
Hyper-Scalable and Cost-Effective Video Transcoding by Hiscale

With a state-of-the-art architecture and support for commonly required codecs and formats, Hiscale‘s transcoding solution FLICS excels with functionality, performance, cost-efficiency and flexibility.

  • Supports all major broadcast & web formats
  • Handles both file-based & live workflows
  • Advanced Plugins for image processing, standards & motion compensated frame-rate conversions
  • Encodes the best quality for each device with built-in ABR encoding
  • Create popular streaming formats & apply DRM encryption
Supported Operations


List and filter accounts with paging

Returns an array of accounts matching the parameters

Add a new account

Returns a copy of the account created

Ask for a specific account

Returns the account or error if not found

Change an account

Returns a copy of the account changed

Delete an account

Returns 'OK' or error code. An account cannot be deleted as long as a subscription exists.

Add an initial subscription for an account

Returns a copy of the subscription created

List and filter alarm definitions with paging

Returns an array of alarm definitions matching the parameters

Add a new alarmDefinition

Returns a copy of the alarm definition created

Ask for a specific alarmDefinition

Returns the alarm definition or error if not found

Change an alarmDefinition

Returns a copy of the alarm definition changed

Delete an alarm definition

Returns 'OK' or error code. An alarm definition cannot be deleted as long as any active object exists.

Get existing clips with paging

Returns a copy of the clip created

Add a new clip reference

Returns a copy of the clip created

List and filter cluster state

Returns the cluster state object or error if not found

Get cluster queue status

Returns the cluster queue summary or error if not found

List and filter modules with paging

Returns an array of modules matching the parameters

Ask for a specific module

Returns the module or an error if not found

List and filter cluster-nodes with paging

Returns an array of nodes matching the parameters

Get cluster queue status

Returns the cluster queue summary or error if not found

Get system deployment mode

returns deployment config and versions

Get container images

Returns an array of container images available in the local registry

Request a config snapshot

Returns a json file with (partial) config data

Get config item count

Returns an array with config items and numbers

List and filter system settings with paging

Returns an array of settings matching the parameters

Ask for specific system settings

Returns the settings or error if not found

Update system settings

returns a copy of the settings changed

List and filter events with paging

Returns an array of events matching the parameters

Get alarm count within a given time

List and filter nodes with paging

Returns an array of nodes matching the parameters

Create or add a node

Returns 'OK' or error message

Delete a node

Returns 'OK' or error message

Change availability of a node

Returns OK or Error code.

List and filter periodic tasks with paging

Returns an array of tasks matching the parameters

Create a new periodic task

Returns a copy of the periodic task created

Ask for a specific periodic task

Returns the periodic task or error if not found

Modify an existing periodic task

Returns a copy of the modified periodic task

Delete a periodic task

Does not delete already exported tasks

List and filter pools with paging

Returns an array of pools matching the parameters

Add a new pool

Returns a copy of the pool created

Get uptime stats for public pools

Ask for a specific pool

Returns the pool or error if not found

Change a pool

Returns a copy of the pool changed

Delete a pool

Returns OK or error code.A pool cannot be deleted as long as any node exists.

Change the availability of a pool

returns 'OK' or Error code.

Set storages access for a pool

Returns 'OK' or error code.

List and filter user-generated profiles with paging

Returns an array of profiles matching the parameters

Add a new profile

Returns a copy of the profile created

List and filter factory profiles with paging

Returns an array of profiles matching the parameters

Ask for a specific profile

Returns the profile or error if not found

Change a profile

Returns a copy of the profile changed

Delete a profile

Returns 'OK' or Error code.Profiles cannot be deleted as long as any active monitors or unhandled tasks exist.

List and filter storages with paging

Returns an array of storages matching the parameters

Add a new Storage

Returns a copy of the storage created

Ask for a specific storage

Returns the storage or error if not found

Change a storage

Returns a copy of the storage changed

Delete a storage

Returns 'OK' or Error code. Storages cannot be deleted as long as any active monitors or unhandled tasks exist.

Get files on a given storage or subfolder

Returns a list of files and basic metadata

Ask for monitor settings and state on a specific storage

Returns the monitor object or error if not found

Add monitor settings to an existing storage

Returns a copy of the monitor object created

Delete a monitor on a given storage

Returns 'OK' or Error code. Monitors cannot be deleted as long as they are activated

Activate (start) / deactivate (stop) a monitor

Returns 'OK' or error code

Check if storage is accessible

Returns 200 or error if not available

Create an access token for external storage services

Returns 'OK' or error code

List and filter subscriptions with paging

Returns an array of subscriptions matching the parameters

Add a new subscription

Returns a copy of the subscription created

Ask for a specific subscription

Returns the subscription or error if not found

Change a subscription

Returns a copy of the subscription changed

Delete a subscription

Returns 'OK' or Error code. A Subscription cannot be deleted as long as any active object exists.

List and filter tasks with paging

Returns an array of tasks matching the parameters

Create and start a new task

Returns a copy of the task created. NOTE: for live-recordings, this API currently doesn't check for planning conflicts.This may change in the future

Get task states (active, queued) within a given time

Get task count within 24 hours grouped by state

Ask for a specific task

Returns the task or error if not found

Modifiy an existing task

Returns a copy of the modified task.NOTE: for live-recordings, this API currently doesn't check for planning conflicts.This may change in the future

Delete a stopped Task

Returns 'OK' or Error code. Task.props.State must be 'Done, Error, Warning, Stopped or Cancelled

Adjust a running live tasks duration

Returns 'OK' or Error code. Only allowed for states 'Probing' and 'InProcess

Get task logs

Delete media files used by a task

Returns 'OK' or Error code. Task.props.State must be 'Done, Error, Warning, Stopped or Cancelled.NOTE: Use with care, as media files could be in use by other tasks too.

Cancel, stop or restart a task

Returns 'OK' or Error code. Only certain states allowed

List and filter templates with paging

Returns an array of templates matching the parameters

Add a new template

Returns a copy of the template created

List and filter factory templates with paging

Returns an array of templates matching the parameters

Ask for a specific template

Returns the template or error if not found

Change a template

Returns a copy of the template changed

Delete a template

Returns 'OK' or Error code. A template cannot be deleted as long as any active monitors or unhandled tasks exist.

Ask which template parameters can be overwritten in a post task request

Returns a list of parameters or error if not found

List and filter users with paging

Returns an array of users matching the parameters

Add a new user

Returns a copy of the user created


returns user roles and initial token

Get a new Token

Ask for a specific user

Returns the User or error if not found

Change a user

returns a copy of the user changed

Delete a user

Returns 'OK' or Error code.


Set users password

Returns OK or Error code

Last Update

5 months ago
