
Gather and organize media securely from any storage and benefit from hassle-free media collaboration and powerful automation features. Iconik is a cloud-native solution that's easy to use from any device.

Supported Operations

Iconik ACLs

Check if objects have required permission

Check if objects have required permission Required roles: - can_read_acls

Retreive all acl templates

Retreive all acl templates Required roles: - can_read_acl_templates

Create an acl template

Create an acl template Required roles: - can_write_acl_templates

Retreive an acl template

Retreive an acl template Required roles: - can_read_acl_templates

Update an acl template

Update an acl template Required roles: - can_write_acl_templates

Update an acl template

Update an acl template Required roles: - can_write_acl_templates

Remove an acl template

Remove an acl template Required roles: - can_delete_acl_templates

Apply template permissions to an object

Apply template permissions to an object

Create a new acl for multiple objects

Create a new acl for multiple objects Required roles: - can_write_acls

Delete acls for multiple objects

Delete acls for multiple objects Required roles: - can_delete_acls

Create a new acl for multiple objects with multiple permissions

Create a new acl for multiple objects with multiple permissions Required roles: - can_write_acls

Create a new acl for content of multiple objects

Create a new acl for content of multiple objects Required roles: - can_write_acls

Delete acls for content of multiple objects

Delete acls for content of multiple objects Required roles: - can_delete_acls

List of object permissions

List of object permissions Required roles: - can_read_acls

List of permissions for the user

List of permissions for the user

Check if particular object has required permission

Check if particular object has required permission Required roles: - can_read_acls

Check if objects have required permission

Check if objects have required permission Required roles: - can_read_acls

List of groups permissions for an object

List of groups permissions for an object Required roles: - can_read_acls

Update or create group acl for an object

Update or create group acl for an object Required roles: - can_write_acls

Delete a particular acl by id for an object

Delete a particular acl by id for an object Required roles: - can_delete_acls

Check if group has particular permission for an object

Check if group has particular permission for an object Required roles: - can_read_acls

List of share acls

List of share acls Required roles: - can_read_acls

Create a new acl for multiple share objects

Create a new acl for multiple share objects Required roles: - can_write_acls

List of share permissions for an object

List of share permissions for an object Required roles: - can_read_acls

Create a new share acl for an object

Create a new share acl for an object Required roles: - can_write_acls

Update share acl for an object

Update share acl for an object Required roles: - can_write_acls

Delete a share acl for an object

Delete a share acl for an object Required roles: - can_delete_acls

Returns a share acl for an object

Returns a share acl for an object Required roles: - can_read_acls

List of user permissions for an object

List of user permissions for an object Required roles: - can_read_acls

Update or create user acl for an object

Update or create user acl for an object Required roles: - can_write_acls

Delete a user acl for an object

Delete a user acl for an object Required roles: - can_delete_acls

Returns a user acl for an object

Returns a user acl for an object Required roles: - can_read_acls

iconik Assets

Create a job for bulk request & set approval

Create a job for bulk request & set approval Required roles: - can_write_approval_status_in_bulk

Create a job for bulk approval status removal

Create a job for bulk approval status removal Required roles: - can_write_approval_status_in_bulk

Get list of assets

Get list of assets Required roles: - can_read_assets

Create a new asset

Create a new asset Required roles: - can_create_assets

Bulk update assets

Bulk update assets Required roles: - can_write_assets

Bulk update assets

Bulk update assets Required roles: - can_write_assets

Trigger reindexing of all assets

Trigger reindexing of all assets Required roles: - can_reindex_assets

Create a new asset relation type

Create a new asset relation type Required roles: - can_read_asset_relations

Create a new asset relation type

Create a new asset relation type Required roles: - can_write_asset_relation_types

Get a relation type

Get a relation type Required roles: - can_read_asset_relations

Update an asset relation type

Update an asset relation type Required roles: - can_write_asset_relation_types

Update an asset relation type

Update an asset relation type Required roles: - can_write_asset_relation_types

Delete an asset relation type

Delete an asset relation type Required roles: - can_delete_asset_relation_types

Trigger reindexing of all segments

Trigger reindexing of all segments Required roles: - can_reindex_segments

Returns a particular asset by id

Returns a particular asset by id Required roles: - can_read_assets

Update asset

Update asset Required roles: - can_write_assets

Update asset

Update asset Required roles: - can_write_assets

Delete a particular asset by id

Delete a particular asset by id Required roles: - can_delete_assets

Get list of assets

Get list of assets Required roles: - can_read_assets_history

Create an asset history entity

Create an asset history entity Required roles: - can_write_assets_history

Get an asset history entity

Get an asset history entity Required roles: - can_read_assets_history

Deletes an asset history entity

Deletes an asset history entity Required roles: - can_delete_assets_history

Reindex asset history entity

Reindex asset history entity Required roles: - can_reindex_assets_history

Purges a particular asset by id immediately

Purges a particular asset by id immediately Required roles: - can_purge_assets

Reindex asset

Reindex asset Required roles: - can_reindex_assets

Returns an assets relations

Returns an assets relations Required roles: - can_read_asset_relations

Create a new asset relation

Create a new asset relation Required roles: - can_create_asset_relations

Returns assets that has a relation to this asset

Returns assets that has a relation to this asset Required roles: - can_read_asset_relations

Create a new asset relation

Create a new asset relation Required roles: - can_create_asset_relations

Delete a particular asset by id

Delete a particular asset by id Required roles: - can_delete_asset_relations

Reverse a particular asset's relation

Reverse a particular asset's relation Required roles: - can_create_asset_relations

Restore deleted asset by id

Restore deleted asset by id Required roles: - can_write_assets

Update metadata for asset

Update metadata for asset Required roles: - can_reindex_assets

List of segments

List of segments Required roles: - can_read_segments

Create a new segment

Create a new segment Required roles: - can_create_segments

Create multiple new segments for a single asset

Create multiple new segments for a single asset Required roles: - can_create_segments

Edit multiple asset segments

Edit multiple asset segments Required roles: - can_write_segments

Delete segments with either ids or by type

Delete segments with either ids or by type Required roles: - can_delete_segments

List of segments as CSV file

List of segments as CSV file Required roles: - can_read_segments

Reindex assets segments

Reindex assets segments Required roles: - can_reindex_segments

List of segments as SRT file

List of segments as SRT file Required roles: - can_read_segments

List of segments as WebVTT file

List of segments as WebVTT file Required roles: - can_read_segments

Get a segment by ID

Get a segment by ID Required roles: - can_read_segments

Update segment

Update segment Required roles: - can_write_segments

Update segment

Update segment Required roles: - can_write_segments

Delete a particular segment from an asset by id

Delete a particular segment from an asset by id Required roles: - can_delete_segments

Reindex assets segment

Reindex assets segment Required roles: - can_reindex_segments

List of segments

List of segments Required roles: - can_read_segments

Delete a particular asset by id on failed uplaod

Delete a particular asset by id on failed uplaod Required roles: - can_create_assets

Add asset version

Add asset version Required roles: - can_write_versions

Create a new asset's version from another asset

Create a new asset's version from another asset Required roles: - can_write_versions

Create a new asset's version from another version

Create a new asset's version from another version Required roles: - can_write_versions

Delete all asset versions except the latest one

Delete all asset versions except the latest one Required roles: - can_delete_versions

Edit asset version

Edit asset version Required roles: - can_write_versions

Edit asset version

Edit asset version Required roles: - can_write_versions

Delete a particular asset version by id

Delete a particular asset version by id Required roles: - can_delete_versions

Promote a particular asset version to a latest version

Promote a particular asset version to a latest version Required roles: - can_write_versions

Get a list of transcription properties

Get a list of transcription properties Required roles: - can_read_transcriptions

Add a new transcription properties

Add a new transcription properties Required roles: - can_write_transcriptions

Add a new transcription properties

Add a new transcription properties Required roles: - can_write_transcriptions

Get a transcription properties by ID

Get a transcription properties by ID Required roles: - can_read_transcriptions

Update transcription properties by ID

Update transcription properties by ID Required roles: - can_write_transcriptions

Update transcription properties by ID

Update transcription properties by ID Required roles: - can_write_transcriptions

Delete transcription properties by ID

Delete transcription properties by ID Required roles: - can_delete_transcriptions

Mark asset as viewed

Mark asset as viewed Required roles: - can_read_assets

Get list of collections

Get list of collections Required roles: - can_read_collections

Create a new collection

Create a new collection Required roles: - can_create_collections

Trigger reindexing of all collections

Trigger reindexing of all collections Required roles: - can_reindex_collections

Returns a particular collection by id

Returns a particular collection by id Required roles: - can_read_collections

Update collection

Update collection Required roles: - can_write_collections

Update collection

Update collection Required roles: - can_write_collections

Delete a particular collection by id

Delete a particular collection by id Required roles: - can_delete_collections

Returns list of ancestors of a collection

Returns list of ancestors of a collection Required roles: - can_read_collections

Returns all sub-collections and assets number for a specific collection

Returns all sub-collections and assets number for a specific collection Required roles: - can_read_collections

Returns contents of a collection by id

Returns contents of a collection by id Required roles: - can_read_collections

Add an object to a collection

Add an object to a collection Required roles: - can_write_collections

Enable custom ordering for a collection's content

Enable custom ordering for a collection's content Required roles: - can_write_collections

Disable custom ordering for a collection's content

Disable custom ordering for a collection's content Required roles: - can_write_collections

Update an order of a particular content object in a collection

Update an order of a particular content object in a collection Required roles: - can_write_collections

Delete a particular content object in a collection by id

Delete a particular content object in a collection by id Required roles: - can_write_collections

Reindex collection content

Reindex collection content Required roles: - can_reindex_collections

Gets the full path of the collection

Gets the full path of the collection Required roles: - can_read_collections

Pick up to three asset_ids for collection keyframes

Pick up to three asset_ids for collection keyframes Required roles: - can_reindex_collections

Purges deleted collection by id immediately

Purges deleted collection by id immediately Required roles: - can_purge_collections

Reindex collection

Reindex collection Required roles: - can_reindex_collections

Reindex collection and its content

Reindex collection and its content Required roles: - can_reindex_collections

Restore deleted collection by id

Restore deleted collection by id Required roles: - can_write_collections

Update metadata for collection

Update metadata for collection Required roles: - can_reindex_collections

Returns the size of all the collection's assets in bytes

Returns the size of all the collection's assets in bytes Required roles: - can_read_collections

Copy a collection (recursively) in to another collection

Copy a collection (recursively) in to another collection Required roles: - can_write_collections

Get list of custom actions

Get list of custom actions Required roles: - can_read_custom_actions

Schedules a celery task that will call custom action on shares

Schedules a celery task that will call custom action on shares Required roles: - can_read_custom_actions

Get list of custom actions by context

Get list of custom actions by context Required roles: - can_read_custom_actions

Create an custom action

Create an custom action

Get an asset custom action

Get an asset custom action Required roles: - can_read_custom_actions

Update an custom action

Update an custom action

Update an custom action

Update an custom action

Deletes an custom action

Deletes an custom action

Schedules a celery task that will call custom action

Schedules a celery task that will call custom action Required roles: - can_read_custom_actions

Get deleted objects

Get deleted objects Required roles: - can_read_assets

Add assets to a delete queue (Mark assets as deleted)

Add assets to a delete queue (Mark assets as deleted) Required roles: - can_delete_assets

Delete assets from delete queue (Mark assets as active again)

Delete assets from delete queue (Mark assets as active again) Required roles: - can_write_assets

Purge assets from delete queue (Permanently delete)

Purge assets from delete queue (Permanently delete) Required roles: - can_purge_assets

Purge all assets from delete queue (Permanently delete)

Purge all assets from delete queue (Permanently delete) Required roles: - can_purge_assets

Restore all assets from delete queue

Restore all assets from delete queue Required roles: - can_write_assets

Bulk delete objects

Bulk delete objects Required roles: - can_delete_assets

Get list of collections

Get list of collections Required roles: - can_read_collections

Add collections to a delete queue (Mark collections as deleted)

Add collections to a delete queue (Mark collections as deleted) Required roles: - can_delete_collections

Delete collections from delete queue (Mark collections as active again)

Delete collections from delete queue (Mark collections as active again) Required roles: - can_write_collections

Purge collections from delete queue (Permanently delete)

Purge collections from delete queue (Permanently delete) Required roles: - can_purge_collections

Purge all collections from delete queue (Permanently delete)

Purge all collections from delete queue (Permanently delete) Required roles: - can_purge_collections

Restore all collections from delete queue

Restore all collections from delete queue Required roles: - can_write_collections

Purge all assets and collections from delete queue (Permanently delete)

Purge all assets and collections from delete queue (Permanently delete) Required roles: - can_purge_assets - can_purge_collections

Get list of favorite objects

Get list of favorite objects Required roles: - can_read_assets

Adds multiple objects to a list of favorites

Adds multiple objects to a list of favorites Required roles: - can_write_favorites

Deletes objects items from a list of favorites

Deletes objects items from a list of favorites Required roles: - can_delete_favorites

Removes all assets/collections from the list of favourites

Removes all assets/collections from the list of favourites Required roles: - can_delete_favorites

Removes all assets/collections from the list of favourites

Removes all assets/collections from the list of favourites Required roles: - can_delete_favorites

Get all assets containing a person_id or specific versions of an asset containing a person_id

Get all assets containing a person_id or specific versions of an asset containing a person_id

Create a job for bulk reindexing of assets

Create a job for bulk reindexing of assets Required roles: - can_reindex_assets

Trigger reindexing of specific segment ids

Trigger reindexing of specific segment ids Required roles: - can_reindex_segments

Create a new share of multiple objects (currently only assets are supported)

Create a new share of multiple objects (currently only assets are supported) Required roles: - can_write_shares

Get a list of user's shares

Get a list of user's shares Required roles: - can_manage_shares

Get a list of all domain shares

Get a list of all domain shares Required roles: - can_manage_all_shares

Login for share

Login for share

Check if a token is valid

Check if a token is valid

Refreshes a token for share

Refreshes a token for share

Delete current user's multiple shares by ids

Delete current user's multiple shares by ids Required roles: - can_manage_shares

Delete multiple shares by ids

Delete multiple shares by ids Required roles: - can_manage_all_shares

Returns an objects approval request

Returns an objects approval request Required roles: - can_read_approval_request

Adds the approval by user and returns an objects approval status

Adds the approval by user and returns an objects approval status Required roles: - can_write_approval_status

Deletes an objects approval status

Deletes an objects approval status

Deletes an objects approval status by user_id

Deletes an objects approval status by user_id Required roles: - can_delete_approval_status

Returns an objects approval request

Returns an objects approval request Required roles: - can_read_approval_request

Creates an objects approval request

Creates an objects approval request Required roles: - can_write_approval_request

Edits an approval request

Edits an approval request Required roles: - can_write_approval_request

Edits an approval request

Edits an approval request Required roles: - can_write_approval_request

Deletes an objects approval request

Deletes an objects approval request Required roles: - can_delete_approval_request

Deletes an objects approval status by user_id

Deletes an objects approval status by user_id Required roles: - can_delete_approval_status

Get list of object shares

Get list of object shares Required roles: - can_read_shares

Create a new share.

Create a new share. Required roles: - can_write_shares

Generates a URL for the shared object

Generates a URL for the shared object Required roles: - can_write_shares

Returns a particular share by id

Returns a particular share by id

Update share

Update share Required roles: - can_write_shares

Delete a particular share by id

Delete a particular share by id Required roles: - can_delete_object_shares

Reindex the share

Reindex the share Required roles: - can_reindex_shares

Get list of share users

Get list of share users Required roles: - can_read_shares

Add a new share_user to a share

Add a new share_user to a share Required roles: - can_write_shares

Returns a particular share user by id

Returns a particular share user by id Required roles: - can_read_shares

Update share user

Update share user Required roles: - can_write_shares

Update share user

Update share user Required roles: - can_write_shares

Delete a particular share_user user by id

Delete a particular share_user user by id Required roles: - can_write_shares

Returns an objects approval request by version

Returns an objects approval request by version Required roles: - can_read_approval_request

Returns an objects approval request by version

Returns an objects approval request by version Required roles: - can_read_approval_request

iconik Files

Get analysis profiles

Get analysis profiles

Create a new analysis profile

Create a new analysis profile Required roles: - can_write_analysis_profiles

Get a default analysis profile

Get a default analysis profile

Get an analysis profile

Get an analysis profile

Update an analysis profile information

Update an analysis profile information Required roles: - can_write_analysis_profiles

Update an analysis profile information

Update an analysis profile information Required roles: - can_write_analysis_profiles

Delete an analysis profile

Delete an analysis profile Required roles: - can_delete_analysis_profiles

Set an analysis profile to the default of its media type

Set an analysis profile to the default of its media type Required roles: - can_write_analysis_profiles

Removes the default flag on an analysis profile

Removes the default flag on an analysis profile Required roles: - can_write_analysis_profiles

Get analysis service accounts

Get analysis service accounts Required roles: - can_read_analysis_service_accounts

Create a new analysis service account

Create a new analysis service account Required roles: - can_write_analysis_service_accounts

Get an analysis service account

Get an analysis service account Required roles: - can_read_analysis_service_accounts

Update an analysis service account information

Update an analysis service account information Required roles: - can_write_analysis_service_accounts

Update an analysis service account information

Update an analysis service account information Required roles: - can_write_analysis_service_accounts

Delete an analysis service account

Delete an analysis service account Required roles: - can_delete_analysis_service_accounts

Create a transcode job for proxy and keyframes generation of multiple assets

Create a transcode job for proxy and keyframes generation of multiple assets Required roles: - can_create_transcode_jobs

Export multiple assets to export location

Export multiple assets to export location Required roles: - can_write_exports

Create keyframe of type poster for asset

Create keyframe of type poster for asset Required roles: - can_write_keyframes

Set keyframe of type poster as asset keyframe

Set keyframe of type poster as asset keyframe Required roles: - can_write_keyframes

Export asset to export location

Export asset to export location Required roles: - can_write_exports

Get all asset's file sets

Get all asset's file sets Required roles: - can_read_files

Create file set and associate to asset

Create file set and associate to asset Required roles: - can_write_files

Get asset's file set

Get asset's file set Required roles: - can_read_files

Update file set information

Update file set information Required roles: - can_write_files

Update file set information

Update file set information Required roles: - can_write_files

Delete asset's file set, file entries, and actual files

Delete asset's file set, file entries, and actual files Required roles: - can_delete_files

Get files from a file set

Get files from a file set Required roles: - can_read_files

Purge deleted asset's file set, file entries, and actual files.

Purge deleted asset's file set, file entries, and actual files. Required roles: - can_delete_files

Restore delete asset's file set

Restore delete asset's file set Required roles: - can_write_files

Get all asset's files

Get all asset's files Required roles: - can_read_files

Create file and associate to asset

Create file and associate to asset Required roles: - can_write_files

Get asset's file

Get asset's file Required roles: - can_read_files

Update file information

Update file information Required roles: - can_write_files

Update file information

Update file information Required roles: - can_write_files

Delete asset's file entry (Not the actual file, use DELETE file_set for that)

Delete asset's file entry (Not the actual file, use DELETE file_set for that) Required roles: - can_delete_files

Create a transcode job for creating still keyframe

Create a transcode job for creating still keyframe Required roles: - can_create_poster

Get asset's file download URL

Get asset's file download URL Required roles: - can_read_files

Create format, file_set, and file for edit proxy if storage has edit proxy transcoder configured

Create format, file_set, and file for edit proxy if storage has edit proxy transcoder configured Required roles: - can_create_transcode_jobs - can_write_files

Get asset's file handler URL for ISG

Get asset's file handler URL for ISG Required roles: - can_read_files

Create a transcode job for proxy and keyframes

Create a transcode job for proxy and keyframes Required roles: - can_create_transcode_jobs

Create a job for extracting mediainfo

Create a job for extracting mediainfo Required roles: - can_create_transcode_jobs

Complete multipart upload (GCS).

Complete multipart upload (GCS). Required roles: - can_write_files

Cancel Backblaze B2 multipart upload.

Cancel Backblaze B2 multipart upload. Required roles: - can_write_files

Complete Backblaze B2 multipart upload.

Complete Backblaze B2 multipart upload. Required roles: - can_write_files

Start Backblaze B2 multipart upload.

Start Backblaze B2 multipart upload. Required roles: - can_write_files

Cleanup multipart upload (GCS, S3).

Cleanup multipart upload (GCS, S3). Required roles: - can_write_files

Get object compose url for GCS parallel upload.

Get object compose url for GCS parallel upload. Required roles: - can_write_files

Get presigned urls for multipart upload (S3).

Get presigned urls for multipart upload (S3). Required roles: - can_write_files

Get presigned urls for multipart part upload (S3 & GCS).

Get presigned urls for multipart part upload (S3 & GCS). Required roles: - can_write_files

Create presigned urls for multipart part S3 upload.

Create presigned urls for multipart part S3 upload. Required roles: - can_write_files

Trigger reindexing of a file

Trigger reindexing of a file Required roles: - can_reindex_storages

Create a transcode job for subtitle files

Create a transcode job for subtitle files Required roles: - can_create_transcode_jobs

Get all asset's formats

Get all asset's formats Required roles: - can_read_formats

Create format and associate to asset

Create format and associate to asset Required roles: - can_write_formats

Get asset's format

Get asset's format Required roles: - can_read_formats

Update format information

Update format information Required roles: - can_write_formats

Update format information

Update format information Required roles: - can_write_formats

Delete asset's format

Delete asset's format Required roles: - can_delete_formats

Archive format

Archive format Required roles: - can_archive_formats

Delete archived format

Delete archived format Required roles: - can_delete_archived_formats

Get all components for a format in an asset

Get all components for a format in an asset Required roles: - can_read_formats

Add a new format component

Add a new format component Required roles: - can_create_formats

Get a component for a format in an asset

Get a component for a format in an asset Required roles: - can_read_formats

Update a component in a format

Update a component in a format Required roles: - can_create_formats

Delete a component in a format

Delete a component in a format Required roles: - can_delete_formats

Get all asset's file sets in a specific format

Get all asset's file sets in a specific format Required roles: - can_read_files

Get all file sets with matching format and storage method

Get all file sets with matching format and storage method Required roles: - can_read_files

Get all file sets with matching format and storage method

Get all file sets with matching format and storage method Required roles: - can_read_files

Purge deleted asset's format

Purge deleted asset's format Required roles: - can_delete_formats

Restore archived format

Restore archived format Required roles: - can_restore_archived_formats

Restore deleted asset's format

Restore deleted asset's format Required roles: - can_write_formats

Get all asset's file sets in a specific format on a specific storage

Get all asset's file sets in a specific format on a specific storage Required roles: - can_read_files

Get asset's format

Get asset's format Required roles: - can_read_formats

Get all asset's keyframes

Get all asset's keyframes Required roles: - can_read_assets

Create keyframe and associate to asset

Create keyframe and associate to asset Required roles: - can_write_keyframes

Get asset's proxy

Get asset's proxy Required roles: - can_read_assets

Update keyframe information

Update keyframe information Required roles: - can_write_keyframes

Update keyframe information

Update keyframe information Required roles: - can_write_keyframes

Delete asset's keyframe

Delete asset's keyframe Required roles: - can_write_keyframes

Make the keyframe link public

Make the keyframe link public Required roles: - can_write_keyframes

Make the keyframe link private

Make the keyframe link private Required roles: - can_write_keyframes

Create keyframe and associate to asset

Create keyframe and associate to asset Required roles: - can_write_keyframes

Create proxy and associate to asset

Create proxy and associate to asset Required roles: - can_write_proxies

Get all asset's proxies

Get all asset's proxies Required roles: - can_read_proxies

Create proxy and associate to asset

Create proxy and associate to asset Required roles: - can_write_proxies

Get asset's proxy

Get asset's proxy Required roles: - can_read_proxies

Update proxy information

Update proxy information Required roles: - can_write_proxies

Update proxy information

Update proxy information Required roles: - can_write_proxies

Delete asset's proxy

Delete asset's proxy Required roles: - can_delete_proxies

Get asset's proxy download url

Get asset's proxy download url Required roles: - can_read_proxies

Create a transcode job for keyframes from a proxy

Create a transcode job for keyframes from a proxy Required roles: - can_create_transcode_jobs

Cleanup S3 multipart upload

Cleanup S3 multipart upload Required roles: - can_write_proxies

Get presigned urls for S3 multipart upload.

Get presigned urls for S3 multipart upload. Required roles: - can_write_proxies

Get presigned urls for S3 multipart part upload.

Get presigned urls for S3 multipart part upload. Required roles: - can_write_proxies

Make the proxy link public

Make the proxy link public Required roles: - can_write_proxies

Make the proxy link private

Make the proxy link private Required roles: - can_write_proxies

Get all asset's subtitles

Get all asset's subtitles Required roles: - can_read_asset_subtitles

Create subtitle proxy and associate to asset

Create subtitle proxy and associate to asset Required roles: - can_write_asset_subtitles

Get asset's subtitle for a particular language

Get asset's subtitle for a particular language Required roles: - can_read_asset_subtitles

Get asset's closed captions subtitle for a particular language

Get asset's closed captions subtitle for a particular language Required roles: - can_read_asset_subtitles

Get asset's closed captions subtitle file for a particular language

Get asset's closed captions subtitle file for a particular language Required roles: - can_read_asset_subtitles

Get asset's subtitle file for a particular language

Get asset's subtitle file for a particular language Required roles: - can_read_asset_subtitles

Get asset's subtitle for a language

Get asset's subtitle for a language Required roles: - can_read_asset_subtitles

Update subtitle information

Update subtitle information Required roles: - can_write_asset_subtitles

Update subtitle information

Update subtitle information Required roles: - can_write_asset_subtitles

Delete asset's subtitle

Delete asset's subtitle Required roles: - can_delete_assets

Delete asset's subtitle

Delete asset's subtitle Required roles: - can_delete_assets

Create temporary file set and associate to asset

Create temporary file set and associate to asset Required roles: - can_write_files

Delete temporary file set with files

Delete temporary file set with files Required roles: - can_delete_files

Get files from a temporary file set

Get files from a temporary file set Required roles: - can_read_files

Create temporary transfer file for FILE storage transfers

Create temporary transfer file for FILE storage transfers Required roles: - can_write_files

Update temporary file's info

Update temporary file's info Required roles: - can_write_files

Update temporary file's info

Update temporary file's info Required roles: - can_write_files

Delete asset's file sets

Delete asset's file sets Required roles: - can_delete_files

Delete asset's files entries by version (Not the actual file, use DELETE file_set for that)

Delete asset's files entries by version (Not the actual file, use DELETE file_set for that) Required roles: - can_delete_files

Delete asset's formats all versions

Delete asset's formats all versions Required roles: - can_delete_formats

Delete asset's keyframes all versions

Delete asset's keyframes all versions Required roles: - can_write_keyframes

Delete asset's proxies all versions

Delete asset's proxies all versions Required roles: - can_delete_proxies

Delete asset's subtitles all versions

Delete asset's subtitles all versions Required roles: - can_delete_assets

Get all asset's file sets by version

Get all asset's file sets by version Required roles: - can_read_files

Delete asset's file sets by version

Delete asset's file sets by version Required roles: - can_delete_files

Get all asset's files by version

Get all asset's files by version Required roles: - can_read_files

Delete asset's files entries by version (Not the actual file, use DELETE file_set for that)

Delete asset's files entries by version (Not the actual file, use DELETE file_set for that) Required roles: - can_delete_files

Get all asset's formats by version

Get all asset's formats by version Required roles: - can_read_formats

Delete asset's formats by version

Delete asset's formats by version Required roles: - can_delete_formats

Get all asset's keyframes by version

Get all asset's keyframes by version Required roles: - can_read_assets

Delete asset's keyframes by version

Delete asset's keyframes by version Required roles: - can_write_keyframes

Get all asset's proxies by version

Get all asset's proxies by version Required roles: - can_read_proxies

Delete asset's proxies by version

Delete asset's proxies by version Required roles: - can_delete_proxies

Get all asset's subtitles by version

Get all asset's subtitles by version Required roles: - can_read_asset_subtitles

Delete asset's subtitles by version

Delete asset's subtitles by version Required roles: - can_delete_assets

Get asset's closed captions subtitle file for a particular language by version

Get asset's closed captions subtitle file for a particular language by version Required roles: - can_read_asset_subtitles

Get asset's subtitle file for a particular language by version

Get asset's subtitle file for a particular language by version Required roles: - can_read_asset_subtitles

Set keyframe of type poster as collection keyframe

Set keyframe of type poster as collection keyframe Required roles: - can_write_keyframes

Export collection assets to export location

Export collection assets to export location Required roles: - can_write_exports

Get all collection's keyframes

Get all collection's keyframes Required roles: - can_read_collections

Create keyframe and associate to collection

Create keyframe and associate to collection Required roles: - can_write_keyframes

Get collection's proxy

Get collection's proxy Required roles: - can_read_collections

Update keyframe information

Update keyframe information Required roles: - can_write_keyframes

Update keyframe information

Update keyframe information Required roles: - can_write_keyframes

Delete collection's keyframe

Delete collection's keyframe Required roles: - can_write_keyframes

Get deleted file sets

Get deleted file sets Required roles: - can_read_files

Restore file sets from delete queue

Restore file sets from delete queue Required roles: - can_write_files

Purge file sets from delete queue (Permanently delete)

Purge file sets from delete queue (Permanently delete) Required roles: - can_purge_files

Purge all file sets from delete queue (Permanently delete)

Purge all file sets from delete queue (Permanently delete) Required roles: - can_purge_files

Get deleted formats

Get deleted formats Required roles: - can_read_formats

Restore formats from delete queue

Restore formats from delete queue Required roles: - can_write_formats

Purge formats from delete queue (Permanently delete)

Purge formats from delete queue (Permanently delete) Required roles: - can_purge_formats

Purge all formats from delete queue (Permanently delete)

Purge all formats from delete queue (Permanently delete) Required roles: - can_purge_formats

Get all export_locations

Get all export_locations Required roles: - can_read_export_locations

Create a new export_location

Create a new export_location Required roles: - can_write_export_locations

Returns a particular export_location by id

Returns a particular export_location by id Required roles: - can_read_export_locations

Update export_location

Update export_location Required roles: - can_write_export_locations

Update export_location

Update export_location Required roles: - can_write_export_locations

Delete a particular export_location by id

Delete a particular export_location by id Required roles: - can_delete_export_locations

Export multiple objects to export location

Export multiple objects to export location Required roles: - can_write_exports

Trigger reindexing of a export location

Trigger reindexing of a export location Required roles: - can_reindex_export_locations

Queue export job completion between local storages

Queue export job completion between local storages Required roles: - can_read_files - can_write_transfers

Get files from a file set

Get files from a file set Required roles: - can_read_files

Queue copying of a file set with files from one storage to another

Queue copying of a file set with files from one storage to another Required roles: - can_read_files - can_write_transfers

Delete file set transfer after handling it

Delete file set transfer after handling it Required roles: - can_write_transfers

Delete file set transfer after handling it

Delete file set transfer after handling it Required roles: - can_write_transfers

Get files by checksum

Get files by checksum Required roles: - can_read_files

Delete all missing files from storage

Delete all missing files from storage Required roles: - can_delete_files

Check file is on storage

Check file is on storage Required roles: - can_read_files

Delete file deletion job after handling it

Delete file deletion job after handling it Required roles: - is_storage_worker

Queue copying of a formats file sets with files from one storage to another

Queue copying of a formats file sets with files from one storage to another Required roles: - can_read_formats - can_write_transfers

Queue bulk archiving of assets, collections and saved_searches

Queue bulk archiving of assets, collections and saved_searches Required roles: - can_archive_formats

Queue bulk restore of previously archived assets, collections or saved_searches

Queue bulk restore of previously archived assets, collections or saved_searches Required roles: - can_restore_archived_formats

Check if a specific file is already on the storage for shares

Check if a specific file is already on the storage for shares Required roles: - can_write_files

Get all storages

Get all storages Required roles: - can_read_storages

Create a new storage

Create a new storage Required roles: - can_write_storages

Trigger reindexing of all files

Trigger reindexing of all files Required roles: - can_reindex_storages

Get latest ISG version

Get latest ISG version Required roles: - can_read_storages

Returns a remote storage matching type

Returns a remote storage matching type Required roles: - can_read_storages

Returns a remote storage matching type and method

Returns a remote storage matching type and method Required roles: - can_read_storages

Trigger reindexing of all storages

Trigger reindexing of all storages Required roles: - can_reindex_storages

Get a purpose default storage

Get a purpose default storage Required roles: - can_read_storages

Returns a particular storage by id

Returns a particular storage by id Required roles: - can_read_storages

Update storage

Update storage Required roles: - can_write_storages

Update storage

Update storage Required roles: - can_write_storages

Delete a particular storage by id

Delete a particular storage by id Required roles: - can_delete_storages

Get cloud storage auto scan settings

Get cloud storage auto scan settings Required roles: - can_scan_bucket

Enable cloud storage auto scan

Enable cloud storage auto scan Required roles: - can_scan_bucket

Disable cloud storage auto scan

Disable cloud storage auto scan Required roles: - can_scan_bucket

Queue copying of files from current storage to specified one

Queue copying of files from current storage to specified one Required roles: - can_read_files - can_write_transfers

Set a storage to the default of its purpose

Set a storage to the default of its purpose Required roles: - can_write_storages

Removes the default flag on a storage

Removes the default flag on a storage Required roles: - can_write_storages

Get pending deletions of files from a local storage

Get pending deletions of files from a local storage Required roles: - is_storage_worker

Delete file deletion job after handling it

Delete file deletion job after handling it Required roles: - is_storage_worker

Get pending deletions of files from a local storage

Get pending deletions of files from a local storage Required roles: - is_storage_worker

Get files in a storage folder, or all files on a storage

Get files in a storage folder, or all files on a storage Required roles: - can_read_storages

Create file without associating it to an asset

Create file without associating it to an asset

Update file by storage ID and path

Update file by storage ID and path Required roles: - can_write_files

Update file by storage ID and path

Update file by storage ID and path Required roles: - can_write_files

DELETE files (with copies in different storages) from a storage folder, or a storage

DELETE files (with copies in different storages) from a storage folder, or a storage Required roles: - can_read_storages - can_delete_files

Trigger reindexing of all files

Trigger reindexing of all files Required roles: - can_reindex_storages

Trigger reindexing for a file on a storage

Trigger reindexing for a file on a storage Required roles: - can_reindex_storages

Get pending storage gateway events

Get pending storage gateway events

Create new storage gateway event

Create new storage gateway event

Delete storage gateway events in bulk

Delete storage gateway events in bulk

Delete storage gateway event

Delete storage gateway event

Get storage gateway report

Get storage gateway report

Create storage gateway report

Create storage gateway report Required roles: - is_storage_worker

Update storage gateway status

Update storage gateway status Required roles: - is_storage_worker

Upload storage logs

Upload storage logs Required roles: - is_storage_worker

Trigger reindexing of a storage

Trigger reindexing of a storage Required roles: - can_reindex_storages

Requests to scan a storage

Requests to scan a storage Required roles: - can_scan_bucket

Update search document for storage

Update search document for storage Required roles: - can_reindex_storages

Get storage's exported files

Get storage's exported files Required roles: - can_read_storages

Get all transcoders for a particular storage

Get all transcoders for a particular storage Required roles: - can_read_storages - can_read_transcoders

Create a new transcoder for storage

Create a new transcoder for storage Required roles: - can_write_transcoders

Delete a transcoder from storage

Delete a transcoder from storage Required roles: - can_write_transcoders

Get pending transfers of file sets from a local storage

Get pending transfers of file sets from a local storage Required roles: - can_read_transfers

Get file set transfer record

Get file set transfer record Required roles: - can_read_transfers

Delete file set transfer after handling it

Delete file set transfer after handling it Required roles: - can_write_transfers

Get pending transfers of file sets to a local storage

Get pending transfers of file sets to a local storage Required roles: - can_read_transfers

Get file set transfer record

Get file set transfer record Required roles: - can_read_transfers

Delete file set transfer after handling it

Delete file set transfer after handling it Required roles: - can_write_transfers

Verify storage access

Verify storage access Required roles: - can_read_storages

Verify storage permissions

Verify storage permissions Required roles: - can_read_storages

Delete files from a particular storage from multiple objects

Delete files from a particular storage from multiple objects Required roles: - can_read_storages - can_delete_files

Get all transcoders

Get all transcoders Required roles: - can_read_transcoders

Create a new transcoder

Create a new transcoder Required roles: - can_write_transcoders

Returns a particular transcoder by id

Returns a particular transcoder by id Required roles: - can_read_transcoders

Update transcoder

Update transcoder Required roles: - can_write_transcoders

Update transcoder

Update transcoder Required roles: - can_write_transcoders

Delete a particular transcoder by id

Delete a particular transcoder by id Required roles: - can_delete_transcoders

Upload transcoder logs

Upload transcoder logs Required roles: - is_storage_worker

Trigger reindexing of a transcoder

Trigger reindexing of a transcoder Required roles: - can_reindex_transcoders

Get storages linked to a transcoder

Get storages linked to a transcoder Required roles: - can_read_transcoders

Generates a url for direct file downloads (for IGSs)

Generates a url for direct file downloads (for IGSs)

Verifies the signature of a url

Verifies the signature of a url

Iconik Jobs

Get list of jobs

Get list of jobs Required roles: - can_read_jobs

Create a new job

Create a new job Required roles: - can_write_jobs

Delete multiple jobs by ids list

Delete multiple jobs by ids list Required roles: - can_delete_jobs

Change jobs priority

Change jobs priority Required roles: - can_write_jobs

Change jobs state

Change jobs state Required roles: - can_write_jobs

Returns a particular job by id

Returns a particular job by id Required roles: - can_read_jobs

Update job

Update job Required roles: - can_write_jobs

Update job

Update job Required roles: - can_write_jobs

Delete a particular job by id

Delete a particular job by id Required roles: - can_delete_jobs

Reindex job

Reindex job Required roles: - can_write_jobs

Update multiple job steps

Update multiple job steps Required roles: - can_write_jobs

Update multiple job steps

Update multiple job steps Required roles: - can_write_jobs

Update job step

Update job step Required roles: - can_write_jobs

Update job step

Update job step Required roles: - can_write_jobs

Iconik Metadata

Get object metadata by object type, object ID, version ID and view ID

Get object metadata by object type, object ID, version ID and view ID Required roles: - can_read_metadata_values

Get asset metadata by object type, object ID, version ID and view ID

Get asset metadata by object type, object ID, version ID and view ID Required roles: - can_read_metadata_values

Get asset metadata by object type, object ID and view ID

Get asset metadata by object type, object ID and view ID Required roles: - can_read_metadata_values

Edit view metadata values for sub-objects of an asset (Such as segments)

Edit view metadata values for sub-objects of an asset (Such as segments) Required roles: - can_write_metadata_values

List the fields defined in the system

List the fields defined in the system Required roles: - can_read_metadata_fields

Create a new field

Create a new field Required roles: - can_write_metadata_fields

Returns a particular field by name

Returns a particular field by name Required roles: - can_read_metadata_fields

Update field by name

Update field by name Required roles: - can_write_metadata_fields

Update field by name

Update field by name Required roles: - can_write_metadata_fields

Delete a particular field by name

Delete a particular field by name Required roles: - can_delete_metadata_fields

Create a new metadata field mapping

Create a new metadata field mapping Required roles: - can_read_metadata_fields

Get the metadata field mapping

Get the metadata field mapping Required roles: - can_read_metadata_fields

List the metadata field mapping options

List the metadata field mapping options Required roles: - can_read_metadata_fields

List the fields that can be accessed by a user

List the fields that can be accessed by a user Required roles: - can_read_metadata_fields

List the views defined in the system

List the views defined in the system Required roles: - can_read_metadata_views

Create a new view

Create a new view Required roles: - can_write_metadata_views

Returns a particular view by id

Returns a particular view by id Required roles: - can_read_metadata_views

Update view

Update view Required roles: - can_write_metadata_views

Update view

Update view Required roles: - can_write_metadata_views

Delete a particular view by id

Delete a particular view by id Required roles: - can_delete_metadata_views

Get metadata categories

Get metadata categories Required roles: - can_read_metadata_categories

Add a metadata category for an object type

Add a metadata category for an object type Required roles: - can_write_metadata_categories

Get metadata category by object type and category name

Get metadata category by object type and category name Required roles: - can_read_metadata_categories

Edit metadata category for an object type

Edit metadata category for an object type Required roles: - can_write_metadata_categories

Delete metadata category by object type and category name

Delete metadata category by object type and category name Required roles: - can_delete_metadata_categories

Get metadata views with field for object type and category

Get metadata views with field for object type and category Required roles: - can_read_metadata_categories

Edit view metadata values for collection or saved search content.

Edit view metadata values for collection or saved search content. Required roles: - can_write_metadata_values

Add view metadata values for multiple objects (Assets, Collections or Segments)

Add view metadata values for multiple objects (Assets, Collections or Segments) Required roles: - can_write_metadata_values

Edit view metadata values for multiple objects (Assets, Collections or Segments)

Edit view metadata values for multiple objects (Assets, Collections or Segments) Required roles: - can_write_metadata_values

Get object metadata by object type and object ID

Get object metadata by object type and object ID This endpoint is available only for admins

Edit metadata values directly without a view. Admin access required.

Edit metadata values directly without a view. Admin access required.

Get object metadata by object type, object ID and view ID

Get object metadata by object type, object ID and view ID Required roles: - can_read_metadata_values

Edit view metadata values for a single object

Edit view metadata values for a single object Required roles: - can_write_metadata_values

iconik Notifications

Get all webhooks

Get all webhooks Required roles: - can_read_webhooks

Create a new webhook

Create a new webhook Required roles: - can_write_webhooks

Get a webhook definition

Get a webhook definition Required roles: - can_read_webhooks

Update a webhook

Update a webhook Required roles: - can_write_webhooks

Delete a webhook

Delete a webhook Required roles: - can_delete_webhooks

Iconik Search

Update default discovery view

Update default discovery view Required roles: - can_write_discovery_entities

Returns the discovery entities that are used to build the discovery view.

Returns the discovery entities that are used to build the discovery view. Required roles: - can_read_discovery_entities

Adds a new discovery entity.

Adds a new discovery entity. <br/>This creates an entry for the discovery view to show collections and saved searches.<br/>Object Type should be one of COLLECTION, SAVED_SEARCH, ASSET, RECOMMENDATION or TRENDING<br/>Object ID is only needed in the case of COLLECTION, SAVED_SEARCH or ASSET<br/>metadata is for user defined extra data.<br/><br/>This creates an entry for the discovery view to show collections and saved searches.<br/>Object Type should be one of COLLECTION, SAVED_SEARCH, ASSET, RECOMMENDATION or TRENDING<br/>Object ID is only needed in the case of COLLECTION, SAVED_SEARCH or ASSET<br/>metadata is for user defined extra data.<br/> Required roles: - can_write_discovery_entities

Returns the discovery entities that are used to build the discovery view.

Returns the discovery entities that are used to build the discovery view. Required roles: - can_write_discovery_entities

Returns discovery entity

Returns discovery entity Required roles: - can_read_discovery_entities

Update a discovery entity by id

Update a discovery entity by id Required roles: - can_write_discovery_entities

Update a discovery entity by id

Update a discovery entity by id Required roles: - can_write_discovery_entities

Delete a discovery entity by id

Delete a discovery entity by id Required roles: - can_delete_discovery_entities

Update a discovery entity by object's type and id

Update a discovery entity by object's type and id Required roles: - can_write_discovery_entities

Update a discovery entity by object's type and id

Update a discovery entity by object's type and id Required roles: - can_write_discovery_entities


Search Required roles: - can_search

Returns the current search history

Returns the current search history Required roles: - can_read_search_history

Returns results of search history

Returns results of search history Required roles: - can_read_search_history

Delete a search from history by its id

Delete a search from history by its id Required roles: - can_delete_search_history

Returns list of saved searches

Returns list of saved searches Required roles: - can_read_saved_searches

Search, save and return result of this search

Search, save and return result of this search Required roles: - can_write_saved_searches

Create and return saved search group data

Create and return saved search group data Required roles: - can_write_saved_search_groups

Returns saved search group data

Returns saved search group data Required roles: - can_read_saved_searches

Update and return saved search group data

Update and return saved search group data Required roles: - can_write_saved_search_groups

Update and return saved search group data

Update and return saved search group data Required roles: - can_write_saved_search_groups

Delete a saved search group by it's id

Delete a saved search group by it's id Required roles: - can_delete_saved_search_groups

Adds saved search to group

Adds saved search to group Required roles: - can_write_saved_searches

Delete saved search from search group

Delete saved search from search group Required roles: - can_write_saved_searches

Returns paginated list of search groups

Returns paginated list of search groups Required roles: - can_read_saved_searches

Reindex a particular saved search group by id

Reindex a particular saved search group by id Required roles: - can_reindex_saved_searches

Returns results of saved search

Returns results of saved search Required roles: - can_read_saved_searches

Search and save this search

Search and save this search Required roles: - can_write_saved_searches

Search and save this search

Search and save this search Required roles: - can_write_saved_searches

Delete a saved search by its id

Delete a saved search by its id Required roles: - can_delete_saved_searches

Reindex a particular saved search by id

Reindex a particular saved search by id Required roles: - can_reindex_saved_searches

Returns search suggestions for a particular query.

Returns search suggestions for a particular query. Required roles: - can_search

Iconik Settings

List of CORS hosts

List of CORS hosts Required roles: - can_read_cors_hosts

Create a new CORS host

Create a new CORS host Required roles: - can_write_cors_hosts

Returns a particular CORS host by id

Returns a particular CORS host by id Required roles: - can_read_cors_hosts

Delete a particular CORS host by id

Delete a particular CORS host by id Required roles: - can_delete_cors_hosts

Group settings

Group settings

Change group settings

Change group settings

Change group settings

Change group settings

Delete group settings

Delete group settings

List of settings

List of settings

Change settings

Change settings

Returns value for the setting

Returns value for the setting

Delete a particular setting by name

Delete a particular setting by name

Get merged settings for current user

Get merged settings for current user

Get merged settings for a specific user

Get merged settings for a specific user

System settings

System settings

Change system settings

Change system settings

Change system settings

Change system settings

System settings

System settings

Change system settings

Change system settings

Change system settings

Change system settings

Remove attributes from user settings

Remove attributes from user settings

User settings

User settings

Change user settings

Change user settings

Change user settings

Change user settings

Delete user settings

Delete user settings

Iconik Stats

Sets asset usage.

Sets asset usage. <br/>system_domain_id will be automatically added when<br/>posting to this end point.

Returns all asset usage

Returns all asset usage Required roles: - can_read_stats

Returns billing info

Returns billing info Required roles: - can_read_stats

Updates Billing (Requires super admin access).

Updates Billing (Requires super admin access).

Returns billing receipt

Returns billing receipt Required roles: - can_read_billing

Add credits to an account

Add credits to an account Required roles: - can_write_billing

Checks the total price that needs to be paid including VAT if it's needed

Checks the total price that needs to be paid including VAT if it's needed Required roles: - can_write_billing

Verify status of add credits to an account

Verify status of add credits to an account Required roles: - can_write_billing

Returns billing customer

Returns billing customer Required roles: - can_read_billing

Updates billing customer

Updates billing customer Required roles: - can_write_billing

Creates billing customer card

Creates billing customer card Required roles: - can_write_billing

Creates billing customer card

Creates billing customer card Required roles: - can_write_billing

Returns billing invoices

Returns billing invoices Required roles: - can_read_billing

Get All Price Lists

Get All Price Lists

Creates or updates a Price List

Creates or updates a Price List

Get a Price List

Get a Price List

Delete a Price list

Delete a Price list

Updates Billing Recipients

Updates Billing Recipients Required roles: - can_read_billing

Updates Billing Recipients

Updates Billing Recipients Required roles: - can_write_billing

Updates Billing Settings

Updates Billing Settings Required roles: - can_read_billing

Updates Billing Settings

Updates Billing Settings Required roles: - can_write_billing

Returns billing status

Returns billing status Required roles: - can_read_billing

Delete billing record (Requires super admin access).

Delete billing record (Requires super admin access).

Returns billing expiration info

Returns billing expiration info

Update billing expiration record (Requires super admin access).

Update billing expiration record (Requires super admin access).

Delete billing expiration record (Requires super admin access).

Delete billing expiration record (Requires super admin access).

Returns all collection usage

Returns all collection usage Required roles: - can_read_stats

Internal endpoint to convert ID to system domain

Internal endpoint to convert ID to system domain

Returns billing info

Returns billing info Required roles: - can_read_stats

Returns billing customer

Returns billing customer Required roles: - can_read_billing

Returns billing invoices

Returns billing invoices Required roles: - can_read_billing

Returns storage_access for all storages

Returns storage_access for all storages Required roles: - can_read_stats

Returns storage_usage for all storages

Returns storage_usage for all storages Required roles: - can_read_stats

Get logs recipients settings

Get logs recipients settings Required roles: - can_read_logs_recipients

Create logs recipient settings

Create logs recipient settings Required roles: - can_write_logs_recipients

Get settings of a logs recipient

Get settings of a logs recipient Required roles: - can_read_logs_recipients

Test logs recipient connection

Test logs recipient connection Required roles: - can_write_logs_recipients

Change logs recipient settings

Change logs recipient settings Required roles: - can_write_logs_recipients

Change logs recipient settings

Change logs recipient settings Required roles: - can_write_logs_recipients

Delete logs recipient settings

Delete logs recipient settings Required roles: - can_delete_logs_recipients

Returns transcoder_usage for all transcoders

Returns transcoder_usage for all transcoders Required roles: - can_read_stats

Returns all audit

Returns all audit Required roles: - can_read_stats

Iconik Transcode

Start a job that sends an asset for analysis

Start a job that sends an asset for analysis Required roles: - can_analyze_content

Start a job that sends an asset for analysis with a default analysis profile

Start a job that sends an asset for analysis with a default analysis profile Required roles: - can_analyze_content

Start a job that sends an asset for analysis

Start a job that sends an asset for analysis with a default analysis profile of specified media typewith a default analysis profile of specified media type Required roles: - can_analyze_content

Start a job that sends an asset for analysis with a custom analysis profile

Start a job that sends an asset for analysis with a custom analysis profile Required roles: - can_analyze_content

Start a job that sends objects for analysis using a custom analysis profile

Start a job that sends objects for analysis using a custom analysis profile Required roles: - can_analyze_content

Gets metadata info from the link

Gets metadata info from the link

Acknowledge an edge transcode job

Acknowledge an edge transcode job Required roles: - can_read_transcode_jobs

Get edge transcode workers

Get edge transcode workers Required roles: - is_storage_worker - can_read_transcoders

Create a new edge transcode worker

Create a new edge transcode worker Required roles: - is_storage_worker - can_write_transcoders

Get a edge transcode worker

Get a edge transcode worker Required roles: - is_storage_worker - can_read_transcoders

Update a edge transcode worker

Update a edge transcode worker Required roles: - is_storage_worker - can_write_transcoders

Update a edge transcode worker

Update a edge transcode worker Required roles: - is_storage_worker - can_write_transcoders

Delete a edge transcode worker

Delete a edge transcode worker Required roles: - is_storage_worker - can_write_transcoders

Start a job that creates a collection keyframe

Start a job that creates a collection keyframe Required roles: - can_write_transcode_jobs

Cancel all transcode jobs linked to the storage

Cancel all transcode jobs linked to the storage Required roles: - can_delete_transcode_jobs

Get a edge transcode jobs from the job queue

Get a edge transcode jobs from the job queue Required roles: - can_read_transcode_jobs

Delete local storage transcode job.

Delete local storage transcode job. Required roles: - can_read_transcode_jobs

Get pending local storage transcode jobs.

Get pending local storage transcode jobs. Required roles: - can_read_transcode_jobs

Get local storage transcode job.

Get local storage transcode job. Required roles: - can_read_transcode_jobs

Delete local storage transcode job.

Delete local storage transcode job. Required roles: - can_read_transcode_jobs

Starts a new transcode.

Starts a new transcode. Use /API/files/v1/assets/ID/files/ID/keyframes insteadUse /API/files/v1/assets/ID/files/ID/keyframes instead Required roles: - can_write_transcode_jobs

Get all the statuses of the queued transcode jobs

Get all the statuses of the queued transcode jobs Required roles: - can_read_transcode_jobs

Get the status of the transcode job queues

Get the status of the transcode job queues

Returns list of transcode queue records by object_id

Returns list of transcode queue records by object_id Required roles: - can_read_transcode_jobs

Returns list of transcode queue records by version_id

Returns list of transcode queue records by version_id Required roles: - can_read_transcode_jobs

Get transcode job

Get transcode job Required roles: - can_read_transcode_jobs

Cancel a particular transcode job by id

Cancel a particular transcode job by id Required roles: - can_delete_transcode_jobs

Move transcode job to top or bottom of the queue

Move transcode job to top or bottom of the queue Required roles: - can_write_transcode_jobs

Change transcode job priority

Change transcode job priority Required roles: - can_write_transcode_jobs

Start a job that sends an asset to default transcription service

Start a job that sends an asset to default transcription service Required roles: - can_transcribe_content

Start a job that sends multiple objects to transcription service

Start a job that sends multiple objects to transcription service Required roles: - can_transcribe_content

Iconik Users

List groups with details

List groups with details Required roles: - can_read_groups

Create a new group

Create a new group Required roles: - can_write_groups

List groups info without details

List groups info without details

Get all group mappings

Get all group mappings Required roles: - can_read_group_mappings

Create a new group mapping

Create a new group mapping Required roles: - can_write_group_mappings

Get a group mapping

Get a group mapping Required roles: - can_read_group_mappings

Delete group mapping by name

Delete group mapping by name Required roles: - can_delete_group_mappings

Returns a particular group by id

Returns a particular group by id Required roles: - can_read_groups

Update group

Update group Required roles: - can_write_groups

Update group

Update group Required roles: - can_write_groups

Delete a particular group by id

Delete a particular group by id Required roles: - can_delete_groups

Upload group logo image.

Upload group logo image. Required roles: - can_write_groups

Delete group logo image.

Delete group logo image. Required roles: - can_write_groups

Reindex a particular group by id

Reindex a particular group by id Required roles: - can_reindex_groups

Add user into a group

Add user into a group Required roles: - can_write_groups

Delete a user from group

Delete a user from group Required roles: - can_delete_groups

List of users with details

List of users with details Required roles: - can_read_users

Create a new user

Create a new user Required roles: - can_create_users

List of users without details

List of users without details

Returns current user

Returns current user

Update user

Update user

Update user

Update user

Upload current user photo image.

Upload current user photo image.

Delete current user photo image.

Delete current user photo image.

Returns current user roles

Returns current user roles

Returns a particular user by id

Returns a particular user by id Required roles: - can_read_users

Update user

Update user Required roles: - can_write_users

Update user

Update user Required roles: - can_write_users

Delete a particular user by id

Delete a particular user by id Required roles: - can_delete_users

Upload user photo image.

Upload user photo image. Required roles: - can_write_users

Delete a photo image of a specified user.

Delete a photo image of a specified user. Required roles: - can_write_users

Reindex a particular user by id

Reindex a particular user by id Required roles: - can_reindex_users

Returns user roles by user_id

Returns user roles by user_id Required roles: - can_read_users

Returns user roles by user_id

Returns user roles by user_id Required roles: - can_read_users

Update a user's SAML IdP settings

Update a user's SAML IdP settings

Remove a user's SAML IdP setting

Remove a user's SAML IdP setting

Iconik Users Notifications

Returns a particular notification_setting by id

Returns a particular notification_setting by id Required roles: - can_read_notification_settings

Returns a particular notification_setting by id

Returns a particular notification_setting by id Required roles: - can_read_notification_settings

Create a new notification_setting

Create a new notification_setting

Returns a list of notifications

Returns a list of notifications Required roles: - can_read_notifications

Create a new notification

Create a new notification

Update notification

Update notification Required roles: - can_read_notifications

Create a new system notification

Create a new system notification

Returns a particular notification by id

Returns a particular notification by id Required roles: - can_read_notifications

Delete a particular notification by id

Delete a particular notification by id Required roles: - can_delete_notifications

Returns all user subscriptions

Returns all user subscriptions Required roles: - can_read_subscriptions

Create a new subscription

Create a new subscription

Returns a particular subscription by id

Returns a particular subscription by id Required roles: - can_read_subscriptions

Delete a particular subscription by id

Delete a particular subscription by id Required roles: - can_write_subscriptions

Returns user subscriptions for a specific object_type and object_id

Returns user subscriptions for a specific object_type and object_id Required roles: - can_read_subscriptions

Delete all user subscriptions for a specific object_type and object_id

Delete all user subscriptions for a specific object_type and object_id Required roles: - can_read_subscriptions

Iconik Auth

List of apps

List of apps Required roles: - can_read_apps

Create a new app

Create a new app Required roles: - can_write_apps

Create a new token for the logged in user and store it for an external app

Create a new token for the logged in user and store it for an external app

Gets a token requested by an external app

Gets a token requested by an external app

Create a new app instance

Create a new app instance

Gets an approved instance of an app

Gets an approved instance of an app

Delete an approved instance of an app

Delete an approved instance of an app

Returns a particular app by id

Returns a particular app by id Required roles: - can_read_apps

Update app

Update app Required roles: - can_write_apps

Update app

Update app Required roles: - can_write_apps

Delete a particular app by id

Delete a particular app by id Required roles: - can_delete_apps

Creates app token by id and returns it's data

Creates app token by id and returns it's data Required roles: - can_read_apps

Login by ActiveDirectory

Login by ActiveDirectory <br/>This function is not yet implemented.

Login by using temp token

Login by using temp token

Login by OAuth

Login by OAuth <br/>This function is not yet implemented.

SAML Assertion Consumer Service

SAML Assertion Consumer Service

SAML Assertion Consumer Service

SAML Assertion Consumer Service

Bind domain to identity provider

Bind domain to identity provider

Unbind domain from identity provider

Unbind domain from identity provider

Get list of identity providers

Get list of identity providers Required roles: - can_read_identity_providers

Create a new identity provider.

Create a new identity provider. <br/>Input can either be an IdentityProviderSchema as json or a SAML<br/>EntityDescriptor XML.<br/>Input can either be an IdentityProviderSchema as json or a SAML<br/>EntityDescriptor XML. Required roles: - can_write_identity_providers

Convert an IdP EntityDescriptor XML into json suitable as a settings configuration.

Convert an IdP EntityDescriptor XML into json suitable as a settings configuration. <br/>Input should be a SAML EntityDescriptor XML.

Get a particular identity provider by id

Get a particular identity provider by id Required roles: - can_read_identity_providers

Update a particular identity provider by id

Update a particular identity provider by id Required roles: - can_write_identity_providers

Update a particular identity provider by id

Update a particular identity provider by id Required roles: - can_write_identity_providers

Delete a particular identity provider by id

Delete a particular identity provider by id Required roles: - can_delete_identity_providers

SAML Single sign-on url by domain

SAML Single sign-on url by domain

Initiate SAML Single logout

Initiate SAML Single logout

SAML Single Logout Service

SAML Single Logout Service

SAML Single Logout Service

SAML Single Logout Service

SAML Single sign-on url by domain

SAML Single sign-on url by domain

SAML Single Logout Service

SAML Single Logout Service

SAML Single Logout Service

SAML Single Logout Service

SAML Single sign-on Service

SAML Single sign-on Service

SAML Single sign-on Service

SAML Single sign-on Service

Login by using email and password

Login by using email and password

Check if auth token valid

Check if auth token valid

Create new token without invalidating the old one

Create new token without invalidating the old one

Refresh token

Refresh token

Revoke token

Revoke token

Get token by ID

Get token by ID

Revoke token by ID

Revoke token by ID

List of tokens

List of tokens

Google cloud marketplace link to existing system domain

Google cloud marketplace link to existing system domain

Google cloud marketplace signup

Google cloud marketplace signup

Returns a list of password checks required for the password to be safe

Returns a list of password checks required for the password to be safe

Receives email address and sends email to this address with link for resetting password

Receives email address and sends email to this address with link for resetting password

Changes password to a new one

Changes password to a new one

Returns a list of password checks required for the password to be safe

Returns a list of password checks required for the password to be safe

Get all referral_codes

Get all referral_codes

Create a new referral_code

Create a new referral_code

Get a referral_code

Get a referral_code

Delete a referral_code

Delete a referral_code

Create a new registration

Create a new registration

Returns list of countries

Returns list of countries

Verify email address and create system domain from template is email address valid

Verify email address and create system domain from template is email address valid

List of system domains

List of system domains

Create a new system domain

Create a new system domain

Create a new system domain from a referral code (That is associated to your domain)

Create a new system domain from a referral code (That is associated to your domain)

List of system domain templates

List of system domain templates

Returns a particular system domain by id

Returns a particular system domain by id Required roles: - can_read_system_domains

Update system domain

Update system domain

Update system domain

Update system domain

Delete a particular system_domain by id

Delete a particular system_domain by id

Delete a particular system_domain by id.

Delete a particular system_domain by id. (For internal use. Should not be displayed in Swagger docs)

Upload system domain logo image.

Upload system domain logo image.

Delete system domain logo image.

Delete system domain logo image.

Iconik Automations

List of automations

Required roles: - can_read_automations

Create a new automation

Required roles: - can_write_automations

Return statistics for automations associated with the system domain

Required roles: - can_read_automations

Returns a particular automation by id

Required roles: - can_read_automations

Update automation

Required roles: - can_write_automations

Update automation

Required roles: - can_write_automations

Delete a particular automation by id

Required roles: - can_delete_automations

Create a new history entity

Required roles: - can_write_automations

Returns a particular history entity by id

Required roles: - can_read_automations

Run an automation for existing objects

Required roles: - can_run_automations

Get estimated number objects that might be affected by an automation run

Required roles: - can_run_automations

Last Update

3 months ago
