
D-ID's generative AI technology enhances video content for professionals in the fields of marketing, learning and development, and CX, as well as for content creators of all sorts. The platform is accessible via a self-service studio, API, or plug-ins, transforming still photos into personalized streaming videos and providing a new interface for businesses to engage with customers.

Accessible via a self-service studio, API, or plug-ins, the D-ID platform transforms static images into personalized streaming videos, offering a novel interface for businesses to engage with their clientele. This technology empowers users to generate lifelike digital human representations and animations derived from text, effectively reducing the expenses and complexities tied to large-scale video production. The client base encompasses Fortune 500 enterprises, marketing agencies, production companies, social media platforms, leading e-learning services, and creators spanning various content genres. This comprehensive solution is available through a user-friendly studio and an enterprise-oriented API, serving the needs of creators, developers, and businesses.

Supported Operations

D-ID Video API

Get animations

Create an animation

Create an animation task

Get a specific animation

Delete a specific animation

Get clips

Create a clip

Get actors list

Get driver list of an actor

Get a list of the presenters

Get presenter by id

Get presenter drivers by id

Get a specific clip

Delete a specific clip

Get talks

Create a talk

Create a new stream

Initiates the creation of a new WebRTC connection to a browser peer. The endpoint returns the necessary information to set up and manage the connection.

Create a talk stream

Delete a talk stream

Submit network information

Updates the server with a WebRTC ICE candidate. If the candidate parameter is missing or a value of null is given the added ICE candidate is an "end-of-candidates" indicator.

Start a stream

Updates the server with the SDP answer to the SDP offer received from the initial call to the `/streams` endpoint, during the offer/answer negotiation of a WebRTC connection.

Get a specific talk

Delete a specific talk

D-ID Resources API

Upload audio file

Upload an audio file to a temporary storage before creating an animation. The audio is uploaded using multipart/form-data. the filename directive is optional and if provided should contain up to 50 valid characters long. The resulting file is stored as a .wav file in a 16kHz sample rate. Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 . _ - Supported mime types: "audio/, video/" Storage duration: 24-48H

Upload audio file

Upload text Storage duration: 24-48H

Delete an audio file

Get credits

Get the user's credits items each credit item contains the remaining and total credits for the user With the time expiration of the credits

Deprecated - get all credits

Please use GET /credits instead. Gets the remaning credits object for the authenticated user, including inactive credits

Upload image

Upload an image to a temporary storage before creating an animation. The image is uploaded using multipart/form-data. the filename directive is optional and if provided should contain up to 50 valid characters long. Valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 . _ - Supported mime types: image/jpeg,image/png Storage duration: 24-48H

Delete image

Upload logo

Delete logo

Get Voices


This item is available for early access. It is still in development and may contain experimental features or limitations.

Last Update

1 week ago
