
DIVA software makes it easy for your organization to manage all your digital content across all of your broadcast, production and archive operations, and across multiple locations.

Create Lifecycle Media Asset Workflows

  • Optimize content storage and distribution through seamless integration with leading digital media technology
  • Maximize content value, facilitate advanced orchestration
  • Support use cases ranging from broadcasting, post-production to distribution and media asset archiving

Discover and Monetize Assets

  • Store media assets as objects with inline metadata capture
  • Enable users to search, discover, and monetize archived assets
  • Retrieve media assets fully or partially, saving operational time
  • Reduce cost of storage by making most effective use of different storage technologies

Collaborate across Teams & Systems

  • Manage and distribute content seamlessly between production and distribution sites around the globe
  • Form a globally distributed content storage repository
  • Increase efficiency and boost productivity
  • Become application agnostic by abstracting your storage management from the application layers—allows a user to choose best of breed applications for different departments

Accelerate Business Transformation

  • Manage vital media assets seamlessly between on-premise and cloud solutions
  • Analysis of current and historical asset movement to provide analytics and business intelligence
  • Focus on programs innovation and digital transformation rather than infrastructure management
Supported Operations

DIVA Core Manager API

Gets the list of all actor disks in the configuration.

Returns actor disk information for all actor disks in the configuration.

Creates an actor-disk connection in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of an actor-disk connection in the configuration.

Updates an actor-disk connection in the configuration.

Returns status for update of an actor-disk connection in the configuration.

Deletes an actor-disk connection.

Returns status for delete of an actor-disk connection from the configuration.

Gets the list of all actor drives.

Returns actor drive information for all actor drives in the configuration.

Creates an actor-drive connection in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of an actor-drive connection in the configuration.

Updates an actor-drive connection in the configuration.

Returns status for update of an actor-drive connection in the configuration.

Deletes an actor-drive connection from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of an actor-drive connection from the configuration.

Gets the list of all actor proxies in the configuration.

Returns actor proxy information for all actor-proxies in the configuration.

Creates an actor-proxy connection in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of an actor-proxy connection in the configuration.

Deletes an actor-proxy connection from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of an actor-proxy connection from the configuration.

Gets the list of all actors in the configuration.

Returns actor information for all actors in the configuration.

Creates an actor.

Returns status for creation of an actor in the configuration.

Updates an actor.

Returns status for update of an actor in the configuration.

Deletes an actor from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of an actor from the configuration.

Get the DIVA Protect configuration settings.

Returns the DIVA Protect configuration settings.

Updates the DIVA Protect configuration settings.

Returns status for update of the DIVA Protect configuration settings.

Gets the list of DIVA Protect event definitions in the configuration.

Returns DIVA Protect event definitions in the configuration.

Gets the list of DIVA Protect metric definitions in the configuration.

Returns DIVA Protect metric definitions in the configuration.

Inserts a new DIVA Protect metric into the configuration.

Returns status for insert of a new DIVA Protect metric definition. The options for collectionType may be retrieved from /analytics/configuration/metrics/collection/types. The options for collectionMetadataType may be retrieved from /analytics/configuration/metrics/collection/metadata. The options for weightType may be retrieved from /analytics/configuration/metrics/collection/weights. The options for collectedEvents may be retrieved from /analytics/configuration/metrics/collection/events. The options for resourceType may be retrieved from /analytics/configuration/metrics/collection/types. The options for collectionInterval may be retrieved from /analytics/configuration/metrics/aggregation/intervals.

Updates a DIVA Protect metric of the configuration.The options for collectionType may be retrieved from /analytics/configuration/metrics/collection/types. The options for collectionMetadataType may be retrieved from /analytics/configuration/metrics/collection/metadata. The options for weightType may be retrieved from /analytics/configuration/metrics/collection/weights. The options for collectedEvents may be retrieved from /analytics/configuration/metrics/collection/events. The options for resourceType may be retrieved from /analytics/configuration/metrics/collection/types. The options for collectionInterval may be retrieved from /analytics/configuration/metrics/aggregation/intervals.

Returns status for update of the DIVA Protect metric definition of the configuration.

Deletes a DIVA Protect metric definition from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of a DIVA Protect metric definition from the configuration.

Gets the list of DIVA Protect metric aggregation interval units in the configuration.

Returns DIVA Protect metric aggregation interval units in the configuration.

Gets the list of DIVA Protect metric aggregation resource types in the configuration.

Returns DIVA Protect metric collection weights in the configuration.

Gets the list of DIVA Protect metric collection events in the configuration.

Returns DIVA Protect metric collection events in the configuration.

Gets the list of DIVA Protect metric collection metadata in the configuration.

Returns DIVA Protect metric collection metadata in the configuration.

Gets the list of DIVA Protect metric collection types in the configuration.

Returns DIVA Protect metric collection types in the configuration.

Gets drive alert logs.

Returns list of drive alerts.

Gets analytics events.

Returns list of analytics events.

Gets the analytics event defintions list.

Returns a list of the analytics event defintions defined in DIVA Core.

Gets library alert logs.

Returns list of library alerts.

Get list of tape operations.

Returns a list of tape operations.

Gets a summary of the major tape operations.

Returns a summary containing the number of major tape operations.

Gets the list of all arrays in the configuration.

Returns array information for all arrays in the configuration.

Creates an array in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of an array in the configuration.

Updates an array in the configuration.

Returns status for update of an array in the configuration.

Deletes an array from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of an array from the configuration.

Get the DIVA Core configuration settings.

Returns the DIVA Core configuration settings.

Updates the DIVA Core configuration settings.

Returns status for update of the DIVA Core configuration settings.

Get the DIVA Core configuration (structured) settings.

Returns the DIVA Core configuration (structured) settings.

Gets the list of all disks in the configuration.

Returns disk information for all disks in the configuration.

Creates a disk.

Returns status for creation of a disk. NOTE: disk id is ignored for POST.

Updates a disk in the configuration.

Returns status for update of a disk in the configuration.

Deletes a disk from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of a disk from the configuration.

Get status of a scan disk service.

Returns the status of a scan disk service. If the service is NOT running, a state of STOPPED is returned.

Creates a scan disk service.

Creates a scan disk service. This call returns as soon as the command to create a scan disk service is submitted. This means the state of the service MAY have a value of STOPPED. To get the updated state, please call GET /disks/scans.

Deletes a scan disk service.

Deletes a scan disk service. This call returns as soon as the command to delete a scan disk service is submitted. This means the state of the service MAY have a value of RUNNING. To get the updated state, please call GET /disks/scans.

Get all scan disk events.

Returns all scan disk events.

Gets the list of all drives in the configuration.

Returns drive information for all drives in the configuration.

Synchronize drives from a specified robot or all robots if nothing is specified.

Returns status for synchronization of drives of a robot or all robots if nothing is specified.

Updates a drive in the configuration.

Returns status for update of a drive in the configuration.

Deletes a drive.

Returns status for delete of a drive from the configuration.

Updates multiple drives in the configuration at once.

Returns status for update of all specified drives in the configuration.

Gets the list of all drive types in the configuration.

Returns drive information for all drive types in the configuration.

Synchronizes drive types from all robots in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of drive types of all robots in the configuration. Name is used to match against the drive types found in all robots. The ID is ignored if specified. Only types found in robot manager are added. User must provide block size for each type found in the robot manager. Types found in the robot manager but missing from the body and types provided in the body but not found in the robot manager will both be skipped.

Deletes a drive type from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of a drive type from the configuration.

Gets the list of all missing (not yet configured) drive types in the configuration.

Returns drive information for all missing (not yet configured) drive types in the configuration.

Get events.

Returns all events.

Add an event to DIVA Core.

Returns status for creation of an event in DIVA Core.

Gets the list of all tape groups in the configuration.

Returns group information for all tape groups in the configuration.

Create a tape group in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of a tape group in the configuration.

Update a tape group in the configuration.

Returns status for update of a tape group in the configuration.

Deletes a group from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of a group from the configuration.

Gets active license information.

Returns current active license information.

Gets the list of all licenses.

Returns information for all licenses in the database.

Imports a license.

Returns status for import of a license.

Gets the list of all media compatibilities in the configuration.

Returns media compatibility information for all media compatibilities in the configuration.

Synchronizes media compatibilities from all robots.

Returns status for the creation of media compatibilities of all robots.

Updates a media compatibility in the configuration.

Returns status for update of a media compatibility in the configuration.

Deletes a media compatibility from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of a media compatibility from the configuration.

Gets the list of all media mappings in the configuration.

Returns media mapping information for all media mappings in the configuration.

Creates a media mapping in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of a media mapping in the configuration.

Updates a media mapping in the configuration.

Returns status for update of an media mapping in the configuration.

Deletes a media mapping from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of a media mapping from the configuration.

Assign a storage plan to a list of objects.

Assigns a storage plan to a list of objects.

Retrieves the object list by filename.

Returns the object list by file name.

Deletes a file.

Returns status for delete of a file.

Delete a file by collection (category) mask.

Returns status for delete of a file.

Retrieves the names of the files and folders for the specified object from DIVA Core. You set the startIndex to zero to get all of the file and folder names for an object. A list of names of the specified size is returned.

Returns the file and folders list for an object.

Gets object information for a specfic object.

Returns object information for a specfic object.

Gets linked objects for a specified object. If you want to get all child objects of the specified object, set children=true. If you want to get parents, set children=false. Setting BOTH Cascade Delete and Cascade Restore to true will ONLY return objects that are linked in BOTH ways. If you want to get all objects linked by delete OR restore, you must retrieve the lists separately.

Returns linked objects.

Links the specified parent object to the specified child object.

Returns status for link of an object.

Gets object information for all objects based on filter criteria.

Returns object information for objects.

Lock or Unlock the specified object, by enabling or disabling an object lock.

Returns status for lock/unlock of an object.

Require or Release the specified object by enabling/disabling a requirement for the object.

Returns status for require/release of an object.

Gets the list of all production systems in the configuration.

Returns production system information for all production systems in the configuration.

Creates a production system in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of a production system in the configuration.

Updates a production system in the configuration.

Returns status for update of a production system in the configuration.

Deletes a production system from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of a production system from the configuration.

List all requests.

Returns a list of requests.

Creates an archive request.

Submits an archive request to the DIVA Core Manager. This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Creates an associative copy request

Submits a request for creating new instances in the group (specified by group). DIVA Core guarantees that these instances are stored sequentially on tapes: - The request is completed only when every object is copied to the same tape. - In the case of drive or tape failure during a write operation, instances currently written are erased and the request is retried once. - The choice of the tape to be used for the copy follows the policy used for the archive operation (written tapes with enough remaining size regardless of optimizations). - Associative Copy does not span tapes - the request terminates (and is retried once) instead of spanning. The request terminates if the sum of the size of the objects to copy exceeds the capacity of every individual tape present in the library. This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Get Automatic Repack parameters.

Returns the list of automatic repack parameters.

Enable Automatic Repack

Enable or disable the automatic repack scheduling in the DIVA Core Manager. When the automatic repack scheduling is enabled.

Cancel the specified request

Submits a Cancel operation to the DIVArchive Manager.This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Creates a clone tape request

Submits a clone tape request to the DIVA Core Manager. This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Creates a copy to group request.

Submits a New Instance Creation request on the media specified by mediaName to the DIVA Core Manager, and the Manager chooses the appropriate instance to be created. The request will fail if the requested object is on media that is not available.This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Creates a copy to new object request

Submits a request for copying an archived object to a new object, with another name or category, to the DIVA Core Manager. The Manager chooses the appropriate instance as the source of the copy. The request will fail if the requested object is on an unavailable media. All types of transfers (disk to disk, disk to tape, tape to disk, and tape to tape) are supported. This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Creates a delete request

Submits an Object Delete Request to the DIVA Core Manager. The Manager deletes the specified instance OR every instance of the object if the instance is -1. This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Creates an eject tape request

Submits an Eject Request to the DIVA Core Manager. The request completes when the specified tapes are outside of the library. If at least one of the tapes does not exist, is already ejected, or currently in use by another request, an error is returned and no tapes are ejected.This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Creates an export tape request

Submits an export tape request to the DIVA Core Manager. This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Gets export tapes information for an a subsequent export request.

Returns export tapes information.

Get finished requests

Returns list of finished requests. Get all of the finished requests starting from the specified number of seconds before the present. Finished requests are requests that have completed normally or were terminated. Use this function as follows: If the list of requests to be processed is greater than the batch size, make successive calls. The first time the function is called, set initialTime to the desired number of seconds earlier, where the list is to start. The maximum is three days. For successive calls set initialTime to zero and set the uniqueId to the value returned by the previous call. The returned list will be empty after all of the requests have been returned.

Creates a Diva tape import request

Submits an import tape request to the DIVA Core Manager. Imports one or multiple exported tape metadata file or files. The file paths must exist in a location that the DIVA manager service can access. This call returns after the operation is completed. The status in the response body indicates if the operation was successful.

Creates an insert tape request

Submits an Insert request to the DIVA Core Manager. This request completes when the operator has entered the requested tapes into the library. The application is responsible for managing which tapes must be entered.This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Metadata DB Migration

Submits a request to migrate Meta Database. Migrates one or multiple metadata file or files. This call returns after the operation is completed. For new request the requestID and The status in the response body indicates if the operation was successful.

Creates a multiple restore request.

Submits an object Restore request to the DIVA Core Manager using several destinations. The DIVA Core Manager chooses the appropriate instance to be restored. The request will continue even if an error occurs with one of the destinations. This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Creates a partial restore request.

Submits a Partial Object Restore request to the DIVArchive Manager and the Manager chooses the appropriate instance to be restored. If the request was not accepted (for example, if the requested object is on media not currently available) the request will generate an error. The Manager will use the instanceID field to select the instance of the object to use for the Partial Restore operation. The Manager will choose an appropriate instance to restore if -1 is used. DIVA Core supports four types of Partial Restore (bytes, timecode (DIVA_FORMAT_VIDEO_*), files and folders and DPX). The default QOS is the default QOS of the server. If a default QOS is not specified for the server, then DIRECT AND CACHE is used. This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Get partial restore offsets by request identifier

Returns partial restore offsets for a completed request. If the format for the offsets was specified as timecodes, the offsets that are actually used may differ (somewhat) from what was specified in the request. Once the DIVA Core Partial File Restore request is complete, you can use this command to obtain the actual offsets of the restored files. This is a special purpose command that is valid only as follows: - The request number to be queried must be a partial file restore request that has been successfully completed. - The format specified in the partial file restore request may be a binary or timecode type. This command is therefore not valid when the format of the request was folder-based or DPX.

Creates an repack tape request

Submits a repack tape request to the DIVA Core Manager. This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Creates a restore request.

Submits an Object Restore request to the DIVA Core Manager and the Manager chooses the appropriate instance to be restored. If the requested object is on media that is not available, the request will fail.This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Creates a server delete request

Submits an Server Delete Request to the DIVA Core Manager.

Creates a stage request.

Submits a Stage request to the media specified by targetMedia. The request will fail if the requested object is on media that is not available.This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Creates a transcode archive request

Submits a TranscodeArchive request to the DIVA Core Manager. The original object will be restored to the local Actor cache, then transcoded to the format defined in the option field. A new object containing the transcoded clip will then be archived back to DIVA Core. This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Creates a transfer files request

Submits a Transfer files request to the DIVA Core Manager. This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Creates a verify tape request

Submits a verify tape request to the DIVA Core Manager. This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Get properties for a specified request.

Returns properties for a single request. The response body for an archive request will appear as follows: { "id": 3, "properties": { "additionalServices": "None", "comments": "", "qos": "Direct Only", "options": "-gcinfilelist MD5", "files": "op1a-mpeg2-wave_hd.mxf", "source": "sourcedest", "media": "divagrid", "filePathRoot": "random" } } The response body for a restore request will appear as follows: { "id": 4, "properties": { "additionalServices": "None", "qos": "Direct and Cache", "destination": "sourcedest", "instance": 0, "filePathRoot": "random" } } The response body for a copy to group request will appear as follows: { "id": 5, "properties": { "instance": 0, "media": "sourcedest" } } The response body for a delete instance request will appear as follows: { "id": 6, "properties": { "instance": 0 } } The response body for a copy to new object request will appear as follows: { "id": 6, "properties": { "media": "default" "comments": "" "options": "" } } The response body for a repack / clone request request will appear as follows: { "id": 6, "properties": { "source": "000000" "destination": "210000" } }

Get request by ID

Returns a single request

Update the priority of a request

Submits a Change Request Priority request to the DIVA Core Manager. This call returns as soon as the Manager accepts the request. The application must call GET \requests\{requestid} to check that the operation was successful.

Get events by request identifier.

Returns all events for a single request.

Gets the list of all robots in the configuration.

Returns robot information for all robots in the configuration.

Creates a robot in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of a robot in the configuration.

Updates a robot in the configuration.

Returns status for update of a robot in the configuration.

Deletes a robot.

Returns status for delete of a robot from the configuration.

Gets the list of all robot ACS in the configuration.

Returns all robot ACS associations in the configuration.

Synchronizes Robot ACS associations and add tape library information for each acs controlled by each robot.

This is an alias for POST /tapeLibraries.

Updates a Robot ACS association in the configuration.

Returns status for update of a Robot ACS association in the configuration. Note an invalid ACS or robot manager name will be ignored.

Deletes a Robot ACS association from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of a Robot ACS association from the configuration.

Gets the list of all DIVA Core roles.

A user may belong to one of five roles; sysadmin, admin, advoperator, operator, or user. The role of user may perform all basic GET operations including; POST /users/login POST /users/logout PUT /users/{userName}/password GET /profile PUT /profile GET /users GET /roles GET ANY RESOURCE (ex: GET /actors) An operator may perform all the operations of a user and: POST /requests/archive POST /requests/restore POST /requests/copy An advanced operator (advoperator) may perform all the operations of an operator and: PUT /requests POST /requests/transferFiles POST /requests/insertTape POST /requests/ejectTape POST /requests/repackTape POST /requests/exportTape POST /requests/importTape An administrator (admin) may perform all operations of an administrator and: POST /requests/delete POST /requests/serverDelete A system administrator (sysadmin) may perform all operations of an administrator and the following operations: POST /users DELETE /users GET /users GET /roles

Gets the list of all servers in the configuration.

Returns server information for all servers in the configuration.

Creates a server in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of a server in the configuration.

Updates a server in the configuration.

Returns status for update of a server in the configuration.

Deletes a server from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of an server from the configuration.

Gets the list of all sets in the configuration.

Returns set information for all sets in the configuration.

Gets the list of all sites in the configuration.

Returns site information for all sites in the configuration.

Creates a site in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of a site in the configuration.

Updates a site in the configuration.

Returns status for update of a site in the configuration.

Deletes a site by name from the configuration.

Returns status for deletion of a site from the configuration.

Gets the list of all storage plans in the configuration.

Returns storage plan information for all storage plans in the configuration.

Creates a storage plan in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of a storage plan in the configuration.

Updates a storage plan in the configuration

Returns status for update of a storage plan in the configuration.

Deletes a storage plan from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of a storage plan from the configuration.

Gets the list of all storage plan filters in the configuration.

Returns storage plan filter information for all storage plan filters in the configuration.

Creates a storage plan filter in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of a storage plan filter in the configuration.

Updates a storage plan filter in the configuration.

Returns status for update of a storage plan filter in the configuration.

Deletes a storage plan filter from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of a storage plan filter from the configuration.

Gets the list of all storage plan media in the configuration.

Returns storage plan medium information for all storage plan media in the configuration.

Creates a storage plan medium in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of an storage plan medium in the configuration.

Updates a storage plan medium from the configuration.

Returns status for update of a storage plan medium from the configuration.

Deletes a storage plan medium from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of a storage plan medium from the configuration.

Gets the list of all storage plan slots in the configuration.

Returns storage plan slot information for all storage plan slots in the configuration.

Creates a storage plan slot in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of an storage plan slot in the configuration.

Updates a storage plan slot in the configuration.

Returns status for update of a storage plan slot in the configuration.

Deletes a storage plan slot from the configuration

Returns status for delete of a storage plan slot from the configuration.

Gets the list of all storage accounts in the configuration.

Returns storage account information for all storage accounts in the configuration.

Creates a storage account in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of a storage accounts in the configuration.

Updates a storage account in the configuration.

Returns status for update of a storage account in the configuration.

Deletes a storage account by name from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of a storage account from the configuration.

Gets the DIVA Core system-level information.

Returns DIVA Core system's current state.

Gets status of the last DIVA Core configuration update.

Returns status of the last update to the configuration of DIVA Core.

Submits DIVA Core configuration update.

Submits a request to update the configuration of DIVA Core.

Gets the status of the last DIVA Core system reload.

Returns status of the last DIVA Core system reload.

Submits a DIVA Core system reload.

Returns status of a DIVA Core system reload.

Gets the list of all tape libraries in the configuration.

Returns tape library information for all tape libraries in the configuration.

Synchronizes Robot ACS associations and add tape library information for each ACS controlled by each robot.

Returns status for creation of tape libraries. Name is used to match against the tape libraries found in all robots. The ACS and Status are ignored if specified. Only libraries found in robot manager are added. Note, also adds robot-acs associations.

Updates a tape library in the configuration.

Returns status for the update of a tape library in the configuration. ACS is ignored if specified.

Deletes a tape library from the configuration.

Returns status for the delete of a tape library from the configuration.

Gets the list of all tapes in the configuration.

Returns tape information for all tapes in the configuration. If ACS/LSM is NOT specified, 0 is assumed. Note remainingSizeMB and totalSizeMB are big decimals and should be deserialized as decimal values.

Synchronizes tapes from a specified robot or all robots if nothing is specified.

Returns status for synchronization of tapes of a robot or all robots if nothing is specified.

Gets the list of empty ejected tapes from the configuration.

Returns empty ejected tape information from the configuration.

Deletes an empty ejected tape from the configuration.

Returns status for delete of an empty ejected tape from the configuration.

Gets tape information for a specfic tape.

Returns tape information for a specfic tape.

Unprotects / protects an inserted tape in the configuration.

Returns status of the operation.

Gets the list of inserted protected tapes in the configuration.

Returns inserted protected tape information in the configuration.

Unprotects an inserted and protected tape in the configuration.

Returns status for an unprotect operation in the configuration.

Get tapes that contain disabled states from the configuration.

Returns tape state information from the configuration.

Disables all states of a tape in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of a tape states in the configuration.

Updates states of a tapes in the configuration.

Returns status for update of a tape states in the configuration. Note: Tapes that have been enabled for write, repack and clone, may NOT be updated.

Gets the list of all tape types.

Returns tape information for all tape types.

Synchronizes tape types from all robots.

Returns status for the creation of tape types of all robots. Name is used to match against the tape types found in all robots. The ID is ignored if specified. Only types found in robot manager are added. User must provide total and block size for each type found in the robot manager. Types found in the robot manager but missing from the body and types provided in the body but not found in the robot manager will both be skipped.

Updates a tape type.

Returns status for the update of a tape type. Only totalSizeKB can be updated. Name, id and blockSizeKB are ignored if specified.

Deletes a tape type.

Returns status for delete of a tape type.

Gets the list of all missing (not yet configured) tape types.

Returns tape information of all missing (not yet configured) tape types.

Gets the list of unused tapes in the configuration.

Returns unused tape information in the configuration.

Updates an unused tape's setId in the configuration.

Returns status for update of an unused tape in the configuration.

Gets the list of empty tapes by their to be cleared setting.

Returns empty tapes by their to be cleared setting.

Sets the to be cleared flag of all unused tapes in the configuration.

Returns status for the setting of to be cleared flag in the configuration.

Gets the list of all transcoders in the configuration.

Returns transcoder information for all transcoders in the configuration.

Creates a transcoder in the configuration.

Returns status for creation of a transcoder in the configuration.

Updates a transcoder in the configuration.

Returns status for the update of a transcoder in the configuration.

Deletes a transcoder from the configuration.

Returns status for the delete of a transcoder from the configuration.

Gets the list of all actor disks in the configuration.

Returns actor disk information for all actor disks in the configuration.

Gets the list of all actor drives.

Returns actor drive information for all actor drives in the configuration.

Gets the list of all actors.

Returns actor information for all actors.

Gets object information for a specfic object.

Returns object information for a specfic object.

Gets Detailed Information on archived objects.

Returns detailed information on archived objects.

Gets CAPs.

Returns CAPs in the configuration.

Gets the list of all files on a disk.

Returns list of files on disk.

Gets the list of all disks in the configuration.

Returns disk information for all disks in the configuration.

Clear the last error message of the specified disk.

Submit a clear last error message.

Gets a single disk from the configuration.

Returns disk information for a single disk in the configuration.

Gets the list of all drives filtered by serial number.

Returns drive information for all drives filtered by serial number.

Get all events.

Returns all events.

Tell server to NOT delete queues associated with client for a specified number of minutes

Server will delete all queues for a specified client after approximately the specified number of minutes has expired from the current time

Subscribe to brokered events.

Subscribe to brokered events. Returns the client id associated with the subscription.

Unsubscribe specified client from brokered events.

Unsubscribe specified client from brokered events.

Gets Journal entries.

Returns journal entries.

Gets the list of all media in the configuration.

Returns media information for all media in the configuration.

Gets aggregated media (disk, tape and cloud) sizes.

Returns the aggregated total and used size in KB by media type.

Get migration jobs by filters

Returns migration jobs

Creates a Migration job.

Submits a migration job to the DIVA Core Migration service. This call returns as soon as the Migration service accepts the job. The application must call GET /ui/migrationJobs/{jobid} to check that the operation was successful.

Gets the list of all migration source / destination types in the configuration.

Returns source /destination names for all migration source / destination types in the configuration.

Get migration job by ID

Returns a single job

Modify a migration job.

Submit a modification to a migration job.This call returns as soon as Migrate service accepts the change to the job. The application must call GET /ui/migrationJobs/{jobId} to check that the operation was successful.

Deletes a migration job.

Returns status for delete of a migration job.

Get requests for a migration job by ID

Returns request information for a single job

List all requests.

Returns a list of requests.

Get request by ID

Returns a single request

Gets the list of all servers in the configuration.

Returns server information for all servers in the configuration.

Gets SPM actions.

Returns SPM actions.

Modify an SPM action.

Submit a modification to an SPM action.

Gets the list of all files on a tape.

Returns list of files on tape.

Get Exported Tape Instances information.

Returns whether a list of exported instances are last instances.

Gets Detailed Information on tape libraries.

Returns detailed information on tape libraries.

Gets the list of all tapes in the configuration.

Returns tape information for all tapes in the configuration. If ACS/LSM is NOT specified, 0 is assumed. Note remainingSizeMB and totalSizeMB are big decimals and should be deserialized as decimal values.

Gets the list of all users or get a single user by name.

Returns user information for all users.

Creates a DIVA Core user.

Returns status for the creation of a user.

Deletes a DIVA Core user.

Returns status for the deletion of a user.

Login a user

Returns the created token.

Logout a user

Returns the status.

Updates the password of a user.

Update the password of a user.

Updates the role of a user.

Returns status for update of a user's role.

Gets DIVA build version and API version.

Returns the DIVA build version and the API version.

DIVA Core Data Service API

Gets active license information.

Returns current active license information.

Gets the list of all licenses.

Returns information for all licenses in the database.

Imports a license.

Returns status for import of a license.

Gets the list of all DIVA Core roles.

A user may belong to one of five roles; sysadmin, admin, advoperator, operator, or user. The role of user may perform all basic GET operations including; POST /users/login POST /users/logout PUT /users/{userName}/password GET /profile PUT /profile GET /users GET /roles GET ANY RESOURCE (ex: GET /actors) An operator may perform all the operations of a user and: POST /requests/archive POST /requests/restore POST /requests/copy An advanced operator (advoperator) may perform all the operations of an operator and: PUT /requests POST /requests/transferFiles POST /requests/insertTape POST /requests/ejectTape POST /requests/repackTape POST /requests/exportTape POST /requests/importTape An administrator (admin) may perform all operations of an administrator and: POST /requests/delete POST /requests/serverDelete A system administrator (sysadmin) may perform all operations of an administrator and the following operations: POST /users DELETE /users GET /users GET /roles

Gets the list of all users or get a single user by name.

Returns user information for all users.

Creates a DIVA Core user.

Returns status for the creation of a user.

Deletes a DIVA Core user.

Returns status for the deletion of a user.

Login a user

Returns the created token.

Logout a user

Returns the status.

Updates the password of a user.

Update the password of a user.

Updates the role of a user.

Returns status for update of a user's role.

Last Update

7 months ago
