
OpenText can help you tackle the most complex digital transformation programs with confidence. With the world’s most complete and integrated Information Management platform, we empower our customers to organize, integrate and protect data and content as it flows through business processes inside and outside their organization.

OpenText Content Metadata Service API (CMS) handles object metadata. CMS APIs are tenant-based. Service/User Token is requested for accessing these APIs. Objects can be documents, files, folders, business objects, relationships and permissions. Namespaces, Categories, Types and Traits are used for domain specific business logic. Content uploads and downloads can be done by these APIs as well. Validations and Localizations can be customized. Retention, History, Search, Filtering and Scripts are supported. Deployment bundling, upgrade, case modeling and templates are available. Default namespace is provided. System categories are cms_file, cms_folder and cms_object. User can create customized category, type definition and trait definition based on the business needs. Object instances are created based on the category, type and trait. Type can be extendable based on business needs.

Supported Operations

Content Metadata Service

Get all bundles

Get all bundles

Create bundle using zip file or json

Create bundle using zip file or json

Get all bundles

Get all bundles

Install bundle into tenant

Install bundle into tenant

Delete bundle deployment

Delete bundle deployment

Get bundle

Get bundle

Delete bundle

Delete bundle

Get case node details by case node id

Returns case node details by case node id

Update case node by id

Update case node by id

Delete case node by id

Delete case node by id

Get case node parent details

Returns case node parent details

List case models

Returns list of case models

Create a new case model

Create a new case model

Get case model by case model id

Returns case model by case model id

Update case model by case model id

Update case model by case model id

Delete case model by case model id

Delete case model by case model id

Return true if case model has at least one instance, false otherwise

Return true if case model has at least one instance, false otherwise

List all the categories

List all the categories

Create a new category

Create a new category

get category by name

get category by id

update category details

patch category details

Retrieves all soft deleted instances

Soft deleted instances of this type will be retrieved

Retrieves the soft deleted instance

Soft deleted instance of this type will be retrieved

Restores the soft deleted instance

Soft deleted instance of this type will be restored

List all error codes

Returns list of Custom Error Codes

List and filter error codes

Filter the list of error codes. <br> <br> e.g., errorCode : INS_LOCKED, errorMessage : soft delete.

Execute full text search against search service

Run full text search

List all groups

List all groups

Create a new group

Create a new group

Get group details

Get group details

Update group

Update group

Patch group

Patch group

Delete group

Delete group

Get group membership

Get list of members which are part of the group

Add a new group member

Add a new group member

Update group membership

Update group membership

Remove all members from group

Remove all members from group

Get group member details

Get the details of the group member

Remove member from group

Remove member from group

Add history of changes on an object instance

Add history of changes on an object instance.

Create case instance

Create case instance

Get case node instance children

Get case node instance children

Soft deletes a case instance

Case instance of this type will be soft deleted

Delete all versions of an object

Delete all versions of an object

Check if user privilege to download the content associated with file type

Check if user privilege to download the content associated with file type

List all renditions associated with a file

Returns all the renditions associated with a file

Add new rendition to file

Add new rendition to a file

Replace all existing renditions of a file

Replace all existing renditions to new ones. <br> <br> Note:There should be at least one rendition with rendition_type:primary.

Get rendition detail of the file

Return rendition detail of the file

Update a rendition

Update an existing file rendition

Patch file rendition

Patch an existing file rendition

Delete rendition

Delete rendition

Check in as current version

Create a file instance as current version <br><br>Note: File should be locked prior to making this call.

Lock the file instance

Lock the file instance

Delete the lock on a file

Delete the lock on a file

Make current to latest version

Creates a newer version of the file from the current version Note: File should be locked prior to making this call.

Check in as next version

Create a file instance as next version

List all versions of the file

Returns all the versions of file

Get the count of immediate children in the folder

Returns the count of immediate children in the folder

List object instances under the folder

List object instances under the folder.

Create object instances under the folder

Create object instances under the folder.

List object instances

List object instances

Create new instance

Create new instance

Get object instance details

Get object instance details

Update instance details

Update instance details

Update instance details

Update instance details

Delete object instance

Delete object instance

Get ACL associated with object instance

Get ACL associated with object instance

Change ACL associated with object instance

Change ACL associated with object instance

Update permits for an ACL associated with an object

Grant and revoke both supports same set of permits. In the below example, mentioned the list of possible permissions for grant and revoke. Only those permission that exists on ACL can be revoked, error is thrown otherwise. <br> <br> Note: <br> 1. Updates to a specific version or all versions of file is supported. For 'update all versions', if the user does not have sufficient permissions to any of the previous versions a validation error will be returned.<br> 2. Global Records Manager role is required to create/update/remove REMOVE_POLICY and REMOVE_HOLD permits on acl.

Get case instance details

Return case instance details

Create case instance child

Create case instance child

List case role groups

Return list case role groups

Copy an object instance

Copy an object instance

Soft deletes an instance

Instance of this type will be soft deleted

Get history of changes on an object instance

Get history of changes on an object instance.

Get a hold of an object

Returns a hold of an object

Replace existing hold to be a new hold

Replace existing hold to be a new hold

Delete hold for an object

Delete hold for an object

List all holds of an object

Returns all holds of an object

Attach a hold to an object

Attach a hold to an object

List linked parents

Returns linked parents of an object

Add linked parent to an object

Add linked parent to an object

Get linked parent details

Get linked parent details

Delete linked parent

Delete linked parent

Get parent instance details

Get parent instance details

Change parent for object instance

Change parent for object instance

Get effective permissions of the object

Get effective permissions of the object

List all policies of an object

Return all policies of an object

Attach a policy to an object

Attach a policy to an object

Get a policy of an object

Returns the details of the policy attached to an object

Update qualification date, base_date or policy replacement of an item policy

Update qualification date, base_date or policy replacement of an item policy

Delete policy for an object

Delete policy for an object

Request instance to send to search

Request instance to send to search

Get relations based on source relation type

Get relations based on source relation type

Get relations based on target relation type

Return relations based on target relation type

List all localizations

List all the localizations

Create a new localization

Create a new localization

Update all localizations

Update all localizations

Delete all localizations

Delete all localizations based on the given filter

Get localization details

Get localization details

Update localization details

Update localization details

Delete localization

Delete localization

Get list of namespaces

Returns a list of namespaces

Create a new namespace

Create a new namespace

Get namespace details

Returns a namespace from id

Update a namespace

Update a namespace

Update a namespace by patch. Deactivate and activate a namespace by changing active attribute

Update/Deactivate/Activate a namespace by patch

Delete a namespace

Delete a namespace

List all the permissions

List all the permissions

Create a new permission

Create a new permission

Get permission details

Get permission details

Update permission details

Update permission details

Patch permission details

Patch permission details

Delete permission

Delete permission

List all CMS objects with policies or holds based on the filters

List all CMS objects with policies or holds based on the filters

Remove same hold id for all CMS objects

Remove same hold id for all CMS objects

For backward compatibility, it is old API for disposing a list of CMS objects which is from RPS approval list

API for disposing a list of CMS objects which is from RPS approval list

For backward compatibility, it is old API for list all CMS objects with policies or holds based on the filters

List all CMS objects with policies or holds based on the filters

For backward compatibility, it is old API for setting all item objects for null qualification date and base date on given policy id

For backward compatibility, it is old API for setting all item objects for null qualification date and base date on given policy id

Dispose a list of CMS objects which is from RPS approval list

Dispose a list of CMS objects which is from RPS approval list

Set all item objects for null qualification date and base date on given policy id

Set all item objects for null qualification date and base date on given policy id <br><br>Note : This call doesn't accept any request body

List all service endpoints

List all service endpoints

List all the shared links

List all the shared links

Creates a new shared link

Creates a new shared link

Get shared link details

Get shared link details

Update shared link details

Update shared link details <br><br>Note: item_id, link_uri, public(required for public sharing) fields are mandatory for the PUT call. Permissions, if provided during the creation of shared links should be included in the PUT call and can be updated if required

Patch shared link details

Patch shared link details

Delete shared link

Delete shared link

Get list of all trait definitions available

Returns list of all trait definitions

Create a new custom trait definition

Creates a new trait definition

Get trait definition details

Returns trait definition details from system name

Update trait definition

Update trait definition

Patch/activate/deactivate trait definition

Patch to update trait definition. Activate trait definition by setting active attribute = true. Deactivate trait definition by setting active attribute = false. <br> <br> Note:User should have delete permission to Activate/Deactivate the trait.

Delete trait definition

Deletes the trait definition

Get the permits of the trait definition

Return the permits of the trait definition

Patch the permits of the trait definition

Grant and revoke both supports same set of permits. In the below example, mentioned the list of possible permissions for grant and revoke. Only those permission that exists on ACL can be revoked, error is thrown otherwise.

List all the attributes associated with a trait

List all the attributes associated with a trait

Create new trait attribute

Create new trait attribute

Get trait attribute details

Get trait attribute details

Update trait attribute details

Update trait attribute details <br><br> Note : if 'repeating' field is set to 'true' during creation then it needs to be set during update as well otherwise it defaults to 'false'

Delete trait attribute

Delete trait attribute

Return true if trait has at least one instance, false otherwise

Return true if trait has at least one instance, false otherwise

List all the index definitions associated with a trait

List all the index definitions associated with a trait

Create new index definition for trait

Create new index definition for trait

Get trait index definition details

Get trait index definition details

Update trait index definition details

Update trait index definition details **"unique"** property can be changed from true to false but not false to true

Delete trait index definition details

Delete trait index definition details

Get trait instance acl of the trait definition

Return trait instance acl of the trait definition

Grant or revoke trait instance acl permits

Grant and revoke both supports same set of permits. In the below example, mentioned the list of possible permissions for grant and revoke. Only those permission that exists on ACL can be revoked, error is thrown otherwise. <br> <br> Note:There should be atleast one permission should exists for Instance Acl.

Delete instance acl of trait definition

Deletes acl instance of the trait definition

Get history of changes on trait definition

Get history of changes on trait definition.

List all type definitions

List all type definitions

Create a new custom type definition for the given category

Create a new custom type definition

Get type definition details

Returns type definition details from type definition name

Update type definition

Update a custom type definition

Patch to update/activate/deactivate type definition

Patch to update a custom type definition. It also deactivates or activates type definition using active attribute.

Delete type definition

Delete type definition

List all the attributes associated with a type

List all the attributes associated with a type

Create new type attribute

Create new type attribute

Get type and inherited types attributes details

Get type and inherited attributes details

Get type attribute details

Get type attribute details

Update type attribute details

Update type attribute details <br><br> Note : if 'repeating' field is set to 'true' during creation then it needs to be set during update as well otherwise it defaults to 'false'

Delete type attribute

Delete type attribute

Return true if type has at least one instance, false otherwise

Return true if type has at least one instance, false otherwise

List all the index definitions associated with a type

List all the index definitions associated with a type

Create new type index definition

Create new type index definition

Get type index definition details

Get type index definition details

Update type index definition details

Update type index definition details **"unique"** property can be changed from true to false but not false to true

Delete type index definition details

Delete type index definition details

Get list of retention policies from a type-definition

Returns list of retention policies from a type-definition

Updating type definition with one or more new policies

Adding type definition with one or more new policies.

Delete one or more type-definitions policy provided in request body

Delete one or more type-definitions policy provided in request body. **Usage e.g.:** ``` { "retention_policy_ids": [ "9f159096-9a07-11ea-bb37-0242ac130003", "9f159096-9a07-11ea-bb37-0242ac130001" ] } ```

Get list of all the required traits associated with the type definitions

Returns the list all the required traits associated with the type definitions

Associate a new required trait with a type definition

Associate a new required trait with a type definition

Get required trait details

Get required trait details

Delete the required trait definition

Delete the required trait definition

Get history of changes on type definition

Get history of changes on type definition.

Create Zip request to have files content be zipped

request file contents be zipped and download.


This item is available for early access. It is still in development and may contain experimental features or limitations.

Last Update

1 week ago
