
Venera Quasar® stands as the pioneering file QC service developed directly for cloud architecture. Encompassing all the cutting-edge elements of Pulsar – the industry's most effective software for audio and video quality control – Quasar's video quality examiner guarantees the swiftest QC rate achievable within the cloud environment.

Beyond just ensuring the safety of your content via IAM cross-account roles, whitelisting, and pre-authenticated URLs, Quasar represents the utmost in advanced cloud-based video QC software. It offers support for sophisticated attributes like HDR, IMF/DCP analysis, Adaptive Bitrate QC, Harding PSE, and more. Quasar's File QC capability is invaluable for validating content prior to submission to major VOD platforms.

Supported Operations

Account Information API

Get account status and credits

Retrieve account status and available credits for the specified account ID.

Get associated plan details of the account

Retrieve associated plan details for the specified account ID.

Get monthly usage information of user

Retrieve monthly usage information for the specified account ID.

Job Monitoring and Searching API

Get job status corresponding to a query

Retrieve job status corresponding to a query for the specified account ID.

Job Posting and Manipulating API

Cancel verification of posted/running jobs

Cancel verification for posted/running jobs associated with the specified account ID.

Post a new verification job

Post a new verification job for the specified account ID.

Job Reporting API

Get jobs PDF report link corresponding to a query

Retrieve the link to a PDF report corresponding to a query for the specified account ID.

Get jobs report link (xml/json) corresponding to a query

Retrieve the links to job reports (XML/JSON) corresponding to a query for the specified account ID.

Service Management API

Initialize the Quasar service for a specific user

Initialize the Quasar service for a specific user identified by the provided account ID.

Stop the application service and bring the service state to Not Initialized

Stop the application service and transition its state to "Not Initialized" for the specified account ID.

System monitoring and configuring API

Configure system settings for the specified account ID.

Configure the system by adding or updating fields in system settings

Get Quasar job status count for the specified account ID.

Get the current count of the Quasar running and waiting jobs

Get the current status of the Quasar service

Retrieve the current status of the Quasar service for the specified account ID.

Template Searching API

Return the list of templates

Call this API to return the list of templates available in the Quasar service, created by the user. By default, General and Adaptive Bit Rate templates will be returned in the response.


This item is available for early access. It is still in development and may contain experimental features or limitations.

Last Update

1 week ago
