
Tenovos is a data-first digital asset management platform, intuitively designed to empower brands to streamline and automate the traditional complexities of creating and activating global content. Tenovos takes your assets and dynamically optimizes them for the channels and platforms you care about. It then uses real-time data insights to help users make better content decisions, and measure and optimize performance of their assets no matter where they are.

Supported Operations

Tenovos ASM API

Get details about an invoked Action.

Retrieve an Action by specifying an **Object ID** or **File ID** in the request path. The user requesting the Action must have view access to the Action in order to retrieve the Action.

Create an Asset.

Create a **new Asset** or create a **new Version** of an existing Asset. Once the new Asset or Asset Version is created, a new Object ID is returned to identify the new Asset / Asset Version. Once the Asset is created, the Asset is considered a metadata-only Asset until a corresponding content file is uploaded. The content file size must be less than or equal to 5GB. After invoking the Create Asset service, the response shall include a signed URL to upload the content file. The upload should be performed using a PUT request with the file content attached as binary data in the request body. The user submitting the request to create an Asset must have the **Upload** Security Role Privilege and be granted access to at least one Security Template to assign to the new Asset.

Bulk edit one or more Assets.

Perform Metadata Attribute edits and/or reassign Security Templates in bulk to one or more Assets. Assets are identified by Object ID. If multiple Assets are specified, the same metadata and/or security edits will be applied to all Assets in the request. Each Metadata Attribute is identified by a Metadata Definition ID. The user performing the bulk edit must have the **Edit Metadata** permission granted on each Asset being edited.

Exposes Content.

Complete/Cancel multipart upload once all parts are uploaded.

Assign an image or PDF to be the new preview for one or more Assets.

Generate a request to upload an image or PDF file to be the new preview for one or more Assets. Supported preview image formats include: GIF, JPG, PNG, and TIFF. If a PDF file is uploaded to be the preview for a document Asset, then the PDF will also be displayed in the Asset Detail page as the multi-page PDF preview. After submitting the request to replace an Asset preview, The user replacing the Asset previews must be granted the **Replace Mezzanine** and **Upload** User Role Permissions and **View** Security Template Permission on the Assets being updated. For Federated Assets, if user provides optional *contentPaths* key in request body, then files refernced in contentPaths *rendition-named-keys* are used as renditions.

Exposes Content.

Exposes Asset's pre-signed urls with expiration time given in seconds Asset being exposed needs to have a Security Template with **Download** permission and and User must have role with **Download** privilege.

Share a selection of Assets.

Share a selection of Assets to a user specified by Email address. The user sharing the Assets must be granted the **Download** Security Template permission on the Assets being shared.

Share or download transformation of an Assets.

Transform asset and download or share transformation with an email. If email is available then this API will share link (send email) of transformed file

Get a single Asset.

Retrieve an Asset by specifying an **Object ID** or **File ID** in the request path. The user requesting the Asset must have view access to the Asset in order to retrieve the Asset.

Update a single Asset.

Update the metadata attributes and/or the Security Template assignments for an Asset identified by Object ID. The Object ID must be specified in the request path. The user submitting the request must have edit access to the Asset.

Get the content file download link of an Asset.

Retrieve a presigned URL to the Asset's source file by Object ID. The user requesting the Asset's source file must have download access to the Asset.

Soft Delete or Undelete an Asset.

Soft delete or undelete an Asset. An Asset that has been soft-deleted can be later purged from the recycle bin. A soft-deleted Asset cannot be edited or downloaded. The user attempting to soft delete or undelete an Asset must be granted the **Delete** Security Template permission on the Asset.

Get latest version of an Asset.

Retrieve latest version of an Asset by specifying an **Object ID** in the request path. The user requesting the Asset must have view access to the Asset in order to retrieve the Asset.

Retrieve Asset relationsips associated with an Asset.

Retrieve all Asset relationships associated with an Asset specified by Object ID. In a relationship, the Asset can be a primary or secondary (related) Asset. For example, in a parent / derivative relationship, the primary Asset would be the **parent**, while the secondary Asset would be the **derivative**. Both the Object ID and relationship type for each Asset will be returned. Relationships will be retrieved where the Asset is a primary or secondary Asset. The user requesting the Asset relationships must have **View** access to both the primary Asset and the secondary Assets in order to retrieve the relationships.

Create a relationship between Assets.

Create a bidirectional relationship between a primary Asset and one or more secondary Assets. Asset relationships allow a user to quickly navigate from one Asset to another related Asset. The user attempting to create a relationship using Asset must be granted the **Relationship** Security Template permission on the Asset.

Remove a relationship between Assets.

Remove a relationship between a primary Asset and one or more secondary Assets. Specify the primary Asset Object ID as a path parameter. Specify the secondary Asset Object IDs and Link Types as an array in the request body. The user requesting the Asset relationships must have view access to both the primary Asset and the related Assets in order to relationships and the related Assets.

Update technical metadata of an asset.

Update technical metadata of an asset created with federated (Yes) attribute The user attempting to update technical metadata of asset must be granted the **Edit Metadata** asset permissions.

Get the version history of an Asset.

Retrieve a list of all versions of an Asset by specifying an **Object ID** or Original **File ID** in the request path. The user requesting the Asset must have view access to the Asset in order to retrieve the Asset version history.

Request tokens pair { access token, auth(id) token } used to invoke API operations.

Use this operation to request an access token to perform other API operations that require authorization. The authentication response includes an **accessToken** which is used as the AccessToken request header when performing any authenticated operation. This operation will also accept the previous authentication response as the request payload to return a refreshed access token. The access token expires after 1 hour and must be refreshed after expiration, using the included **refreshToken**. The refresh token can be used for up to 30 days to request new access tokens, or until the refresh token is revoked. Once the refresh token expires or is revoked, the user credentials must be provided again to generate a new access token and refresh token.

Request or refresh an access token used to invoke API operations.

Use this operation to request an access token to perform other API operations that require authorization. The authentication response includes an **accessToken** which is used as the AccessToken request header when performing any authenticated operation. This operation will also accept the previous authentication response as the request payload to return a refreshed access token. The access token expires after 1 hour and must be refreshed after expiration, using the included **refreshToken**. The refresh token can be used for up to 30 days to request new access tokens, or until the refresh token is revoked. Once the refresh token expires or is revoked, the user credentials must be provided again to generate a new access token and refresh token.

Expire an access token.

Expire an access token before the token's expiration date and revoke access to the system. Access tokens normally expire within an hour. This operation expires an access token upon request so that the token may no longer be used for future operations. The **Request Body** must be a JSON object. The following parameters are required to expire the access token: ``` { "endpointUrl": "URL", "clientId": "string", "userPoolId": "string", "username": "string", "password": "string", "session": { "accessToken": "string", "refreshToken": "string", "authorization": "string" } } ```

Create a Cart.

Create a cart and add assets to it. Assets in the collection are identified by FileID therefore **collectionDocument** contains **File ID**

Create a Collection.

Create a collection and add assets to it. Assets in the collection are identified by FileID therefore **collectionDocument** contains **File ID** The user should have **View** permission on assets to be added to the collection.

Get a single Collection and assigned Assets.

Retrieve a single Collection specified by Collection ID. The retrieved Collection may be either a public Collection or a private Collection created by the User. The Collection will include the list of Assets assigned to the Collection, referenced by Asset **File ID**. The User retrieving the Collection must have the **Collection** Security Role Privilege.

Update a Collection.

Update a Collection's attributes or assigned Assets. The list of existing assets is replaced with assets provided in the call. Assets in the collection are refrenced by Asset **FileID** therefore the **collectionDocument** must contain asset's **FileID**. The User editing the Collection must have the **Collection** Security Role Privilege. The User must have **View** access to the Assets that are being added to or removed from the Collection.

Delete a Collection.

User can delete the collection, but the Assets assigned to the Collection will remain and dissociate from this Collection. The User submitting the request to delete a private Collection must have the **Collection** and **Delete** Security Role Privilege. Public Collections may only be deleted by Users with the **Purge** Security Role Privilege.

Share all accessible Assets in a Collection.

Share the zip file of all accessible Assets in a collection and send to the specified emails in share users list. User can also send the custom share message along with request. The user sharing the Assets must be granted the **Download** and **Share** Security Template permission on the Assets being shared.

Get a parent Customer.

Retrieve the parent Customer profile information of a current user.

Apply the metadata definition changes.

Apply the metadata definition changes. Use this operation after making any modification in metadata. In response, it will contain the object of metadata definition attributes like id, name, type and search fields etc.

Retrieve all Metadata Templates available to the current User.

Retrieve all metadata templates available to the requesting user The user submitting the request must have administrator rights to view metadata templates.

Get Metadata Template by ID.

Retrieve the metadata template and its attributes list by template ID The user submitting the request to metadata template must have the **Metadata Template Management** security role privilege. In response, it will contain the metadata groups template have and each group metadata attributes list.

Retrieve all Controlled Vocabularies available to the current User.

Retrieve all the controlled vocabularies available to the current user. In response, it will contain the list of metadata key/value pair and metadata definition attributes like id, name, type and search fields etc.

Create a Controlled Vocabulary.

Create a Controlled Vocabulary. User must have permission to create a controlled vocabulary. In response, it will contain the object of metadata definition attributes like id, name, type and search fields etc.

Get Controlled Vocabulary by ID.

Retrieve the Controlled Vocabulary and its attributes by Controlled Vocabulary Id In response, it will contain the list of metadata key/value pair and metadata definition attributes like id, name, type and search fields etc.

Update a Controlled Vocabulary.

Update a Controlled Vocabulary. User must have permission to update a controlled vocabulary. In response, it will contain the object of metadata definition attributes like id, name, type and search fields etc.

Remove a Contolled Vocabulary.

Delete a Controlled Vocabulary.

Get workflow templates.

Get active workflow templates.

Get Proof Status.

Get Proof status and decison status

Search for Collections. Return a list of Collections.

Retrieve the collection list against the list of search terms/keywords. By default **AND** operation will be applied between the search terms. By default 50 collections will return, you can also set search offset by setting **from** attribute, for example for first page set **from** to zero and after that you set 50, 100, 150 and so on.

Perform a Keyword Search. Return a list of Assets.

To Retrieve the Assets list there is two types of searches available, **Simple Keyword Search:** Requesting user can get list of Assets against search terms/keywords list. For example ["keyword1", "keyword2"] **Facet Search:** Requesting user can get list of Assets against Facet value list. For example ["Facet: facet_value"] Requesting user can apply the combination of both seacrhes and if there is no keyword/facet in requesting body it will apply wildcard search. By default **AND** operation will be applied with search terms and/or facets. By default, up to 50 Assets will return from the search.You can also set search offset by setting the **from** property. For example, for the first page, set **from** to zero. After that set **from** to 50, 100, 150, etc.

Retrieve a list of Security Templates available to the current User.

User will get the list of Security Templates available to him. The user submitting the request must have administrator rights to view Security Templates. In response user will get a list, containing template names and their corresponding template id.

Get the current User's Profile.

Current user will get its profile information in response. User will also get ID of a role assign to him and a list of group IDs from which it belongs to.

Create a new User in system.

Current user will get its profile information in response. User will also get ID of a role assign to him and a list of group IDs from which it belongs to.

Get User Profile by ID.

Current user will get its profile information in response. User will also get ID of a role assign to him and a list of group IDs from which it belongs to.

Get workflow templates.

Get active workflow templates.

Last Update

6 months ago
