
OpenText Media Management offers secure, controlled access to digital media assets. Media Management can support one billion+ assets, search 25+ metadata fields in under a second, manage large files from HD to 4K, 5K, 8K video, handle 60-petabyte storage requirements with storage optimization and support thousands of concurrent users. Available as a single-tenant managed service in the OpenText Experience Cloud, or deployed in any Cloud or data center.

Supported Operations

OpenText Media Management API

Retrieve assets based on the provided selection context.

Retrieve assets based on the provided selection context. The request needs the pagination parameters to be passed. The asset collection will also include summary about the collection. To load only collection summary pass limit as 0.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p><p>While using selection context to filter the assets based on permissions, pass permissions_filter paramater in selection context. The valid permission filters are {ASSETVIEW_PERM, SUMMARYVIEW_PERM, PREVIEWVIEW_PERM, EXPORT_PERM, SUBSCRIBE_PERM,METAEDIT_PERM, CONTENTEDIT_PERM, MEMBERSHIPEDIT_PERM, DELETEASSET_PERM, EDITPARENTS_PERM, CUSTOM01_PERM, CUSTOM02_PERM, CUSTOM03_PERM, CUSTOM04_PERM}

Create Assets

Create Asset(s) with the specified asset representation or import template. This should be a multipart/form-data request. Please use the utf-8 charset encoding so that any unicode characters in names of the attached files are interpreted properly. The operation creates a job and returns the job handle. Using the job id in job handle, you can query the 'jobs' resource for completion status.<p>If only an asset representation is specified the user is required to have Apply/Remove Security Policy permission for all security policies assigned. If only an import template is specified the user is not required to have Apply/Remove Security Policy permission for the security policies inherited from the import template. If both an asset representation and an import template are specified the metadata, security policies, and categories populated into the assets will be determined by the asset representation, but the user will only be required to have Apply/Remove Security Policy permission for the security policies not present in the import template.

Update an Asset

Update metadata and/or reassign applicable security policies and/or associated categories for the specified Asset.<br/>For metadata fields, only the type, id and value need to be specified.</br>The asset must be locked by the user who is performing the edit operation.</br>If the value for lockStrategy parameter passed is optimistic, then the user doesn't need to lock the asset prior to calling.The API will obtain the lock internally and perform the asset update

Duplicate the given set of assets.

Duplicate assets based on the selection context to the given destination folder. For duplicating the hierarchy of folders, use the depth parameter. Using selection context to expand will flatten out the asset structure and duplicate it. Using selection context parameter to duplicate hierarchy of asset will result in validation error.<p>While using selection context to filter the assets based on permissions, pass permissions_filter paramater in selection context. The valid permission filters are {ASSETVIEW_PERM, SUMMARYVIEW_PERM, PREVIEWVIEW_PERM, EXPORT_PERM, SUBSCRIBE_PERM,METAEDIT_PERM, CONTENTEDIT_PERM, MEMBERSHIPEDIT_PERM, DELETEASSET_PERM, EDITPARENTS_PERM, CUSTOM01_PERM, CUSTOM02_PERM, CUSTOM03_PERM, CUSTOM04_PERM}

Create one or more links between assets.

Create one or more links between assets.

Remove the links between assets

Remove the links between assets

Retrieve all orphan assets

Retrieve all orphan assets.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Retrieve all orphan assets sort options

Retrieves all sort options to sortorphan assets of the logged in user.

Assign/Unassign products to the assets.

API to Assign/Unassign products to the assets based on the assignment operator choosen by the user. You should specify the selection context from where assets will be retrieved and the products will be assigned/unassigned to those assets. You should specify semicolon separated list of product ids in product_ids parameter.<p>Supported Assignment Operator are - APPEND, REMOVE_ALL, FIND_AND_REMOVE, REPLACE_ALL</p><p><b>APPEND</b> - Assign all the given product to the assets</br><b>REMOVE_ALL</b> - Unassign all the products which are associated to the assets. No need to provide product_ids with this option</br><b>FIND_AND_REMOVE</b> - Unassign the given product from the assets</br><b>REPLACE_ALL</b> - Unassign all the existing associated product from the assets and assign newly given products</p>

Retrieve all recent Asset

Retrieve all recently accessed assets of the logged in user.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Retrieve all recent assets sort options

Retrieves all sort options to sort recently accessed assets of the logged in user.

Lock or unlock or check-out or cancel check-out or delete or un-delete of an asset

Lock or unlock or check-out or cancel check-out or delete or un-delete of an asset<p>While using selection context to filter the assets based on permissions, pass permissions_filter paramater in selection context. The valid permission filters are {ASSETVIEW_PERM, SUMMARYVIEW_PERM, PREVIEWVIEW_PERM, EXPORT_PERM, SUBSCRIBE_PERM,METAEDIT_PERM, CONTENTEDIT_PERM, MEMBERSHIPEDIT_PERM, DELETEASSET_PERM, EDITPARENTS_PERM, CUSTOM01_PERM, CUSTOM02_PERM, CUSTOM03_PERM, CUSTOM04_PERM}

subscribe of assets

subscribe of assets<p>While using selection context to filter the assets based on permissions, pass permissions_filter paramater in selection context. The valid permission filters are {ASSETVIEW_PERM, SUMMARYVIEW_PERM, PREVIEWVIEW_PERM, EXPORT_PERM, SUBSCRIBE_PERM,METAEDIT_PERM, CONTENTEDIT_PERM, MEMBERSHIPEDIT_PERM, DELETEASSET_PERM, EDITPARENTS_PERM, CUSTOM01_PERM, CUSTOM02_PERM, CUSTOM03_PERM, CUSTOM04_PERM}

un-subscribe of assets

un-subscribe of assets<p>While using selection context to filter the assets based on permissions, pass permissions_filter paramater in selection context. The valid permission filters are {ASSETVIEW_PERM, SUMMARYVIEW_PERM, PREVIEWVIEW_PERM, EXPORT_PERM, SUBSCRIBE_PERM,METAEDIT_PERM, CONTENTEDIT_PERM, MEMBERSHIPEDIT_PERM, DELETEASSET_PERM, EDITPARENTS_PERM, CUSTOM01_PERM, CUSTOM02_PERM, CUSTOM03_PERM, CUSTOM04_PERM}

Retrieve an Asset

Retrieve an Asset by asset id.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Update an Asset

Update metadata and/or reassign applicable security policies and/or associated categories for the specified Asset.<br/>For metadata fields, only the type, id and value need to be specified.</br>The asset must be locked by the user who is performing the edit operation.</br>If the value for lockStrategy parameter passed is optimistic, then the user doesn't need to lock the asset prior to calling.The API will obtain the lock internally and perform the asset update

Retrieve the collections associated for the given asset id.

Retrieve the collections associated for the given asset id.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Retrieve the content or a rendition of an Asset

Retrieve the content or a rendition for the specified Asset. If no <b>rendition_type</b> parameter is specified the content of the asset will be returned.

Add Or Update Renditions of an Asset

Add Or Update Renditions of an Asset. Supported Rendtion types are Thumbnail or Preview. The content image supported as a multipart/form-data format. If the rendition sent other than png file, the file name with extension must be set to FormDataBodyPart.

Retrieve spin360 content of an Asset

Retrieve spin360 content of an Asset by asset id.

Duplicate the given asset/folder.

Duplicate the given asset/folder to the destination folder.

Retrieve the parents for given asset id.

Retrieve the parents for given asset id.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Remove list of specified parents for Asset Id.

Remove parents which are mentioned in comma separated parentIds string for current asset resource.

Retrieve asset products

API to get all the products associated to the asset. It returns collection summary when limit is set to '0'.

Link products to the asset.

Link products which are mentioned in comma separated product ids string to the asset.

Unlink product from the asset.

Unlink the product from the asset based on mode. Supported unlink modes are UNLINK_SPECIFIED and UNLINK_ALL. If mode is set to UNLINK_SPEFICIED then you should set the product id in the request that to be unlinked from the asset. When mode is set to UNLINK_ALL, no need to set product_id parameter all products associated to the asset will be unlinked.

Retrieve related assets of an asset

Retrieve related assets of an asset.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Lock or unlock or check-out or cancel check-out or delete or un-delete of an asset

Lock or unlock or check-out or cancel check-out or delete or un-delete of an asset

subscribe of an asset

subscribe of an asset

un-subscribe of an asset

un-subscribe of an asset

Register asset usage

The API to register the asset usage into the system. You can set category/application properties value either id or name of the category/application accordingly.

Retrieve asset usages

The API to get usages of the asset. It returns collection summary when limit is set to '0'.

Retrieve all versions of an Asset

Retrieve all versions of the specified Asset.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Retrieve the latest version of an Asset

Retrieve the latest version of an Asset by original asset id.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Retrieve all audit tab event filter options

Retrieve all audit tab event filter options based on asset type to populate the filter.

Retrieve all audit tab sort options

Retrieve all sort options to sort audited events for assets or containers.

Retrieve audited events for given asset id

Retrieve audited events for the selected asset.

Retrieve event details for event with given sequence id

Retrieve event details for event with given sequence id. Event details are only available for events whose extended_msg_data property is true.

Retrieve all or user specific brandings depends upon apply_user_filter flag

Retrieve list of branings for logged in user (from session) if apply_user_filter is not set or true(default is true) and it retrieves all brandings in the system if apply_user_filter is set as false.

Retrieve branding

Retrieve branding by branding id

Retrieve a Cascading Group

Retrieve a Cascading Group by cascading group id.

Retrieve the cascading lookup values for a level based on the values provided for previous levels

Retrieve the cascading lookup values for a level based on the values provided for previous levels. The value(s) need to be passed as query parameter(s) named as "path" in the same order they were populated.

Get list of collections for current user

Get list of collections for current user

Create a Collection

Create a collection for the given user. In the CollectionRepresentation, specify the name, permissions and rating enabled or not.

Delete a Collection

This collection will be delete from the system and it will no longer be accessible. This operation cannot be undone. All shared recipients will be removed from the collection and they will no longer be able to access it.

Get all list of access types

Get all list of access types to share the collection

Retrieve assets based on the provided selection context.

Retrieve assets based on the provided selection context. The request needs the pagination parameters to be passed. The asset collection will also include summary about the collection. To load only collection summary pass limit as 0.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p><p>While using selection context to filter the assets based on permissions, pass permissions_filter paramater in selection context. The valid permission filters are {ASSETVIEW_PERM, SUMMARYVIEW_PERM, PREVIEWVIEW_PERM, EXPORT_PERM, SUBSCRIBE_PERM,METAEDIT_PERM, CONTENTEDIT_PERM, MEMBERSHIPEDIT_PERM, DELETEASSET_PERM, EDITPARENTS_PERM, CUSTOM01_PERM, CUSTOM02_PERM, CUSTOM03_PERM, CUSTOM04_PERM}

Add Assets to the selected collections

Add Selected assets by creating new private collection and also add into existing collections.

Retrieve all recent assets sort options

Retrieves all sort options to sort recently accessed assets of the logged in user.

Retrieve list of all collection filter types.

Retrieve list of all collection filter types.

Get list of collections promoted for current user

Get list of collections promoted for current user

Retrieve list of all collection filter types.

Retrieve list of all collection filter types.

Retrieve all collection sort options

Retrieves all sort options to sorting the collections of the logged in user.

subscribe collections

subscribe collectionsSelection context for performing action on single/list of Collections.

un-subscribe of assets

un-subscribe of assets<p>While using selection context to filter the assets based on permissions, pass permissions_filter paramater in selection context. The valid permission filters are {ASSETVIEW_PERM, SUMMARYVIEW_PERM, PREVIEWVIEW_PERM, EXPORT_PERM, SUBSCRIBE_PERM,METAEDIT_PERM, CONTENTEDIT_PERM, MEMBERSHIPEDIT_PERM, DELETEASSET_PERM, EDITPARENTS_PERM, CUSTOM01_PERM, CUSTOM02_PERM, CUSTOM03_PERM, CUSTOM04_PERM}

Get collection microsite templates

Get a list of collection microsite templates for the current user to apply to a microsite during publish of a collection

Get collection by collection id

Get collection by collection id

Update a collection

Update properties of a collection.<br>CollectionSource can't be modified using this endpoint.</br>

Update a collection

Update properties of a collection selectively.<br>name, description, collectionType, ratingEnabled, collectionShareAccessInfo can be modified using this endpoint.</br>

Delete a Collection

This collection will be delete from the system and it will no longer be accessible. This operation cannot be undone. All shared recipients will be removed from the collection and they will no longer be able to access it.

Retrieve all assets of a Collection

Retrieve all the assets for the specified Collection.

Retrieve promoted user groups in a collection.

Retrieve promoted user groups in a collection.

Promote or demote the collection.

Promote or demote the collection.All the selected user groups will be considered as promoted user groups. All the remaining user groups not selected will be consided as demoted.

Publish the collection.

Publish the collection in OTMM to generate microsite for the collection.

Rate the collection.

Rate the shared collection as the logged in user.

subscribe a collection

subscribe a collection

un-subscribe a collection

un-subscribe a collection

Retrieve collection thumbnail

Retrieve the thumbnail for the specified collection.

Change the collection thumbnail

Change the collection thumbnail to the thumbnail of the specified asset id. Asset should be part of the collection

Remove the collection thumbnail

Remove the collection thumbnail to the thumbnail of the specified asset id.

Unpublish the collection.

Unpublish the collection in OTMM to remove microsite for the collection.

Retrieve all Color Filters

Retrieve all Color Filters. Color Filters are used when filtering a search result by colr. Color Filters are only supported for text based searches.

Retrieve a Color Filter

Retrieve a Color Filter by color filter id. Color Filters are used when filtering a search result by colr. Color Filters are only supported for text based searches.

Create a export schedule

Create a new export schedule. If the <b>export_contents</b> parameter is set to <b>assets_and_assets_list</b> then asset metadata will not be included in the export schedule. If metadata is exported then metadata file format to export schedule should be specified in <b>export_request</b> parameter.<p>While using selection context to filter the assets based on permissions, pass permissions_filter paramater in selection context. The valid permission filters are {ASSETVIEW_PERM, SUMMARYVIEW_PERM, PREVIEWVIEW_PERM, EXPORT_PERM, SUBSCRIBE_PERM,METAEDIT_PERM, CONTENTEDIT_PERM, MEMBERSHIPEDIT_PERM, DELETEASSET_PERM, EDITPARENTS_PERM, CUSTOM01_PERM, CUSTOM02_PERM, CUSTOM03_PERM, CUSTOM04_PERM}<P>If delivery template is set to 'Email Asset URL' in export request and FolderSelectionContext is provided for the selection_context parameter then 'include_descendants' and 'child_type' flags in the selection_context object are overridden to 'IMMEDIATE' and 'ASSETS_AND_CONTAINERS' respectively. Similarly, when AssetIdsSelectionContext or SearchSelectionContext is provided for the selection_context parameter then 'include_descendants' flag is set to 'NONE' in the selection_context object</P>

Retrieve all Facet Configurations

Retrieve all Facet Configurations. Facet Configurations are used to configure what facet information is returned with search results.

Retrieve a Facet Configuration

Retrieve a Facet Configuration by facet configuration id. Facet Configurations are used to configure what facet information is returned with search results.

Get all supported feature permissions

Get all supported feature permissions

Get feature permissions for logged in user

Get feature permissions for logged in user

Retrieve recent Folders

Retrieve all recently accessed folders of the logged in user.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Retrieve all recent folders sort options

Retrieves all Sort Options to sort recently accessed folders of the logged in user.

Retrieve all Root Folders

Retrieve all system Root Folders.

Retrieve all folder Sort Options

Retrieves all Sort Options available for sorting folder content. These options can be used when retrieving the children of a folder, the assets with in a folder, or the subfolders of a folder.

Retrieve a Folder

Retrieve a Folder by folder id.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Create a Folder

Create a sub-folder under the specified Folder. In the supplied FolderRepresentation, one needs to set only folder name, folder type id, metadata and security policies. In metadata, set only field id and value.

Update a folder

Update metadata and/or reassign applicable security policies for the specified folder.<br/>For Metadata Fields, only the type, Id and value need to be specified. For security policies, <br/>only the teams identifier(s) need to be specified. <br/>The asset must be locked by the user who is performing the edit operation.<br/>If the value for lockStrategy parameter passed is optimistic, then the user doesn't need to lock the asset prior to calling.The API will obtain the lock internally and perform the asset update

Delete a Folder

Mark the specified Folder as DELETED. The Folder is not purged from the system.

Retrieve all Assets in a Folder

Retrieve all Assets in the specified Folder.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Retrieve all children (Assets and Folders) of a Folder

Retrieve all the children, both Assets and Folders, of the specified Folder.<p>You can distinguish between the Folders and Assets in the response with the help of the <b>type</b> field. The <b>type</b> field is present only for Folders and has the value <b>com.artesia.container.Container</b>.</p><p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Add or move or remove children (Assets and Folders) to/from current Folder

Add children to, or move children into the specified Folder or remove children from current folder. Whether an add or move or remove is performed is determined by the value assigned to the required <b>type</b> parameter. A move operation moves children from one Folder to another Folder. One should specify either <b>asset_ids</b> or <b>selection_context</b> parameter value in the request. A remove operation removes children from current selected Folder, which are mentioned as either <b>asset_ids</b> or <b>selection_context</b> parameter value in the request. The <b>selection_context</b> identifies the assets that will be part of the operation.<p>The response of this operation includes both the Folder into which the children were inserted, a list of children successfully added or moved, and a list of children that could not be added or moved.</p>The failed list also specifies the reason for failure - </br></br>Failure errors can be one of the following:<ul><li>CIRCULAR - Has circular dependency</li><li>NOT_EXIST - Folder/Asset with given id does not exist</li><li>ASSET_NOT_ALLOWED - Assets not allowed to be children</li><li>CONTAINER_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED - The folder type associated with child folder is not allowed to be child or parent</li><li>SINGLE_PARENT - Child folder can have only single parent</li><li>WRONG_TREE - Child folder does not belong to same tree</li><li>CANT_BE_ROOT - Folder/Asset cannot be root</li><li>EXISTING_CHILD - Folder/Asset already a child</li><li>INACTIVE - Folder type associated with folder is inactive</li><li>NO_EDIT_PARENTS - User does not have permission on the parent folder to add or move children.</li><li>CONTAINER_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_USER - User does not belong to allowable user groups for the folder type associated with the parent folder</li></br><p>While using selection context to filter the assets based on permissions, pass permissions_filter paramater in selection context. The valid permission filters are {ASSETVIEW_PERM, SUMMARYVIEW_PERM, PREVIEWVIEW_PERM, EXPORT_PERM, SUBSCRIBE_PERM,METAEDIT_PERM, CONTENTEDIT_PERM, MEMBERSHIPEDIT_PERM, DELETEASSET_PERM, EDITPARENTS_PERM, CUSTOM01_PERM, CUSTOM02_PERM, CUSTOM03_PERM, CUSTOM04_PERM}

Retrieve a rendition of a Folder

Retrieve a rendition for the specified Folder. Folders may optionally have either thumbnail or preview renditions.

Add Or Update Renditions of folder

Add Or Update Renditions of a folder. Supported Rendtion types are Thumbnail or Preview. The content image supported as a multipart/form-data format or asset id. Asset Id should be child of current folder

Delete Renditions of folder

Remove Renditions of a folder

Duplicate the given asset/folder.

Duplicate the given asset/folder to the destination folder.

Retrieve all child Folders in a Folder

Retrieve all child Folders in the specified Folder. If the request is for the first page or all folders within a system Root Folder, the Public Orphans or My Orphans is also retrieved.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Retrieve the parents for given asset id.

Retrieve the parents for given asset id.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Remove list of specified parents for Folder Id.

Remove parents which are mentioned in comma separated parentIds string for current folder resource.

Lock or unlock or un-delete of a folder

Lock or unlock or un-delete of a folder

subscribe of an asset

subscribe of an asset

un-subscribe of an asset

un-subscribe of an asset

Retrieve assigned property templates of a folder

Retrieve all content specific Property templates including default property template of a folder.

Update property templates of a folder

Update all content specific Property templates including default property template of a folder.

Retrieve all Folder Types

Retrieve all Folder Types. Optionally just Folder Types that are configued as active, Folder Types that the user has permission to create Folders with, or Folder Types that are configured as valid for creating top level folders can be retrieved. These options can be combined.

Retrieve a Folder Type

Retrieve a Folder Type by folder type id.

Retrieve User Contacts

Retrieve User Contacts.<br/>Contacts will be retrieved from both Hightail send/share address book and users configured in OTMM.

Create a Hightail Space

Create a Hightail Space.

Logout Hightail Access Token

Logout the cached Hightail Access Token.

Callback to generate Hightail Oauth2 Tokens

Callback to generate Hightail Oauth2 Tokens.

Validate Hightail Access Token

Validate that the cached Hightail Access Token is valid.

Retrieve all Property Templates

Retrieve all Permissible Property Templates.<p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Retrieve all the integration services

Retrieves all the integration services and it allows to filter the result by service type and state

Register integration service

Register a new integration service along with its metadata mappings

Update integration service

Update existing integration service and its metadata mappings

Delete integration service

Delate integration service for the given id

Update integration service state

Update integratoin service state for the given service. The allowed states are DISABLED, ENABLED

Retrieve all Interval Profiles

Retrieve all Interval Profiles. Interval Profiles are used to implement Interval Facets in a Facet Configuration. Either the full Interval Profile representation can be retrieved, or just a partial representation. A partial representation does not include the interval definitions, and is intended for use in generating a list of available Interval Profiles.

Retrieve an Interval Profile

Retrieve an Interval Profile by interval profile id. Interval Profiles are used to implement Interval Facets in a Facet Configuration.

Get Jobs information for current user

Get Jobs for current user with filters.<br/><b>Note :</b><br/>1. Parameter job_class will have precedence over job_type. If job_class is present, job_type will be ignored.

Create a new job

Instantiates a new job and returns the job handle holding id of the new job

Update jobs

Add assets to all the given jobs. The assets will be added only to the jobs which are triggered by the requested user.

Attach Content for specified metadata only asset(s)

Attach Content for specified metadata only asset(s). This should be a multipart/form-data request. The operation creates an attachcontent job and returns the job handle. Using the job id in job handle, you can query the 'jobs' resource for completion status.

Create version for specified Asset(s)

Create Asset(s) version for the specified asset(s). This should be a multipart/form-data request. The operation creates an checkin job and returns the job handle. Using the job id in job handle, you can query the 'jobs' resource for completion status.

Retrieve all Job definitions.

Retrieves all Job definitions that the user has access to. User can instantiate only those jobs returned by this api.

Create a new export job

Create a new export job. If the <b>export_contents</b> parameter is set to <b>assets_and_assets_list</b> then asset metadata will not be included in the export. If metadata is exported then metadata file format to export should be specified in <b>export_request</b> parameter.<p>While using selection context to filter the assets based on permissions, pass permissions_filter paramater in selection context. The valid permission filters are {ASSETVIEW_PERM, SUMMARYVIEW_PERM, PREVIEWVIEW_PERM, EXPORT_PERM, SUBSCRIBE_PERM,METAEDIT_PERM, CONTENTEDIT_PERM, MEMBERSHIPEDIT_PERM, DELETEASSET_PERM, EDITPARENTS_PERM, CUSTOM01_PERM, CUSTOM02_PERM, CUSTOM03_PERM, CUSTOM04_PERM}<P>If delivery template is set to 'Email Asset URL' in export request and FolderSelectionContext is provided for the selection_context parameter then 'include_descendants' and 'child_type' flags in the selection_context object are overridden to 'IMMEDIATE' and 'ASSETS_AND_CONTAINERS' respectively. Similarly, when AssetIdsSelectionContext or SearchSelectionContext is provided for the selection_context parameter then 'include_descendants' flag is set to 'NONE' in the selection_context object</P>

Create an import job

Create an import job to upload content and create asset(s) against. The Job Id in the returned job handle can be used to upload content for the import job against the 'renditions' resource.

Register Assets for creation

Register Asset(s) for creation with the specified asset representation or import template. This should be a multipart/form-data request. The operation creates an import job and returns the job handle. Using the job id in job handle, you can query the 'jobs' resource for completion status.

Create a new publish job

Create a new publish job. If the <b>publish_contents</b> parameter is set to <b>assets_and_assets_list</b> then asset metadata will not be included in the publish. If metadata is publish then metadata file format to publish should be specified in <b>publish_request</b> parameter.<p>While using selection context to filter the assets based on permissions, pass permissions_filter paramater in selection context. The valid permission filters are {ASSETVIEW_PERM, SUMMARYVIEW_PERM, PREVIEWVIEW_PERM, EXPORT_PERM, SUBSCRIBE_PERM,METAEDIT_PERM, CONTENTEDIT_PERM, MEMBERSHIPEDIT_PERM, DELETEASSET_PERM, EDITPARENTS_PERM, CUSTOM01_PERM, CUSTOM02_PERM, CUSTOM03_PERM, CUSTOM04_PERM}

Retrieve all assignee roles for job

Retrieves all supported assignee roles options available for retrieving Jobs.

Retrieve all jobs Sort Options

Retrieves all Sort Options available for sorting jobs contents.

Retrieve all Status Options for Jobs

Retrieves all supported Status Options available for retrieving Jobs.

Retrieve all Status Options for Jobs

Retrieves all supported Status Options available for retrieving Jobs.

Retrieve a specific user job

Retrieve user job by id. This operation is allowed for user who triggered the job and system administrator

Updates the Job data.

Updates the Job data.<br/><b>Note :</b><br/>1. Currently it only updates content downloaded flag, anything else passed will be ignored.

Retrieve assets for job

Retrieve assets associated with a job by job id. This operation is allowed for user who triggered the job and system administrator<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Get job contents

Get contents of a job by job id

Sets status of a specific user job

Sets job status for a user job and all sub jobs instantiated from current job. This operation is allowed for user who triggered the job.

Get related tasks information for a job id

Get related tasks information for a job id

Get all job users

Get all the job users who are participated in the job. The list includes both participants and assignees

Retrieve pre launch form.

Retrieve pre launch form associated with the given activity name

Retrieve all Link Types

Retreive all Link Types.

Retrieve all Lookup Domains

Retrieve all Lookup Domains. In each of the retrieved Lookup Domains, only the valid domain values are populated. Expired values are excluded.

Retrieve a Lookup Domain

Retrieve a Lookup Domain by lookup domain id. Only valid domain values are populated. Expired values are excluded. If search string is provided it returns only lookup domain id along with domain values matching the search string and other information related to lookup domain will be filtered out.

Retrieve all Metadata Field Groups

Retrieve all Metadata Field Groups.

Retrieve a Metadata Field Group

Retrieve a Metadata Field Group by metadata field group id.

Retrieve all Metadata Fields

Retrieve all Metadata Fields. Optionally the Metadata Fields returned can be limited using the <b>id</b> parameter.

Retrieve a Metadata Field

Retrieve a Metadata Field by metadata field id.

Retrieve all Metadata Locales

Retrieve all Metadata Locales.

Retrieve Metadata Models for specified object type.

Retrieve Metadata Models for specified object type. If object type provided is null, it retrieves all models in the system. If model doesn't have type been set, then it considered for all.

Retrieve a Metadata Model

Retrieve a Metadata Model by metadata model id.

Get all user preferences

Get all user preferences for logged in user

Set user preferences

Set user preferences to logged in user

Get user preference date ranges

Get the user preference by preference id for logged in user

Get user preference by preference id

Get the user preference by preference id for logged in user

Set user preference by preference id

Set the user preference by preference id to logged in user

Retrieve products.

Retrieve products by criteria.

Create a new products

Creates a products with the given details.

Update a product

Update a product metadata with the given details.

Delete products

Delete products by given product ids.

Retrieve a product

Retrieve a product by product id.

Retrieve all Recent Searches

Retrieves all Recent Searches.

Save a text Recent Search

Save a text based Recent Search. Required to populate either saved_search_id or search_config_id.

Update Recent Search access date

Update Recent Search access date by recent search id.

Delete a Recent Search

Delete a Recent Search by recent search id.

Create a rendition for an earlier created import job

Create a rendition for an earlier created import job, this method also supports chunk file upload.To enable chunk file upload, client must set request header "X-USES-CHUNKS" as "true" and include chunk parameters as part of the rest client request.

Retrieve a Rendition

Retrieve a Rendition associated with an Asset or Folder by rendition id.

Generate and retrieve content signed url of the content.

Generate and retrieve content signed url of the content to access it directly from storage provider.

Retrieve all Saved Searches

Retrieves all Saved Searches. Optionally just Saved Searches of a specific type (public, restricted or private) can be retrieved, or Saved Searches can be retrieved by id by specifying <b>selected</b> as the <b>save_type</b> and populating a comma separated list of Saved Search ids in the <b>search_ids</b> parameter. <p>Either the full Saved Search representation can be retrieved, just a partial representation, or a partial representation with the sort conditions added. A partial representation does not include the search criteria or sort conditions, and is intended for use in generating a list of available Saved Searches.

Create a database Saved Search

Create a database based Saved Search.

Create a new Saved Search from an existing Saved Search

Create a new Saved Search from an existing Saved Search.

Retrieve Saved Search sort options

Retrieve all supported options for overriding the default sort order of Saved Searches

Create a text Saved Search

Create a text based Saved Search.

Retrieve a Saved Search

Retrieve a Saved Search by saved search id.

Update a Saved Search

Update a Saved Search by saved search id.

Update properties of a Saved Search

Update properties of a Saved Search by saved search id.

Delete a Saved Search

Delete a Saved Search by saved search id.

Change the Saved Search thumbnail

Change the Saved Search thumbnail

Perform a text based Search for collections

Generate a search result from the text search engine for collections.

Perform a database based Search

Generate a search result from the database search engine.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Perform a database based Search

Generate a search result from the database search engine.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Execute a Saved Search

Generate a search result from a Saved Search.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Execute a Saved Search

Generate a search result from a Saved Search.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Retrieve all search Sort Options

Retrieves all Sort Options available for sorting search results.

Perform a text based Search for tags

Generate a search result from the text search engine for tags.

Perform a text based Search

Generate a search result from the text search engine.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Perform a text based Search

Generate a search result from the text search engine.<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Retrieve search suggestions

Retrieve search suggestions for the specified input string.

Retrieve all Search Configurations

Retrieve all Search Configurations. Search Configurations are used to implement Advanced Search. Either the full Search Configuration representation can be retrieved, or just a partial representation. A partial representation does not include the search criteria, and is intended for use in generating a list of available Search Configurations.

Retrieve a Search Configuration

Retrieve a Search Configuration by search configuration id. Search Configurations are used to implement Advanced Search.

Retrieve all Search Operators

Retrieve all Search Operators. Search Operators are used when creating fielded search conditions. Not all Search Operators are supported for text based searches. The subset of operators valid for text based searches can be retrieved by using the <b>search_type</b> parameter.

Retrieve all Search Scopes

Retrieve all Search Scopes. Search Scopes are used when performing keyword searches to specify what data will be searched.

Retrieve all Security Policies

Retrieve all Security Policies. Optionally only Security Policies which the user has edit permission for may be retrieved.

Retrieve a Security Policy

Retrieve a Security Policy by security policy id.

Retrieve Security Policy permissions for all User Groups or retrieves only Security Policies with permissions assigned.

Retrieve Security Policy permissions for all User Groups or retrieves only Security Policies with permissions assigned atleast at one level in the hierrachy. Permissions will be retrieved in a tree representation based on the User Group hierarchy.

Retrieve the Session

Retrieve the current security Session.

Create a Session

Create a security Session in OTMM. It returns a valid SecuritySession object if the provided credentials are valid. This is equivalent to login to OTMM

Delete the Session

Delete the current security Session. This is equivalent to logout from OTMM

Create/Refresh an access token

Create/Refresh an access token. You need to register an OAuth client in OTDS and obtain the client Id and secret key.For more info on how to create OAuth client,refer to the OTDS documentation.Intended for server-to-server authentication.This is equivalent to login from OTMM

Validate an access token

Validate the given OAuth access token. It throws error with status code 410, when the access token is no longer valid.

Request otds ticket for given resource

Request otds ticket for given resource id. It returns a new otds ticket for corresponding resource id

Retrieve all system announcements

Retrieve list of system announcements

Retrieve the system details

Retrieve the system details

Retrieve hosted help information.

Retrieve hosted help information. The retrieved url is used to view the application specific hosted help information.

Retrieve all System Settings

Retrieve all System Settings

Retrieve all Supported Dynamic Date Ranges for retrieving data.

Retrieve all Supported Dynamic Date Ranges. The values retrieved are used for filtering content returned by server based on date ranges

Retrieve all Supported Dynamic Due Date Ranges for retrieving data.

Retrieve all Supported Dynamic Due Date Ranges. The values retrieved are used for filtering content returned by server based on date ranges

Retrieve all Supported Locales

Retrieve all Supported Locales. The values retrieved are derived from the SUPPORTED_LOCALES setting.

Retrieve all Supported priorities for retrieving data.

Retrieve all Supported Priorities. The values retrieved are used for filtering content returned by server based on priorities. Priorities are typically defined on user actions.

Retrieve a System Setting

Retrieve a System Setting matching the given id.

Get Tasks information for current user

Get Tasks information for current user with filters.

Retrieve all Sort Options for Tasks

Retrieves the sort options available to sort all the tasks

Retrieve all Status Options for Tasks

Retrieves all supported Status Options available for retrieving Tasks.

Retrieve a specific user task

Retrieve user task by id

Update a Task

Update task data for the specified Task.<br/>

Retrieve assets for task

Retrieve assets associated with a task by task id<p>The fields populated in the returned object is based on the <b>load_type</b> parameter value. The allowable load_type values are (full,system,metadata,inherited_metadata,custom). If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>custom</b> then you must also provide a <b>data_load_request</b> parameter containing the JSON representation of a DataLoadRequest object. If the <b>load_type</b> parameter is set to <b>metadata</b> or <b>inherited_metadata</b> then you may optionally set the <b>metadata_to_return</b> and/or <b>preference_id</b> parameters to restrict what metadata fields are retrieved. The <b>preference_id</b> parameter is also honored when <b>load_type</b> is <b>custom</b> </p><p>For <b>load_type</b> options that return metadata fields it is possible to suppress field definitions and retrieve just the values for metadata fields by specifying the request parameter <b>level_of_detail</b>. The allowed values are <b>slim</b>, or <b>full</b>(default)</p>

Add assets to task

Add all the given new assets to the task.

Retrieve task asset review comments.

Retrieve task asset review comments for given task id and asset id.

Add a comment for an Asset in a Task.

Add a comment for the specified Asset in the Task. Only the participants of the task can perform this action.

Delete a comment on an Asset in a Task.

Delete a comment on the specified Asset in the Task. Only the comment creator can perform this action. Comments with an associated approval status cannot be deleted.

Set the asset approval state for an asset in a task.

Set the asset approval state for an asset in a task.

Update Task Assignees

API to change the assignees of the task to other users or user group. This operation is allowed only for user who created the task.

Get Transfer Schemes

Get Transfer Schemes configured in the system

Get Transfer Scheme session

Get Transfer session for a transfer scheme

Retrieve transformers list

Retrieve transformers list based on the given query paramaters

Retrieve usage applications

Retrieve all the usage applications registered in the system.

Register a new usage application

The API to register a new usage application into the system. The name of the application must be unique and it returns the numeric id of the registered application.

Retrieve usage categories

Retrieve all the usage categories registered in the system.

Register a new usage category

The API to register a new usage category into the system. The name of the category must be unique and it will return the numeric id of the registered category.

Retrieve User Group(s) for the currently logged in user

Retrieve User Group(s) for the currently logged in user. Optionally comma separated list of user group ids associated with a user can be passed.

Retrieve User Group(s) for a given parent group

Retrieve a User Group's child group(s). This will return only user groups which are immediate children of the given parent user group.

Retrieve Users

Retrieve all Users with filters.<p>Filters are case-insensitive. For those filter parameters documented as supporting wildcards below, a '*' in the parameter value will match 0 or more characters and a '?' will match exactly 1 character. If multiple filters are specified, all filters must be matched.

Retrieve the current User

Retrieve the currently logged on User.

Retrieve all active session info for currently logged on User

Retrieve all active session info for currently logged on User.<p> The response of the operation does not include the internal sessions created by Media Management and the current logged in session</p>

Delete all the active sessions for currently logged on User

Delete all the active sessions for currently logged on User.<p> This operation will not delete the internal sessions associated with the user.

Retrieve a User

Retrieve a User by username or userId.<br>For example if a user <b>ABC</b> is having username as <b>abc</b> and userId as <b>1234</b>, then you can either pass <b>abc</b> or <b>1234</b> in place of userIdentifier to get the details of that particular user.

Retrieve all User Type

Retrieve all User Type

Retrieve all User Type

Retrieve all User Type

Create a Proxies

Create a Proxies for the given video asset.<p>While using selection context to filter the assets based on permissions, pass permissions_filter paramater in selection context. The valid permission filters are {ASSETVIEW_PERM, SUMMARYVIEW_PERM, PREVIEWVIEW_PERM, EXPORT_PERM, SUBSCRIBE_PERM,METAEDIT_PERM, CONTENTEDIT_PERM, MEMBERSHIPEDIT_PERM, DELETEASSET_PERM, EDITPARENTS_PERM, CUSTOM01_PERM, CUSTOM02_PERM, CUSTOM03_PERM, CUSTOM04_PERM}

delete or un-delete of an video sub clip

delete or un-delete of an video sub clip<p>While using selection context to filter the assets based on permissions, pass permissions_filter paramater in selection context. The valid permission filters are {ASSETVIEW_PERM, SUMMARYVIEW_PERM, PREVIEWVIEW_PERM, EXPORT_PERM, SUBSCRIBE_PERM,METAEDIT_PERM, CONTENTEDIT_PERM, MEMBERSHIPEDIT_PERM, DELETEASSET_PERM, EDITPARENTS_PERM, CUSTOM01_PERM, CUSTOM02_PERM, CUSTOM03_PERM, CUSTOM04_PERM}

Update a person's exisitng name in a video along with those who are not recognized or marked as unknown.

Update a person's exisitng name in a video along with those who are not recognized or marked as unknown.

Retrieve insights of video asset.

Retrieve insights of video asset. The request needs the pagination parameters to be passed.

Retrieve keyframes of video asset.

Retrieve keyframes of video asset. The request needs the pagination parameters to be passed.

Update video speech data for Asset Id.

Update video speech data for Asset Id.

Delete video speech data for Asset Id.

Delete video speech data for Asset Id.

Retrieve specific speech text.

Retrieve specific speech text by passing a specific string and returns speech text which contains the requested string

Get downloadable srt file.

Get downloadable srt file from an video by passing the video assetId.

Retrieve sub clips of video asset.

Retrieve sub clips of video asset. The request needs the pagination parameters to be passed.

Create a Sub Clip

Creates a new clip for the given video asset. The ranging of the clip within and including the specified time codes for a given asset.


This item is available for early access. It is still in development and may contain experimental features or limitations.

Last Update

6 days ago
