
Plan, build and run modular solutions for professional media with qibb, using best-in-class integrations and pre-built workflows for your required use case.

The qibb core features Workflow Editor, Dashboard System, and Security Tools provide maximum flexibility in a dynamic environment.

Supported Operations

Portal API

Get user currency

Update Currency

Get user custom menu entries

Create group

Update Group title

Delete a Group and also the entries in the group

Add a menu entry to group

Delete a menu entry from group

Get limits for users, spaces and dashboards

Expose metrics

Trigger update metrics

Fetch roles

Update an AppLink

Remove an AppLink

Create an AppLink

Fetch an app by identifier

Fetch an App by appId (no authorization data included)

Fetch an App by appId (authorization data included)

Toggles if App is enabled or disabled

Get metadata object for an App by appId

Update an App

Patch an App

Remove an App

Create an App

get the portal api app and tenant

Fetch a Space by spaceId

Fetch a Tenant by realm

Fetch a Tenant by tenantId

Fetch all apps of a Tenant by tenantId

Get or search for all AppLinks

Get a paginated list of AppLinks.

Create an AppLink

Fetch an AppLink by appLinkId (no authorization data included)

Update an AppLink

Remove an AppLink

Add a tag to an AppLink

Delete a tag of an AppLink

Get or search for all Apps

Get a paginated list of Apps.

Create an App

Fetch an app by identifier

Fetch an App by appId (no authorization data included)

Update an App

Patch an App

Remove an App

Fetch an App by appId (authorization data included)

Toggles if App is enabled or disabled

Get metadata object for an App by appId

Add a tag to an App

Delete a tag of an App

fetch groups

fetch scopes

fetch users

Get or search for all Spaces

Get a paginated list of Spaces.

create a Space

Fetch a Space by spaceId

Update a Space

Remove a Space from a tenant

fetch spaces of a user (userId included in authentication token)

Perform action on a space

Perform action on a space

Delete a space

Get or search for all Tenants

Get a paginated list of Tenants.

Create a tenant

Fetch a tenant by realm

Fetch a tenant by tenantId

Update a tenant

Delete a tenant

Create a Space (Checks for limit before Space creation)

Check for limits and create a space if within limit amount.


Get user account info in realm with realm name (for user in token)

update user in realm with realm name (for user in token)

List all user activities in realm with realm name (for user in token)

Remove user consent for client with clientid in realm with realm name (for user in token)

List all user consents in realm with realm name (for user in token)

logout the user in realm with realm name (for user in token)

Change Password for user in realm with realm name (for user in token)

List all user sessions in realm with realm name (for user in token)

Get configured authentication endpoint

List all clients in realm

Create a client in realm

Get client by clientId and realm

Update a client in realm by clientId

List all client roles of client in realm

Create a client role for client with clientId and realm

Update a client role by clientId, realm and role name

Delete a client role by clientId, realm and role name

Get client secrets by clientId and realm

Delete client by clientId and realm

Add/Remove client roles of client from group

List all groups in realm

Create group in realm

Get group by groupName and realm

Update group by groupName and realm

Delete group by groupName and realm

Set child group by groupId on parent group with groupName in realm

List available client roles for group

List client roles of client from group

Expose metrics

Trigger update metrics

Fetch roles

List all realms

Get realm by realm name

Get user account info for user in token

Update user account for user in token

List all user activities for user in token

Remove user consent for client with clientid for user in token

List all user consents for user in token

List user consents by id

logout the user for user in token

Send a reset password email to user taken from token. An email contains a link the user can click to perform a reset password action.

Change Password for user in token

List all user sessions for user in token

List all user sessions for user in token

Update user account settings for user in token

Get configured authentication endpoint

List all clients in realm

Create client

Get client by clientId

Update client by clientId

Delete client by clientId

List all clients roles of client in realm

Create a client role for client with clientId

Get client default roles of the client by realm of the logged in user

Add Client Default Roles of the realm by realm of the logged in user

Remove Client Default Roles of the realm by realm of the logged in user

Get client default roles by realm name

Add Client Default Roles by realm name

Remove Client Default Roles by realm name

Get available client default roles of the realm by realm of the logged in user

Get available client default roles by realm name

Update a client role by clientId and role name

Delete a client role by clientId and role name

Get client secrets by clientId

Get group hierarchy

Only name and ids are returned.

Create group

Get count of groups

Get group by group name

Update group by group name (ignores subgroups)

Delete group by group name

Add group as child by childGroupId to group by name

This will just set the parent if it exists. Create it and set the parent if the group doesn’t exist.

List users of the group by group name

Get group by id

Update group by id (ignores subgroups)

Delete group by id

Add new group as a child group

Add a group as a child group to parent group with id.

Add group as child by childGroupId on group by id

This will just set the parent if it exists. Create it and set the parent if the group doesn’t exist.

List users of the group by group id

Get client-level role mappings for the group, and the app (client)

Add client-level roles to the group role mapping, and the app (client)

Delete client-level roles to the group role mapping, and the app (client)

Get available client-level roles that can be mapped to the group and the app (client)

Get effective client-level role mappings. This recurses any composite roles and the app (client)

Get realm-level role mappings of the group (realm is read from token

Add realm-level role mappings to the group (realm is read from token

Delete realm-level role mappings of the group (realm is read from token

Get realm-level roles of the group that can be mapped (realm is read from token

Get effective realm-level role mappings This will recurse all composite roles to get the result (realm is read from token

Get OTP settings of the realm by realm of the logged in user

Update OTP settings of the realm by realm of the logged in user

Get OTP settings by realm name

Update OTP settings of logged in realm

List all realms

Get Required actions of the realm.

Get default-groups of the realm

Add a group with group id as default-group to realm by name

Remove a group with group id as default-group to realm by name

Get default roles of the realm by realm of the logged in user

Add Default Roles of the realm by realm of the logged in user

Remove Default Roles of the realm by realm of the logged in user

Get default roles by realm name

Add Default Roles by realm name

Remove Default Roles by realm name

Get available default roles of the realm by realm of the logged in user

Get available default roles by realm name

Get Brute Force Detection Settings of the realm by realm of the logged in user

Update Brute Force Detection Settings of the realm by realm of the logged in user

Get Brute Force Detection Settings of the realm by by realm name.

Get Brute Force Detection Settings of the realm by by realm name.

Get Browser Security Headers of the realm by realm of the logged in user

Update Browser Security Headers of the realm by realm of the logged in user

Get Browser Security Headers of the realm by realm name.

Update Browser Security Headers of the realm by realm name.

Get login-settings of the realm by realm of the logged in user

Update login-settings of the realm by realm of the logged in user

Get login-settings by realm name

Update login-settings by realm name

Get password policies of the realm by realm of the logged in user

Update password policies of the realm by realm of the logged in user

Get password policies by realm name

Update password policies by realm name

Get realm by name

Get Required actions by realmName of the realm.

List all realm roles

Create a realm role

Get realm role by id

Update realm role by id

Delete a realm role by id

Get users assigned to realm role with name roleName

Update realm role by role name

Delete a realm role by role name

Get all users

Create user

Get user by user name

Update user by user name

Delete user by user name

Get groups of the by user name

Add user with id to a group with group name

Remove user by user name from group with group name

List all users in realm

create user in realm

Get user by user name and realm

Update user by user name in realm

Delete user by user name and realm

Get groups of user by user name and realm

Add user to a group with group name by user name and realm

Remove user from group with group name by user name and realm

Get user by Id

Update user by id

Delete user by id

Get credentials

Delete credential by id

Disable Credential Types.

Disable Credential Types by realm name.

Send an update account email to the user. An email contains a link the user can click to perform a set of required actions.

Send an update account email to the user by realm. An email contains a link the user can click to perform a set of required actions.

Get groups of the user by id

Add user with id to a group with group id

Delete a user with id from a group with group id

Update required action of an user.

Change User password.

Change User password by realm name.

Get client-level role mappings for the user, and the app (client)

Add client-level roles to the user role mapping, and the app (client)

Delete client-level roles to the user role mapping, and the app (client)

Get available client-level roles that can be mapped to the user and the app (client)

Get effective client-level role mappings. This recurses any composite roles and the app (client)

Get realm-level role mappings

Add realm-level role mappings to the user

Delete realm-level role mappings

Get realm-level roles that can be mapped

Get effective realm-level role mappings This will recurse all composite roles to get the result.

Get all groups

List users of the group by group id

Get all roles

Get users assigned to realm role with name roleName

Get all users

Create user (Checks for limit before creation of User)

Check for limits and create a user if within limit amount.

Update user by id (Checks for limit before updating a User by id)

Check for limits and update a user if within limit amount.

Cluster API

Scale the App

Resize the Cluster

Get Deployments

Returns list of deployments inside the app

Get pods

Returns list of pods inside the app

Get Pvcs

Returns list of Persistence Volume Claims inside the app

Get Service Accounts

Returns list of Service Accounts inside the app

Get Services

Returns list of Services inside the app

Delete Pod

Register a new Cluster

Get Cluster Details

Edit the Cluster Details

Unregister Cluster

Removes the Cluster Entry. To destroy the Cluster, see Actions.

Get Cluster Health

Get a Kubeconfig File for Cluster Access

A Kubeconfig File can be used to connect to the Cluster via CLI.

Get the Cluster Nodes

Get the list of Nodes from a Cluster.

Retrieve the Cluster Secret

Retrieve the Secret, which contains Access Credentials to login to the Cluster.

Store the Cluster Secret

Store the Secret, which contains Access Credentials to login to the Cluster. This will replace an already existing Secret.

Get the Cluster StorageClasses

Get the list of StorageClasses from the Cluster.

Register a new Director

Register an already deployed Director with this Operation. To deploy a Director, see Actions

Get Director Details

Get Details of a Director.

Edit the Director Details

Edit the Director Details.

Unregister Director

Removes the Director Entry. To destroy the Director, see Actions.

Get Clusters Director

Get Clusters deployed in the Director.

Get Director Deployments

Get Deployments of the specific Director.

Get Director Deployment Details

Get Details of specific Deployment of the Director.

Get Deployment Instances

Get Instances of Deployment of the Director.

Get Director Events

Get Events of the specific Director.

Get Director Event Details

Get the specific Event details of the Director.

Get Director Info

Get Information of the specific Director.

Retrieve the Director Secret

Retrieve the Secret, which contains Access Credentials to login to the Director.

Store the Director Secret

Store the Secret, which contains Access Credentials to login to the Director. This will replace an already existing Secret.

Get Director Tasks

Get Tasks of the specific Director.

Get Director Task Details

Get the specific Task details of the Director.

Fetch roles

Delete Registry Secret

Delete Registry Secrets from a namespace for specific Cluster

List Registry Secrets

Returns list of Registry Secrets of a namespace inside a Cluster

Create Registry Secret

Create Registry Secrets inside a Cluster

Update Registry Secret

Update Registry Secrets of specific Namespace inside a Cluster

List Clusters

Returns a paginated list of Clusters

Get Cluster events

Return a filtered list of events from Kubernetes.

List Directors

Get a list of Directors.

Get Director Events

Get Events of the specific Director.

Get Director Tasks

Get Tasks of the specific Director.

Catalog API

Fetch roles

Async Upload a catalog package

Fetch all manufacturers

Fetch a Catalog Item by name

Fetch a Catalog Item by id

Remove a Catalog Item and its versions from a catalog

Change the featured flag of the Catalog Item

Fetch all manufacturers

Create a manufacturer

Fetch an catalog item by id

Update a manufacturer

Delete a manufacturer

Fetch all versions of a Catalog Item as dropdown by catalogItemId

Fetch all Catalog Versions of a Catalog Item

Fetch a Catalog Version by id

Remove a Catalog Version from a Catalog Item

Prepare a deployment (sending package to Deployment API)

Dashboard API

Create a Widget Configuration

fetch Widget Configuration by id

Update a Widget Configuration

Delete a Widget Configuration

fetch Widget Library Items

Create a Widget Library Item

Register a Widget Library Item

fetch Widget Library Items by id

Update a Widget Library Item

Delete a Widget Library Item

fetch groups

fetch scopes

fetch users

Exposes metrics

Trigger update metrics

Fetch roles

Get or search for all Dashboards

Get a paginated list of Dashboards.

Create a Dashboard (userId included in authentication token)

fetch Dashboards of a User (userId included in authentication token)

Update a Dashboard

Delete a Dashboard

fetch Dashboards of a User (userId included in authentication token)

Perform action on a Dashboard

Perform action on a Dashboard

Delete a Dashboard

Create a Dashboard - userId included in authentication token (Checks for limit before creation of Dashboard)

Check for limits and create a dashboard if within limit.

Last Update

1 week ago
