
Google Vision AI is a computer vision technology that utilizes machine learning to understand visual content in images and videos, detecting objects, faces, landmarks, and text. With features like explicit content detection and content moderation, Google Vision AI ensures safe and appropriate utilization of visual data.

The Google Vision API provides developers with a programmable interface to access and integrate these capabilities into their applications, enabling effortless image analysis tasks such as labeling, face detection, and OCR for valuable insights and improved user experiences in various industries.

Supported Operations

Cloud Vision API

Image detection and annotation for a batch of files

Service that performs image detection and annotation for a batch of files. Now only "application/pdf", "image/tiff" and "image/gif" are supported. This service will extract at most 5 (customers can specify which 5 in AnnotateFileRequest.pages) frames (gif) or pages (pdf or tiff) from each file provided and perform detection and annotation for each image extracted.

Asynchronous image detection and annotation for files

Run asynchronous image detection and annotation for a list of generic files, such as PDF files, which may contain multiple pages and multiple images per page. Progress and results can be retrieved through the `google.longrunning.Operations` interface. `Operation.metadata` contains `OperationMetadata` (metadata). `Operation.response` contains `AsyncBatchAnnotateFilesResponse` (results).

Image detection and annotation for a batch of images

Run image detection and annotation for a batch of images.

Image detection and annotation for a list of images

Run asynchronous image detection and annotation for a list of images. Progress and results can be retrieved through the `google.longrunning.Operations` interface. `Operation.metadata` contains `OperationMetadata` (metadata). `Operation.response` contains `AsyncBatchAnnotateImagesResponse` (results). This service will write image annotation outputs to json files in customer GCS bucket, each json file containing BatchAnnotateImagesResponse proto.

Cancel on a long-running operation

Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns `google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use Operations.GetOperation or other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation, the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with an Operation.error value with a google.rpc.Status.code of 1, corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.

Image detection and annotation for a batch of files

Service that performs image detection and annotation for a batch of files. Now only "application/pdf", "image/tiff" and "image/gif" are supported. This service will extract at most 5 (customers can specify which 5 in AnnotateFileRequest.pages) frames (gif) or pages (pdf or tiff) from each file provided and perform detection and annotation for each image extracted.

Image detection and annotation for a list of generic files

Run asynchronous image detection and annotation for a list of generic files, such as PDF files, which may contain multiple pages and multiple images per page. Progress and results can be retrieved through the `google.longrunning.Operations` interface. `Operation.metadata` contains `OperationMetadata` (metadata). `Operation.response` contains `AsyncBatchAnnotateFilesResponse` (results).

Image detection and annotation for a batch of images

Run image detection and annotation for a batch of images.

Image detection and annotation for a list of images

Run asynchronous image detection and annotation for a list of images. Progress and results can be retrieved through the `google.longrunning.Operations` interface. `Operation.metadata` contains `OperationMetadata` (metadata). `Operation.response` contains `AsyncBatchAnnotateImagesResponse` (results). This service will write image annotation outputs to json files in customer GCS bucket, each json file containing BatchAnnotateImagesResponse proto.

List ProductSets in an unspecified order

Lists ProductSets in an unspecified order. Possible errors: * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if page_size is greater than 100, or less than 1.

Create and returns a new ProductSet resource

Creates and returns a new ProductSet resource. Possible errors: * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if display_name is missing, or is longer than 4096 characters.

Get the latest state of a long-running operation (productSet).

Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API service.

Make changes to a ProductSet resource

Makes changes to a ProductSet resource. Only display_name can be updated currently. Possible errors: * Returns NOT_FOUND if the ProductSet does not exist. * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if display_name is present in update_mask but missing from the request or longer than 4096 characters.

Delete a ProductSet

Permanently deletes a ProductSet. Products and ReferenceImages in the ProductSet are not deleted. The actual image files are not deleted from Google Cloud Storage.

List the Products in a ProductSet

Lists the Products in a ProductSet, in an unspecified order. If the ProductSet does not exist, the products field of the response will be empty. Possible errors: * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if page_size is greater than 100 or less than 1.

Add a Product to the specified ProductSet

Adds a Product to the specified ProductSet. If the Product is already present, no change is made. One Product can be added to at most 100 ProductSets. Possible errors: * Returns NOT_FOUND if the Product or the ProductSet doesn't exist.

Remove a Product to the specified ProductSet

Removes a Product from the specified ProductSet.

Import a list of reference images to specified product sets

Asynchronous API that imports a list of reference images to specified product sets based on a list of image information. The google.longrunning.Operation API can be used to keep track of the progress and results of the request. `Operation.metadata` contains `BatchOperationMetadata`. (progress) `Operation.response` contains `ImportProductSetsResponse`. (results) The input source of this method is a csv file on Google Cloud Storage. For the format of the csv file please see ImportProductSetsGcsSource.csv_file_uri.

List products in an unspecified order

Lists products in an unspecified order. Possible errors: * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if page_size is greater than 100 or less than 1.

Create and return a new product resource

Creates and returns a new product resource. Possible errors: * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if display_name is missing or longer than 4096 characters. * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if description is longer than 4096 characters. * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if product_category is missing or invalid.

List reference images

Lists reference images. Possible errors: * Returns NOT_FOUND if the parent product does not exist. * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the page_size is greater than 100, or less than 1.

Create and return a new ReferenceImage resource

Creates and returns a new ReferenceImage resource. The `bounding_poly` field is optional. If `bounding_poly` is not specified, the system will try to detect regions of interest in the image that are compatible with the product_category on the parent product. If it is specified, detection is ALWAYS skipped. The system converts polygons into non-rotated rectangles. Note that the pipeline will resize the image if the image resolution is too large to process (above 50MP). Possible errors: * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the image_uri is missing or longer than 4096 characters. * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the product does not exist. * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if bounding_poly is not provided, and nothing compatible with the parent product's product_category is detected. * Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if bounding_poly contains more than 10 polygons.

Delete all Products in a ProductSet or all Products that are in no ProductSet

Asynchronous API to delete all Products in a ProductSet or all Products that are in no ProductSet. If a Product is a member of the specified ProductSet in addition to other ProductSets, the Product will still be deleted. It is recommended to not delete the specified ProductSet until after this operation has completed. It is also recommended to not add any of the Products involved in the batch delete to a new ProductSet while this operation is running because those Products may still end up deleted. It's not possible to undo the PurgeProducts operation. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the csv files used in ImportProductSets (if that was how you originally built the Product Set) before starting PurgeProducts, in case you need to re-import the data after deletion. If the plan is to purge all of the Products from a ProductSet and then re-use the empty ProductSet to re-import new Products into the empty ProductSet, you must wait until the PurgeProducts operation has finished for that ProductSet. The google.longrunning.Operation API can be used to keep track of the progress and results of the request. `Operation.metadata` contains `BatchOperationMetadata`. (progress)

Get the latest state of a long-running operation

Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API service.


This item is available for early access. It is still in development and may contain experimental features or limitations.

Last Update

1 week ago
