
HeyGen is an AI-based, cloud-hosted platform that transforms text into professional-looking videos. It offers a vast library of realistic avatars that you can use to create your videos, making it a versatile tool for various use cases, including marketing, education, social media, and training.

HeyGen stands out with its unique features, including virtual actors that mimic human behavior, the ability to change the spoken language for different viewers, low production costs, and a user-friendly dashboard that allows you to create a video in minutes.

Supported Operations

HeyGen API

Upload asset

Upload an asset in video or photo format.

List avatars

Get a list of available avatars for generating videos.

Upload face

Upload face

Delete Face

Delete a face by specifying the face ID, and receive a success message upon successful deletion. If the specified face does not exist, a corresponding error message is provided.

Analyze an asset image

Analyze an asset image obtaining information about detected faces, and receiving a success message upon a successful request.

Image faceswap

Perform image faceswap, generating a result with details such as the asset ID, output URL, and receiving a success message upon a successful request.

Submit ice information

Send an ICE candidate to server

New session

Initiate a new session. Users can start a new session by providing information using the V1RealtimeNewRequest schema in the request body.

Start session

Start the connection

Close the real-time session

Close the real-time session. Users can initiate the session closure by providing information using the V2RealtimeStopRequest schema in the request body.

Drive avatar to speak a text

Send a text to drive avatar to speak

Upload talking photo

Upload a talking photo by providing details such as the talking photo ID, its URL, and receiving a success message upon a successful request.

List your created talking photos

Retrieve a list of your created talking photo by providing details such as circle images and image URLs along with a success message upon a successful request.

Generate video template

Generate video from template

Get a template

Retrieve detail of a template for generating videos

Delete a video

Delete a video by providing the video ID.

Create a video

You can use this endpoint to create avatar videos.

Create a WebM Video

Generates a webm video with transparent background and an avatar speaking the input text. You can customize the avatar's pose, style, and voice, as well as the dimensions of the video.

Analyze an asset video

Analyze an asset video obtaining insights and information about the video content.

Check video analyze

Check the status of a video analysis, providing information about the job status, detected faces, and receiving a message indicating the completion of the job upon a successful request.

Add caption to the video

Add captions to a video for enhancing the user experience with synchronized textual elements.

Retrieve the caption video

Retrieve captioned video details by providing the associated video ID.

Video faceswap

Perform video faceswap initiating a job

Check video faceswap

Check the status of a video faceswap job, providing details such as the job status and the URL of the generated video upon completion.

Get status of a video

You can use this endpoint to get status of videos.

List voices

List available voices in HeyGen

Add a webhook endpoint

Add a webhook endpoint. Users can submit the necessary information in the request body according to the V1WebhookEndpointAddRequest schema.

Delete an existing webhook endpoint

Delete an existing webhook endpoint using its ID.

List all your registered webhook endpoints

List all your registered webhook endpoints

Update an existing webhook endpoint

Update an existing webhook endpoint with the provided details.

List all supported webhook events

Retrieve a list of all supported webhook events.

List avatars (v2)

Get a list of available avatars for generating videos. This API is in beta

Clear task queue (v2)

Clear the task queue for a real-time session (v2). Users can initiate the clearing of the task queue by providing information using the V2RealtimeClearRequest schema in the request body. This endpoint is in beta

Submit ice information (v2)

Send an ICE candidate to server. This endpoint is in beta

New session (v2)

Initiate a new session (v2). This endpoint is in beta

Start session (v2)

Start the connection. This endpoint is in beta

Retrieve a session state (v2)

Retrieve a session state. Users can obtain the session state by providing information using the V2RealtimeStateRequest schema in the request body. This endpoint is in beta

Close the real-time session (v2)

Close the real-time session (v2). Users can initiate the session closure by providing information using the V2RealtimeStopRequest schema in the request body. This endpoint is in beta

Drive avatar to speak a text (v2)

Send a text to drive avatar to speak. This endpoint is in beta

Get a template (v2)

Retrieve detail of a template for generating videos. This API is in beta

Generate video from template (v2)

Generate video from template. This API is in beta

List templates (v2)

Retrieve detail of templates for generating videos. This API is in beta

Create a video (v2)

You can use this endpoint to create avatar videos. This endpoint is in beta

List voices (v2)

List available voices in HeyGen. This API is in beta


This item is available for early access. It is still in development and may contain experimental features or limitations.

Last Update

4 months ago
