Returns a list of Batches.
* Requires token authentication.
Creates a new Batch.
* Requires token authentication.
Update of a Batch.
* Requires token authentication.
Create batches based on the csv files uploaded
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a Batch by Id.
* Requires token authentication.
Deletes a Batch by Id
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a list of custom fields.
* Requires token authentication.
Creates a new custom field.
* Requires token authentication.
Updates a custom field.
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a custom field by Id.
* Requires token authentication.
Deletes a custom field by Id
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a list of Datasets.
* Requires token authentication.
Creates a new dataset.
* Requires token authentication.
Save a dataset.
* Requires token authentication.
Returns statistics overview over all Datasets of the user
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a Dataset by Id.
* Requires token authentication.
Deletes a Dataset by Id
* Requires token authentication.
Returns all classes of a dataset.
* Requires token authentication.
Creates a new class.
* Requires token authentication.
Save a class.
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a Class by Id
* Requires token authentication.
Deletes a Class by Id
* Requires token authentication.
Creates multiple new images
* Requires token authentication.
All clusters of a class of the dataset will be returned
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a Cluster from a Class by Id
* Requires token authentication.
All clusters of a class of the dataset will be returned
* Requires token authentication.
Returns all custom field values of a class
* Requires token authentication.
Creates a new custom field value object of the class.
* Requires token authentication.
Updates a custom field value object of the class.
* Requires token authentication.
All images inside a classes of the dataset will be returned
* Requires token authentication.
Creates a new image
* Requires token authentication.
Updates an image.
* Requires token authentication.
Returns an image by Id
* Requires token authentication.
Deletes an Image by Id
* Requires token authentication.
Return thumbnail of the image in the dataset
* Requires token authentication.
All samples inside a classes of the dataset will be returned
* Requires token authentication.
Updates an sample.
* Requires token authentication.
Returns an sample by Id
* Requires token authentication.
Deletes an Sample by Id
* Requires token authentication.
Evaluate a dataset
* Requires token authentication.
Returns the number of images in a dataset.
* Requires token authentication.
Returns the number of samples in a dataset.
* Requires token authentication.
Get exports for the authenticated user.
* Requires authentication.
Get export with specified export ID.
Get all export artifacts for the user
* Requires token authentication.
Upload an artifact file
* Requires token authentication.
Downloads the actual associated file with an export artifact
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a list of IndexCollection.
* Requires token authentication.
Creates a new IndexCollection.
* Requires token authentication.
Save a IndexCollection.
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a IndexCollection.
* Requires token authentication.
Deletes a IndexCollection.
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a list of Indexed Identities.
* Requires token authentication.
Save a Indexed Identity.
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a list an Indexed Identity.
* Requires token authentication.
Deletes an Indexed Identity.
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a list of Detailed Results.
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a list of Jobs.
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a list of Thumbnails.
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a list of jobs
* Requires token authentication.
Creates a new job
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a job by Id
* Requires token authentication.
Deletes a job by Id
* Requires token authentication.
Get all job artifacts for the user
* Requires token authentication.
Upload an artifact file
* Requires token authentication.
Download the actual associated file with a job artifact
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a job results
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a job Result by Id
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a job results
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a job Result by Id
* Requires token authentication.
List all available AttributeDescription objects
* Requires token authentication.
Endpoint for listing and adding attribute preferences
Endpoint for listing and adding attribute preferences
Endpoint for listing and adding attribute preferences
Endpoint for deleting attribute preferences
Endpoint for retrieving common attributes of provided nodes
Endpoint for importing data to the knowledge graph
Endpoint for importing data to the knowledge graph
Endpoint for checking the import status
Endpoint for listing the import entities
List all nodes filtered by attributes
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a single knowledge graph node object by its ID
* Requires token authentication.
List all attributes of a specific node
* Requires token authentication.
List all attributes of a specific node with a boolean field set to true if attribute is in common with reference node
* Requires token authentication.
Endpoint for related (neighbor) nodes
Endpoint for recommending similar nodes
Search suggestion endpoint for node names
Endpoint for accessing various stats about the knowledge graph
Returns a list of models
* Requires token authentication.
Updates a Model
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a Model by Id
* Requires token authentication.
Deletes a Model by Id
* Requires token authentication.
Get list of modules available to the user.
Get all reports for the user
* Requires token authentication.
Get a single report by id
* Requires token authentication.
Delete a single report by id
* Requires token authentication.
Get all report items of a report
* Requires token authentication.
Get all storage for the user
* Requires token authentication.
Post a new file
* Requires token authentication.
Retrieve the thumbnail of a storage
* Requires token authentication.
Deletes a file
* Requires token authentication.
Retrieve the image of a storage
* Requires token authentication.
staticmethod(function) -> method
Convert a function to be a static method.
A static method does not receive an implicit first argument.
To declare a static method, use this idiom:
class C:
def f(arg1, arg2, ...):
It can be called either on the class (e.g. C.f()) or on an instance
(e.g. C().f()). Both the class and the instance are ignored, and
neither is passed implicitly as the first argument to the method.
Static methods in Python are similar to those found in Java or C++.
For a more advanced concept, see the classmethod builtin.
Returns a list of training jobs
* Requires token authentication.
Creates a new trainig job
* Requires token authentication.
Returns a training job by Id
* Requires token authentication.
Deletes a training job by Id
* Requires token authentication.
Returns the details of a training
* Requires token authentication.