
THEOlive allows you to stream video real-time to your viewers, and to get started in minutes instead of days or weeks. Leveraging the High Efficiency Streaming Protocol, THEOlive aims to provide real-time streaming to large audiences, with high quality video, up to HD 1080p.

Sports & Gaming

Real-time streaming for sports and e-sports is key to avoid spoiler effects. Seeing a goal 30 seconds after you have received a notification on social media or a text message from friends is a fiasco for many sports fans. The same is true for viewers who watch live streaming of e-sports. Of course online video games also require real-time streaming for the gamers, to be able to interact with other gamers, and to make sure that they are not behind the enemy!

Online Betting

Having a virtual seat at the table of a casino requires high-quality video and fluent interaction with the other players. When these two elements are not present, it will affect the user experience. Moreover, ultra-low latency will ensure that all players see the turn of the cards in real-time, and can place bets more quickly, which ultimately increases the number of hands that can be played.

Live Auctions

Auctions move fast, and even latencies of 2 or 3 seconds in the online bidding process could result in someone being outbid by persons physically attending the auction. For live auctions real-time streaming is also important to make sure online biddings are recorded on time for the auctioneer to be able to take them into account.

Virtual Events

Events such as fairs, conferences, sports activities, music concerts etc. are not just organized physically anymore. Over the last years virtual events have gained a lot of interest, either as an alternative to physical events, or to expand the audience with hundreds or thousands by offering an online experience as well as the "normal" offline experience. Real-time streaming enables these virtual participants to easily interact with other participants and presenters, avoiding delayed speeches, and allowing them to participate in live Q&A sessions.


The benefits and interactive possibilities of remote education has grown exponentially in the minds of teachers these last years. Due to the COVID pandemic, teachers have been streaming lessons to their students as an alternative way to safeguard the continuity of education. However, transforming the teacher's way of working is not easy. The quality of education must not suffer because of the used technology. Students and teachers need to be able to ask live questions and interact with each other. Real-time streaming is the key in enabling this interaction.

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Last Update

6 months ago
