
This node integrates Dalet Flex, which provides a unified and collaborative media environment with all tools and content at your fingertips.

Media workflow solution

Produce, manage, curate, orchestrate, deliver and monetize your content.

Supercharge your operations

With Dalet Flex, we've made it easy and less costly to produce, manage, package and distribute content.

Bring everyone and everything together

Dalet Flex provides a unified and collaborative media environment with all tools and content at your fingertips.

Grow faster, build better

Scaling has never been so easy. From production all the way to distribution, Dalet Flex sets you up for success.

Supported Operations

Dalet Flex API - Access Management

Get account property

Returns an Account Property by the given property ID.

Update account property

Updates an account property.

Delete object

List account properties

Return all properties set on the account.

Creates a new Account Property

Creates a new Account Property.

Account workspace

Returns the workspace of the resource.

Get account

Returns the specified account.

Update account

Updates the account details.

Get default workspace

Returns the default workspace for the given account.

Get configuration

Returns the configuration metadata for a given account.

Get account icon

Returns the icon for the account with the given id.

Set account icon

Sets the icon for the account with the given id.

Get metadata

Returns the account metadata for a given account.

Set metadata

Set the account metadata for a given account.

Create property

Creates a new account property

Get property

Returns an account property defined on the given account.

Update property

Updates an account property

Delete property

Delete a property defined on a given account

Get properties

Returns all properties defined on an account.

Get roles

Returns roles defined on a given account.

Get sub-accounts

Returns the sub-accounts for a given account.

Get timelines

Return a list of timelines defined on an account.

Create variant

Creates a new variant for the given account.

Get variant

Return the variant specified for the given account.

Update variant

Update the variant of a given account.

Delete variant

Delete a variant defined on a given account.

Get variants

Returns the list of variants defined for the given account.

Get workspaces

Returns the workspaces defined on the given account.

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Get variable options

Retrieves variable options for object variables.

Execute action (uuid)

Get accounts

Returns all accounts matching the specified parameters.

Create account

Creates a new account

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get group

Update group

Update group members

Get members

Get metadata

Update metadata

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Get variable options

Retrieves variable options for object variables.

Execute action (uuid)

List groups

Create group

Get all workflow quota details

Returns all workflow-related quotas, including workflows in progress, for all accounts that are visible to the authenticated user.

Remove workflow instance from workflow quota

Removes the specified workflow instance from the stored workflow quota limit.

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Get quota

Returns the specified quota.

Update quota

Updates the specified quota.

Get quota configuration

Returns the quota metadata for the quota with matching quota id.

Update quota configuration

Updates the specified quota's metadata.

Execute action (uuid)

List quotas

Returns all quotas matching the specified parameters.

Create quota

Creates a new quota.

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Get role

Update role

Get group members

Returns a list of groups that are given this role.

Get role members

Get the list of users who have been assigned the role.

Execute action (uuid)

List roles

Create role

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Get variable options

Retrieves variable options for object variables.

Get user

Returns the specified user.

Modify user

Get accessible workspaces

Get activity

Get default workspace

Set default workspace

Get followed objects

Add/Remove a user to/from groups

Get group membership

Get avatar image

Update avatar

Get user metadata

Update user metadata

Set password

List review sessions

Unlock user

Get visibility

Get user workspace membership

Execute action (uuid)

List users

Returns all users matching the specified parameters.

Create user

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Get variable options

Retrieves variable options for object variables.

Execute action (uuid)

Get workspace

Update workspace

Update workspace member groups

Get workspace member groups

Update workspace members

Update workspace members

Get workspace members

Get workspace metadata

Update workspace metadata

List workspaces

Create workspace

Dalet Flex API - Content

Delete annotation

Create annotation

Delete annotations

Delete annotations according to the criteria in the request payload

Create annotations

Update annotation

Get annotation

List annotations

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get children

Get a list of asset children.

Get composition asset tracks

Get all the CompositionAssetTracks associated with given asset identifier.

Add composition asset track

Add new CompositionAssetTrack for the given asset identifier.

Get composition asset track

Get the CompositionAssetTrack for the given asset and CompositionAssetTrack uuid.

Update composition asset track

Update CompositionAssetTrack for the given asset identifier and composition asset track uuid.

Get asset tracks

Get AssetTracks for the given asset and composition asset track uuid.

Add asset track

Add new AssetTracks for the given asset and composition asset track uuid.

Update asset track

Update AssetTrack for the given asset track uuid associated to asset and composition asset track with given uuid.

Get composition asset tracks dependencies

Get all the dependent assets of CompositionAssetTracks associated with given asset identifier.

Get asset dependencies

Get all the dependent assets of given asset.

Get asset hierarchies

Gets list of asset hierarchies. By specifying the 'context=upward' matrix param, a response asset would have its list of parent asset groups up to specified (another matrix param) 'level'.

Check membership

Checks and return true of given asset (memberId) is member of AssetMemberContainer(assetId).

Check membership

Checks and return true if given AssetMemberContainer (assetId) has valid membership(membershipId).

Get asset actions

Return all available Job Actions.

List jobs

Returns the list of jobs executed against an asset.

Add keyframe

Create a new keyframe for the asset. If the timecode is provided, we will extract the keyframe from the asset, otherwise we will use the image sent in the payload, assuming a bit 64 encoding

Add keyframes in bulk

Create keyframes in bulk. Persisted filename is mandatory and buffered image content is not supported while adding keyframes in bulk.

Get keyframe

Return a keyframe found by specified id for a specified asset id.

Update Keyframe

Updates a keyframe belonging to asset specified by assetId and keyframeId with the data present in the request payload.

Delete keyframe

Deletes a keyframe specified by assetId and keyframeId.

List keyframe actions

Retrieves possible actions for a keyframe.

Keyframe action

Performs an action on keyframe specified by the request payload.

Get keyframe image

Return a keyframe image found by specified id for a specified asset id.

Get keyframe file location

Return a vfs location for given keyframe of an asset.

List keyframes

Returns the list of keyframes for the given asset

Get media region

Returns the media region that is associated to the asset if there is one.

Add media region

Creates a new media region for a Clip or MediaAsset.

Update media region

Updates the media region of an asset.

Delete media region

Deletes the media region of an asset if there is one.

Add member

Add a new member.

Get member

Gets a member of AssetMemberContainer.

Update member

Update an individual member of AssetMemberContainer

Delete member

Delete an individual group member.

Get members

Gets the members of AssetMemberContainer.

Get metadata

Returns the descriptive metadata for a given asset.

Set metadata

Set descriptive metadata for a given asset. Please supply the instance revision (as returned by the GET method response header) as a request header in order to support update conflict detection.

Add parent group

Add new parent group.

Update parent group

Update an individual parent group.

Delete parent group

Delete an individual parent group.

Get parent group

Get an individual parent group.

Get parent groups

Get a list of member container.

Get parent

Get the parent asset.

Set parent

Set the parent asset.

Remove parent

Remove the parent assets.

Add placed media region

Creates a new media region for a Sequence or MediaAsset.

Get placed media region

Returns the placed media region found by specified id for a specified asset id.

Update placed media region

Updates the placed media region found by specified id for a specified asset id.

Delete placed media region

Deletes a placed media region found by specified id for a specified asset id.

Get placed media regions

Returns all placed media regions that belong to the specified asset.

Get players

Return the list of players for an asset.

List asset proxies

Return active proxies found for a specific asset id. A proxy asset is defined as one having its origin property set to Proxy.

Get raw stream

Return the raw data stream for the asset.

Create review session

Get review session

Update review

Delete review session

Get review session actions

Perform review session action

Add review comment

Update review comment

List comments

List review session essence

Update review session essence

Get review session essence

Perform review action (external)

List review session status

Update review status

Get review status

Update review session status

List review sessions

Get subtitles

Return a list of subtitles for the asset.

Asset syndication list

Get all AssetSyndications for a given asset with an id.

Add asset syndication

Add an AssetSyndication to an Asset.

Get asset syndication

Get AssetSyndication from given asset id and syndication id.

Update asset syndication

Updates the AssetSyndication of an Asset giving the publish action id.

Get asset file location

Return a vfs location for given asset.

Update asset vfs location

Update the current vfs location of an asset.

Get waveforms

List workflows

Returns the list of workflows that have been executed against and asset.

Get asset

Return asset found by specified id.

Update asset file details

To update vfs location and media file details of given asset id..

Update asset

Update the name and description of an asset.

Update asset

Update the name and description of an asset.

Delete members

Delete asset membership which is having given list of membershipIds.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Get object variable options

Retrieves variable options for object variables.

Execute action (uuid)

List assets

Return all assets matching the given query parameters.

Create placeholder asset

Create a new placeholder Asset.

Get collections

Creates a collection

Get the collections to which a given item belongs

Get collection by UUID

Creates a collection with a specified UUID

Updates a collection

Deletes a collection

Get items of a collection

Updates the items of a collection

Deletes items of a collection by their item keys

Get item of a collection by item key

Deletes an item of a collection by item key

Get multiple metadata instances of a collection

Get metadata of a collection by metadata definition entity ID

Update metadata of a collection

Reorders the items of a collection

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Get user defined object type

Update user defined object type

Get type hierarchy

Get type icon

Get type relationships

Set type relationships

Execute action (uuid)

List user defined object types

Create user defined object type

List user defined objects

Create user defined object

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get object actions

Execute object action

Get attachments

Get user defined object's children

Add object comment

Get object comment

Update object comment

Remove object comment

List object comments

Get object data

Set object data

Set descriptive metadata for a given UDO. Please supply the instance revision (as returned by the GET method response header) as a request header in order to support update conflict detection.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get followers

Get history

Get references

Add child object

Remove object child

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Get user defined object

Update user defined object

Delete user defined object

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List variable comments

Create variable comment

Delete variable comment

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get user defined object hierarchy

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Get object variable options

Execute action (uuid)

Dalet Flex API - Events

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get event handler

Returns the details of an event handler.

Modify event handler

Modifies the configuration of an event handler.

Get event handler configuration

Returns the event handler configuration.

Modify event handler metadata

Modifies the configuration metadata of an event handler.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Execute action (uuid)

List event handlers

Returns a list of event handlers that are visible to the user.

Create event handler

Creates a new event handler instance.

Get event

Returns an event object.

List events

List events.

Create event

Create a new event and post it on the event bus.

Dalet Flex API - Jobs & Workflows

Get action

Returns action with a given id.

Update action

Updates the details of an action.

Get action configuration

Returns the configuration metadata of an action.

Set configuration

Sets the configuration metadata for a given action.

Get config files

Returns the configuration metadata files associated with an action.

Get configuration secrets

Gets the configuration secrets for a given action.

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Get variable options

Retrieves variable options for object variables.

Execute action (uuid)

Get actions

Returns all the actions available against the given object.

Create action

Creates a new action.

Job configuration

Set job configuration

Get job variables

Get Job

Delete object

List actions

Execute action

Perform callback

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

Execute action (uuid)

List Jobs

Create job

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Get task definition

Update task defintion

Execute action (uuid)

List task definitions

Create task definition

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Get task

Update task status

Get task transitions

Execute action (uuid)

List tasks

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Get timed action

Modify timed action

Get timed action configuration

Modify timed action configuration

Execute action (uuid)

List timed actions

Create timed action

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Execute action (uuid)

Get workflow definition

Update workflow definition

Set workflow layout

Get workflow definition structure

Update workflow definition structure

List workflow definitions

Create workflow definition

Create workflow group

Creates a new workflow group.

Get workflow group

Returns the specified workflow group, including the number of started/completed workflows.

Update workflow group

Updates the maximum limit of running workflows in the specified workflow group.

Delete object

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Execute action (uuid)

List workflow instance jobs

Returns a list of jobs in the specified workflow instance.

Get workflow instance signals

Returns a list of the signals in the specified workflow instance.

Send signal to workflow instance

Sends a signal to nodes in the specified workflow instance.

Get workflow structure

Returns the structure of the specified workflow instance.

Get workflow instance variables

Returns a list of the variables in the specified workflow instance.

Get workflow instance

Returns the specified workflow instance.

List workflow instances

Returns all workflow instances matching the specified parameters.

Create workflow instance

Creates a new workflow instance.

Dalet Flex API - Metadata

Get user-accessible object types

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Get metadata definition

Update metadata definition

Validate or convert a metadata definition instance

Get metadata definition variable

Get metadata definition metadata

Update metadata definition metadata

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Get variable options

Retrieves variable options for object variables.

Execute action (uuid)

List metadata definitions

Create metadata definition

Get tag collection by ID

Get tag by tag collection ID and tag name

Get tag collection by name

Get taxonomy

Returns the taxonomy with the given ID.

Update a taxonomy

Update a taxonomy.

Delete taxonomy

Delete taxonomy.

Create root taxon

Get taxon

Create taxon

Get child taxons

Returns the child taxons for the specified parent taxon

Modify taxon

Delete taxon

Get root taxon

Retrieves root taxon by name.

Get taxonomies

Returns taxonomies.

Create taxonomy

Create a new taxonomy.

Delete object

Get variant

Update variant

List variants

Create variant

Dalet Flex API - Miscellaneous

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Get message template

Update message template

Get message template body

Set message template body

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Execute action (uuid)

List message templates

Create message template

Get object type

List object types

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Get profile

Update profile

Get profile configuration

Update profile configuration

Get profile files

Execute action (uuid)

List profiles

Create profile

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Perform callback

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Get resource

Update resource

Get resource configuration

Update resource configuration

Get resource configuration files

Get configuration secrets

Gets the configuration secrets for a given resource.

Get resource item file data

Get resource item

List resource items

Get storage resource

Execute action (uuid)

List resources

Create resource

List wizard instances

Get attachment location

Return a vfs location for given attachment of an asset.

Get external IDs

Retrieves a list of external IDs.

Add external ID

Add a new external Id; API Endpoint method.

Get external ID

Retrieves an external ID.

Update external ID

Modify an external Id.

Delete external ID

Removes an external Id. API Endpoint method.

Get tags

Get the tags associated with the specified object.

Add tags

Add tags to the specified object.

Delete tag

Delete a tag associated with the specified object.

Get visibility

Get visibility by account.

Delete object


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

Update ACL

Add and/or Update and/or Remove ACL's for the specified object.


Get the list of acl associated with specified object.

List actions

Execute action

Add attachment

Add a new attachment on the specified object.

Get attachment

Get an attachment on the specified object.

Update attachments

Update an attachment on the specified object.

Delete attachment

Delete an attachment on the specified object.

List attachments

Return a list of attachments for the specified object.

Add comment

Add a new comment on the specified object.

Get comment

Return a comment for the specified object.

Update comment

Update a comment for the specified object.

Delete comment

Remove a comment on the specified object.

List comments

Return a list of comments for the specified object.

List followers

Return a list of followers for the specified object.

Get history

Returns the list of events that have been created for the object.

List variable comments

Return the list of variable comments associated with the variable instance.

Add variable comment

Add a comment to the variable instance.

Delete variable comment

Delete a comment from variable instance.

List references

Return a list of referenced objects for the specified object.

Execute action (uuid)

Get wizard definition

Update wizard definition

Get wizard configuration

Update wizard configuration

List wizards definitions

Create wizard definition

Last Update

1 week ago
