Description is a cloud-based platform designed to help teams collaborate on video projects. It provides a range of tools for video review and approval, file sharing, and project management. The API allows developers to integrate the platform's features and functionality with other applications, tools, and services.

Supported Operations API

Status check

Check status of the API

Get Accounts for User

Fetch all Accounts that a given User has access to

Get Account

Fetch a particular account by ID

Get Custom Actions for an Account or Team

Get Custom Actions available to a given Account

(Legacy) Get Audit Logs for an Account

Fetch audit logs with some filtering capabilities via query params

Get audit log entries for an Account

Fetch audit logs with some filtering capabilities via query params

Get Webhooks for Account

Get Webhooks belonging to a given Account

Get Account membership

Get the membership status for the auth token making the request

Get all Teams on an Account

Return an array of all of the Teams accessible via a given Account

Create a Team for the given Account

Create a new Team inside the given Account. _Limited to Pro and Enterprise plans_

Get a Custom Action by ID

Get a Custom Action via its ID

Update a Custom Action

Update a given Custom Action via its ID

Delete a Custom Action

Delete a given Custom Action via its ID

Create C2C asset

**THIS ENDPOINT IS DEPRECATED**. Please use `/v2/devices/assets` instead. While this endpoint will continue to function as normal, we ask that integrations begin using the new endpoint instead for consistency with the rest of the C2C API. Asset upload initiation specifically for C2C devices and applications.

Get an Asset

Fetch the full Asset manifest

Update an Asset

Update the manifest on an Asset

Delete an Asset

Delete the referenced Asset ID

Get audio for an Asset

Fetch the audio tracks for a given Asset

Fetch child Assets

Get child elements of a given asset. Can be used to get the items in a review link, version stack, folder, as well as including an asset to use on the cover of a folder.

Create an Asset

Create a new asset.

Get all the Comments and Replies from a Comment thread

This endpoint will return all comments and replies in a flat list.

Create a Comment

Leave a Comment on an Asset

Get Presentation Links for a particular asset

Get a paginated list of Presentation Links attached to a particular asset ID

Create a Presentation Link for an asset

Create a new Presentation Link

Request upload URLs for real-time upload

Register real-time upload parts and generate presigned AWS S3 upload PUT URLs.

Get the subtitles for an Asset

Fetch subtitles that have been hoisted out by the media pipeline

Unversion an Asset

Unversion an Asset from a Version Stack

Version an Asset

Add an asset to a version stack, or create one if one doesn't already exist

Copy asset

Copy an Asset to a new location

Move asset

Move an asset to a new location

Revoke Device Authorization

Revoke device authorization

Polling for Device Authorization

Once we have handed the pairing code to the user, we need to check and see if they've entered it. To do so, we can make the following request.

Refresh Device Token

Refresh your devices token

Bulk delete assets

Delete a list of Assets

Bulk copy assets

Copy a batch of asset ids to a new folder. You can also choose to copy over all or none of the comments from the original to the copied asset.

Batch create Collaborators and PendingCollaborators within a Project

Submit a list of Collaborators to add to the given Project as Collaborators

Batch delete Collaborators and PendingCollaborators for a Project

Submit a list of Collaborators you wish to remove from a given Project

Get a Comment by ID

Fetch a Comment by its ID

Update a Comment

Update a Comment via its ID, overwriting only the passed key/value pairs

Delete a Comment

Delete a Comment or Reply using its ID

Mark completed

Complete a "Task" on a given Comment

Mark a Comment as Uncompleted

If a Comment has been marked **Completed**, you can reset its to **Uncompleted** by hitting this endpoint.

Get impressions

Fetch a list of who has 'seen' your comment

Create a Like on a Comment

Leave a thumbs-up on a Comment

Delete a like from a comment

Remove a Like from a Comment

Get comments and replies

Fetch all Comments and Replies for a given Comment or Reply ID

Leave a Reply on a Comment

Leave a Reply on a given Comment

Request device code

List accounts

List available accounts to pair your C2C device with.

List projects for account

List available Projects to pair your C2C device with.

Create C2C asset

Asset upload initiation specifically for C2C devices and applications. Note: This endpoint used to be `/v2/assets`, and while that endpoint will continue to function as normal, we suggest you use this one instead.

Request upload URLs for real-time upload

Register real-time upload parts and generate presigned AWS S3 upload PUT URLs.

Connect a new device channel

We can connect a new channel with the following request

Disconnect all device channels

Disconnects all connected device channels

Disconnect a specific device channel

Disconnect a device channel with the following request

Trigger a real-time logging event

Triggers an event on the device channel. Can be used for logging a quick comment, or for other things that haven't been dreamed up yet!

Connect device

Connect to the provided C2C Project.

Disconnect device

Disconnect the device from the project it's currently connected to.

Heartbeat ping

Ommit heartbeat event to This powers the device "online" status in the C2C Connections tab on iOS and Web. This should be called no more then once a minute, and no less than once every 5 minutes.

Device Information

Fetches information about the current device connection. Can be used to verify authorization token and returns information useful to present useful information in your user interface.

Get Webhook by ID

Get the information about a given Webhook

Update webhook

Update the settings for a given Webhook via its ID

Delete webhook

Delete a given Webhook via its ID

Get the current authenticated User

Get information about the currently authenticated user

Get Grouped Notifications

Get global presentation links

Get recently created Presentation Links across a user's account

Show a Presentation

Fetch a particular presentaiton link's id

Update a Presentation

Update a Presentation Link via it's ID

Delete a Presentation

Delete a given Presentation Link

Get Projects where User is a Collaborator

Fetch all of the Projects that a User has Collaborator access to (not team-member)

Get Project by ID

Fetch a Project via its ID

Update a Project

Update a Project ID with only the fields provided (overwrite)

Delete Project by ID

Delete a Project via its ID

Get Project Collaborators

Fetch the list of Collaborators with access to a Project.

Add a Collaborator to a Project

Add a new Collaborator to a Project

Get current User(s) membership for a Project

Get the Membership context for a given user within a Project via its ID

Get a paginated list of Presentations

Get a paginated list of Presentations

List Review Links in a project

List all the Review Links belonging to a Project

Create a Review Link

Create a new Review Link in a given Project

Get a Review Link

Get a full Review Link manifest

Update a Review Link

Update a Review Links manifest, overwriting any specified key/value pairs

Delete a Review Link

Delete a given Review Link

Add Asset to a Review Link

Add assets to a Review Link

Update Assets in a Review Link

Replace the assets on this Review Link

Get items in a Review Link

Fetch the list of items (assets, folders, and version stacks) on a given Review Link

Remove items from a Review Link

Remove a list of `asset_id`s from the assets shared in a Review Link

Invite Reviewer to a Review Link

Invite a Reviewer to a Review Link

Remove Reviewers from a Review Link

Remove access for a Reviewer to a Review Link

Search for Assets

Search for Assets via query parameters

Search for Assets

Search for Assets using a JSON payload

Advanced search for Assets

Advanced Asset Search

Advanced search for Assets

Search using ElasticSearch key/value pairs

Get Teams for User

Return an array of all the Teams a user has access to

Get a Team

Fetch a given Team's information by ID

Get Custom Actions for a given Team

Fetch Custom Actions belonging to a given Team

Create a Custom Action

Create a Custom Action belonging to A Team

Create team webhook

Create an outbound Webhook for all appropriate actions for a given Team

Get Team Members

List the members on a given Team

Add a Team member

Add a Team member to a given Team

Get user membership for team

Get currently authed User's membership within a particular Team

Get Projects by Team

Fetch a paginated list of all Projects belonging to a Team

Create a Project

Create a new Project belonging to a Team

Get audit log entries for a specified User

Fetch audit logs for a given user with some filtering capabilities via query params. It works best to think of this as an _activity_ log for the specified user

Last Update

1 month ago
