HeyGen API
Upload asset
Upload asset
List avatars
You can use this endpoint to get a list of available avatars for generating videos.
Create Token
Create Token
Submit ice information
send an ICE candidate to server
List sessions
Retrieve a list of currently active sessions.
New session
this api to new a session
Start session
start the connection
Close session
close the real-time session
Repeat text
send a text to drive avatar to speak
Upload talking photo
Upload talking photo
List talking photos
List your created talking photos
(deprecated) Generate from template
Generate video from template
(deprecated) Retrieve a template
Retrieve detail of a template for generating videos
Delete a video
Delete a video
(deprecated) Create a video
**Attention: avatars created after 03/21/2024 will no longer be supported in v1 API.**
Create a WebM video
Generates a webm video with transparent background and an avatar speaking the input text. You can customize the avatar's pose, style, and voice, as well as the dimensions of the video.
Add caption to the video
Add caption to the video
Retrieve the caption video
Retrieve the caption video
Retrieve a video
You can use this endpoint to get status of videos.
List voices
List available voices in HeyGen
Add a webhook endpoint
Add a webhook endpoint
Delete a webhook endpoint
delete an existing webhook endpoint
List webhook endpoints
list all your registered webhook endpoints
Update a webhook endpoint
update an existing webhook endpoint
List available webhook events
list all supported webhook events
List Avatars V2
You can get your Avatars and Talking Photos(Photo Avatars) with this endpoint. <br/>_Note: V2 API is in beta._
Delete a talking photo V2
Delete a talking photo V2
Get Template V2
This API now supports New AI Studio!
Generate from Template V2
This API now supports New AI Studio!
List Templates V2
This API now supports New AI Studio!
Get remaining quota V2
Get remaining quota. The returned quota would be roughly 60 * credit that showed in UI.
Create an Avatar Video V2
This API now generates videos with our New AI Studio backend.
Video Translate
Video Translate
List supported languages
List supported languages
Video Translate status
Video Translate status
List Voices V2
_Note: V2 API is in beta._