Content ManagementPublished by
Content ManagementVimond is a software solution that offers comprehensive tools for managing, distributing, and monetizing digital video content. It provides a seamless end-to-end workflow, from content ingestion and encoding to storage, delivery, and analytics. Vimond enables organizations to create customized video experiences across multiple devices, while also offering advanced features for monetization, such as dynamic ad insertion and subscription management. Overall, Vimond offers a robust and scalable solution for businesses looking to optimize their video content distribution and revenue generation.
Vimond Rest API
Autocomplete asset metadata
Use this endpoint to lookup partial matches in asset metadata fields.
Autocomplete category metadata
Use this endpoint to lookup partial matches in category metadata fields.
Platforms - Get all
Endpoint for fetching the available platforms
Platforms - Delete
Endpoint for deleting a platform
All regions
Endpoint for fetching the available publishing regions. Requires permission `region:READ`.
Create or update Region
Requires permission `region:CREATE` and/or `region:UPDATE`.
Delete Region
Requires permission `region:DELETE`.
Get Region Platforms
Requires permission `platform:READ`.
Create or update Region Platform
Requires permission `platform:CREATE` and/or `platform:UPDATE`.
Delete Region Platform
Requires permission `platform:DELETE`. This is a very destructive operation and should be used with extreme care.
Delete subtitle for asset
Create linked asset relation
Use this endpoint to create a linked asset relation (a two-way relation) between two assets. When creating a linked relation from {fromAssetId} to {toAssetId}, there will automatically be created a relation in the opposite direction: from {toAssetId} to {fromAssetId}. Required fields are fromAssetId, toAssetId and relationType.
Update linked asset relation
Use this endpoint to update an existing linked asset relation. When updating a linked relation from {fromAssetId} to {toAssetId}, the opposite direction link will also automatically be updated (from {toAssetId} to {fromAssetId}). Required fields are fromAssetId, toAssetId and relationType.
Delete linked asset relation
Use this endpoint to delete a linked asset relation. It will also delete the opposite relation for this relation type associated with the fromAssetId and toAssetId for this relation. The assets itself will not be deleted.
Get asset relation
Use this endpoint to get an asset relation between two assets based on relation ID
Update asset relation
Use this endpoint to update an existing asset relation from one asset to another asset (one way). Required fields are fromAssetId, toAssetId and relationType.
Delete asset relation
Use this endpoint to delete an asset relation between two assets. The assets itself will not be deleted.
Create asset relation
Use this endpoint to create a one-way asset relation between two assets. From one asset, to another asset. Required fields are fromAssetId, toAssetId and relationType.
User - Sign in
Use this endpoint to sign in a user **This endpoint is no longer supported.** Please see more details at
User - Sign out
Endpoint for logging out a User. **This endpoint is no longer supported.** Please see more details at
Build date
Endpoint for checking the build date of the running Vimond REST API.
All publishers
Create publisher
Get Publisher
Update Publisher
Delete Publisher
Endpoint used for getting a list of all available error codes.
Get asset metadata
Use this endpoint to fetch an asset's custom metadata. Note that these can also be expanded into the common asset response, and are also included in search results, so this endpoint should only be needed in special use cases.
Set asset metadata
Use this endpoint to set an asset's custom metadata.
Delete asset metadata
Use this endpoint to delete ALL asset metadata fields.
Delete asset metadata field
Use this endpoint to delete a specific asset metadata field.
Delete asset metadata field in language
Use this endpoint to delete a specific asset metadata field in a specific language.
Delete all asset metadata in language
Use this endpoint to delete all asset metadata in a specific locale.
Get category metadata
Use this endpoint to fetch an category's custom metadata. Note that these can also be expanded into the common category response, so this endpoint should only be needed in special use cases.
Set category metadata
Use this endpoint to set category custom metadata.
Delete category metadata
Use this endpoint to delete ALL category metadata fields.
Delete category metadata field
Use this endpoint to delete a specific category metadata field.
Delete category metadata field in language
Use this endpoint to delete a specific category metadata field in a specific language.
Get a fields metadata definition
Requires permission `metadatadefinition:READ` Use this endpoint to fetch a single metadata definition.
Update or create a fields metadata definition
Requires permission `metadatadefinition:WRITE` Use this endpoint to create or update a single metadata definition.
Get all metadata definitions
Requires permission `metadatadefinition:READ` Use this endpoint to fetch all metadata definitions.
Find assets with metadata
Use this to find asset-ids with a specific metadata present. If `value` is not specified, all assets with this metadata present are returned. If `value` is specified, only those assets with that metadata == value is returned.
Find categories with metadata
Use this to find category-ids with a specific metadata present. If `value` is not specified, all categories with this metadata present are returned. If `value` is specified, only those categories with that metadata == value is returned.
Find Product Groups with metdata
Use this to find category-ids with a specific metadata present. If `value` is not specified, all product groups with this metadata present are returned. If `value` is specified, only those product groups with that metadata == value is returned.
This endpoint is used to submit actions to be performed on an order. Each action comes with a specific command, and each command supports a certain set of arguments. These arguments can be be used to set or override certain information on the entity (order, transaction, user payment method) that is being created/updated. Requires permission `order:UPDATE`. Please see docs of the actions below: <strong>LOG_INIT_TRANSACTION</strong> This action can be used to request the storing of a new payment transaction of an initialization of a purchase. Supported arguments are: * status (OK, PENDING or FAIL) - the status of the transaction. This argument should always be set. * extRef (String) - external transaction reference provided by external payment gateway * startDate (Date) - start date of the period which the user is purchasing/being charged for * endDate (Date) - end date of the period which the user is purchasing/being charged for * amount (Double) - the amount in which the user is being charged * currency (String) - currency NOTE: Most of the arguments above will not be necessary to include as Vimond already have this information as part of any subscription. So startDate, endDate, amount and currency should only be included if you need to override the information Vimond has. But please include values for status and extRef <strong>LOG_AUTH_TRANSACTION</strong> Same arguments as with LOG_INIT_TRANSACTION <strong>LOG_CAPTURE_TRANSACTION</strong> Same arguments as with LOG_INIT_TRANSACTION <strong>LOG_RENEW_TRANSACTION</strong> Same arguments as with LOG_INIT_TRANSACTION <strong>LOG_PAYMENT_INFO</strong> If payment information is to be stored in Vimonds systems, this action can be used to do so. Arguments for storing payment info typically includes info (masked cc number), expireDate (expire date of credit card) and token (the credit card token to be used for recurring payments). <strong>EXTEND_ORDER</strong> This action is used to request the extending of a subscription following an auto renewal. If the new end date of the subscription should not be based on the product period set in vimond system, argument 'endDate' should be included as an argument in the action. <strong>ACTIVATE_ORDER</strong> This action is used to request the activation of an order. Typically this is used when capture has succeeded and the end user should gain access. If the end date of the subscription should not be based on the product period set in vimond system, argument 'endDate' should be included as argument in the action. <strong>FAIL_CAPTURE_ORDER</strong> This action is used to request the failure of a capture. <strong>STOP_ORDER</strong> This action is used to terminate an order. If the user should lose access right away, argument 'immediately' should be set to 'true' <strong>REACTIVATE_ORDER</strong> This action is used to request the reactivation of an order.
Endpoint used for checking if the Vimond REST API is online and responding
Platforms - Get basic list
Endpoint for fetching a basic list of platforms.
Get my platforms
Endpoint for fetching a list of valid platforms for the user. For this endpoint to be useful, platforms must be configured with a region. A lookup is done based on the user's IP address, which is matched against the geo expression attached to the platform and publishing region.
Get my platform
Endpoint for fetching a valid platform for the user. For this endpoint to be useful, platforms must be configured with a region. A lookup is done based on the user's IP address, which is matched against the geo expression attached to the platform and publishing region.
Get my region
Endpoint for checking the system date of the Vimond REST API.
Setting category publishing status and scheduled dates
Requires permission `category:UPDATE` Updates published, downloadable and dates on categories and assets pr platform.
Endpoint for checking the version of the Vimond REST API.
Create asset
Requires permission `asset:CREATE`, `metadatadefinition:READ`, `asset:METADATA_CREATE`, `asset:READ_UNPUBLISHED`. Use this endpoint to create a new asset. Minimum required fields are title and categoryId. ```javascript { "title": "test asset", "categoryId": 1211 } ``` Assets can only be created in categories that are non-deleted (`available:true`), and have a category level (`level`) that has been configured to allow having assets. **Asset metadata** Adding custom metadata can be done by adding a `metadata` block. ```javascript { "title": "test asset", "categoryId": 1211, "metadata":{ "entries":{ "title":[ { "lang":"en_US", "value":"English title" } ], "genre":[ { "lang":"*", "value":"News" } ] } } } ```
Get Asset types
Use this endpoint to fetch all asset types that are configured in the system.
Get Asset
Get asset by ID
Create related asset
Use this endpoint to create a related (version) asset for the assetId referenced in the path. The referenced asset will become the parent, and the newly created asset will become a child asset. The new asset will copy most fields from this asset. The endpoint returns the newly created asset. The asset relation type needs to be configured in both program_relation_types and in program_categories.
Update asset
Use this endpoint to update an existing asset.
Delete asset
Endpoint used for deleting an asset
Remove External Playback URLS from an asset
Use this endpoint to remove external playback URLS from an asset. If the asset is published , the changes will be immediately reflected in the Content Discovery APIs
Get Asset Item
Gets a single asset item
Get Asset Items
Represents items under an asset, typically program index items. This method returns a list of asset items belonging to the assetId.
Assets - Add or replace media files
Use this endpoint to add or replace video, audio or subtitle tracks to an asset. The post body contains urls and media metadata. Required permission: mediaimportque:WRITE **This endpoint is no longer supported.** Please see more details at
Asset - Playback without device reg
Endpoint for getting a list of playback options for an Asset when device registration is not required **This endpoint is no longer supported.** Please see more details at
Asset - Playback with device reg
Endpoint for getting a list of playback options for an Asset when device registration is required. **This endpoint is no longer supported.** Please see more details at
Asset - Log view session
Endpoint for logging a view on an asset. This increases the asset's view count, and appears in the user's viewing log. It is common to post this a few seconds into the viewing session, as defined by business rules. The payload is an encrypted string that's returned from the asset playback response. It is valid for two minutes. Note that this is different from posting progress to Watch History, which is described in a separate section below. **This endpoint is no longer supported.** Please see more details at
Asset sellable product groups
This endpoint will return valid product groups for an asset with `saleStatus = ENABLED`. The list is filtered based on the region.
All asset product groups
This endpoint will return *all* valid product groups for an asset, even ones that are marked as "not for sale". The list is filtered based on the region.
Get asset publishing info
Get publishing info for asset
Publish asset
Requires permission `asset:update`. Immediately publishes asset on selected platform(s). If you have a license window set for the asset, the current date cannot be set outside the license window.
Unpublish asset
Requires permission `asset:update`. Delete `publish` date and unpublishes asset immediately on selected platforms. Use platform `all` to unpublish on all platforms. WARNING: This endpoint also resets the license window and should be avoided.
Assets - Publish and unpublish asset
Use this endpoint to publish or unpublish an asset on one or more platforms. Note that there is some overlap between the path parameters and the post body. If they are different, the path parameters take precedence over post body.
Publish Asset
Requires permission `asset:update`. Can be posted with an empty object to immediately publishes asset on selected platform(s). Use platform `all` to publish on all platforms. If you have a license window set for the asset, the current date cannot be set outside the license window.
Setting scheduled asset publishing and license dates
Requires permission `asset:update`. The purpose of the endpoint is to be able to set all publish and license dates in one go with minimum validations. This endpoint can not be used for direct publish/unpublish actions. Validations (published asset): - `licenseStart` can not be after `licenseEnd` - `licenseStart` can not be in the future - `licenseEnd` can not be before expire - `publish` can not be before `licenseStart` - `expire` can not be after `licenseEnd` Validations (unpublished asset): - `licenseStart` can not be after `licenseEnd`
Update scheduled un-publish date for asset
Requires permission `asset:update`. Use this endpoint to change the scheduled expire date for an asset. When scheduled un-publishing is enabled, the asset will be un-published on the set expire date. If you have a license window set for the asset, the expire date cannot be set outside the license window.
Update license end date for asset
Requires permission `asset:update`. Use this endpoint to change the license end date for an asset. Note that there is no cross-validation against publish and expire dates for the asset. You will need to ensure that the publish and expire dates set for the asset are still within the updated license window. WARNING There is no cross-validation against publish and expire dates for the asset. When using this endpoint, you will need to ensure that the publish and expire dates set for the asset are still within the updated license window. This can be achieved by for example getting the publishing status of the asset before updating the license end date, and adjusting accordingly using the appropriate APIs for setting publish and expire dates.
Asset - Update license start date for asset
Requires permission `asset:update`. Use this endpoint to change the license start date for an asset. Note that there is no cross-validation against publish and expire dates for the asset. You will need to ensure that the publish and expire dates set for the asset are still within the updated license window. WARNING There is no cross-validation against publish and expire dates for the asset. When using this endpoint, you will need to ensure that the publish and expire dates set for the asset are still within the updated license window. This can be achieved by for example getting the publishing status of the asset before updating the license start date, and adjusting accordingly using the appropriate APIs for setting publish and expire dates.
Update scheduled publish date for asset
Requires permission `asset:update`. Use this endpoint to change the scheduled publish date for an asset. When scheduled publishing is enabled, the asset will be published on the set publish date. If you have a license window set for the asset, the publish date cannot be set outside the license window.
Get asset relations
Use this endpoint to get all asset relations
Get Subtitle for asset
Endpoint for getting a specific subtitle file for an Asset.
Get subtitles for asset
Endpoint for getting a list of subtitle options for an Asset.
Unpublish Asset
Requires permission `asset:update`. Can be posted with an empty object to immediately unpublishes asset on selected platform(s). Use platform `all` to unpublish on all platforms. WARNING: This endpoint also resets the license window unless you include it in the PUT payload.
Create category
Requires permission `category:CREATE`, `metadatadefinition:READ`, `category:METADATA_CREATE`. Requires additional permission `company:READ_ALL`, `company:UPDATE_CONTENT` if category belongs to another company than authenticated user. Use this endpoint to create a new category and add it into the category tree. Minimum required fields are the parent categoryId (`parentId`), name of category (`title`), and category level type (`level`). ```javascript { "level":"SHOW", "title":"New show title", "parentId":12345 } ``` **Category metadata** Adding custom metadata can be done by adding a `metadata` block. ```javascript { "level":"SHOW", "title":"New show title", "parentId":12345, "metadata":{ "entries":{ "title":[ { "lang":"en_US", "value":"New show title" } ], "genre":[ { "lang":"*", "value":"News" } ] } } } ``` [block:callout] { "type": "info", "body": "This endpoint automatically creates a new program type with default values if an existing program type has not been explicitly specified in the body of the request.", "title": "Program Types" } [/block] **Title** Note that you should add the title to the metadata block also in addition to the title body parameter with the default language e.g. en_US. **Publisher ownership** Note that for some category level types it is required to set publisher ownership (`publisher-id`) in the metadata block **Images** Note that new images needs to be registered through the image service in order to obtain the correct image reference `image-pack` id. Alternatively associate images with the category in VIA manually afterwards. The publisher ownership (`publisher-id`) and image reference (`image-pack`) is also set as metadata on the category. Creating a Category with those two properties would look like this body: ```javascript { "level":"SHOW", "title":"New show title", "parentId":12345, "metadata":{ "entries":{ "title":[ { "lang":"en_US", "value":"New show title" } ], "publisher-id":[ { "lang":"*", "value":"42" } ], "image-pack":[ { "lang":"*", "value":"5d8c9235e4b07510d6b95102-1569493558352" } ] } } } ```
Get category
Returns one Category object with the specified id
Update category
Update Category object with the specified id
Delete category
Deletes a category. NOTE: This does not work recursively on the category tree. If the category you delete has any child categories in the category tree, they will not be affected by this method - and they will be left as orphans in the category tree. Child assets will also not be touched in any way.
Get Assets in a category
Use this endpoint to list all assets under a given category.
Get Sub-Categories
Use this endpoint to list all categories under a given category.
Category's product groups
Use this endpoint to fetch which product groups are required in order to access a given category. If a purchase flow is triggered from within the context of a given category, this endpoint will return the product packages that are configured for the selected content. In a setup with multiple parallel tiers it makes sure the user will only be presented products that are valid for the content they are trying to watch.
Publish Category on single platform
Requires permission `category:UPDATE` Immediately publish a category, also publishing assets if specified with query-parameter `publishAssets`.
Unpublish Category on single platform
Requires permission `category:UPDATE` Immediately unpublish a category, also unpublishing assets if specified with query-parameter `unpublishAssets`. WARNING: This endpoint does not clear publish start date.
Complete order/1-step flow create order
Use this endpoint to create an order in a one-step purchase flow, or to complete an order of a two-step purchase flow. One-step flows are mostly used when working with payment methods where payment information is collected automatically on behalf of the user, or where other factors indicate that a two-step flow is not needed. It is also convenient to use it for quick testing using allow-all payment provider. This endpoint supports the same mechanisms for upgrade and downgrade as the POST version above.
Create order - 2-step flow
Use this endpoint to initiate an order in a two-step purchase flow (used e.g. when working with credit card payments and other payment methods where the user is redirected to a 3rd party for transaction processing). The endpoint will return an order with status INITIALIZE, which indicates an initiated but not yet completed purchase. To complete the order, use the PUT endpoint below. For a more in-depth description of how to build a purchase flow, have a look at this guide:
Orders by email
Fetch subscriptions for user identified by their email address
Orders by external user id
Fetch subscriptions for user identified by external user id
All payment transactions
Returns all payment transactions for the provided date range. Order information is nested within the transactions. Required permission: order:READ
Fetch specific order
Fetch the information for a specific order.
Update order
Use this endpoint to update an order as an administrator or 3rd party integrating service. It can be used to update start date, end date, autorenew status, and to change payment method. Relevant permissions are order:UPDATE, order:UPDATE_STARTDATE, order:UPDATE_ENDDATE, order:UPDATE_USER_PAYMENT_METHOD, order:UPDATE_AUTO_RENEW_STATUS and order:UPDATE_PRODUCT.
Complete redirected order
Use this endpoint to complete an order that has been processed on a 3rd party site (e.g. credit card processing). In some cases the 3rd party can redirect back to your client application, which passes the parameters on to Vimond APIs, in other cases the 3rd party will post back directly to Vimond APIs before redirecting back to your client application. For this reason there are four variations of this endpoint, supporting different combinations of parameters. The GET version can be used with and without orderId in the path, other than that they expose the same interface. If orderId is not in the path, it must be part of the custom parameters: <br/><br/> The endpoint supports any name/value combination of query parameters, e.g. /api/web/order/38281/callback?extref=342dk2lk&extstatus=success×tamp=20180821. The parameters will be passed on to the payment provider plugin code, which will know what to do with them. <br/><br/> This endpoint can not be tested with "Try it".
Complete redirected order
Use this endpoint to complete an order that has been processed on a 3rd party site (e.g. credit card processing). In some cases the 3rd party can redirect back to your client application, which passes the parameters on to Vimond APIs, in other cases the 3rd party will post back directly to Vimond APIs before redirecting back to your client application. For this reason there are four variations of this endpoint, supporting different combinations of parameters. <br/><br/> The endpoint supports any name/value combination as part of a standard form urlencoded post body. The parameters will be passed on to the payment provider plugin code, which will know what to do with them. <br/><br/> This endpoint can not be tested with "Try it".
Check async processing status
Use this endpoint to check the processing status that has been created asynchronously. Some slower payment gateways require this in order to not create congestion during periods of high traffic. The result contains the order and a processing status.
Reactivate subscription
Use this endpoint to reactivate a cancelled subscription. It will only work if the subscription is still valid for viewing, i.e. it's end date has not passed yet.
Cancel subscription
Use this endpoint to cancel a running subscription. Cancellations are effective from the existing enddate unless the parameter "instantly" is set to true.
Create order
API for creation of order as an administrator or 3rd party integrating service.
All product groups
Returns all product groups that are configured for the provided platform. Use this endpoint to create a generic purchase flow that will display all product offerings to the end user, typically triggered by a "Subscribe" button on the front page of your service.
All upgrade paths
Use this endpoint to get all defined upgrade/downgrade paths. Required permission: productgroupupgrade:READ_PRODUCT_GROUP_UPGRADES
new upgrade path
Use this endpoint to create new upgrade/downgrade paths. Required permission: productgroupupgrade:CREATE_PRODUCT_GROUP_UPGRADE
Get upgrade path for specific Product Group
Use this endpoint to get a list of existing upgrade/downgrade paths related to given productGroup. Instances with the given productGroupId in either upgradeFrom or upgradeTo will be returned. Required permission: productgroupupgrade:READ_PRODUCT_GROUP_UPGRADES
Update upgrade path
Use this endpoint to update existing upgrade/downgrade paths. Required permission: productgroupupgrade:UPDATE_PRODUCT_GROUP_UPGRADES. All required fields must be sent. If omitted, the values will be set to default or null.
delete upgrade path
Use this endpoint to delete existing upgrade/downgrade paths. Required permission: productgroupupgrade:UPDATE_PRODUCT_GROUP_UPGRADES
Single product group
Returns the specified product group and its metadata.
Use this endpoint to list all products associated with a product group. Note that the property determines whether products are filtered by currency as configured in "site context" or not.
Get Product
Use this endpoint to a specified product associated with a product group.
Update Product
Use this endpoint to update a product associated with a product group.
Product payments
Use this endpoint to fetch trials and payment options for a product.
Single product payment
Use this endpoint to fetch a single product payment option for a product.
Payment object
Use this endpoint to fetch the payment object for a given product payment. Depending on the payment provider, it will contain different information needed to start the purchase flow.
Search - Categories [as Admin]
This endpoint is no longer supported. Please see for how to upgrade.
Search - Assets [as Admin]
This endpoint is no longer supported. Please see for how to upgrade.
Search - Category Asset items [as Admin]
This endpoint is no longer supported. Please see for how to upgrade.
Search - Autocomplete/suggestions
This endpoint is no longer supported. Please see for how to upgrade.
Search - Categories
This endpoint is no longer supported. Please see for how to upgrade.
Search - Assets in Category
This endpoint is no longer supported. Please see for how to upgrade.
Search - Asset items
This endpoint is no longer supported. Please see for how to upgrade.
Search - Curated Lists (contentpanels)
This endpoint is no longer supported. Please see for how to upgrade.
Search - Curated Lists with given type
This endpoint is no longer supported. Please see for how to upgrade.
Search - Categories [Shorthand]
This endpoint is no longer supported. Please see for how to upgrade.
Search - mix of content
This endpoint is no longer supported. Please see for how to upgrade.
User - Fetch profile
Endpoint for fetching the current users details. **This endpoint is no longer supported.** Please see more details at
User - Sign up
Endpoint for signing up a new user. **This endpoint is no longer supported.** Please see more details at
User - Update profile
Endpoint used for changing an end-user's information **This endpoint is no longer supported.** Please see more details at
User - Confirm email
Endpoint used for confirming a end-users email address. **This endpoint is no longer supported.** Please see more details at
User - Change password
Endpoint used for changing an end-user's password **This endpoint is no longer supported.** Please see more details at
User - Create pin code
Endpoint for associating a pinCode with a user profile. This is different from the password, which is used to authenticate the user on login. The pinCode can be used by client applications to enable access to sub sections of a service, e.g. requiring pin code in order to access to content outside of a "Kids" section. **This endpoint is no longer supported.** Please see more details at
User - Change pin code
Endpoint for changing a user's pin code. It can only be changed if the user has received a token over email that allows for pin code change. **This endpoint is no longer supported.** Please see more details at
User - Delete profile
Endpoint for deleting the current user and their information. Note that the end user needs to be signed in unless used from an admin account that has the required permission (user:UPDATE). **This endpoint is no longer supported.** Please see more details at
Fetch active orders
Fetch all orders that are within start date - end date range for this user, i.e. the ones that are currently valid for viewing.
Fetch past orders
Fetch past subscriptions for this user, where end date is in the past and the access is no longer valid for viewing.
User - Reset pin code
Endpoint for resetting a user's pin code. A system generated email containing a token will be sent out to the user. The token needs to be passed to the pinCode/reset endpoint together with a new pin code in order to change the pin code. **This endpoint is no longer supported.** Please see more details at
Custom properties
Endpoint used for listing the custom properties for a user
Vimond UserInfo Service
Get UserInfo for given user
This method will return a Response object with either the data field or error field populated.<br/><pre class="example microlight"><div>{</div><div style> data {...}</div><div> errors [...]</div><div> links {...}</div><div> meta {...}</div><div>}</div></pre><p>The correct type for the response is documented in the responses below.</p>
Update the UserInfo for given user
If no userInfo exists for user, it will be created <p/>This method will return a Response object with either the data field or error field populated.<br/><pre class="example microlight"><div>{</div><div style> data {...}</div><div> errors [...]</div><div> links {...}</div><div> meta {...}</div><div>}</div></pre><p>The correct type for the response is documented in the responses below.</p>
Delete the UserInfo for given user
This method will return a Response object with either the data field or error field populated.<br/><pre class="example microlight"><div>{</div><div style> data {...}</div><div> errors [...]</div><div> links {...}</div><div> meta {...}</div><div>}</div></pre><p>The correct type for the response is documented in the responses below.</p>
Patch the UserInfo for given user JSON Pointer relates to the User object returned in the response <p/>This method will return a Response object with either the data field or error field populated.<br/><pre class="example microlight"><div>{</div><div style> data {...}</div><div> errors [...]</div><div> links {...}</div><div> meta {...}</div><div>}</div></pre><p>The correct type for the response is documented in the responses below.</p>
Get the UserProperty for the given key for given user
This method will return a Response object with either the data field or error field populated.<br/><pre class="example microlight"><div>{</div><div style> data {...}</div><div> errors [...]</div><div> links {...}</div><div> meta {...}</div><div>}</div></pre><p>The correct type for the response is documented in the responses below.</p>
Update or create the UserProperty for the given key for given user
If no userInfo exists for user, it will be created <p/>This method will return a Response object with either the data field or error field populated.<br/><pre class="example microlight"><div>{</div><div style> data {...}</div><div> errors [...]</div><div> links {...}</div><div> meta {...}</div><div>}</div></pre><p>The correct type for the response is documented in the responses below.</p>
Delete the UserProperty for the given key for given user
This method will return a Response object with either the data field or error field populated.<br/><pre class="example microlight"><div>{</div><div style> data {...}</div><div> errors [...]</div><div> links {...}</div><div> meta {...}</div><div>}</div></pre><p>The correct type for the response is documented in the responses below.</p>
Get UserInfo for current user
This method will return a Response object with either the data field or error field populated.<br/><pre class="example microlight"><div>{</div><div style> data {...}</div><div> errors [...]</div><div> links {...}</div><div> meta {...}</div><div>}</div></pre><p>The correct type for the response is documented in the responses below.</p>
Update the UserInfo for current user
If no userInfo exists for user, it will be created <p/>This method will return a Response object with either the data field or error field populated.<br/><pre class="example microlight"><div>{</div><div style> data {...}</div><div> errors [...]</div><div> links {...}</div><div> meta {...}</div><div>}</div></pre><p>The correct type for the response is documented in the responses below.</p>
Delete the UserInfo for current user
This method will return a Response object with either the data field or error field populated.<br/><pre class="example microlight"><div>{</div><div style> data {...}</div><div> errors [...]</div><div> links {...}</div><div> meta {...}</div><div>}</div></pre><p>The correct type for the response is documented in the responses below.</p>
Patch the UserInfo for current user JSON Pointer relates to the User object returned in the response <p/>This method will return a Response object with either the data field or error field populated.<br/><pre class="example microlight"><div>{</div><div style> data {...}</div><div> errors [...]</div><div> links {...}</div><div> meta {...}</div><div>}</div></pre><p>The correct type for the response is documented in the responses below.</p>
Get the UserProperty for the given key for current user
This method will return a Response object with either the data field or error field populated.<br/><pre class="example microlight"><div>{</div><div style> data {...}</div><div> errors [...]</div><div> links {...}</div><div> meta {...}</div><div>}</div></pre><p>The correct type for the response is documented in the responses below.</p>
Update or create the UserProperty for the given key for current user
If no userInfo exists for user, it will be created <p/>This method will return a Response object with either the data field or error field populated.<br/><pre class="example microlight"><div>{</div><div style> data {...}</div><div> errors [...]</div><div> links {...}</div><div> meta {...}</div><div>}</div></pre><p>The correct type for the response is documented in the responses below.</p>
Delete the UserProperty for the given key for current user
This method will return a Response object with either the data field or error field populated.<br/><pre class="example microlight"><div>{</div><div style> data {...}</div><div> errors [...]</div><div> links {...}</div><div> meta {...}</div><div>}</div></pre><p>The correct type for the response is documented in the responses below.</p>
Vimond User Viewing History
Delete all viewing history for logged in user and sub profile
Retrieve all viewing history for the logged user
Retrieve all viewing history for the logged user for the requested category
Retrieve completed viewing history for the logged user
Retrieve completed viewing history for the logged user for the requested category
Retrieve progress viewing history for the logged user
Retrieve progress viewing history for the logged user for the requested category
Retrieve all viewing history for the logged user for the requested asset
Delete viewing history for asset for logged in user and sub profile
Vimond Subprofile Service
Get all sub profiles for logged in user
Create a new sub profile for logged in user
Delete all subprofiles for logged in user
Get one sub profile for logged in user
Update a sub profile for logged in user
Delete a sub profile for logged in user
Get token for specified sub profile of the logged in user
Vimond Playlist Service
Get playlists
Create playlist
Delete playlists
Get playlist by id
Update playlist
Delete playlist
Add asset to playlist
Remove asset from playlist
Vimond Player Session Service
Write a player events to the message bus and poll for possible kick events
Vimond Play Service
Get play urls for an asset
Get play urls for an asset
Vimond External Payment API
Capture purchase
<b>This api endpoint is used to capture an initialized order. </b>Typically this endpoint is requested after a callback/notification from the external payment provider comes. <br /><p>The payment object taken as input contains fields for everything needed to perform payment. The input might include: </p><ul> <li>userId - the id of the user making the purchase </li> <li>tenant - id and name of the tenant</li> <li>paymentProvider - credentials needed to authenticate towards the external payment gateway</li> <li>order - order information</li> <li>paymentMethod - payment method to be used to make the purchase</li> <li>customOrderDetails - this is order information that is passed from the end user portal and straight through to the external payment integration. This is a generic structure</li> <li>optionalAdditionalData - This is a structure that can contain any additional data stored in Vimonds system (user, product etc). In order to receive it, Vimond needs to configure the sending of it</li></ul>
Initialize purchase
<b>This api endpoint is used to initialize the purchase of an order. </b>Typically, the service will through this endpoint request a new purchase, and the response will typically be a redirect url to where the end user can enter credit card info <br /><p>The payment object taken as input contains fields for everything needed to perform payment. The input might include: </p><ul> <li>userId - the id of the user making the purchase </li> <li>tenant - id and name of the tenant</li> <li>paymentProvider - credentials needed to authenticate towards the external payment gateway</li> <li>order - order information</li> <li>paymentMethod - payment method to be used to make the purchase</li> <li>customOrderDetails - this is order information that is passed from the end user portal and straight through to the external payment integration. This is a generic structure</li> <li>optionalAdditionalData - This is a structure that can contain any additional data stored in Vimonds system (user, product etc). In order to receive it, Vimond needs to configure the sending of it</li></ul>
<b>This api endpoint is used to renew a running subscription. </b><p>The payment object taken as input contains fields for everything needed to perform payment. The input might include: </p><ul> <li>userId - the id of the user making the purchase </li> <li>tenant - id and name of the tenant</li> <li>paymentProvider - credentials needed to authenticate towards the external payment gateway</li> <li>order - order information</li> <li>paymentMethod - payment method to be used to make the purchase</li> <li>customOrderDetails - this is order information that is passed from the end user portal and straight through to the external payment integration. This is a generic structure</li> <li>optionalAdditionalData - This is a structure that can contain any additional data stored in Vimonds system (user, product etc). In order to receive it, Vimond needs to configure the sending of it</li></ul>
VOD Orchestrator Internal
List all files for an asset
Get video-files for an asset. (To read video file, users must have "video:READ_VIDEO_FILES" permission)
Fetch video-files filtering by assetId and executionId
Get video-files filtering by assetId and executionId. (To read video file, users must have "video:READ_VIDEO_FILES" permission)
Get a particular file
Get a single video file. (To read video file, users must have "video:READ_VIDEO_FILES" permission)
VOD Orchestrator
Cancel a single ingest by ingestId
Cancel a single ingest
List all ingests
Get all ingests
Fetch a single ingest history by ingestId
Get details for a single ingest
Vimond Image Service API
Get Image Location Configs
Save Image Location Configs
Get all image pack IDs
Get list of image pack IDs. Limited to 1000 image packs returned per API call. Use `offset` to load more as needed.
Create image pack
Endpoint used for checking if the Vimond Image Service API is online and responding
Get all image locations
Each image pack can contain multiple images or image locations (different size / image ratio) like thumbnail, main, splash etc. For more details on how image service and location work please see
Get image
Retrieving an image. When retrieving images without specifying any query parameters, you get the default image stored in that imagePack with the original resolution. *Locations* Use the `location` query parameter to get an image from a predefined location. The name of the location is case-sensitive. If the location doesn’t exist, the service will return 404 Not Found. *Customizing size* To customize the pixel-size of the retrieved image, you can use one or both of the `width` and `height` query parameters. If you only specify one of the size-arguments, the server will calculate the other one so that the returned image still has the original aspect-ratio. *Customizing resize-mode* Sometimes the original image stored in the imagePack will have a different aspect-ratio than the one specified using width and height. The server then needs to either crop/remove some parts of the image, or ‘zoom-out’ and add some transperant padding to show the complete image but still return an image with the specified size. When creating imagePacks, the user of the AdminAPI can specify which `resize-mode` to use. It is also possible for the client to specify which resize-mode to use, by adding one of `resize-mode` or `resize-gravity`. *Rounded corners* Use the `rounded-corners` query parameter to get rounded corners for your image. For more details on how image service and image loading works please see
Vimond Entitlements Sync Service
Lists entitlements for the given user and source
Set entitlements for the given user.
Set entitlements for the given user and source. If the document does not exist, it is created. If it exists, the entitlements for the source is either created or updated. The merged entitlements are recalculated.
Lists the full entitlements for the given user
Deletes the entitlements for a user
Vimond Device Registration Service
Retrieve all rulesets
Retrieve ruleset specified by name
If ruleset is not found, the default ruleset will be returned
Get complete usage report for logged in user
Get usage report for given ruleset for logged in user
Check device and register if necessary
Check device without registering it
Retrieve device information
Update device information
Delete device
Vimond Content Discovery
Perform a full-text search to retrieve assets
Retrieve an asset by its id
Extra metadata fields will be added in under the data object if present
Perform a full-text search to retrieve categories
Extra metadata fields will be added in under the data object if present
Retrieve an category by its id
Extra metadata fields will be added in under the data object if present
Search list
Search list by alias
Find movies
Find shows
To complete
Get show
To complete
Get seasons for show
To complete
Get one season for show
To complete
Get all episodes of a season in a show
To complete
Get single episode of a show
To complete
Vimond CMS API
Fetch feed status
Endpoint used for fetching specific feed
Update feed
Endpoint used for updating a feed
Delete feed
Endpoint used for deleting a feed
Fetch import jobs for a feed
Endpoint used for fetching all import jobs of a feed
Fetch import tasks for a import job
Endpoint used for fetching all import tasks of a import job
Fetch task stats grouped by company and feed
Endpoint used for fetching task statistics
Fetch task stats grouped by date
Endpoint used for fetching task statistics
Fetch feed stats
Endpoint used for fetching overall statistics
Fetch task stats
Endpoint used for fetching task statistics
Fetch latest metadata errors
Endpoint used for fetching failed tasks
Fetch latest video errors
Endpoint used for fetching failed video tasks
Ingest content
Endpoint used for ingesting content and creating a import job. The import job will contain one import task for each new or updated asset included in your feed. Please see for complete details on feed format.
Fetch all feeds
Endpoint used for fetching all feeds
Create feed
Endpoint used for creating a new feed
Abort import job
Endpoint used for aborting specific import job
Retry import job
Endpoint used for retrying specific import job
Retry import task
Endpoint used for retrying specific import task
This item is available for early access. It is still in development and may contain experimental features or limitations.
7 months ago