Telestream Cloud
Transcoding • Quality ControlPublished by
Telestream Cloud
Transcoding • Quality ControlTelestream Cloud provides a full range of media processing services including transcoding, workflow automation, timed text transcription and quality assurance.
Flip Transcoding API
Get Encodings
Returns a list of all Encoding objects.
Creates Encoding
Creates an Encoding object.
Get Encodings number
Returns a number of Encoding objects created for a given factory.
Get Encoding
Returns a single Encoding object.
Update Encoding
Updates an Encoding
Delete Encoding
Deletes an Encoding from both Telestream Cloud and your storage. Returns an information whether the operation was successful.
Cancel Encoding
Cancels an Encoding.
Retry Encoding
Retries a failed encoding.
Get Encoding signed URL
Returns a signed url pointing to an Encoding.
Get Encoding signed URLs list
Returns a list of signed urls pointing to an Encoding's outputs.
Get Factories list
Returns list of all factories.
Create factory
Creates a new Factory
Get Factory
Returns a Factory object and it's basic properties
Update Factory
Updates a Factory's settings. Returns a Factory object.
Get profiles
Returns a collection of Profile objects for specified Factory
Create Profile
Creates a profile in specified Factory.
Get profile Encodings
Returns a list of Encodings that use specified profile in a Factory.
Get profile
Returns a single profile object.
Update profile
Updates a given profile in Factory.
Delete profile
Deletes a given profile from Factory.
Copy profile
Copies a given profile under new name to the same or different Factory.
List Videos
Returns a collection of Video objects.
Create video
Creates a Video from a provided source_url.
Get queued videos
Returns a collection of Video objects queued for encoding.
Resubmits video
Resubmits the video for encoding. Please note that this will work only for videos in `success` status.
Get Video
Returns a signle Video object.
Deletes Video
Deletes a Video object.
Cancel Video
Cancels video and all encodings
Get Video encodings
Returns a list of all Encodings that belong to a Video.
Get Video metadata
Returns a Video's metadata
Get signed URL
Returns a signed url pointing to a Video.
Delete source video.
Deletes a video's source file.
Get workflows
Returns a collection of Workflows that belong to a Factory.
Identity and Access Management API
List credentials
Returns list of all credentials for your account and their data.
Create credentials
Creates a new credential with unique API key and specified policy
Get single credentials
Returns selected credential's details
Update credentials
Updates selected credentials data.
Delete credentials
Delete selected credentials.
Get MFA methods
Fetch MFA methods for the account.
Create MFA method
Create a MFA method of a given type.
Delete MFA method
Deletes MFA method for given credentials id.
Verify MFA method
Confirms MFA method (performs a first-time verification) for given credentials id.
Live ABR Monitor API
Get the list of alarm templates
Get the list of alarm templates
Create an alarm template
Create an alarm template
Get alarm template
Get alarm template
Update an alarm template
Update an alarm template
Delete an alarm template
Delete an alarm template
Get the list of monitoring points
Get the list of monitoring points
Get the list of projects
Get the list of projects
Create a project
Create a project
Get project details
Get project details
Update a project
Update a project
Delete a project
Delete a project
Get the list of alarms
Get the list of alarms
Get alarm summary
Get alarm summary
Get the list of assets
Get the list of assets
Create an asset
Create an asset
Get asset details
Get asset details
Update an asset
Update an asset
Delete an asset
Delete an asset
Get the list of asset sessions
Get the list of asset sessions
Get session details
Get session details
Log an event
Log an event
Get project metrics
Get project metrics
Get the list of reports
Get the list of reports
Create a report
Create a report
Get a report
Get a report
Notifications API
List subscriptions
Retrieves list of subscriptions filtered by service or delivery method
Create subscription
Creates a new subscription
Get subscription
Returns subscription details
Update subscription
Updates existing subscription
Delete subscription
Deletes existing subscription
Qualify API
List all available audio layouts under account
List all available audio layouts under account.
Create new audio layout
Create new audio layout.
Get audio layout
Get audio layout.
Update audio layout
Update audio layout.
Delete audio layout
Delete audio layout.
List all available engine versions
List all available engine versions.
List all jobs
List all jobs.
Create new job
Create new job.
Get job
Get job.
Delete job
Delete job.
Cancel job
Cancel job.
Get job proxy
Get job proxy.
Create job proxy
Create job proxy.
Get job
Get job.
Restart job
Restart job.
List all available package layouts under account
List all available package layouts under account.
Create new package layout
Create new package layout.
Get package layout
Get package layout.
Update package layout
Update package layout.
Delete package layout
Delete package layout.
List projects
List projects.
Create a new project
Create a new project.
Get project
Get project.
Update project
Updated a project. It is a FULL update, meaning if some parameter is not provided, it will be set to its zero/null value
Delete project
Delete project.
Get project summary
Get project summary.
List all available regions
List all available regions.
List all available templates under account
List all available templates under account.
Create template
Create template.
Get template
Get template.
Update template
Updated a template. It is a FULL update, meaning if some parameter is not provided, it will be set to its zero/null value
Delete template
Delete template.
Duplicate Template
Duplicate Template.
Quality Control API
List projects
Lists all projects for an account
Create project
Creates a new project
Import template
Allows to import Vidchecker XML template passed in request body
Get project
Gets specified project details
Modify project
Modifies specified project
Remove project
Deletes specified project
List jobs
Gets a list of jobs for specified project
Create job
Creates a new job in specified project
Get job
Returns details of a job
Remove job
Removes a completed job from a project
Cancel job
Cancels a specfied job which is in progress
Get proxy
Returns details (including URL) of a proxy video created for specified job
Get signed urls
Returns signed URLs to outputs, alert info and report for given job ID
List templates
Lists all templates for an account
Stores API
List stores
Returns list of all stores for the account
Create store
Create a new store
Get store details
Retrieve selected store details
Update store
Update selected store details
Delete store
Delete selected store
Get object URL
Return signed URL of a selected object in a store (?)
List watch rules
Return list of watch rules for the account
Create watch-rule
Create a new watch rule for selected store and service
Get watch rule
Return details for selected watch rule
Update watch rule
Update selected watch rule
Delete watch-rule
Delete selected watch rule
Sync watch rule
Sync existing files that match a watch rule (??)
Stream Monitor API
List Alarm Templates
List Alarm Templates
Create a New Alarm Template
Create a New Alarm Template
Get Alarm Template Details
Get Alarm Template Details
Update Alarm Template
Update Alarm Template
Delete Alarm Template
Delete Alarm Template
List Monitor Points
List Monitor Points
Get List of Projects
Get List of Projects
Create a New Project
Create a New Project
Get List of Channels in a Project
Get List of Channels in a Project
Update Project Settings
Update Project Settings
Delete Project
Delete Project
Get a List of Channels
Get a List of Channels
Create a New Channel
Create a New Channel
Get Channel Summary
Get Channel Summary
Get Channel Details
Get Channel Details
Update a Channel
Update a Channel
Delete a Channel
Delete a Channel
Get a List of Assets within a Channel
Get a List of Assets within a Channel
List Channel Sessions
List Channel Sessions
Get Session Details
Get Session Details
List Alarms
List Alarms
Get Alarm Summary
Get Alarm Summary
Get Top Alarms for a Session
Get Top Alarms for a Session
Estimate Cost
Estimate Cost
Start a Channel
Start a Channel
Stop a Running Channel
Stop a Running Channel
List Events in Project
List Events in Project
Retrieve Metric Data
Retrieve Metric Data
Timed Text Speech API
Returns a collection of Projects
Returns a collection of Projects
Creates a new Project
Creates a new Project
Returns the Project
Returns the Project
Updates an existing Project
Updates an existing Project
Deletes the Project
Deletes the Project
Returns a collection of Corpora
Returns a collection of Corpora
Returns the Corpus
Returns the Corpus
Creates a new Corpus
Creates a new Corpus
Creates a new Corpus
Creates a new Corpus
Returns a collection of Jobs
Returns a collection of Jobs
Creates a new Job
Creates a new Job
Returns the Job
Returns the Job
Deletes the Job
Deletes the Job
Returns the Job Outputs
Returns the Job Outputs
Returns the Job Result
Returns the Job Result
Queues training
Queues training
Transform API
Jobs Summary
Returns a summary of the jobs recently processed in this account.
Processing Jobs Summary
Returns a summary of the jobs currently being processed in this account.
Get Engine Versions
Returns a list of available engine versions.
Get Factories
Returns a list of the factories in this account.
Create Factory
Creates a new factory in this account.
Get Factory
Gets a factory definition.
Update Factory
Updates a factory in this account.
Delete Factory
Deletes a factory from this account.
Get Jobs
Returns a list of the jobs processed in the specified factory.
Submit Job
Submits a new job to the specified factory.
Jobs Summary
Returns a summary of the jobs recently processed in the specified factory.
Processing Jobs Summary
Returns a summary of the jobs currently being processed in the specified factory.
Get Job
Gets a job in the specified factory.
Delete Job
Deletes a job from the specified factory.
Cancel Job
Cancels a job currently being processed in the specified factory.
Get Composition
Get the composition that processed the specified job.
Get Input Container
Get the container information for the specified job input.
Get Output Container
Get the container information for the specified job output.
Get Templates
Gets a list of the templates in this account.
Create Template
Creates a new template in this account.
Get Template
Get a template definition.
Update Template
Update a template definition.
Delete Template
Deletes a template from this account.
Vantage Cloud Hosted Workflows API
Returns a list of workflows that customer has configured
Returns a list of workflows that customer has configured.
Creates new Workflow in Vantage Cloud service
Creates new Workflow in Vantage Cloud service.
Returns a Workflow for given {workflow_id}
Returns a Workflow for given {workflow_id}.
Updates a workflow for given {workflow_id}
Updates a workflow for given {workflow_id}.
Deletes Workflow for give {workflow_id}
Deletes Workflow for give {workflow_id}.
Responds with url to original cwd file
Responds with url to original cwd file.
List workflow revisions
List workflow revisions.
Creates new workflow revision
Creates new workflow revision.
Set default workflow revision
Set default workflow revision.
This will try to delete workflow revision
This will try to delete workflow revision.
Set default storage reference for given vantage action identifier
Set default storage reference for given vantage action identifier.
Responds with vantage workflow variables for given workflow id and revision
Responds with vantage workflow variables for given workflow id and revision.
Responds with workflow definition for given workflow and revision id
Responds with workflow definition for given workflow and revision id.
Returns a list of workflows jobs that customer has submitted
Optional extended description in Markdown.
Submit Workflow Job
"Creates new Workflow Job. When Submitting job required are:" * `sources` within the input section; Endpoint will respond with 422 if that section is not defined * `variables` - if Workflow has configured default for variables and there is no need to override default variable it's not necessary provide the variable name. * `storage_references` - if default storage references are set on the workflow level and no storage references are provided in the request the default from workflow settings will be used. ***IMPORTANT:*** all of the storage references passed have to be within same provider and region.
Get jobs count for given status and days
Get jobs count for given status and days (maximum 30 days).
Get particular Workflow Job Details
Get particular Workflow Job Details.
This will try to delete job that is completed
This will try to delete job that is completed.
Action Job cost
Get particular Action Job final cost
Estimated Action Job cost
Get particular Action Job estimated cost
Get particular Action Job progress
Get particular Action Job progress.
Action job output signed urls
Get particular Action Job output URLs
This will try to cancel workflow job that is being processed
This will try to cancel workflow job that is being processed.
Returns a list of Workflow Job Cleanup Tasks
Optional extended description in Markdown.
Retry Cleanup Tasks
Optional extended description in Markdown.
Get particular Workflow Job final cost
Get particular Workflow Job final cost.
Get particular Workflow Job estimated cost
Get particular Workflow Job estimated cost.
Get particular Workflow Job progress
Get particular Workflow Job progress.
3 months ago