SchedulingPublished by
SchedulingUse these nodes to integrate with Mediagenix WHATS’ON ecosystem. With WHATS'ON, you can connect strategic, planning and execution workflows end to end across your content supply chain, and close the data loop around one source of truth so that you have a flywheel of continuous improvement that drives your business performance.
The business APIs of WHATS'ON allow you not only to retrieve, create, update and delete data on each concept in WHATS’ON, but also to open up more advanced business logic, such as scheduling content, creating amortization schedules, selling rights. This goes beyond using APIs to just sync data between systems. You can actually use them to implement business workflows between systems.
Get the YAML file of your WHATS'ON version
create one or more asrun records
This call allows the creation of as run records. This can be used to create a single as run record or a collection of as run records.
get the possible values for channels
A call to log into WHATS'ON via the API
Fetch the information for a reconciled day
This call will return only transmission events that are reconcilled. For a day not yet reconciled this day will return an empty response.
get the possible values for time allocation types
Commercial API
Get the YAML file of your WHATS'ON version
Get the possible values for aspect ratio
Get the possible values for audio mode
Get the possible values for audio status
Retrieve the break schedule for one day
Retrieve all linear channels
Get the possible values for clash codes
Create clashcodes
Get the possible values for colour model
Create commercials
Update one or more commercial breaks
Allows to update a partial broadcast day or single time allocations. Time allocations that are not specified in the call, will be left untouched.
Import the commercial playlist for a full day
Get the possible values for commercial types
Get the possible values for day status in the POST commercialPlaylist call
Get the possible values for the frame rate
Get the possible values for language
A call to log into WHATS'ON via the API
Get the possible values for media asset kind
Get the possible values for media asset status
Retrieve all possible media asset templates
Get the possible values for media library
Get the possible values for media type
Retrieve all schedule versions
Get the possible values for sound
Get the possible values for time allocation types
Get the possible values for video format
Get the possible values for media asset status
Company API
Get the YAML file of your WHATS'ON version
search for companies
create or (partially) update company
Get all the details for one company.
(partially) update company
delete a company
A call to log into WHATS'ON via the API
get the possible values for company type
Content API
Get the YAML file of your WHATS'ON version
Get the possible values for broadcast medium.
Retrieve all supported cast function values.
Retrieve all supported cast type values.
Get the possible values for category
Get the possible values for content target group.
Get the possible values for content.
Search for contents.
Get the possible values for department
Get the possible values for the dropdown linked to this custom attribute
Creates or updates an episode.
Get all the details for a episode.
Update an episode.
Delete an episode
Create a new episode version.
Get the possible values for form.
Get the possible values for intention.
Get the possible values for language.
A call to log into WHATS'ON via the API
Retrieve all supported parental rating values.
Create or update a press sheet for content
Get the details for one press sheet
Update a press sheet
Delete a press sheet
Get the possible values for press status.
Get the possible values for press target.
Create or update a program.
Retrieve all details of a program
The program is identified by the contentId (i.e. external reference). The contentId must be specified in the url.
Update a program.
Delete a program
The program is identified by the contentId (i.e. external reference). The contentId must be specified in the url.
Create a program version.
Get the possible values for region
Get the possible values for regulator inside RegionalParentalRating
Get the possible parentalRating values for the regulator refered to by regulatorId.
Create or update a season
Get all the details for a season.
Update a season.
Delete a season.
Create a new season version.
Create or update a series
Retrieve all the details for a series.
The series is identified by the contentId (i.e. external reference). The contentId must be specified in the url.
Update a series.
Delete a series.
Get the possible values for title type.
Get the possible values for type
Get the possible status values for the type refered to by typeId.
Get the possible values for version
File API
a call to let WHATSON know if the file has arrived correctly
Get the YAML file of your WHATS'ON version
Get call to trigger the transfer of one file
A call to log into WHATS'ON via the API
Post call to allow the upload of a file via binary encoding
Linear schedule API
Get the YAML file of your WHATS'ON version
Retrieve all linear channels.
Retrieve all schedule versions for a specific channel refered to by channelId.
create all transmissions for one day in one call.
A call to log into WHATS'ON via the API
Retrieve all supported parental rating values.
Retrieve all supported values for sound.
Retrieve all possible templates. Only templates that have an API reference will be included in this call.
get all transmission events for a certain day. Only transmission events of the actual channel can be retrieved
Search for linear transmissions
Create or update a linear transmission
Retrieve a specific transmission
Returns a specific linear transmission which is identified by its external reference.
Update a specific linear transmission.
Delete a specific linear transmission.
get all transmission events linked to one transmission
Retrieve all supported values for video format.
Get the possible values for aspect format description.
Get the YAML file of your WHATS'ON version
Get the possible values for aspect ratio.
Get the possible values for audio action status.
Get the possible values for audio channel.
Search for audio components.
Create or update an audio component.
Get all the details for an audio component.
Update an audio component.
Delete an audio component.
Get the possible values for audio encodings.
Get the possible values for audio mode.
Get the possible values for audio status.
Get the possible values for channel.
Get the possible values for colour model.
Create or update a media asset with all its components and segmentation profiles.
Update a media asset with all its components and segmentation profiles.
Retrieve the available component set templates that can be used to create components for a media asset.
Get the possible values for the content status.
Get the possible values for the content version.
Search for contents.
Get the possible values for the definition.
Get the possible values for the dropdown linked to this custom attribute
Get the possible values for media encoding.
Get the possible values for media extension.
Get the possible values for media file format.
Get the possible values for the frame rate.
Get the possible values for the ingest type.
Get the possible values for the language.
A call to log into WHATS'ON via the API
Get the possible values for the loudness standard.
Get the possible values for the MAM systems.
Get the possible values for the marker type.
Get the possible values for media asset kind.
Create or update a media asset sequence
Retrieve the contents of a media asset sequence
Update a media asset sequence
Delete a media asset sequence
Get the possible values for media asset status.
Retrieve the media asset templates that can be used to create a new media asset with predefined components.
Search for media assets.
Create or update a media asset for a content.
Get all the details for a media asset.
Update a media asset.
Delete a media asset.
Create components for a media asset with a component set template.
Get planning information for a media asset.
Get the possible values for media library.
Get the possible values for media status.
Get the possible values for media types.
Get the possible values for noise reduction.
Get the possible values for rating status.
Get the possible values for a regulator.
Get the possible parentalRating values for the regulator refered to by regulatorId.
Create or update a segmentation profile. At least 1 media segment is required.
Get all the details for a segmentation profile.
Update a segmentation profile. At least 1 media segment is required.
Delete a segmentation profile.
Get the possible values for sound.
Get the possible values for subtitling action status.
Get the possible values for subtitling code.
Search for subtitling components.
Create or update a subtitling component.
Get all the details for a subtitling component.
Update a subtitling component.
Delete a subtitling component.
Get the possible values for subtitling mode.
Get the possible values for subtitling status.
Get the possible values for video action statues.
Search for video components.
Create or update a video component.
Get all the details for a video component.
Update a video component.
Delete a video component.
Get the possible values for video format.
Get the possible values for video mode.
Get the possible values for video status.
On-demand Schedule API
Get the YAML file of your WHATS'ON version
Retrieve all on-demand channels.
A call to log into WHATS'ON via the API
Search for on-demand transmissions
Create or update an on-demand transmission
Retrieve a specific on-demand transmission
Returns a specific transmission which is identified by its external reference.
Update a specific on-demand transmission. (Catch-up transmissions can not be updated)
Delete a specific on-demand transmission.
Retrieve all possible values for planning category.
Retrieve all possible templates.
Person API
Get the YAML file of your WHATS'ON version
get the possible values for gender
A call to log into WHATS'ON via the API
get the possible values for the type of a person's name
get the possible values for nationality
search for persons
Create or update a person.
Get all the details for a person.
Update a person.
delete a person.
Rights API
get the possible values for additionalRightType
get the available amortization rules
get the supported amortization definitions
Get the YAML file of your WHATS'ON version
get the possible values for channelGroup
get the possible values for contractCheckingGroups1
get the possible values for contractCheckingGroups2
get the possible values for contractCheckingGroups3
get the possible values for contractCheckingGroups4
get the possible values for contractCheckingGroups5
get the possible values for contractType
get the possible values for contractPhase valid for identified contractType
get the possible values for contractStatus valid for identified contractPhase and contractType
Search for contracts
create or (partially) update contract
this call creates a new contract. The contractId can be specified as part of the json If a contract with same contractId already exists then the existing contract will be updated. If no contractId was passed this will always create a new contract and the generated contractId will be returned as part of the response. Contract entries can already be added as part of this call, but can also be added later on using the POST /contracts/{contractId}/contractEntries/{productId} call
Get all the details for one contract.
(partially) update contract
this call updates a contract, with all the contractEntries and rights for these entries.
get the contractEntry identified by contractId and productId
create or (partially) update contractEntry
(partially) update an existing contractEntry
delete an existing contractEntry
get the possible values for cost channels
Search for cost definitions
Create or update a cost definition
Get the details of a cost definition.
Update a cost definition using the cost definition ID
Delete a cost definition
get the possible values for cost groups
get the possible values for currency
get the possible values for definitionGroup
get the possible values for department
get the possible values for deviceGroup
get the possible values for exploitationRightType
Get all the details for one exploitation right
Modify the status of a set of runs
Get all runs of a particular exploitation right
get the possible values for financial stock partitions
A call to log into WHATS'ON via the API
get the possible values for productVersionGroup
get the possible values for publicationSystemGroup
get the possible values for regionGroup
get the formula representation for relative to airing
get the formula representation for relative to own start date
get the possible values for termsOfExclusivityGroup
get the formula representation for Unlimited
MGX Rights Out - Rights Out BAPI
Get the details of a contact
Returns name and description of the contact
Get the possible values for currency
Returns all the currencies available.
Get the possible values for territory
Returns all the territories available.
Get the possible values for languages
Returns all the languages available.
Get the possible values for limitation
Returns all the limitations available.
Get the possible values for offer status
Returns all the offer statuses available.
Get the possible values for offer type
Returns all the offer types available.
Retrieve Offers
Returns all the Offers. The Offers will not have the list of offer items. These have to be fetched by the retrieve offers call (/offers/{offerId})
Retrieve an Offer
Returns the details of the offer identified by the offerId. The offerId must be specified in the url.
Retrieve the payment terms of an Offer
Returns the details of all the payment terms for the offer identified by the offerId. The offerId must be specified in the url.
Get all due date types
Returns all the due date types.
Get all payment statuses
Returns all the payment statuses.
Get the possible values for rights holder types
Returns all the rights holder types available.
Get the possible values for rights types
Returns all the rights types available.
Get the possible values for sales verion
Returns all the sales versions available.
Get the possible values for supplier type
Returns all the supplier types available.
Get the possible values for task status
Returns all the task statuses available.
Get the possible values for territory
Returns all the territories available.
Sport API
Search for contents.
Get the possible values for duration structure.
Get the possible values for event day.
Get the possible values for event status.
Get the possible values for league status.
Search for leagues.
Create or update a league.
Get all the details for a league.
Update a league.
Delete a league.
Get the possible values for event location or home location.
Search for players.
Create or update a player.
Get all the details for a player.
Update a player.
Delete a player.
Get the possible values for rule set.
Get the possible values for season status.
Search for seasons.
Create or update a season.
Get all the details for a season.
Update a season.
Delete a season.
Search for sport events.
Create or update a sport event.
Get all the details for a sport event.
Update a sport event.
Delete a sport event.
Get the possible values for sport kind.
Search for teams.
Create or update a team.
Get all the details for a team.
Update a team.
Delete a team.
This item is available for early access. It is still in development and may contain experimental features or limitations.
4 months ago