletes a schedule.

Disable a schedule

This operation disables a schedule.

Enable a schedule

This operation enables a schedule.

Fetch the state of a schedule

This operation shows the current state of a schedule.

Fetch all stream sources

This operation shows limited details for all of your stream sources. For detailed information, fetch a single stream source of the appropriate type.

Fetch all Wowza stream sources

(Available from version 1.4) This operation shows limited details for all of your Wowza stream sources. A Wowza stream source enables automatic transcoder start, stop, and broadcast location detection. For detailed information, fetch a single Wowza stream source.

Create a Wowza stream source

(Available from version 1.4) This operation creates a Wowza stream source. A Wowza stream source enables automatic transcoder start, stop, and broadcast location detection.

Fetch a Wowza stream source

(Available from version 1.4) This operation shows details of a specific Wowza stream source. A Wowza stream source enables automatic transcoder start, stop, and broadcast location detection.

Update a Wowza stream source

(Available from version 1.4) This operation updates a Wowza stream source. A Wowza stream source enables automatic transcoder start, stop, and broadcast location detection.

Delete a Wowza stream source

(Available from version 1.4) This operation deletes a Wowza stream source.

Fetch all stream targets

This operation lists limited details for custom stream targets and Wowza CDN on Fastly stream targets. For detailed information, fetch a single stream target of a specific type.

Fetch all Wowza CDN on Akamai stream targets

This operation lists limited details for all of your Wowza CDN on Akamai stream targets. For detailed information, fetch a single Wowza CDN on Akamai stream target. > **Note:** You can no longer create Wowza CDN on Akamai stream targets. All other Wowza CDN on Akamai stream target functionality will soon be deprecated. <br><br> > See [Migrate to Wowza CDN on Fastly]( to learn how to migrate your stream targets from Akamai to Fastly.

Fetch a Wowza CDN on Akamai stream target

This operation shows the details of a specific Wowza CDN on Akamai stream target. > **Note:** You can no longer create Wowza CDN on Akamai stream targets. All other Wowza CDN on Akamai stream target functionality will soon be deprecated. <br><br> > See [Migrate to Wowza CDN on Fastly]( to learn how to migrate your stream targets from Akamai to Fastly.

Update a Wowza CDN on Akamai stream target

This operation updates a Wowza CDN on Akamai stream target. > **Note:** You can no longer create Wowza CDN on Akamai stream targets. All other Wowza CDN on Akamai stream target functionality will soon be deprecated. <br><br> > See [Migrate to Wowza CDN on Fastly]( to learn how to migrate your stream targets from Akamai to Fastly.

Delete a Wowza CDN on Akamai stream target

This operation deletes a Wowza CDN on Akamai stream target. > **Note:** You can no longer create Wowza CDN on Akamai stream targets. All other Wowza CDN on Akamai stream target functionality will soon be deprecated. <br><br> > See [Migrate to Wowza CDN on Fastly]( to learn how to migrate your stream targets from Akamai to Fastly. > **Note:** You can't remove stream targets that have an asset_id. Assets must be removed by sending a DEL request to the /assets endpoint.

Fetch all custom stream targets

This operation lists limited details for all of your custom stream targets. For detailed information, fetch a single custom stream target.

Create a custom stream target

This operation creates a custom stream target for an external, third-party destination.

Fetch a custom stream target

This operation shows the details of a specific custom stream target.

Update a custom stream target

This operation updates a custom stream target.

Delete a custom stream target

This operation deletes a custom stream target. <br><br><b>Note</b>: You can't remove stream targets that have an asset_id. Assets must be removed by sending a DEL request to the /assets endpoint.

Fetch all Wowza CDN on Fastly stream targets

(Available from version 1.4) This operation lists limited details for all of your Wowza CDN on Fastly stream targets. For detailed information, fetch a single target.

Create a Wowza CDN on Fastly stream target

(Available from version 1.4) This operation creates a Wowza CDN on Fastly stream target to deliver your stream using the Wowza CDN on Fastly.

Fetch a Wowza CDN on Fastly stream target

(Available from version 1.4) This operation shows the details of a specific Wowza CDN on Fastly stream target.

Update a Wowza CDN on Fastly stream target

(Available from version 1.4) This operation updates a Wowza CDN on Fastly stream target.

Delete a Wowza CDN on Fastly stream target

(Available from version 1.4) This operation deletes a Wowza CDN on Fastly stream target. <br><br><b>Note</b>: You can't remove stream targets that have an asset_id. Assets must be removed by sending a DEL request to the /assets endpoint.

Fetch all VOD streams for a Fastly stream target

(Available from version 1.5) This operation shows the details of all VOD streams associated to a specific Fastly stream target.

Regenerate the connection code for any stream target

This operation regenerates the connection code of any kind of stream target.

Fetch all properties of a stream target

This operation shows the details of all of the properties assigned to a specific stream target. The properties returned will depend on the *provider* you are using and are noted in the key descriptions below. For a comprehensive resource describing the use of advanced properties, see [Set advanced properties with the Wowza Video REST API](

Configure a property for a stream target

This operation configures a property for a stream target. The properties available will depend on the *provider* you are using and are noted in the key descriptions below. For example, if you are using the provider **Wowza CDN on Fastly**, look for that in the descriptions. For a comprehensive resource describing the use of advanced properties, see [Set advanced properties with the Wowza Video REST API](

Fetch a property of a stream target

This operation shows the details of a specific property assigned to a specific stream target. The properties returned will depend on the *provider* you are using and are noted in the key descriptions below. For a comprehensive resource describing the use of advanced properties, see [Set advanced properties with the Wowza Video REST API](

Delete a stream target property

This operation removes a property from a stream target.

Fetch all transcoders

This operation shows limited details for all of your transcoders. For detailed information, fetch a single transcoder.

Create a transcoder

This operation creates a transcoder.

Fetch a transcoder

This operation shows the details of a specific transcoder.

Update a transcoder

This operation updates a transcoder.

Delete a transcoder

This operation deletes a transcoder, including all of its assigned output renditions and stream targets. <br><br><b>Note</b>: You can't remove transcoders that have an asset_id. Assets must be removed by sending a DEL request to the /assets endpoint.

Disable a transcoder's stream targets

This operation disables all of the stream targets assigned to a specific transcoder.

Enable a transcoder's stream targets

This operation enables all of the stream targets assigned to a specific transcoder.

Fetch a transcoder's recordings

This operation shows limited details of all of the recordings for a specific transcoder. For detailed information about a recording, use the recording ID to fetch a recording.

Reset a transcoder

This operation resets a transcoder.

Fetch transcoder's schedules

This operation shows the details of all of the schedules for a specific transcoder.

Start a transcoder

This operation starts a transcoder.

Start recording

This operation starts the recording of a transcoder after the transcoder has started. If you want the recording to start and stop automatically when you start or stop the transcoder instead, set _recording_ to **true** when you create a transcoder or update a transcoder.

Fetch the state and uptime ID of a transcoder

This operation shows the current state and uptime ID of a transcoder.

Fetch statistics for a current transcoder

This operation responds with a hash of metrics (keys) for a currently running transcoder. Each key has a **status**, **text** (description), **units**, and **value**.

Stop a transcoder

This operation stops a transcoder.

Stop recording

This operation stops the recording of a transcoder before the transcoder has stopped. Wowza Video begins converting the recording to an MP4 file after the transcoder has stopped. You can use this operation to manually stop recording even if _recording_ is set to **true** on the transcoder, meaning the recording was automatically started at transcoder start. If you want the recording to start and stop automatically when you start and stop the transcoder, set _recording_ to **true** when you create a transcoder or update a transcoder and then don't use the manual stop recording operation.

Fetch the thumbnail URL of a transcoder

This operation shows the thumbnail URL of a started transcoder.

Fetch all VOD streams for a transcoder

(Available from version 1.5) This operation shows the details of all VOD streams associated to a specific transcoder.

Fetch all outputs of a transcoder

This operation shows the details of all of the output renditions of a specific transcoder.

Create an output

This operation creates an output rendition for a specific transcoder. You can create up to 10 outputs per transcoder.

Fetch an output

This operation shows the details of a specific output rendition for a specific transcoder.

Update an output

This operation updates an output rendition.

Delete an output

This operation deletes an output, including all of its assigned targets.

Fetch all output stream targets of an output of a transcoder

This operation shows the details of all of the output stream targets of an output of a transcoder.

Create an output stream target

This operation creates an output stream target, assigning the stream target to the specified output rendition.

Fetch an output stream target

This operation shows the details of an output stream target.

Update an output stream target

This operation updates an output stream target.

Delete an output stream target

This operation deletes an output stream target, including all of its assigned targets.

Disable an output stream target

This operation disables an output stream target.

Enable an output stream target

This operation enables an output stream target.

Restart an output stream target

This operation restarts an output stream target.

Fetch a transcoder's properties

This operation shows all of the properties of a specific transcoder.

Configure a property for a transcoder

This operation configures a single property or an array of properties for a transcoder. For a comprehensive resource describing the use of advanced properties, see [Set advanced properties with the Wowza Video REST API](

Fetch a property for a transcoder

This operation shows the details of a specific property for a specific transcoder.

Delete a transcoder's property

This operation deletes a specific property from a specific transcoder.

Fetch all uptime records for a transcoder

This operation shows all of the uptime records for a specific transcoder. An *uptime record* identifies a specific transcoding session.

Fetch an uptime record

This operation shows the details of a specific uptime record for a specific transcoder. An *uptime record* identifies a transcoding session.

Fetch current stream health metrics for an active transcoder

This operation returns a snapshot of the current source connection and processing details of an active (running) transcoder.

Fetch historic stream health metrics for a transcoder

This operation shows the historic source connection and processing details for a transcoding session (uptime record). The transcoder can be running or stopped. Metrics are recorded every 20 seconds.

Fetch usage for an account

(Available from version 1.8) This operation returns CDN usage details for the account related to the JSON web token used for API authentication. Defaults: from = last billing date, to = end of current day.

Fetch stream usage by country for an account

(Available from version 1.8) This operation returns CDN usage details by country for the account related to the JSON web token used for API authentication. *CDN usage* is the amount of data that went through every Fastly stream target, including unique viewers, viewing time, and bytes of content.

Fetch live viewer data for an account

(Available from version 1.8) This operation returns the number of current viewers between all streams, live and VOD, for the account related to the JSON web token used for API authentication.

Fetch trend data for an account

(Available from version 1.8) This operation returns trend data for the CDN usage of the account related to the JSON web token used for API authentication. The granularity of sampled data changes based on the from and to query values you use: 1) Requests made for data within the past 30 days, return the following sample intervals: <ul><li>0 minutes to 3 hours - Samples returned per minute</li> <li>3 hours, 1 second to 24 hours - Samples returned per hour</li> <li>24 hours, 1 second to 90 days - Samples returned per day</li></ul> 2) Requests made for data beyond the past 30 days, always return sample intervals per hour. <strong>Defaults</strong>: from = last billing date, to = end of current day, filter = transcoder and vod streams

Fetch usage for all real time streams

(Available from version 1.9) This operation returns detailed CDN usage data for all real time streams in the account. Defaults: from = last billing date, to = end of current day.

Fetch usage for a single real time stream

(Available from version 1.9) This operation returns CDN usage details for a specific stream target. Defaults: from = last billing date, to = end of current day.

Fetch peak storage

This operation shows the amount of peak storage used for the account. The default time frame is *from* the last billing date *to* the end of the current day.

Fetch usage for all stream targets

(Available from version 1.4) This operation returns detailed CDN usage data for all stream targets in the account. Defaults: from = last billing date, to = end of current day.

Fetch stream target usage summary

(Available from version 1.4) This operation returns a summary of CDN usage for all stream targets in the account. Defaults: from = last billing date, to = end of current day.

Fetch usage for a single stream target

(Available from version 1.4) This operation returns CDN usage details for a specific stream target. Defaults: from = last billing date, to = end of current day.

Fetch stream target usage by country

(Available from version 1.4) This operation returns CDN usage details for a specific stream target by country. Defaults: from = last billing date, to = end of current day.

Fetch stream target live viewer data

(Available from version 1.4) This operation returns the number of current viewers for a stream via a specific stream target. # > **Note:** This operation currently supports stream targets with a *type* of **fastly** only.

Fetch stream target usage by rendition

(Available from version 1.4) This operation returns CDN usage details for a specific stream target by output rendition. Defaults: from = last billing date, to = end of current day.

Fetch usage for all transcoders

This operation shows the amount of usage (egress) for all transcoders in the account. The default time frame is *from* the last billing date *to* the end of the current day.

Fetch transcoder usage summary

(Available from version 1.4) This operation shows a summary of the amount of usage (egress) for all transcoders in the account. The default time frame is *from* the last billing date *to* the end of the current day.

Fetch usage for a single transcoder

(Available from version 1.4) This operation shows the amount of usage (egress) for a specific transcoder. The default time frame is *from* the last billing date *to* the end of the current day.

Fetch transcoder usage by country

(Available from version 1.8) This operation returns CDN usage details for a specific transcoder by country. *CDN usage* is the amount of data that went through every Fastly stream target, including unique viewers, viewing time, and bytes of content.

Fetch transcoder live viewer data

(Available from version 1.8) This operation returns the number of current viewers for a transcoder.

Fetch trend data for a transcoder

(Available from version 1.8) This operation returns trend data for the CDN usage of a transcoder. The granularity of sampled data changes based on the from and to query values you use: 1) Requests made for data within the past 30 days, return the following sample intervals: <ul><li>0 minutes to 3 hours - Samples returned per minute</li> <li>3 hours, 1 second to 24 hours - Samples returned per hour</li> <li>24 hours, 1 second to 90 days - Samples returned per day</li></ul> 2) Requests made for data beyond the past 30 days, always return sample intervals per hour. <strong>Defaults</strong>: from = last billing date, to = end of current day

Fetch usage for all VOD streams

(Available from version 1.5) This operation returns detailed CDN usage data for all VOD streams in the account. *CDN usage* is the amount of data that went through every Fastly stream target, including unique viewers, viewing time, and bytes of content.

Fetch egress for all VOD streams

(Available from version 1.7) This operation returns egress usage for all VOD streams in the account. For VOD streams, *egress* is the traffic generated by Wowza CDN on Fastly pulling the VOD asset from storage.

Fetch VOD stream egress summary

(Available from version 1.7) This operation returns a summary of egress usage for all VOD streams in the account. For VOD streams, *egress* is the traffic generated by Wowza CDN on Fastly pulling the VOD asset from storage.

Fetch egress for a single VOD stream

(Available from version 1.7) This operation returns egress usage for a specific VOD stream. For VOD streams, *egress* is the traffic generated by Wowza CDN on Fastly pulling the VOD asset from storage.

Fetch VOD stream usage summary

(Available from version 1.5) This operation returns a summary of CDN usage for all VOD streams in the account. *CDN usage* is the amount of data that went through every Fastly stream target, including unique viewers, viewing time, and bytes of content.

Fetch usage for a single VOD stream

(Available from version 1.5) This operation returns CDN usage details for a specific VOD stream. *CDN usage* is the amount of data that went through every Fastly stream target, including unique viewers, viewing time, and bytes of content.

Fetch VOD stream usage by country

(Available from version 1.5) This operation returns CDN usage details for a specific VOD stream by country. *CDN usage* is the amount of data that went through every Fastly stream target, including unique viewers, viewing time, and bytes of content.

Fetch VOD stream live viewer data

(Available from version 1.8) This operation returns the number of current viewers for a VOD stream.

Fetch VOD stream usage by rendition

(Available from version 1.5) This operation returns CDN usage details for a specific VOD stream by output rendition. *CDN usage* is the amount of data that went through every Fastly stream target, including unique viewers, viewing time, and bytes of content.

Fetch trend data for a VOD stream

(Available from version 1.8) This operation returns trend data for the CDN usage of a VOD stream. The granularity of sampled data changes based on the from and to query values you use: 1) Requests made for data within the past 30 days, return the following sample intervals: <ul><li>0 minutes to 3 hours - Samples returned per minute</li> <li>3 hours, 1 second to 24 hours - Samples returned per hour</li> <li>24 hours, 1 second to 90 days - Samples returned per day</li></ul> 2) Requests made for data beyond the past 30 days, always return sample intervals per hour. <strong>Defaults</strong>: from = last billing date, to = end of current day

Fetch all VOD streams

(Available from version 1.5) This operation shows limited details for VOD streams. For detailed information, fetch a single VOD stream.

Fetch a VOD stream

(Available from version 1.5) This operation shows the details of a specific VOD stream.

Update a VOD stream

(Available from version 1.5) This operation updates a VOD stream.

Delete a VOD stream

(Available from version 1.5) This operation deletes a VOD stream. <br><br><b>Note</b>: You can't remove VOD streams that have an asset_id. Assets must be removed by sending a DEL request to the /assets endpoint.

Last Update

1 week ago
