
Collaborative Workspaces adapted to specific Types of Production

Limecraft is an online workspace that keeps track of assets on local storage and that uses AI transcription and image recognition to index video and to automate repetitive work. Creative video teams and post productions facilities rely on Limecraft to more easily organise and exchange media assets.

Limecraft provides video teams with a cloud-based video production platform and collaborative tools, suitable to production companies and content agencies searching for more productivity and a better user experience.


Quick upload, comprehensive media management accessible from everywhere and timely export-to-edit is made easy to increase your productivity.


Our intuitive interface guides you through every process. Create tag, comment and pre-cut material, easily shared with team members.


Extend your workflow by integrating our solution. Limecraft seamlessly integrates with existing storage and media asset management services.

Supported Operations

Limecraft API

Run and download generic workflow export for account

Run a Custom Workflow Definition

Run and download generic production report for account

Run a Custom Workflow Definition

List All reporting Workflows for an account

As for all listing calls, [Paging](#b517d45b-5255-5002-99d8-ca46e65db95a) is supported. # Filter Workflows can be queried by means of filter query parameters of which the following are currently supported: * id: return the workflow with the specified id * funnel: filter by funnel * name: filter by name * adminOnly: (boolean) filter by adminOnly * label: filter by label * created: (timestamp) filter by created * workflowStarted: (timestamp) filter by workflowStarted * workflowCompleted: (timestamp) filter by workflowCompleted * workflowFailed: (timestamp) filter by workflowFailed * mediaObjectId: filter by mediaObjectId * editorialObjectId: filter by editorialObjectId * productionId: filter by productionId * accountId: filter by accountId * status: filter by status (Inited, Started, Completed, Error, Cancelled, Paused, CompletedPending, ErrorPending, WaitForCallback) * workflowType: filter by workflowType * workflowTask: filter by workflowTask

List clips with admin rights

Query for media object annotations as admin. This will include all productions in the system.

Validate Token

This call checks if a token is still valid. If it is, the call returns the user object as json. If the token has expired or is not valid, it returns status ```401 Unauthorized```.

Get Access Token

Log out

Log out and invalidate your access token. Use the login call to retrieve a new access token.

Query productions

As for all listing calls, [Paging](#b517d45b-5255-5002-99d8-ca46e65db95a) is supported. # Filter Productions can be queried by means of filter query parameters of which the following are currently supported: * id: return the production with the specified id * name: filter by name * type: filter by type (UNKNOWN, FICTION, RUSH, FACTUAL) * created: filter by a time range in which the production was created * deleted: filter by a time range in which the production was deleted * archived: filter by a time range in which the production was archived * lastActivity: filter by a time range in which the production was last visited * lastTouched: filter by a time range in which the production was last edited (e.g.: added clips, collections, ...) * settings.X: filter by production setting "X". Note that only simple queries are supported: e.g: settings.enableArchive:true. Only the root properties of the settings can by queries, i.e.: is not supported (yet). * accountId: filter production that belong to a given account * subscriptionId: filter production that belong to a given subscription * status: filter production with a given status (NORMAL, ACTIVE, ARCHIVED, DELETED) * isPublic: filter by whether the production is public or not ``` /api/production?fq=name:My Produ*&fq=settings.myProductionSetting:MyValu* ``` # Include The resulting productions can be enriched with additional properties to prevent repeating a query for each production separately. The following include parameters are supported for listing productions: * includeTentative: include pending team members (members who received an invitation but have not accepted yet) * includeParticipants: query parameter to include participants in returned productions * includeAccount: include the account * includeRights: include the rights of the current user for the given production * includeInvitations: include the invitations * includeAvatar: include the production avatar * includeRolePresets: query parameter to include role presets in returned productions * includeRoleRights: query parameter to include role rights in returned productions * includeRoles: query parameter to include roles in returned productions * includeUsages: include the usage of the production * settings: include the production settings * includeAdmin: search all productions (even if the current user is not member), support only * includeServiceIntegrations: query parameter to include the service integrations in the returned production * includeSubscriptionResources: query parameter to include the subscription resources in returned production * includeSettings: query parameter to include the settings returned production * includeDeleted: include the deleted productions in the search result, support only ``` /api/production?includeTentative=true&includeRights=true&includeParticipants=true ```

List clips

Query for media object annotations

List the available categories

Query for getting a list of all available categories attached to a production

Get CustomFieldsDescription Annotations

Set the customfieldsdescription for annotations.

Update CustomFieldsDescription Annotations

Set the customfieldsdescription for annotations.

Run and download generic workflow export

Run a Custom Workflow Definition

Run and download generic production report

Run a Custom Workflow Definition

Query collections

As for all listing calls, [Paging](#b517d45b-5255-5002-99d8-ca46e65db95a) is supported. # Filter Collections can be queried by means of filter query parameters of which the following are currently supported: * id: return the collection with the specified id * type: filter by type (Notebook, Draft, Episode, Scene, Story, StoryPart) * funnel: filter by funnel * title or title_lc: filter by title or the use the case-insensitive variant * status: filter by status * categoryId: filter collections within a specific category * parentId or childOf: filter collections which are child of the given parent collection id * created: filter by a time range in which the collection was created * isRoot: filter collections which are root collections (Notebook, Episode, Story) ``` /api/production/12345/eo?fq=type:Notebook&fq=title_lc:"My Notebo*"&fq=isRoot:true&fq=categoryId:12345 ```

Create a new collection

Create a new collection

Access a collection with the shared token

Access a collection with the shared token

Patch a collection

Patch a collection

Remove a collection

Query for removing a collection by its Id in a production

Attach the clip to a collection

We expect the id(s) of the media object annotations in the request body.

List the shares in a collection

List the shares in a collection

Share a collection

Share a collection

Move a subcollection to a different parent

Update of collection parents is a potential heavy call, so a number of pre-flight checks are performed. When nothing needs to be done, e.g. the parent is already at the given id, a 204 response is returned. When validation fails, e.g. the type of the target parent does not matches the current parent, a 400 Bad Request is returned. Note that only the parent of a sub collection (Scene, StoryPart, Draft) can be altered. We expect only the id of the target collection in the request body. If all pre-flight checks pass, a workflow is created and a 202 Accepted is returned with the workflow details in the body. The location header contains the url at which the status of the workflow can be checked.

Move a root collection to a different category

Update of collection parents is a potential heavy call, so a number of pre-flight checks are performed. When nothing needs to be done, e.g. the category is already at the given id, a 204 response is returned. Note that only the category of a root-collection (Episode, Story, Notebook) can be altered. We expect only the id of the target category in the request body. If all pre-flight checks pass, a workflow is created and a 202 Accepted is returned with the workflow details in the body. The location header contains the url at which the status of the workflow can be checked.

Get CustomFieldsDescription Collections

Set the customfieldsdescription for collections.

Update CustomFieldsDescription Collections.

Set the customfieldsdescription for collections.

List The File Resources in the production

As for all listing calls, [Paging](#b517d45b-5255-5002-99d8-ca46e65db95a) is supported. # Filter File Resources can be queried by means of filter query parameters of which the following are currently supported: * id: return the file resource with the specified id * filename: filter file resources by property filename * funnel: filter file resources by property funnel * mimeType: filter file resources by property mimeType * customFields: filter file resources by property customFields, json query supported, e.g.: customFields.MyCustomField.value:MyValue * systemFields: filter file resources by property systemFields, json query supported * transferDetails: filter file resources by property transferDetails, json query supported, e.g.: transferDetails.completed:\[* TO *] * isUploading: filter file resources that are currently being uploaded * location: filter file resources by property location * deleted: filter file resources by flag deleted true/false * shouldBeOnBackup: filter file resources by flag shouldBeOnBackup true/false * shouldBeOnFlow: filter file resources by flag shouldBeOnFlow true/false * onFlow: filter file resources by flag onFlow true/false * onBackup: filter file resources by flag onBackup true/false * deletedTimestamp: filter file resources by property deletedTimestamp (time range) * shouldBeOnFlowTimestamp: filter file resources by property shouldBeOnFlowTimestamp (time range) * shouldBeOnBackupTimestamp: filter file resources by property shouldBeOnBackupTimestamp (time range) * onFlowTimestamp: filter file resources by property onFlowTimestamp (time range) * onBackupTimestamp: filter file resources by property onBackupTimestamp (time range) ``` /api/production/12345/file?fq=funnel:TempFile&fq=mimeType:video/mp4 ```

Create a new file resource

Create a new file resource

Update a file resource

Update a file resource

Delete a file resource

Delete a file resource

Close the file resource upload

Close the file resource upload

Download the file resource

Download the file resource

Create a file resource upload

Create a file resource upload

Get media objects

This call will tell the API to get all media objects

Create a sample clip.

Create a sample clip.

Delete a clip

This call will tell the API to delete the provided clip, based on the mediaObjectId

Create Transcript Manually

Create transcription annotation manually

Create review comment

Create a new review comment annotation. Add the ID of an existing review comment to the ```relatedToId```parameter to post this as a reply to that comment. Remove the 'relatedToId' parameter from the body to post a regular reviewComment. It is possible to work with paging by specifying the ```offset``` parameter, and instructing the query to begin displaying results from this offset.

Close the clip upload

Close the clip upload

Close upload data

Signal that the upload is finished

Start upload

This call will prepare the API to receive the upload of the file. The returned json object will contain a field `uploadLocation` that is to receive the upload.

Retrieve the media object annotation

Retrieve the media object annotation

Add metadata to the clip

This call allows the user to add custom metadata and custom fields to a clip. For the custom fields to be searchable, it is required they first be registered in the production settings, under "Clip Metadata".

Add proxy instance

This call creates a new MediaObjectInstance. In the example, we will create a proxy for an existing clip. This will add a Track to the clip, which readies a MaterialInstance to receive the proxy.

Add screenshot to the clip

This call allows the user to upload a custom screenshot to a clip, acting as its thumbnail on Limecraft Flow.

Start the ingest workflow for a clip

This call will start the ingest workflow for a clip. Boolean options(true or false) can be provided for the call: * redo: Check if the ingest workflow has run before and throw an error if such workflow exists and redo is set to false; start the ingest workflow otherwise (defaults to false). * redoSingleTask: When set to true, force each task in the ingest workflow not to use previous results and regenerate all transcodes, thumbs, etc... By default as much of the previous run is recycled. (defaults to false) * redoAndTerminateRunning: Stop the running ingest workflow (if one exists) and restart.

Start a transcription with google speech

Start a transcription with google spreech


This API call will allow you to upload an subtitle file to a clip. Each upload overrides the previous. Supported subtitle file formats are: * vtt * stl * srt Language codes are used to indicate the language the subtitle file is in. Both the final argument in the url and the "language" parameter of the form data require a language code. A document with accepted language codes can be found here:

Start a subtitle translation

Start a translation direclty on a subtitle.

Download subtitles EBUTTD

Download subtitles EBUTTD

Download subtitles with disclaimers

Download subtitles with disclaimers

Download subtitles STL with stl configuration - colors

Download subtitles STL

Start a translation with deepl

Start a translation with deepl. Not all languages are supported.

List the shares in a production

As for all listing calls, [Paging](#b517d45b-5255-5002-99d8-ca46e65db95a) is supported. # Filter Shares can be queried by means of filter query parameters of which the following are currently supported: * id: filter by share id; * editorialObjectId: filter by collection; * expires: filter by exire date; * label: filter by label; * lc_label: filter by label case-insensitive; * description: filter by description; * lc_description: filter by description case-insensitive; * clientProperties: filter by clientProperties using dotted notation, e.g. ``fq=clientProperties.myField:value``;

List the annotations in a share

As for all listing calls, [Paging](#b517d45b-5255-5002-99d8-ca46e65db95a) is supported. # Filter Annotations that are explicitly shared or created in the share can be queried, meaning all annotation with ``attachedEditorialObjectId`` set to the collection being shared or ``createdByShareId`` equal to the share id. The regular annotation search queries are supported. (#042439b7-8416-57a4-8e50-3d3b1e57451a)

List the attached annotations of a share

As for all listing calls, [Paging](#b517d45b-5255-5002-99d8-ca46e65db95a) is supported. # Filter Annotations that are explicitly shared can be queried, meaning all annotation with attachedEditorialObjectId set to the collection being shared. The regular annotation search queries are supported. (#042439b7-8416-57a4-8e50-3d3b1e57451a)

List the created annotations in a share

As for all listing calls, [Paging](#b517d45b-5255-5002-99d8-ca46e65db95a) is supported. # Filter Annotations that are created in the share can be queried, meaning all annotation with ``createdByShareId`` set to the share id. The regular annotation search queries are supported. (#042439b7-8416-57a4-8e50-3d3b1e57451a)

Identify yourself as shared user in the share

Identify yourself as shared user in the share

List the shared users in a share

List the shared users in a share

Create/Add a shared user to a share

This will create a new shared user, or use an existing (based on email) and add it to the share.

Remove shared users from a share with a query

Remove shared users from a share with a query

Add a shared user to a share

Add a shared user to a share

Remove a shared user from a share

Remove a shared user from a share

Notify a shared user in a share by email

The callbackURL parameter has limited support for templating: e.g: #shared/production/[(\${})]/[(\${token})] The template part is marked by [(${ some_expression })]. Currently, the following objects can be used in the template expression: * token: the access token for the share * production: the production of the share * share: the share itself * creator: the creator of the share

List the shared users in a production

As for all listing calls, [Paging](#b517d45b-5255-5002-99d8-ca46e65db95a) is supported. # Filter Shared users can be queried by means of filter query parameters of which the following are currently supported: * shareId; * id; * lastSeen; * username; * email; * firstName; * lastName;

List The Service Integrations

List The Service Integrations

Create a new service integration

Create a new service integration

Delete the service integration

Delete the service integration

List the translation languages

List the available languages for translation

Wait for the given workflow to finish.

Wait for the given workflow to finish.

List Export Workflows

As for all listing calls, [Paging](#b517d45b-5255-5002-99d8-ca46e65db95a) is supported. # Filter Workflows can be queried by means of filter query parameters of which the following are currently supported: * id: return the workflow with the specified id * funnel: filter by funnel * name: filter by name * adminOnly: (boolean) filter by adminOnly * label: filter by label * created: (timestamp) filter by created * workflowStarted: (timestamp) filter by workflowStarted * workflowCompleted: (timestamp) filter by workflowCompleted * workflowFailed: (timestamp) filter by workflowFailed * mediaObjectId: filter by mediaObjectId * editorialObjectId: filter by editorialObjectId * productionId: filter by productionId * accountId: filter by accountId * status: filter by status (Inited, Started, Completed, Error, Cancelled, Paused, CompletedPending, ErrorPending, WaitForCallback) * workflowType: filter by workflowType * workflowTask: filter by workflowTask

Download file(s) generated by the workflow

Download file(s) generated by the workflow.

List the Transcription languages

List the available languages for transcription with the specified engine

List The Export Configurations

There are a number of globally defined export configurations which can be copied or addressed through ```[(${context.system.settings.exportConfigurations.get(\":exportConfigurationName\")})]```

List The Export Custom Workflow Definitions

There are a number globally defined custom workflow definitions for exporting which can be retrieved through this call.

List The Report Configurations

There are a number of globally defined report configurations which can be copied or addressed through ```[(${context.system.settings.reportConfigurations.get(\":reportConfigurationName\")})]```

List The Report Custom Workflow Definitions

There are a number globally defined custom workflow definitions for reporting which can be retrieved through this call.

List Workflows global (DEVOPS ONLY)

As for all listing calls, [Paging](#b517d45b-5255-5002-99d8-ca46e65db95a) is supported. # Filter Workflows can be queried by means of filter query parameters of which the following are currently supported: * id: return the workflow with the specified id * funnel: filter by funnel * name: filter by name * adminOnly: (boolean) filter by adminOnly * label: filter by label * created: (timestamp) filter by created * workflowStarted: (timestamp) filter by workflowStarted * workflowCompleted: (timestamp) filter by workflowCompleted * workflowFailed: (timestamp) filter by workflowFailed * mediaObjectId: filter by mediaObjectId * editorialObjectId: filter by editorialObjectId * productionId: filter by productionId * accountId: filter by accountId * status: filter by status (Inited, Started, Completed, Error, Cancelled, Paused, CompletedPending, ErrorPending, WaitForCallback) * workflowType: filter by workflowType * workflowTask: filter by workflowTask

Last Update

7 months ago
