
DataIntell is a software solution that helps businesses gather, analyze, and make sense of large volumes of data. It is designed to provide organizations with the tools and capabilities they need to turn raw data into valuable insights.

The software is equipped with advanced data integration and data management features. It can collect data from various sources, such as databases, APIs, spreadsheets, and websites, and consolidate them into a single, unified platform. This allows users to have a comprehensive view of their data and enables them to make data-driven decisions.

DataIntell also provides data cleansing and enrichment capabilities to ensure that the data is accurate, consistent, and up-to-date. It can detect and remove duplicate records, standardize data formats, and validate the data against predefined rules and criteria. Additionally, the software can enhance the data by appending additional information from external sources.

Supported Operations

DataIntell Core API

Get a list of snapshots dates indexed by DataIntell

Download a zip containing all DataIntell logs for debugging

Force delete snapshots of indexed data based on configuration

The configurations are snapshot.numberOfDays and snapshot.keepFirstDayOfMonth

Get all indexed volumes in one day

The result return the indexed volumes based on the number of scan done during a day

Get indexed volumes with the biggest variation of size based on duration in days

Get most recent value of indexed volumes

Get directories with path

The default result is all the directories

Get all the indexed data of a specific directory

By default, the result will give the same directory order by indexed date desc.

Get all the folders with a specific identification hash

Two folders have the same identification hash when they have the same sizes, creation dates, number of files and number of folders.

Search a directory with a name

The search result will give possible results and it's not a exact match with the name.

Search a directory with filters

Export a csv file with all the metadata based on a search request

The result will add more fields then the search endpoint like human readable size. There is a limit of 1 000 000 files

Get an histogram with count and size of directories group by date

By default the histogram are group by month, but it could be YEAR, MONTH, WEEK, DAY

Get an histogram with count and size of directory group by a field

A field could be any file field like name, path, owner, group, extension, size, volumeId, etc. Look at File schema to get the full list of fields.

Get statistic about a directory

Get all the files in a directory

The list will be only the files that are directly in the directory.

Get all the files with a specific identification hash

Two files have the same identification hash when they have the same names, last modified dates and sizes.

Get all the files of a project

Search for file with filters

Export a csv file with all the metadata based on a search request

The result will add more fields then the search endpoint like human readable size. There is a limit of 1 000 000 files

Get an histogram with count and size of files group by date

By default the histogram are group by month, but it could be YEAR, MONTH, WEEK, DAY

Get an histogram with count and size of files group by a field

A field could be any file field like name, path, owner, group, extension, size, volumeId, etc. Look at File schema to get the full list of fields.

Export a csv file with all the metadata based on a search request for the folders

The result will add more fields then the search endpoint like human readable size. There is a limit of 1 000 000 files

Get the total size of all the files based on a search request

Update by Id

Change the values of a file by Id and Payload

Get all projects

Create new project

It will also creates a new detailedProject

Update project

It will also update the detailedProject in relation

Get all projects

Get project details by id

Get project report by id

Get most active project

Get project by id

Delete project by id

It will also deletes the detailedProject in relation from ES

Get all servers

Create Server

Get Server by Id

Update Server

Delete Server

Delete user

Delete a user by Id

Get all the Archiware P5 configurations.

Get all Archiware P5 configurations with pagination and sort parameter.

Create an Archiware P5 Index.

Create an Archiware P5 index with a new volume and a storage price set for this specific volume.

Get a list of Archiware's client information

Get a list of Archiware's client information such as the hostname and the description.It will create jobs to get the clients from the various servers.

Get all Archiware P5 credentials

Get a list of all Archiware P5 credentials

Create Archiware P5 credentials

Create an Archiware P5 Credential to connect to an Archiware P5 server

Update an Archiware P5 credential by id.

Update an Archiware P5 credential to connect to an Archiware P5 server

Delete an Archiware P5 credential by id

Delete an Archiware P5 credential by id.

Get all the Archiware P5 indexes

Get a list of all Archiware P5 indexes for an Archiware P5 Credential

Get all the Archiware P5 indexes

Get a list of all Archiware P5 indexes for an URL, user and password

Get all Archiware P5 archive plans

Get a list of all Archiware P5 archive plans.It will create jobs to get the plans from the various servers.

Create an archive job

Create an archive job for a list of On-Premises files. The archive software is Archiware P5.

Create an archive job from a search result

Create an archive job for a list of On-Premises files that is the result of a search query. The archive software is Archiware P5.

Create a restore job

Create a restore job for a list of Archiware P5 files. The restore software is Archiware P5.

Create a restore job from a search result

Create a restore job for a list of On-Premises files that is the result of a search query. The restore software is Archiware P5.

Get a list of volume/Archiware path

Get a list of volume/Archiware path useful for mapping in order to archive from DataIntell

Create volume mapping for Archiware

Create the necessary information to link a local DataIntell path to a valid Archiware path in order to archive from DataIntell

Get a volume mapping by volume id

Get a volume mapping by id

Update a volume mapping value

Delete a volume mapping value

Get the Archiware P5 configuration by id

Get the Archiware P5 configuration with id passed in URL. It will also provide the volume id linked to the archiware configuration and the storage price set for this specific volume.

Update an Archiware P5 index configuration by id.

Update an Archiware P5 index configuration with its volume and storage price linked to the volume.

Delete an Archiware P5 index configuration by id

Delete an Archiware P5 index configuration by id with its linked volume.

Get all bucket credentials

It will only get the ids and names of the bucket credentials

Create bucket credentials

It will be used to create a bucket

Get bucket credentials by id

It will only get the id and name of the bucket credentials

Update bucket credentials by id

Requires to enter all the informations of the bucket credentials

Delete bucket credentials by id

If a bucket is using the bucket credentials, it will fail

Get all buckets

It will only get the ids of the bucket credentials that are linked to the buckets

Create bucket

Requires bucket credentials, so you must create them first. It also creates a placeholder volume

Get names of buckets

Get names of buckets for current credentials. The namespace parameter is only used for Oracle bucket.

Get bucket by id

It will only get the id of the bucket credentials that is linked to the bucket

Update bucket by id

It will also update the placeholder volume linked to the bucket

Delete bucket by id

It will also delete the placeholder volume linked to the bucket

Get volume by id

Get all the indexed data of a specific directory

Getting all the data between two dates.

Get all the directories for a given path

Paginated, if no volumes specified all the directories are returned for that path

Get a list of DeltaFiles

Compare a directory from previous_date to current date. The result will contain the directory itself and its children.

Test Email configurations

Add a tag by search query

Get a list of DeltaFiles

Compare Files from previous_date to current date.

Get all the tags

Get all the tags that are used by files

Get all jobs

Get a list of jobs that can be notified with an email

Get a list of job types for filtering purposes

Get a job by id

Update a job.

Only the status of a job with WAITING status can be updated to CANCELLED

Get all tasks from a specific job

Get a task from a specific job

Update License

Get all the NetworkVolumes.

Get all NetworkVolumes with pagination and sort parameter.

Create NetworkVolume.

Create an NetworkVolume with a new volume and a storage price set for this specific volume.

Get all the NetworkVolume credentials.

Get all NetworkVolume credentials with pagination and sort parameter.

Create NetworkVolume credential.

Create a NetworkVolume credential to connect to an NetworkVolume

Get the NetworkVolume credential by id

Get the NetworkVolume credential with id passed in URL.

Update a NetworkVolume credential by id.

Update a NetworkVolume credential with id passed in URL.

Delete a NetworkVolume credential by id

Delete a NetworkVolume credential with id passed in URL.

Get the NetworkVolume by id

Get the NetworkVolume with id passed in URL.

Update a NetworkVolume by id.

Update a NetworkVolume with id passed in URL.

Delete a NetworkVolume by id

Delete a NetworkVolume by id with its linked volume.

Get all the job notification configurations.

Get all the job notification configurations information.

Create a job notification configuration

Create the configuration to allow the users to get their notifications about the jobs

Get a job notification configuration by id.

Get a specific job notification configuration information by id

Update a job configuration by id

Update a specific job notification configuration information by id

Delete a job notification by id

Delete a specific job notification configuration by id

Update profile

Update current user profile

Reset password

Reset current password

Get project history by id

Get all roles

Returns all the roles of your installation

Create role

Create a new role

Get role by Id

Return a specific role by Id

Update role

Update a role by Id

Delete role

Delete a role by Id

Scan all archiwares

Scan a archiware with his id

Scan all buckets

Scan a bucket with his id

Add files

Add a list of files

Create a scan-by-volume-id job for a scanner

Create a scan by path job for a scanner

Search for files and folders with filters

For simple search just send an empty [] array in the body of the request with a valid indexingDate (2022-01-01). There is a limit of the first 10 000 results. If you want to go through a bigger list of results, use the deep pagination endpoint. When sending a list of Search Filters, the result will match any of the Search Filter object.

Search for files and folders with filters for deep pagination

This endpoint is perfect for a scripting solution. For simple search just send an empty [] array in the body of the request with a valid indexingDate (2022-01-01). The subsequent calls to get other pages must be done in less than 5 minutes. The first request will define how all the subsequent requests will be done. For the initial call, the indexing date and at least an empty Search filter are mandatory. For the subsequent requests, only the scrollId is needed to loop through all the results. If a scrollId is present in the request, all other parameters will be ignored. When sending a list of Search Filters, the result will match any of the Search Filter object.

Transfer files and folders with SoDA

Transfer files and folders from a source to a target storage with a specific path

Transfer files and folders with SoDA from a search result

Transfer files and folders from a source, in this instance the search result, to a target storage with a specific path

Get all SoDA storages

Get a list of all SoDA storages

Get a list of volume/SoDA path

Get a list of volume/SoDA path useful for mapping in order to move data from DataIntell

Create a volume/SoDA path

Get a volume/SoDA path

Get a volume/SoDA path useful for mapping in order to move data from DataIntell

Update a volume/SoDA path

Delete a volume/SoDA path

Get all storage price

Create storage price

Get storage price by id

Update storage price

Delete storage price by id

Archive a list of files.

Archive files from a search result.

Get all the StorageManagerConfigs.

Get all StorageManagerConfigs with pagination and sort parameter.

Create StorageManagerConfig

Create an StorageManagerConfig to connect to StorageManager.

Get the StorageManagerConfig by id

Get the StorageManagerConfig with id passed in URL.

Update a StorageManagerConfig by id.

Update a StorageManagerConfig with id passed in URL.

Delete a StorageManagerConfig by id

Delete a StorageManagerConfig with id passed in URL.

Get file by Id

Get file by id and add metadata to file from StorageManager

Restore a list of files.

Restore files from a search result.

Get all the StorageManagerVolumeMappings.

Get all StorageManagerVolumeMappings with pagination and sort parameter.

Create StorageManagerVolumeMapping

Create an StorageManagerVolumeMapping to map StorageManagerConfig with volume.

Get the StorageManagerVolumeMapping by id

Get the StorageManagerVolumeMapping with id passed in URL.

Update a StorageManagerVolumeMapping by id.

Update a StorageManagerVolumeMapping with id passed in URL.

Delete a StorageManagerVolumeMapping by id

Delete a StorageManagerVolumeMapping with id passed in URL.

Get all users

Returns all the users of your installation

Create user

Create a new user

Get user by Id

Return a specific user by Id

Update user

Update a user by Id

Reset password

Reset the password of a user by Id

Add role

Add a role by Id to a user by Id

Remove role

Remove a role by Id from a user by Id

Get most recent value of indexed volumes based on an indexing dates

Get all

Get a collection of Volume Settings


Create a Volume Setting


Update Volume Setting property

Delete by id

Remove a Volume Setting


This item is available for early access. It is still in development and may contain experimental features or limitations.

Last Update

5 months ago
