
Woody IN2IT

The IN2IT platform relies on a flexible workflow engine specially designed to handle media processing tasks. Results of 7 years development include multiple connectors and workers, enabling smooth integration with industry-leading solutions. IN2IT solutions are easy to configure just as easy to use, empowering engineers to build complex workflows in a short period of time.

IN2IT fits in every organization, from small production facilities to large international broadcast networks. Whatever your workflow challenges are, there is an IN2IT solution.

Supported Operations

IN2IT API 3.4 reference

Social url resolution

Social url resolution. Analyse and fetch url metadata / download uri

Check if the current session is still active

Check if the current session is still active

List auth providers

List auth providers and chose the one you want to log in with

Login using LDAP provider

Login using LDAP provider

Login using SAML2 provider

Login using SAML2 provider

Get SAML2 woody service provider configuration

Get SAML2 woody service provider configuration

Login using woody provider

Login using woody provider



Browser root folders resolution

Allow to retrieve root folders according to setup configuration

Browse a folder on a filesystem

Allow to browse a path on a filesystem

Create a folder on a filesystem (depending from filesystem)

Allow to create a subfolder in a given folder

Rename a folder on a filesystem (depending from filesystem)

Allow to rename a folder

Create a job

Create a job

Retry a failed job

Retry a failed job

Stop a running job

Stop a running job

Get profile by ID

Get profile by ID

List profiles

List profiles. Filtered by profile groups

Monitor all workflows

Monitor all workflows, search, filter, speficy what response filed you need, ...

Monitor a workflow by ID

Monitor a workflow by ID, speficy what response filed you need, ...

List available target wformat

List available target wformat and custom formats

Get system monitoring

Get system monitoring

Last Update

1 week ago
