
Helmut4 is the solution for efficient management of editing projects in professional video production environments where Adobe® Premiere® Pro, Adobe® After Effects® and Adobe® Audition® are used. Helmut4 adapts to your individual workflow and serves as connecting element inside your infrastructure as well as integrator of third-party systems. Project management newly defined - agile, adaptable and user-friendly. More details are shared on the subpages of this website or by our Helmut team in person.

Supported Operations


Get openapi file

Send an add message to an exchange and return the response (reply)

Send a message to an exchange. Non-existing exchanges will be created as non durable non auto-delete Direct-Exchange. Return the response

Send an add message to an exchange

Send a message to an exchange. Non-existing exchanges will be created as non durable non auto-delete Direct-Exchange.

Get endpoint Version

Get endpoint version


Gets an asset by its id

Add a new asset

Update an existing asset

Deletes an asset by its id

Remove project references of all project assets

Remove project references of all project assets

Get all assets with this specific path

Asset path as identifier

Get all assets within this specific sequence

Asset path as identifier

Set in out point to media typed asset which will be synced into premiere

Add new marker to markerlist (existing marker with same parameter will be skipped)

Add/Update custom metadata entries or delete them if delete is active

Change asset filepath and set to unsynced

Change projectReference of asset

Change projectReference of asset, pass empty string for projectId to remove reference

Change projectReference of multiple assets

Change projectReference of asset, pass empty string for projectIt to remove reference

Add a proxy to an asset

Get all sequences of a project by project id

Project id as identifier

Set all assets of project to status synced or unsynced according to current status

Get all unsynced assets by project id

Project id as identifier

Get all assets by project id

Project id as identifier

File upload

Get openapi file

Index all assets of project

Search for assets based on optional Filters

Execute a stream based on a package

Execute a stream based on a package

Get endpoint version

MCC Cronjob

Get all cronjobs

Create a new cronjob

Delete all cronjobs

Execute cornjob now

Explain a cron expression

Get openapi file

Activate or deactivate jobs database cleanup in accordance to the corresponding preference

Get endpoint Version

Get cronjob by Id

Update a cronjob

Delete a cronjob

Get endpoint version


Get all access presets

Add new access preset

Update access preset

Update name of access preset

Get the default group access preset

Get the default user access preset

Delete an access preset by id

Get an access preset by name

Get openapi file

Add a new project

Update a project

Set a projects category

Delete a project

Download Project by ID

Duplicate a project

Execute a custom stream

Set a projects group

Import a project

Set a projects metadata

Set a projects modification date

Set a projects name

Open a project

Set a projects file path

Get a list of a projects saves

Get a list of a projects saves

Search for project(s) by filter

Search for project(s) by project id list

Set a projects size

Set a projects status

Set a projects tag

Set a projects template

Upload Project by ID

Get Project by ID

Delete a project

Execute a stream based on a package

Execute a stream based on a package

Get all categories for a group

Get all templates of a category of a group

Add a new category in a group

Delete a category in a group

Upload a new Template into a category

Delete a new Template into a category

Get typeahead for creator field of corresponding search filter

Get typeahead for tag field while adding project

Get endpoint version


Get openapi file

Get all tasks

Get all tasks

Add new task

Add new task

Update existing task

Update existing task

Execute (preflight) a task

Execute (preflight) a task

Execute a task

Execute a task

Delete a task

Delete a task

Get endpoint version


Get all jobs

Add a jobs

Update a jobs progress and status

Cancel a running job

Update a jobs logs entries

Set a jobs metadata

Set a jobs priority

Request a new render job

Purge job(s) by relative date filter applied to create date field

Search for job(s) by filter

Get a job by id

Delete a job by id

Get openapi file

Add new Profile

Get all profiles

Deletes a stream reference for all Profiles by it's id

Get profile by id

Update a profile by id

Delete profile by id

Add new stitch status

Put stitch status

Patch stitch done field

Delete stitch status by id

Execute a custom stream

Execute a custom stream for a project

Execute a stream based on a package

Execute a stream based on a package

Get typeahead for creator field of corresponding search filter

Get endpoint version

Get all watchfolder

Add a watchfolder

Update a watchfolder

Execute a watchfolder once

Delete watchfolder by id

MCC Language

Get a list of all existing languages

Add a new language

Add a new language entry

Update an existing language

Update am existing language entry

Get openapi file

Get endpoint Version

Delete an existing language entry

Get endpoint version

MCC License

Get a list of all existing licenses

Add a new License

Add a new License entry

Delete an existing License entry

Get the current Client version

Get the unique hardware ID (Host)

Get the current Helmut version

Get openapi file

Get endpoint version

MCC Logging

Get one or more new log entry

Get one or more new Log entry

Get openapi file

Add one or more new log entry

Add one or moe new Log entry

Get endpoint version

MCC Metadata

Get all existing metadata

Get all existing metadata

Add a new metadata

Add a new metadata

Update an existing metadata

Update an existing metadata

Delete a metadata

Delete an existing metadata

Get all existing metadata matching one or more tags

Get all existing metadata matching one or more tags

Get all existing metadata sets

Get all existing metadata sets

Add a new metadata set

Add a new metadata set

Update an existing metadataSet set

Update an existing metadata set

Delete a metadata set

Delete an existing metadata set

Get all existing metadata sets matching one or more tags

Get all existing metadata sets matching one or more tags

Get openapi file

Get endpoint version

MCC Preferences

lists configured Active Directories

updates AD values

removes an AD GroupMapping entry

Get a backup from a system

Get openapi file

Get a list of all existing preferences

Add a new preference

Add a new preference entry

Update an existing preference

Update am existing preference entry

Test a module

Get endpoint version

Delete an existing preference entry

Get a list of all existing preferences matching one or more tags

Restore a backup from a zip file

lists configured mount points

adds a new mount point and remote path

updates mount point values

get storage with given id

removes a mount point

Get endpoint version

MCC Streams

Get a list of all existing Streams

Add a new stream

Add a new stream entry

Update an existing stream

Update an existing streams entry

Execute a new stream based on an event

Execute a new stream based on an event

Execute a new stream based on an event

Execute a new stream based on an event

Download the current version of the stream engine

Get a list of all existing streams matching one event

Execute a new stream based on an event

Execute a new stream based on an event

Export all Streams (serialized)

Will list a folder's content

Will list a folder's content

Get a Stream by ID

Import Streams (serialized)

Get a list of all actions

Get a list of all conditions

Get a list of all available events

Get a list of all available events

Get a list of all outputs

Get a list of all wildcards

Will resolve metadata values by input (project)

Will resolve metadata values by input (project)

Get openapi file

Get a list of all Snapshots

Add a new Stream Snapshot

Create a new Stream Snapshot entry

Get search result of Snapshots

Get a Stream by ID

Delete an existing Snapshot entry by ID

Update an existing stream's status

Update an existing stream's status

Get a list of all stored variables

Create a new Store Variable

Get search result as list of Store Variables

Get store variable by key

Update a Store Variable by Key

Update protected flag of Store Variable by key

Delete a Store Variable by key

Will resolve a string value by input (project)

Will resolve a string value by input (project)

Delete an existing stream entry

Get a list of all existing streams matching one or more tags

Get endpoint version

MCC Members

Used for debug -> will be removed soon

Get active directory host list from domain

Get active directory objects by filter

Trigger sync AD user

Trigger sync AD user

Test active directory connection. If connection is established it will return the current logged on AD address and port.

Checking user authentication

Logs user into the system

Logs out currently logged in user session

Logs user into the system using OAuth

RabbitMQ Auth

RabbitMQ Auth

RabbitMQ Auth

RabbitMQ Auth

Get a challenge code for a user

Get a challenge code for a user

Logs user into the system via an SSO token coming from helmut client

Request user for the current session

Get all groups

Get all groups from the Server

Add a new group

Update an existing group

Update a group custom field

Get group by name

Get group by id

Deletes an group

Get openapi file

Get all search filter

Save a new search filter

Get search filter by id

Update search filter by id

Delete a search filter by id

Mount volume

Get mount state

Unmount volume

Execute a stream based on a package

Execute a stream based on a package

Create a new user

Generate autologin file by userId

Update a user's custom field

Update user displayname

Update user email

Update user password

Update user products

Update a user's renderNode status

Update user role

Search for all connected users

Execute a custom stream

Add a user to a group

Remove a user from a group

Add one or several users to a list of groups

Remove one or several users from a list of groups

Get all users assigned to a group

Get real ip behind reverse proxy for user

Kick user by name

Send a message to user

Get all active directory users

Get all FLOW users

Get user by name

Send a notification to user

Add a new OAuth token for a user

Get all OAuth tokens for a user

Delete an OAuth token for a user

Search for users

Search for users

Test active directory connection

Test FLOW connection

Test medialoopster connection

Test qscan connection

Get user by id

Updated user

Delete user

Get user endpoint version

Last Update

1 week ago
