Asset ManagementPublished by
Asset ManagementThe full functionality of the VidiCore API is accessible. Manage, upload, and search assets, add metadata, move files or transcode.
VidiCore is a media management back-end and state of the art object repository that forms the basis of asset management solutions, or for you to build your own complete media supply chain from media and metadata acquisition all the way out to distribution.
VidiCore API (Technical Preview - 2205)
Retrieves the application WADL that describes the resources and methods exposed by the VS API.
List all automatic projection rules
Retrieves all automatic projection rules.
List all disabled automatic projection rules
Retrieves all disabled automatic projection rules.
List all enabled automatic projection rules
Retrieves all enabled automatic projection rules.
Retrieve an automatic projection rule
Retrieves a specific projection rule.
Create an automatic projection rule
Creates a new projection rule based on the information in the *AutoProjectionRuleDocument*.
Delete an automatic projection rule
Deletes the automatic projection rule.
Disable an automatic projection rule
Disables the automatic projection rule.
Enable an automatic projection rule
Enables the automatic projection rule.
List all collections
Retrieves a list of all known collections.
Create a collection
Generates a new collection and returns the id associated with that collection. This resource accepts a collection document that can contain both metadata that should be set for the collection and the entities that it should contain.
Search for collections
Searches for collections that matches the query.
Delete multiple collections
Delete multiple collections. Note that the actual items and libraries that are contained within the collection are not modified.
Retrieve the search history
Retrieves a list of searches made by a particular user, include "Collection search " and "Item and collection search". The results are ordered according to timestamp, with the latest searches being first. Duplicate queries will not be retrieved.
Create a project collection
Creates a project collection with the given name and metadata.
Inspect a project file
Returns a document listing the sequences and assets referenced from a given project file.
Retrieve a collection
Return the ids of the objects contained within the collection, that has the id `collection-id`.
Update a collection
Updates the content of the collection with the id `collection-id` as specified in the document. It is also possible to change the name of the collection and metadata of the collection-entity relations. Either all or no entities must have a mode specified. If no entities have a mode specified and the document contains an entity that does not exist in the collection, then the entity will be added. When no entities have a mode specified the entities will get the same position as they are ordered in the document.
Delete a collection
Delete specified collection. Note that the actual items and libraries that are contained within the collection are not modified.
Retrieve the ancestors of a collection
Retrieves the ids of all ancestors of the collection.
Start an export job for a collection or a library
Creates a new export job that will copy all matching files in the collection/library to a remote location. A shape tag can be specified to decide which shapes that will be exported. The files will retain their original names and the URI should therefore point to the folder where the files should be placed.
Report that the folder name has changed on disk
If the folder name has been changed by a user or an external program, it can be reported to Vidispine with this command. The affected file entities in the database will then be updated with the new path, and the collection name will be changed.
Retrieve the items of a collection
Retrieves only the items of the collection. Queries on collection items will now return items in creation order by default. See `indexCollectionItemOrder` on how to revert back to using the insert/custom collection item ordering.
Search for items within a collection
Performs a search among the items in the specified collection. Queries on collection items will now return items in creation order by default. See `indexCollectionItemOrder` on how to revert back to using the insert/custom collection item ordering.
Mark a collection as folder mapped
Marks collection `collection-id` as mapped to folder. Files in child items will be moved to the corresponding folder in the storages.
Unmark a collection as folder mapped
Marks collection `collection-id` as *not* mapped to folder. Files in child items will be moved to the root directory in the storages.
Reorder collection elements
Changes the order of the elements. Note that the reordering elements are parsed and applied in the sequence that they are supplied.
Update collection name
Sets the name of the collection with the identifier `collection-id`.
Add an item, library or collection to a collection
Adds an item, library or collection with the id `id`, to the collection with the id `collection-id`. If `id` is already present within the collection, this is a no-op, except if the query parameter metadata is used. In that case, metadata is updated for the specified entity.
Remove an item, library or collection from a collection
Attempts to remove specific content with the id, `id`, from a collection with the id `collection-id`. Note that the object corresponding to the id is not altered.
List all project version definitions
Returns the format of the definitions that have been stored for a specific project version.
Retrieve a project version definition
Retrieves a binary representation of the project version.
Update a project version definition
Updates a binary representation of the project version. The collection must be a project version collection.
Delete a project version definition
Deletes a binary representation of the project version.
Retrieve the asset definition
Returns the asset document that has been stored for a specific project version definition.
Update the asset definition
Stores an asset document for a specific project version definition. The document should identify the items and files referenced by the definition.
Delete the asset definition
Deletes an asset document for a specific project version definition.
Retrieve the extradata
Returns the extradata that has been stored for a specific project version definition.
Update the extradata
Stores extradata for a specific project version definition.
Delete the extradata
Deletes the extradata for a specific project version definition.
Create a project version collection
Creates a new project version collection for a specific project.
Export a project or sequence
Exports the sequence or project to the requested output format and saves the result at the given location.
Export a project or sequence
Exports the sequence or project to the requested output format and saves the result at the given location. For POST /sequence/export the sequence must be specified in the request document.
Configuration resources
Returns the available configuration resource endpoints.
Retrieve the OAuth2 configuration
Returns the current OAuth2 configuration.
Update the OAuth2 configuration
Updates the OAuth2 configuration.
Delete the OAuth2 configuration
Deletes and resets the current OAuth2 configuration.
Retrieve the bulky metdata storage configuration
Returns the current bulky metadata configuration, together with some status information.
Update the bulky metdata storage configuration
Updates the bulky metadata configuration.
Retrieve the CORS configuration
Returns the current CORS configuration.
Update the CORS configuration
Updates the CORS configuration.
Retrieve the FTP pool configuration
Returns the current FTP connection pool configuration.
Update the FTP pool configuration
Updates the FTP connection pool configuration.
Delete the FTP pool
Deletes the FTP connection pool.
Retrieve the indexing configuration
Returns the current indexing configuration.
Update the indexing configuration
Updates the indexing configuration.
Retrieve the job pool configuration
Returns the current job pool configuration.
Update the job pool configuration
Updates the job pool configuration.
Delete all job pools
Deletes all job pools. Note that the max concurrent jobs setting will *not* be affected.
Delete a job pool
Deletes the job pool with the given priority threshold.
Retrieve the default job priority configuration
Returns the current default job priority configuration.
Update the default job priority configuration
Updates the default job priority configuration.
Remove the default job priority configuration
Removes all database purging configuration.
Retrieve the log report configuration
Returns the current LogReport configuration.
Update the log report configuration
Updates the LogReport configuration.
Retrieve the metrics configuration
Returns the current metrics configuration.
Update the metrics configuration
Updates the metrics configuration.
Retrieve the path alias configuration
Returns the current path alias configuration.
Update the path alias configuration
Updates the path alias configuration.
List all configuration properties
Returns a document containing all configuration properties set in the system.
Create/update multiple configuration properties
Creates or updates multiple configuration properties at once, using a ConfigurationPropertyListDocument.
Create/update a configuration property
Creates or updates a configuration property.
Retrieve a configuration property
Returns a document or string containing all current setting for a configuration property.
Delete a configuration property
Removes a configuration property.
Retrieve the database purging configuration
Returns the current database purging configuration.
Update the database purging configuration
Updates the database purging configuration. Note that if a category element is missing, e.g. `auditTrail`, that category is left unchanged. To remove a particular category, use an empty element, `<auditTrail/>`.
Remove the database purging configuration
Removes all database purging configuration.
Start a conform job
Starts a new `CONFORM` job that creates a new item and one or more shapes that contains media according to the conform timeline.
Retrieve the cost estimate results
Retrieves the cost estimate.
Request a cost estimate
Requests a cost estimate for performing a specific operation. The same query parameters and request body as used by the target request should be specified in the cost estimate request. No additional roles or permissions are required to request a cost estimate. If a user has permission to for example transcode an item, then that user may also request a cost estimate for that operation.
List all locks
Retrieves a list of deletion locks.
Retrieve a lock
Returns a specific lock.
Update a lock
Updates a lock based on the information in the *DeletionLockDocument*.
Delete a lock
Delete a lock that was explicitly set on this entity.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
List all documents
Retrieves the list of metadata documents.
Search for documents
Searches for documents matching a provided *ItemSearchDocument*. Note that document indexing is disabled by default. Make sure to enable document indexing using `indexDocumentMetadata` and trigger a reindex so that any existing documents are added to the index. New in version 5.0.
Retrieve a document
Retrieves the document with the specified name. This resource shares the same query parameters as the item metadata resource.
Update or creates a document
Creates a new or modifies the existing document with the specified name.
Delete a document
Removes the metadata document with the specified name.
View change sets
Retrieves all change sets that have been applied to the document.
List all export locations
List all defined export locations.
Retrieve an export location
Return information about the export location with the specified name.
Update or create an export location
Create a new export location, or if there already is one with that name, update it.
Delete an export location
Delete the export location with the specified name.
Retrieve the export location script
Retrieves the script on an export location.
Update the export location script
Updates the script of an existing export location.
Retrieve all known namespaces
Retrieves all known external id namespaces.
Remove an external id
Removes the external identifier from all entities.
Retrieve a specific namespace
Retrieves the namespace with the specified name.
Update or create a namespace
Creates or modifies a namespace with the specified name.
Delete a namespace and all external ids in that namespace
Deletes the specified namespace together with all *external ids that exist in that namespace*.
Retrieve a file
Retrieves the information, such as file size, status and checksum, of a specific file.
Delete a file
Starts a delete job for the specified file.
Remove a file from an item
Disassociates (disconnects) the physical file from the item. The shape which the file resided in will still exist, but there is no longer any connection between the file and the shape or item.
Perform shape deduction on a file
New in version 5.3. Start a job that will deduce the shape of a file without importing it. The resulting shape can be found as a *ShapeDocument* in the jobmetadata and can be retrieved from the file when the job has completed. Shape deduction will still run as normal during import of the file even if it has already been performed on the file through this job. Running this job will not affect any shapes associated with this file that have been created trough other means (e.g. shape created by import). Note that the result from this shape deduction job is not as extensive as running an analyze job on an imported shape. See analyzing_media.
Perform shape deduction on an IMF package
New in version 5.3. Start a job that will deduce the shape of an IMF package without importing it. The file resource must be the ASSETMAP.xml. Files pointed to by the ASSETMAP has to be stored in the same directory. Multiple CPLs will produce multiple shapes. The resulting shapes can be found as a *ShapeListDocument* in the jobmetadata and can be retrieved from the ASSETMAP file and CPL files when the job has completed. Shape deduction will still run as normal during import of the file even if it has already been performed on the file through this job. Running this job will not affect any shapes associated with this file that have been created trough other means (e.g. shape created by import). Note that the result from this shape deduction job is not as extensive as running an analyze job on an imported shape. See analyzing_media.
Retrieve the file data
Retrieves the raw file data.
Update or create file data
Uploads the file data for a specific file, overwriting any existing file data for the file.
Unregister a file
Deletes a file entity from the database. Does not touch the physical file.
Set file hash
Set a new hash value of a file.
Import a file
Starts a an import job that will import the specified file. Only files that do not belong to any components can be imported.
Import an IMF package
Starts a an import job that will import an `ASSETMAP` file (SMPTE ST 429-9). Files pointed to by the assetmap (DCP/InterOp or SMPTE) has to be stored in the same directory. Changed in version 5.3: IMF packages will now be validated using Photon and results saved as metadata on the item. Can be disabled with **jobMetadata** parameter. The IMF import job accepts certain special **jobMetadata** parameters:
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Register a new file path
Registers a new file, with the new path, and change all relevant components to point to the new file instead. The old file is marked for deletion. Hence, caller should first do the physical move, then issue this command. The path of file entities in Vidispine is immutable. This command is used when a file is moved manually (without Vidispine), and caller wants to register the new path. Use the `duplicate` parameter to add another file as a duplicate. The file at the new location will be added to all components that the file is already a part of. No file entities will be removed.
Re-index a file
Queues a single file for re-index.
Transitioning files From S3 to Glacier
Triggers a request to Glacier to initiate a restore. Once the restore is complete, the file will be put in CLOSED state, and will be available for direct access. The `expirationInDays` parameter has to be set and specifies how long the restored files should be available. Once it has expired, it will be removed from direct access and once again end up in the ARCHIVED state.
Get shapes for a file
New in version 5.3. Retrieve shapes that have been created by a shape deduction analysis of the file.
Update the file state
Changes the state of the specified file to the given state. Can for example be used after writing a file to a storage, to immediately mark it as CLOSED and no longer growing.
Move/copy a file to another storage
Starts a move or copy job for the specified file.
Generate temporary credentials
Generates temporary access credentials that give either READ or WRITE access directly to the file. By default, if the file is on S3 or Azure, this will try to create a read-only pre-signed URL for the file; if this fail or if the file is on another type of storage, it will try to create a proxy URL (with direct access to the file). When using the s3 scheme there are certain prerequisites that need to be met regarding policies and trust relationships with the account in use. The permission policy for the role will only require `s3:GetObject` and `s3:PutObject` permissions to use the basic features. If you intend to use this for multipart uploads you might also want to add the permissions for `s3:ListMultipartUploadParts` and `s3:AbortMultipartUpload`. Finally this role will also need a trust relationship with an account with access to the storage(s) as an intersection is made to decide permissions in the end. Vidispine will then create a custom policy to limit the credentials to either GET or PUT as requested.
List all groups/roles
Returns list of all groups.
Search for groups
Simple search of fields `groupname`, `description` and metadata.
Delete multiple groups
Deletes the groups with the specified names.
Retrieve a group/role
Returns information about the specified group.
Update or create a group
Creates or updates the group with the specified name. Also any specified parent and child associations, users, metadata and description will be added.
Delete a group
Deletes the group with the specified name.
List all child groups to a group
Returns groups that belongs to the specified group.
Retrieve the group description
Returns the descriptive text about the specified group.
Update the description of a group
Changes the description of a group.
Add a group to another group
Creates parent-child relation between the two specified groups.
Remove a group from another group
Removes the parent-child relation between the two specified groups.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
List all parent groups to a group
Returns groups that the specified group belongs to.
Retrieve role status
Returns the role status of the specified group.
Add a user to a group
Adds the specified user to the specified group.
Remove a user from a group
Removes the specified user from the specified group.
List all users in a group
Returns all users belonging to the group/role, directly or indirectly.
Import using a URI
Starts a job that imports the file, located at the given URI, and creates an item. Note that thumbnails and poster frames are only generated if a transcode takes place.
List the default access controls for the current user
Lists the access control list that will be applied on imported items.
Add a group to the default access control list
Sets the permissions for a certain group.
Remove a group from the default access control list
Removes the specified group from the default access control list.
Import an IMF package using a URI
Starts a job that reads the asset map of an IMP (IMF package), and then imports the IMP. Essence files whose UUID is already managed by Vidispine Server are not copied. For more information about jobs, see /job/job. Note that thumbnails and poster frames are only generated if a transcode takes place. Changed in version 5.3: IMF packages will now be validated using Photon and results saved as metadata on the item. Can be disabled with **jobMetadata** parameter. The **importtag** query parameter either be a list of shapes, or on the format `uuid=tag`. The IMF import job accepts certain special **jobMetadata** parameters:
Create a placeholder item
Creates an empty item and a shape with components matching the given parameters.
Import to a placeholder item in bulk
Imports the files and extracts component data based on what type is specified (container, audio, video, binary). No transcoding will take place until all files have been imported.
Create passkey for placeholder item
Creates a new passkey for a specific placeholder item, that can be used to perform imports to this item without requiring authentication.
Import to a placeholder item
Imports the file and extracts component data based on what type is specified (container, audio, video, binary). No transcoding will take place until all files have been imported.
Adopt stand-alone files
Adopt the file as a component in a placeholder item. The value of component-type is one of: `container, audio, video, binary`
Import to a placeholder item using the request body
Imports the file and extracts component data based on what type is specified (container, audio, video, binary). No transcoding will take place until all files have been imported.
Import a project
Creates a new project version containing the clips and sequences found in the given project file. Sequences in the file will be created as items having a Vidispine sequence representation.
Import a sequence
Creates a new item with a Vidispine sequence representations of the given file. The file must contain a single sequence. The item will also have a sequence contain the original data from the file, together with an essence mapping for identifying the items and files referenced by the sequence.
Import using the request body
Starts a job that reads the raw data from the request body, generates a file, and imports the file.
Import using a passkey
Create a job and generates a passkey that can later be used to import an item without being authenticated.
List all import profiles
Retrieves a list of all profiles.
Create an import profile
Creates a new settings profile with the given settings.
Retrieve an import profile
Retrieves the settings specified by a certain profile.
Update an import profile
Changes the settings of the specified profile.
Delete an import profile
Deletes the profile with specified id.
Import a sidecar file
Starts a job that imports the sidecar file, located at the given URL, to the specified item.
Import a sidecar file
Starts a job that imports the sidecar file as HTTP request body. The sidecar file will be saved in one of the Vidispine storages.
Find destination storage
Find where imported content would be stored according to current storage rules.
List all items
Returns a list of all items. This request is the same as performing an empty search. Note that searching can also be performed by using the HTTP method PUT using the same syntax, except for the parameter `q` is omitted and the *ItemSearchDocument* is sent in the body of the request.
Search items
Performs an item search. If the `result` query parameter is set to `library` a new library is created, which can be used to further refine the search, using the `library` parameter.
Delete multiple items
Marks multiple items as being deleted, meaning they will not be returned in search results. Changed in version 5.0: New _item_write role required.
Add access control entries to all items
Adds access control entries to all known items.
Delete all access control entries from all items
Deletes all access control entries from all known items.
Retrieve search history
Retrieves a list of searches made by a particular user, including "item search" and "Item and collection search". The results are ordered according to timestamp, with the latest searches being first. Duplicate queries will not be retrieved.
Create an item list job
Starts a new job that goes through all the items available to the user/group and outputs a file to the supplied URI. If no user and no group is supplied, all items will be retrieved. The output format depends on the specified parameter, if set to XML an *ItemListDocument* will be produced. Furthermore if an XSLT is given the *ItemListDocument* will be transformed.
Create an item relation
Generates a new relation between the two items with the given ids, `id1` and `id2`, with the given parameters. In addition, extra query parameters of the form `key=value` can be added, to set metadata of the item-to-item relation.
Delete all relations between two items
Deletes the relations with the specified direction or all relations between `id1` and `id2`.
Export to SCC
Returns the subtitles from the item metadata in SCC format.
Export to TTML
Generates a TTML file containing the subtitle metadata from a specific item. The output TTML file obeys EBU-TT standard (EBU Tech 3360) An optional offset can be applied to the time span by adding ":" and the offset.
List all item relations
Returns a list of relations that matches the search criteria. Item id can be an identifier, that is libraries can be used. In addition, extra query parameters of the form `key=value` can be added, to only return relations that matches the key-value pair(s).
Delete all item relations
Deletes the relations with the specified direction or all relations.
List all sequences
Retrieves the sequences that have been stored for a specific item.
Conform metadata
Updates the item metadata with the metadata from the items listed in the sequence. The metadata will be selected based on the intervals.
Export a project or sequence
Exports the sequence or project to the requested output format and saves the result at the given location.
Export a project or sequence
Exports the sequence or project to the requested output format and saves the result at the given location. For POST /sequence/export the sequence must be specified in the request document.
Render a sequence
Creates a new job that renders the sequence for the given item. The item will contain a new shape with the rendered result once the job is finished.
Retrieve a sequence
Retrieves the definition of the sequence in the given format.
Update or create a sequence
Creates or updates the sequence in the given format.
Delete a sequence
Removes a specific sequence from an item.
List all shapes
Returns all existing shapes for a specified item.
Import a shape using a URI or an existing file
Starts a new shape import job using either a URI or a file id.
Delete all shapes
Removes all shapes, regardless of essence version, for the specified item. This will remove all components and mark files for deletion, unless files are used in other shapes. To delete all shapes for a specific essence version, see `DELETE /item/(id)/shape/version/(version)`.
Create a shape using shape technical information
Creates a new shape using the supplied information. Changed in version 4.17.2: If the shape document has components that reference files (by id), then these files will be associated with the corresponding component.
Import an essence version using a URI or an existing file
Starts a new essence import job using either a URI or a file id.
Import an essence version using the request body
Starts a new essence import job using the data in the request data.
Import a shape from an IMF package
Starts a new shape import job using a URI of an IMF asset map Changed in version 5.3: IMF packages will now be validated using Photon and results saved as metadata on the item. Can be disabled with **jobMetadata** parameter. The IMF shape import job accepts certain special **jobMetadata** parameters:
Create a placeholder shape
Creates an new placeholder shape for a specific item.
Import a shape using the request body
Starts a new shape import job using the data in the request data.
List all essence versions
Returns a list containing URLs to all essence versions of the item.
Retrieve an essence version
Returns a list of shapes from the specified version.
Delete an essence version
Deletes all shapes associated with the specified version. Thumbnails connected to the version will also be deleted.
Retrieve a shape
Returns a shape for a specified item.
Delete a shape
Removes the specified shape. This will remove all components and and mark files for deletion, unless files are used in other shapes.
List all components for a shape
Returns all components for a specified shape. Currently, this call returns the same information as the return shape, but is available for orthogonality.
Import a component using a URI or an existing file
Starts a job that imports a component to an existing shape. The shape must be a media shape and must not be a placeholder.
Create a placeholder component
Creates an new placeholder component for a specific shape.
Retrieve a component
Returns all files, or the complete component information, for a specified component.
Delete a component
Removes the component from the shape. Any files belonging to the component is not Copy this component to another shape, replacing a specific component by id.
Copy a component to another shape
Copy this component to another shape.
Copy a component to another shape/component
Copy this component to another shape, replacing a specific component by id.
Associate a file with a component
Attaches the specified file to the specified component
Remove a file from a component
Removes the specified file from the specified component
Move a component to another shape
Move this component to another shape.
Move a component to another shape/component
Move this component to another shape, replacing a specific component by id.
Retrieve a shape as an IMF CPL
Returns component information as CPL.
List all files for a shape
Returns all files that are associated with the specified shape.
Retrieve a graphical representation of a shape
Shows components and tracks in a graphical format.
Retrieve a shape as a dot file
Shows components and tracks in a graphical format in dot format, for further processing.
List all mime types for a shape
Lists all mime types that are set on the shape. These can also be seen the *ShapeDocument* of the shape.
Add a mime type to a shape
Adds a new mime type to the shape. This operation does nothing if the shape already has the mime-type.
Remove a mime type from a shape
Removes a mime type from the shape.
Update a placeholder shape
Updates the expected number of container, video, audio and binary components for a specific placeholder shape.
Copy an essence version of a shape to a new version
Copies the specified shape to a new shape, with the new latest essence version number.
Copy an essence version of a shape to a specific version
Copies the specified shape to a new shape, with the given essence version number.
List all timelines
Returns a list of timeline stored and all timeline formats that can be derived. The precision number returned is an estimation of how close the converted timeline format will match the original. The lowest number, 0, means the original timeline format, 1 means derived timeline without any loss of information compared to the original format. The highest number, 100, means straight cuts only.
Delete all timelines
Removes all timeline representations.
Retrieve a timeline
Returns timeline.
Update or create a timeline
updates or creates a timeline representation for an item.
Delete a timeline
Removes specific timeline representation.
Start a conform job for an existing item
Starts a new `CONFORM` job that creates one or more shapes that contains media according to the conform timeline. The timeline must be a *ConformDocument*, else the request will be rejected.
Retrieve an item
Returns information about a single item.
Delete an item
Marks the item as being deleted, meaning it will not be returned in search results. The actual removement from the database is done approximately once every minute. Also, all files associated with the item is marked as `TO_BE_DELETED`, meaning they will be deleted by the storage supervisor, but not sooner than all jobs involving the actual file has finished. By specifying `keepShapeTagMedia` and/or `keepShapeTagStorage`, the files associated with the item is not deleted, but simply unassociated with the item. If only `keepShapeTagMedia` is given, all files belonging to shapes of the item with any of the given shape tags are preserved. If only `keepShapeTagStorage` is given, all files belonging to the item residing on the given storages are preserved. If both `keepShapeTagMedia` and `keepShapeTagStorage` is given, all files which *both* belongs to the specified shapes and storages are preserved. If any of `keepShapeTagMedia` or `keepShapeTagStorage` contains a value `*`, then no files will be removed. Changed in version 5.0: New _item_write role required.
Analyze an item
Analyzes an item with the parameters specified in the job document. The result of the analyze will appear in the bulky metadata of the shape when doing a transcoder analysis, or in the metadata of the item when doing a cognitive service analysis. New in version 5.0.
List collections that contain an item
Retrieves the ids of all collections that includes the item, and that the calling user has read access to.
Synchronize EIDR metadata
Synchronizes `item(s)` metadata that are out of date. An item is considered out of date if the EIDR record has changed or if the included projections have changed. Returns a list of synchronized items with the metadata that was written to the item.
Start an export job for a single item
Creates a new export job that will copy a file to a remote location. A shape tag can be specified to decide which shape that will be exported. If the URI ends with a "/" the URI is assumed to describe a folder and the file will retain its existing filename. Otherwise it is assumed that the URI describes a file and that filename will be used.
Start an export job for a single item as an IMF package
Creates a new export job that will create an IMF package as a remote location. URI must end with an "/" to denote a folder.
List libraries that contain an item
Retrieves the ids of all libraries that includes the item, and that the calling user has read access to.
Retrieve a lock
Retrieves information about the expiration date and which user that holds the lock.
Create a lock
Creates a new lock for the item with an expiration date. The expiration date is the sum of the timestamp and the duration. If no timestamp and no duration is given, the expiration date will be set to 24 hours forward in time.
Extend the expiration date of a lock
Sets a new expiration date for the lock. The expiration date is the sum of the timestamp and the duration. If no timestamp and no duration is given, the expiration date will be set to 24 hours forward in time.
Delete a lock
Removes the lock for the item.
Get loudness values
Extracts loudness information from bulky metadata.
Get loudness values for interval
Extracts loudness information from bulky metadata. Start and end range can be specified, as well as custom mixing.
Retrieve all keys used in the bulky metadata
Retrieves a list of all keys in the bulky metadata.
Insert values in bulk
Inserts all key-value pairs from a given document.
Delete all keys used in the bulky metadata
Removes all the keys in the bulky metadata.
Read values
Retrieves all values of a certain key over a specified interval. All values for that key can be retrieved by specifying start as "-INF" and end as "+INF".
Insert values
Inserts a value at the specified interval for the given key. If the key already has a value at that specific interval then that value will be overwritten.
Remove values
Removes all the values for a certain key over the specified interval.
List thumbnail resources for an item
Return one or more poster resource URIs which can be used to manage the posters for a specific item.
Update or create a thumbnail resource for an item
If no poster resources are defined for an item, create a resource and return it.
Re-index item
Queues a single item for re-index.
Analyze a specific shape
Analyzes the specified shape with the parameters specified in the job document. The result of the analyze will appear in the bulky metadata of the shape when doing a transcoder analysis, or in the metadata of the item when doing a cognitive service analysis.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Start an export job for a single shape
Creates a new export job that will copy a file from the specified shape to a remote location. If the URI ends with a "/" the URI is assumed to describe a folder and the file will retain its existing filename. Otherwise it is assumed that the URI describes a file and that filename will be used.
Start an export job of an shape to an IMF package
Creates a new export job that will create an IMF package as a remote location. URI must end with an "/" to denote a folder.
List all storage name rules applied on a shape
Retrieves a list of URIs to all storage name rules that are contained within a shape.
Create a new storage name rule
Creates a new storage name rule that attempts enforce the filename on a certain storage. This operation does not rename the file, it merely creates a rule for it. The file will then be renamed at a later time, if the file is located on that storage.
Delete a storage name rule
Deletes a storage name rule that matches the (item id, shape id, storage id, filename) quadruple. Note that this does not change any existing filenames a file might have.
Start a highlight reel creation job
Starts a highlight render job for the given shape, producing an output file of the desired duration.
Get a highlight reel EDL
If a highligheter analysis has been performed, this returns a conform document for producing a highlight reel of the desired duration.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve all keys used in the bulky metadata
Retrieves a list of all keys in the bulky metadata.
Insert values in bulk
Inserts all key-value pairs from a given document.
Delete all keys used in the bulky metadata
Removes all the keys in the bulky metadata.
Read values
Retrieves all values of a certain key over a specified interval. All values for that key can be retrieved by specifying start as "-INF" and end as "+INF".
Insert values
Inserts a value at the specified interval for the given key. If the key already has a value at that specific interval then that value will be overwritten.
Remove values
Removes all the values for a certain key over the specified interval.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Get a smart cropping EDL
If a smartcrop analysis has been performed, this returns a sequence document for producing an output with the desired aspect ratio.
Start a smart cropping job
Starts a smart cropping render job, producing an output with the desired aspect ratio.
List all storage rules that applies to a certain shape
Retrieves the storage rules that applies to a certain shape in a sorted manner. The rules are sorted according to priority, with the most important rule being first and the least important rule being last.
List all tags for a shape
Retrieves all shape tags associated with a certain shape.
Add a tag to a shape
Adds shape tag with the given name to the specified shape. If the shape already has that tag, this operation does nothing.
Remove a tag from a shape
Removes a tag with the given name from the specified shape.
Start a thumbnail job
Creates a new thumbnail job with the specified parameters. Note that a job cannot both create thumbnails at specified intervals and posters. Creating thumbnails according to transcoder rules and creating posters is however allowed. Changed in version 5.0: For multi-layer PSD/PSB files, only a thumbnail of all layers flattened will be generated by default.
Transcode a specific shape
Starts a new job that transcode a specific shape on an item to a number of shapes according to the given shape tags.
Re-run a shape deduction on an existing shape
Starts a new shape deduction job for the specified shape.
Create a thumbnail job
Creates a new thumbnail job with the specified parameters. Note that a job cannot both create thumbnails at specified intervals and posters. Creating thumbnails according to transcoder rules and creating posters is however allowed. Changed in version 5.0: For multi-layer PSD/PSB files, only a thumbnail of all layers flattened will be generated by default.
List thumbnail resources for an item
Return one or more poster resource URIs which can be used to manage the thumbnails for a specific item.
Update or create a thumbnail resource for an item
If no thumbnail resources are defined for an item, create a resource and return it.
Transcode an item
Starts a new job that transcode an item to a number of shapes according to the given shape tags.
Get item URI
Retrieves the URI to any container contained in the item that matches the specified type or the files contained in a shape that matches the given tags.
Get waveform images for all audio channels
Solely used for debugging. May be deprecated in newer releases. Returns a HTML document including image references to waveform images for all channels. Query parameters can be used to control the image appearance.
Get waveform image
Returns an image with the waveform drawn on the canvas as described by the query parameters.
Get waveform image URI
Returns a URI that does not require authentication to the generated image. The URI expires after 1 hour.
Get waveform data
Returns the waveform data as a *WaveformDataDocument*.
List all JavaScript sessions
Retrieves the the current JavaScript sessions, their current status, and which port they listen to.
Retrieve a JavaScript session
Retrieves stack trace of a specific JavaScript session.
Stop a JavaScript session
Stops an active debugging session.
Execute JavaScript
Executes the given JavaScript code.
List all jobs
Return jobs matching the criteria given. Changed in version 5.1: The priority parameter was added.
Start a job with custom type
Starts a new job, of the type specified in the `type` parameter. Changed in version 5.0. Additional job metadata can also be added using an *optional* *SimpleMetadataDocument*. If any `jobmetadata` keys would collide between the query parameters and the *SimpleMetadataDocument*, the key and value from the *SimpleMetadataDocument* would have precedence over the query parameter.
Delete one or several jobs
Deletes a job and every related database entry.
List all job problems
Returns a list of unresolved problems, together with what jobs are waiting for them to be resolved.
Search and count jobs
New in version 5.2. Return jobs matching the given criteria and chosen facets for the result-set. There are three types of facets:
Retrieve a job
Return information about specified job. When returning in format `text/plain`, only a string representation of the state is returned.
Modify a job
Updates the job by setting job priority
Abort a job
Does not delete the job, but aborts it. To delete one or more jobs, use `DELETE /job`. The job is marked for abortion, but the call may return before all tasks have been killed. Hence, the status return by this call is likely to be ABORTED_PENDING rather than ABORTED. Caller should poll the status of the job or use job notifications to find out when job has been fully aborted.
List all problems for a job
Retrieves a list of problems that affects the specified job.
Create a duplicate job
Retrieves an existing job, duplicates it and starts the duplicated version.
List all job types
Get list of job types
List all libraries
Retrieves a list of the ids of all known libraries.
Create a library
Creates a library and returns the id of the created library.
Delete multiple libraries
Deletes the libraries with the specified ids.
Retrieve library content
Returns the items together with any requested data.
Add multiple items to a library
Adds all the items specified in the document to the library.
Delete a library
Deletes the library with the specified id.
Synchronize EIDR metadata
Synchronizes `item(s)` metadata that are out of date. An item is considered out of date if the EIDR record has changed or if the included projections have changed. Returns a list of synchronized items with the metadata that was written to the item.
Start an export job for a collection or a library
Creates a new export job that will copy all matching files in the collection/library to a remote location. A shape tag can be specified to decide which shapes that will be exported. The files will retain their original names and the URI should therefore point to the folder where the files should be placed.
Modify metadata of the items in a specific library
Modify metadata of the items in a specific library
Creating an item list job
Starts a new job that goes through all the items in the specific library and outputs a file to the supplied URI. The output format depends on the specified parameter, if set to XML an *ItemListDocument* will be produced. Furthermore if an XSLT is given the *ItemListDocument* will be transformed.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Retrieve library settings
Retrieves the settings and status of a library.
Update library settings
Update the settings of a library.
Add an item to a library
Adds the specified item to the library.
Remove an item from a library
Removes the specified item from the library.
Retrieve the license file
Retrieves the contents of the installed license file.
List all slaves
Returns a list of all the slave nodes connected to this master. Slaves that have not been seen for more than 180 minutes will not be available.
Install a slave license on a master node
Installs a slave license.
Install a slave license on a master node
Installs the slave license file with the given path.
List all installed slave licenses
Returns the `id` and `SlaveIdentifier` of all installed slave license on a master
List installed slave licenses by id
Returns the detail of an installed slave license with the given id
List slave license status
Returns information about the slave with the given id.
Delete a slave instance
Removes the slave with the given id.
Retrieve a slave license file
Returns the slave license for a specific slave.
List all audit log entries
Retrieves log entries according to the specified filtering criteria. The path can be seen as having an implicit wildcard in the end, unless it is disabled with the `wildcard` parameter. For example `/item/VX-123` will match `/item/VX-123/shape` but not `/item/VX-124`. Changed in version 5.1: The body parameter was added.
Retrieve the entire audit log
Is very similar to the method above, but instead of delivering the entire document at once it is streamed. Therefore there is no restriction on the maximum number of rows that can be retrieved.
List all transfer log entries
Retrieves log entries according to the specified filtering criteria. Note that the transfer log table does not have a lot of indices, so the extraction of data can be slow. Do not use this method other than for troubleshooting.
Retrieve the global metadata
Retrieves the global metadata.
Update the global metadata
Modifies the global metadata. This resource shares the same query parameters as the item metadata resource.
List all metadata fields
Returns a list of all defined fields.
List all field groups
Retrieves all metadata field groups known by the system.
Search for groups used in metadata
Much like searching for items, specific fields can be used when searching. The result is a list of used metadata groups that matches the query. Optionally the definition of the group and the value of the group can be retrieved.
Retrieve user access to all field groups
Retrieves the permission for a specific user to all field groups and the field groups and fields part of those groups.
Retrieve all external ids for an entity
Retrieves all external ids that are assigned to a particular entity.
Clear all external ids for an entity
Clears all external identifiers that are registered with an entity.
Create a new external id
Creates a new external id for the specified entity.
Remove an external id
Removes the external identifier from a specific entity.
List all fields of a group
Retrieves the specified field group.
Update or create a field group
Creates a new group with the given name, if it does not already exists, and adds any specified fields and access control entries to it. If the fields does not exist, they will be created. Furthermore any additional data for the fields will be set as well.
Delete a field group
Deletes the group with the given name.
Retrieve an access control list
Returns the access control list that is applied to the specified field or group.
Create an access control entry
Creates an entry in the access control list and returns the created entry together with its id.
Delete an access control entry
Removes the access control entry with the specified id.
Retrieve user access to field group
Retrieves the permission for a specific user to a field group and the field groups and fields part of that group.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Add a field to a group
Adds the field with the specified name to the group. If the field is already contained within the group this operation does nothing.
Remove a field from a group
Removes the field with the specified name from the group.
Add a group to a group
Adds the group with the specified name to the group. If the group is already contained within the group this operation does nothing.
Remove a group from a group
Removes the group with the specified name from the group.
Retrieve user access to all fields
Retrieves the permission for a specific user to all fields.
Retrieve terse metadata schema
Retrieves the schema that defines terse metadata. This schema is dynamically generated based on the fields present in the system.
Retrieve a metadata field
Returns information about a specific metadata field definition.
Update or create a metadata field
Updates or creates a metadata field definition.
Delete a metadata field
Removes the metadata field definition. Note that this action may invalidate existing metadata.
Retrieve an access control list
Returns the access control list that is applied to the specified field or group.
Create an access control entry
Creates an entry in the access control list and returns the created entry together with its id.
Delete an access control entry
Removes the access control entry with the specified id.
Retrieve the enumeration for field given some constraints
Returns the allowed values for a field based on the defined metadata dataset on the field.
Retrieve user access to field
Retrieves the permission for a specific user to a field.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Retrieve the enumeration for a field
Retrieves the value enumeration for a specific field.
Set the enumeration for a field
Sets the value enumeration for a specific field.
Retrieve the schema
Retrieves the full metadata schema.
Update the schema
Updates the schema with the given document.
Delete the schema
Clears the schema, causing no validation to be made.
Retrieve a group from the schema
Retrieves the schema for a particular group.
Update a group in the schema
Updates the specified group in the schema
Remove a group from the schema
Removes the group from the schema.
List all datasets
Retrieves the list of metadata datasets.
Retrieve a dataset
Retrieves the metadata dataset with the specified name. The returned serialization format of the RDF model is `RDF/XML` or `TURTLE` depending on the request header.
Update or create a dataset
Updates or creates the existing dataset with the specified name.
Delete a dataset
Removes the metadata dataset with the specified name.
List all metadata migrations
Lists all metadata migrations defined in the system.
Create a metadata migration
Creates a new metadata migration.
Retrieve a metadata migration
Shows a single metadata migration.
Retrieve metadata by UUID
Retrieves the metadata entry that matches the UUID.
Remove metadata by UUID
Removes the metadata with the specified UUID.
List all notifications that exists within an entire resource
Lists URIs to all notifications that exists within the given resource.
Create a notification that is applied to the entire resource
Adds a notification that is applied to an entire resource
Delete all notifications that exists within an entire resource
Removes all notifications that exists within the specified resource.
Retrieve a notification
Retrieves a particular notification with the given id.
Change a particular notification on a whole entity
Change the action and/or trigger of the notification that exists within the given resource.
Delete a notification
Removes a particular notification with the given id.
List all thumbnails
Returns thumbnail URIs on which further requests may be performed.
Delete all thumbnails
Remove all thumbnails handled by this resource.
Retrieve the image representation
Return the image representation of this thumbnail.
Update or create a thumbnail
Create a new thumbnail at the specified time code. If a thumbnail with the specified time code already exists it is replaced.
Delete a thumbnail
Remove this thumbnail.
Export a thumbnail
Starts a job that writes the thumbnail or poster to a specific destination.
List all projections
Returns a list of all defined projections.
Delete a projection
Removes the projection.
Retrieve an incoming projection
Returns the projection use to transform information *to* the Vidispine API, `PUT metadata`.
Update or create an incoming projection
Creates a new projection if not defined earlier, and sets the incoming projection to the specified stylesheet. If a new projection is created, the outgoing transformation is set to be the identity transform.
Retrieve an outgoing projection
Returns the projection use to transform information *from* the Vidispine API, `GET metadata`.
Update or create an outgoing projection
Creates a new projection if not defined earlier, and sets the outgoing projection to the specified stylesheet. If a new projection is created, the incoming transformation is set to be the identity transform.
List all quota rules
Returns the quota rules that exist in the system.
Create a quota rule
Creates a quota rule with the filters and resource limits as specified in the quota rule document.
Retrieve a quota rule
Retrieves a specific quota rule.
Delete a quota rule
Deletes the quota rule.
Evaluate a quota rule
Immediately calculates the resource usage as defined by a quota rule.
Retrieve reindex status
Gets information about a reindex process, i.e., progress and whether it is finished.
Request a reindex
Starts a reindex. If a reindex of the same type is already in progress, it is restarted. The types than can be reindexed are: item, collection, ACL, file, thumbnail and document.
Create multiple item relations
Generates multiple relations at once. Each relation has a `source` and a `target`, and the direction can take the value `U`, if not set it generates a directional relation from `source` to `target`. For example:
Retrieve an item relation
Retrieves the relation with the id `relation-id`.
Update an item relation
Updates the relation metadata for a relation with the id `relation-id`. Query parameters of the form `key=value` are used to modify the metadata of the relation.
Delete an item relation
Deletes the relation with the id `relation-id`.
List all resource types
Retrieves the available resource types.
List all resources
Retrieves the resources of the given type that have been configured.
Create a resource
Create a new resource.
Retrieve a resource
Retrieves information on a specific resource.
Modify a resource
Updates an existing resource.
Delete a resource
Deletes the resource. All connection from other resources to the resource will become invalid.
View resource status
Retrieves the status of a specific resource.
Trigger LDAP synchronization
Triggers a synchronization of users and groups. If users and groups are already synchronizing, than this will have no effect.
List all scheduled requests
Retrieves all known scheduled requests for the current user.
Delete all scheduled requests
Deletes all scheduled requests for the current user.
Retrieve a scheduled request
Retrieves the request that matches the specified id.
Delete a scheduled request
Deletes the scheduled request with the specified id.
Retrieve the response body
Retrieves the response body of the scheduled request. This can only be called if the state of the request is either SUCCESS or BAD_REQUEST. The content-type is the same that was returned when the request was processed.
Search items and collections
Searches items and collections with a shared search query.
Autocomplete text
Requests suggestion matching text in all or a specific metadata field.
Search files
Searches files. Using GET is identical as performing a search with an empty search document.
Optimize the search index
Submits an optimize request to Solr. This request can be made to block until the optimize request has completed using the `blocking` parameter.
Search shapes
Searches shapes. Using GET is identical as performing a search with an empty search document.
Execute all self tests
Executes all the self tests.
Execute a self test
Executes the test with the specified name.
Export a project or sequence
Exports the sequence or project to the requested output format and saves the result at the given location. For POST /sequence/export the sequence must be specified in the request document.
Render a standalone sequence
Creates a new job that renders the given sequence. A new item will be created containing a shape with the rendered result once the job is finished.
List all shape tags
Retrieves all shape tags known by the system.
List all storage rules for an entity
Retrieves all storage rules that are applied on a certain entity in a certain resource.
Set a default rule
Sets the default rule.
Delete a default rule
Deletes the default rule.
Retrieve a a storage rule
Returns the rule that is applied to a certain shape tag.
Set a storage rule
Updates a storage rule applied to a certain shape tag.
Delete a storage rule
Deletes a specific rule.
Retrieve a shape tag
Retrieves the transcode preset of shape tag with the given tag name.
Update or create a shape tag
Creates a new shape tag with the given tag name. If the tag already exists, its transcode preset will be updated.
Delete a shape tag
Deletes a shape tag with the given tag name.
Test a script
Tests the script of the shape tag with the specified shape as input and returns the resulting preset.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Retrieve the script for a shape tag
Retrieves the script of the shape tag.
Update or create the script for a shape tag
Sets a script for the shape tag.
Remove the script for a shape tag
Unsets the script for the shape tag.
List all sites
Retrieves the ids of the sites that have been configured.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Retrieve a site
Retrieves the definition for a specific site.
Update or create a site
Adds a new site using the given site definition. The only supported value for `syncPolicy` is currently `ONDEMAND`.
List all storages
Retrieves the storages that have been configured.
Create a storage
Creates a new storage.
List all storage rules
Retrieves all storage-rules that matches the given parameters.
Retrieve all auto-import rules
Returns all known auto-import rules.
List all files in a storage
Retrieves the files for all or a specific storage. There is a limit on how many files that can be returned for each call to this method. To get all files, iterate the calls.
Register a file
Creates a file entity in the database. Does not create any physical files. Either a storage id and path or an absolute URI may be given.
Upload a file to a storage
Creates a new file on a specific storage, with the given file data.
Import a storage definition
Creates a new storage based on the *StorageImportDocument*. A file entity will be created for each entry in the document, if a file with that ID does not already exist. Finally, a storage method will be added, with the path supplied in the call.
List all files that can be imported
Retrieves a list of files, together with any found metadata, for files that do not belong to any component. Same query parameters as for `GET {storage-resource}/file`.
List all storage groups
Retrieves all storage groups known by the system.
List all storages within a group
Lists all storages belonging to a certain group.
Create a storage group
Creates a new storage group with the specified name. If the group already exists this operation does nothing.
Delete a storage group
Removes the storage group with the given name. Note that this operation does not remove the actual storages contained in the group.
Add a storage to a group
Adds a storage to a group. If that group already contains the specified storage this operation does nothing.
Remove a storage from a group
Removes a storage from a group.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Retrieve a storage
Retrieves a specific storage.
Update a storage
Updates an existing storage.
Delete a storage
Deletes the storage. All files in storage will remain after call, but the Vidispine system will no longer manage them.
Retrieve an auto-import rule
Returns the auto-import rule for a storage if there is one.
Set an auto-import rule
Sets the auto-import rule for the specified storage.
Delete an auto-import rule
Removes any auto-import rule that might exist on the storage.
Disable an auto-import rule
Stops auto-import jobs from being created for new files on this storage.
Enable an auto-import rule
Resumes creation of auto-import jobs for files on this storage.
Evacuate a storage
Trigger evacuation of a storage.
Cancel evacuation of a storage
Cancel the evacuation process on a storage.
Export a storage definition
Creates a *StorageImportDocument* that describes every file on the storage. This should be saved to a file which can later be used to import the storage definition.
Register a file
Creates a file entity in the database. Does not create any physical files. Either a storage id and path or an absolute URI may be given.
Upload a file to a storage
Creates a new file on a specific storage, with the given file data.
Retrieve the amount of free space on a storage
Retrieves the amount of free space on the storage.
List all files that can be imported
Retrieves a list of files, together with any found metadata, for files that do not belong to any component. Same query parameters as for `GET {storage-resource}/file`.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
List storage methods
Retrieves the access methods configured on a specific storage.
Update or create a storage method
Adds a new access method to the storage. If URL matches an existing method, a new method is not created, instead the existing one is updated.
Retrieve a storage method
Retrieves a specific access method to storage.
Create/update a storage method
Updates access method to the storage.
Delete a storage method
Removes an access method from a storage.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Rescan a storage
Triggers a rescan of a single storage. The `scanInterval` property can be used to control how often (in seconds) a storage is scanned. Default is `60`. By setting `scanInterval` to `-1` storage scans will be disabled. By calling `/rescan`, the system is forced to rescan a storage without delay.
Retrieve the storage status
Retrieves the status of the storage.
Update the storage type
Sets the type of the storage.
Retrieve task definitions
Retrieves all tasks that have been defined in the system.
Define new task
Defines one or more new tasks.
Retrieve task definitions by type
Retrieves the tasks that have been defined for a specific job type.
Create a new custom job type
Creates a new job type with the specified name. The recommended format of the `type` path parameter is `{VENDOR_PREFIX}_{JOB_TYPE}`.
Delete a custom job type
Deletes the job type with the specified name. This will only work for custom job types. System defined job types cannot be deleted.
Get job graph
Shows the dependencies of the tasks of a specified job type.
Get job graph as DOT file
Shows the dependencies of the tasks of a specified job type in DOT format, for further processing.
Retrieve a task
Retrieves the definition document for a task with a specific id.
Update an existing task
Updates the task.
Delete a task
Deletes the task.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Retrieve the script for a task definition
Retrieves the script of the task definition.
Set a script for a shape tag
Sets a script for the task definition.
Validate a task
Verifies that the bean referred to in the task can be resolved and that it contains the specified method. Does nothing if the task is a script task.
Retrieve a task
Retrieves the definition document for a task with a specific id.
Update an existing task
Updates the task.
Delete a task
Deletes the task.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Retrieve the script for a task definition
Retrieves the script of the task definition.
Set a script for a shape tag
Sets a script for the task definition.
Validate a task
Verifies that the bean referred to in the task can be resolved and that it contains the specified method. Does nothing if the task is a script task.
List all task groups
Retrieves all task groups that have been defined in the system.
Delete all task groups
Deletes all task groups. Note that this only deletes the task groups. It will not remove any transcoders or other resources that are in the groups.
Retrieve a task group
Retrieves the task group document for a task group with a specific name.
Update or create a task group
Updates or creates the task group with the given name.
Delete a task group
Deletes the task group. Note that this only deletes the task group. It will not remove any transcoders or other resources that are in the group.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Add a transcoder to a task group
Adds the transcoder to the specified task group.
Remove a transcoder from a task group
Removes a transcoder from the specified task group.
List all thumbnails
Returns thumbnail URIs on which further requests may be performed.
Delete all thumbnails
Remove all thumbnails handled by this resource.
Retrieve the image representation
Return the image representation of this thumbnail.
Update or create a thumbnail
Create a new thumbnail at the specified time code. If a thumbnail with the specified time code already exists it is replaced.
Delete a thumbnail
Remove this thumbnail.
Export a thumbnail
Starts a job that writes the thumbnail or poster to a specific destination.
Retrieve an authentication token
Creates a authentication token for the calling user. This token can be used for calling the API without specifying username or password. Useful when users authenticate using an alias and the actual username of the user is not known.
List all transfers
Returns all transfers that are in a particular state.
Retrieve a transfer
Retrieves a specific transfer.
Update the priority of a transfer
Sets a new priority for a specific transfer.
List all users
Retrieves a list of all known users.
Create a user
Creates a new user based on the information in the *UserDocument*.
Search users
Simple search of fields `username`, `realname`, `groupname` and metadata. Changed in version 5.1: Support for searching using `groupname` was added.
Retrieve the user graph
Shows the relationships of users and groups.
Retrieve the user graph as dot file
Shows the relationships of users and groups in dot format, for further processing.
Retrieve a user
Returns a specific user.
Update a user
Updates a user based on the information in the *UserDocument*. The username of a user can be changed by providing a different username in the given user document.
Disable a user
Disables a user with the given username, rendering that user unable to login.
See access control entries for user
Returns an *AccessControlListDocument* of all access entries that apply for the specified user. Entity type and entity id can be found in the `loc` field of the *AccessControlDocument*.
Create an alias
Adds a new user alias for the specified user.
Delete an alias
Removes the specific user alias.
List all roles and groups for a user
Retrieves a list of all the groups a user belongs to, as well as all roles the user is in.
Re-enable a user
Re-enables a user with the given username, that has previously been disabled.
List all groups for a user
Retrieves a list of all the groups a user belongs to.
Add a user to multiple groups
Adds a to multiple to groups. If the move parameter is set to `true`, it will cause the user to be moved to the specified groups.
List all access keys for a user
Retrieves the access keys for the specified user.
Create an access key
Generates a new access key and secret for the specified user. The only time the access key secret will be available is in the response of this request.
Retrieve an access key
Retrieves a specific access key.
Update an access key
Updates the name and/or status of a specific access key.
Delete an access key
Removes the specific access key.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Update the password of a user
Changes the password for a user. Hashed passwords are assumed to be represented as hexadecimal strings. Any hashed passwords need to be salted using the salt of the user.
Retrieve the salt of a user
Retrieves the salt of the specified user.
Generate a salt for a user
Generates a new salt for the user, overwriting any existing salt. Note that this will invalidate any set password for the user and requires a new password to be set for the user to be able to login. This method is typically not relevant if passwords are updated using plaintext.
Retrieve the real name of a user
Returns the real name of a user.
Update the real name of a user
Changes the real name of a user.
List all roles for a user
Returns a list of all the roles a user has.
Retrieve an authentication token for a specific user
Creates a authentication token for a user. This token can be used for calling the API without specifying username or password. The username path parameter must match the calling user's credentials, unless the calling user has `_administrator` role.
Validate the password of a user
Validates the given password against the password of the user. Hashed passwords are assumed to be represented as hexadecimal strings. Another option to validate the user credentials is to call whoami. Any hashed passwords need to be salted using the salt of the user.
Retrieve version and license information
Display your license allowance and current system usage. The `systemInfo` element in the response shows the MAC addresses discovered on the local system. The MAC-address(es) in the license key must match that/those of your system.
Retrieve log files
Retrieves a zip file with the various service log files.
List all log report jobs
Return information about all jobs that have not expired.
Start a log report job
Starts a log report job that collects service log files into a zip file.
Retrieve a log report job
Return information about specified job.
Delete a log report job
Deletes a job and the report created.
Start an upload
Starts upload.
Abort an upload
Aborts upload process.
Retrieve files in job
Return file information about specified job.
List all services
Return all Vidispine services and their status and load.
Disable all services
Disables all services. No instance in the cluster will run any services.
Enable all services
Enables all disabled services.
Retrieve a service
Return a specific Vidispine service and its status and load.
Disable a service
Disables this service. No instance in the cluster will run this service.
Enable a service
Enables this service if disabled.
Retrieve service stack trace
Returns a stack trace from the system.
List all server agents
Returns all VSAs.
Register a server agent
Registers a new VSA node in the system.
Retrieve a server agent
Retrieves a specific VSA. As an alternative to the UUID, the name of the VSA can be used instead. The name syntax only works if the name is unique among the VSAs.
Delete a server agent
Removes the VSA from the system
Retrieve the server agent configuration
Returns the client-side configuration of the VSA.
Return the current user
Validates the currently used credentials and returns the calling users username.
List all locks for an entity
Retrieves a list of deletion locks on the entity.
Create a lock
Creates new deletion lock based on the information in the *DeletionLockDocument*.
Retrieve a lock for an entity
Returns a specific lock.
Update a lock
Updates a lock based on the information in the *DeletionLockDocument*.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
List all notifications that exists within an entire resource
Lists URIs to all notifications that exists within the given resource.
Create a notification that is applied to the entire resource
Adds a notification that is applied to an entire resource
Delete all notifications that exists within an entire resource
Removes all notifications that exists within the specified resource.
Retrieve a notification
Retrieves a particular notification with the given id.
Change a particular notification on a whole entity
Change the action and/or trigger of the notification that exists within the given resource.
Delete a notification
Removes a particular notification with the given id.
Retrieve all external ids for an entity
Retrieves all external ids that are assigned to a particular entity.
Clear all external ids for an entity
Clears all external identifiers that are registered with an entity.
Create a new external id
Creates a new external id for the specified entity.
Remove an external id
Removes the external identifier from a specific entity.
List all site rules for an entity
Retrieves all site rules for the given entity/entities.
Create a site rule
Creates a new site rule for an entity.
Retrieve a site rule
Retrieves a specific site rule.
Update a site rule
Updates a site rule.
Delete a site rule
Deletes a site rule.
Retrieve the access control list for an entity
Retrieves the entire access control list for the specified entity.
Create an access control entry
Adds a new access control entry for the specified entity.
Create multiple entry access control entries
Adds multiple new access control entries to the specified entity.
Delete multiple access control entries
Deletes multiple access control entries by id.
Retrieve the access graph
Shows the entity and any ancestor collections or libraries and the access controls on each. The access-entity can be item or collection (library is not implemented).
Retrieve the access graph as dot file
Shows the entity and any ancestor collections or libraries and the access controls on each. The access-entity can be item or collection (library is not implemented).
Update the owner of an entity
Update the owner of the specified entity to the specified user.
Retrieve an access control entry
Retrieves the desired access control entry.
Delete an access control entry
Removes the desired access control entry.
List all locks for an entity
Retrieves a list of deletion locks on the entity.
Create a lock
Creates new deletion lock based on the information in the *DeletionLockDocument*.
Retrieve a lock for an entity
Returns a specific lock.
Update a lock
Updates a lock based on the information in the *DeletionLockDocument*.
Retrieve all metadata
Retrieves all key-value pairs associated with the specified entity.
Create multiple key-value pairs
Sets all the specified key-value pairs.
Delete all key-value pairs
Clears all key-value pairs for the specified entity.
Retrieve the metadata for a specific key
Retrieves the value of a specific key. If a key path is specified, exactly one key-value pair must match the key path, else an error is returned. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Set the value for a specific key
Sets the value for a specific key. The key path may not contain wildcards.
Delete key-value pairs
Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key. If a key path is given, it may include wildcards for deleting multiple keys. Key paths can also be specified as well as specific keys.
Retrieve all external ids for an entity
Retrieves all external ids that are assigned to a particular entity.
Clear all external ids for an entity
Clears all external identifiers that are registered with an entity.
Create a new external id
Creates a new external id for the specified entity.
Remove an external id
Removes the external identifier from a specific entity.
List the applied access control entries for an entity
Retrieves a list of all access control entries that affects each user for a given entity. This includes all access derived from the user's group memberships, and from the entity's inclusion in collections or libraries. There are two modes of operation, either retrieving the access on the item for all users or querying for the access of a specific user. In the former case no parameters are specified and in the latter all parameters must be supplied. The `access` element of the *AccessControlMergedDocument* includes the following fields: The entries are listed grouped by user, in order of rank for each user.
List the applied access control entries that affects groups
Lists groups that have access to an entity. Even though a user belongs to a group that has access to an entity, the user may not have access due to other access control entries that take precedence. Groups without users will not appear, unless the group belongs to an inheritance hierarchy that has users.
Retrieve metadata
Returns the metadata set for an entity. This means all metadata change sets, combined, and then filtered according to query parameters. Conflicts are normally returned with all possible values. With conflict=no, a user interface may choose to receive only one value; i.e., automatic conflict resolution will be enforced. The conflict resolution is only applied to the returned XML document, not to metadata in database.
Create a metadata change set
Sets the metadata for an entity, or, more specifically, creates a metadata change set for an entity. The metadata change set binds to different intervals, tracks, and languages, which can be specified either in the URL or in the XML. Providing an empty timespan or an empty field will be interpreted as the removal of any existing element that matches. Fields specified by the system will not be removed by this action. The revision can either be specified in the input XML/JSON or as a query parameter. If it is not set at all, it will attempt to override any existing values.
List all change sets
Retrieves change sets that have been applied to the metadata.
Update multiple change sets
Replaces the metadata in the specified change sets with the given data.
Trim multiple change sets
Removes fields and values from the change set(s) that did not result in an actual change of the metadata. Note that if all fields of a change set are removed, then the change set will also be removed.
Retrieve a change set
Retrieves a specific change set.
Update a change set
Replaces the contents of a change set with the specified id with the metadata given in the document.
Delete a change set
Deletes an entire change set.
Compare two change sets
Retrieves a metadata document containing the differences between the entity metadata as of revision `changeset-id` compared to the metadata as of revision `from-changeset-id`. The `mode` attribute is used to indicate if a field, field group or value has been added or removed. Note: This should be seen as a diff between the metadata as it was between the two revisions, meaning that for example fields or field groups that have been added and then removed in between will not be shown.
Trim a change set
Removes fields and values from the change set(s) that did not result in an actual change of the metadata. Note that if all fields of a change set are removed, then the change set will also be removed.
Modify multiple metadata entries
Modifies multiple metadata fields/groups/values by UUID.
Modify a metadata entry
Modifies a specific metadata field/group/value by UUID.
Retrieve the metadata graph
Shows fields and values and their history as a graph.
Retrieve the metadata graph as dot file
Shows fields and values and their history in dot format, for further processing.
Move metadata
Moves the specified field or group from one timespan to another. There are some restrictions to this operation:
List all notifications that exists for a particular entity
Lists URIs to all notifications that exists for a given entity.
Create a notification that is applied to a particular entity
Adds a notification to the given entity.
Delete all notifications that is applied to a particular entity
Removes all notifications that exists within the specified entity.
Retrieve a notification
Retrieves a particular notification with the given id.
Change a particular notification on a specific entity
Change the action and/or trigger of the notification that exists within the given resource.
Delete a notification
Removes a particular notification with the given id.
Retrieve all external ids for an entity
Retrieves all external ids that are assigned to a particular entity.
Clear all external ids for an entity
Clears all external identifiers that are registered with an entity.
Create a new external id
Creates a new external id for the specified entity.
Remove an external id
Removes the external identifier from a specific entity.
List all site rules for an entity
Retrieves all site rules for the given entity/entities.
Create a site rule
Creates a new site rule for an entity.
Retrieve a site rule
Retrieves a specific site rule.
Update a site rule
Updates a site rule.
Delete a site rule
Deletes a site rule.
List all storage rules for an entity
Retrieves all storage rules that are applied on a certain entity in a certain resource.
Set a default rule
Sets the default rule.
Delete a default rule
Deletes the default rule.
Retrieve a a storage rule
Returns the rule that is applied to a certain shape tag.
Set a storage rule
Updates a storage rule applied to a certain shape tag.
Delete a storage rule
Deletes a specific rule.
List all locking containers
Returns all locking containers.
Create a locking container
Creates a new locking container, optionally with initial locks.
Retrieve a locking container
Returns information about specified locking container.
Update a locking container
Add new fields to the locking container and/or updates the expiry time.
Delete a locking container
Remove the locking container and all locks associated with it.
1 week ago