
Create pools of virtual workstations, schedule pools to run when needed, and create power plans to save costs.

Leostream provides a vendor-neutral remote access and desktop connection management platform that equips IT teams across all industries with the flexible and secure platform for building hosted desktop environments.

Supported Operations

Leostream (Technical Preview)

List Centers

Retrieves the list of Center currently defined in the Connection Broker.

Get Center

Returns details of a Center resource.

List Policies

Returns a list of Policy resources.

Create Policy

Create a new Policy.

Get Policy

Returns the specified Policy resource.

Update Policy

Update a Policy.

Delete Policy

Deletes a Policy resource.

List PoolAssignments

Returns a list of PoolAssignments.

Create PoolAssignment

Adds a Pool Assignment to an existing Policy. Specify different Assignment parameters depending on the way the Pool Assignment is defined.

Get PoolAssignment

Returns details of a PoolAssignment

Update PoolAssignment

Update an existing Pool Assignment. Specify different Pool Assignment parameters depending on how the Pool Assignment is defined.

Delete PoolAssignment

Delete a PoolAssignment.

List Pools

Retrieves the list of Pool resources currently defined in the Connection Broker

Create Pool

Create a new Pool

Get Pool

Returns the specified Pool resource.

Update Pool

Update the Pool resource.

Delete Pool

Delete a Pool resource.

Get pool-history

Returns a time-series of pool statistic data.

Get license info

Returns the current Leostream license information and usage

Last Update

6 months ago
