
Atlassian Confluence is a collaborative content creation and management platform that enables teams to create, share, and collaborate on content in real-time. It is a web-based wiki tool that allows users to create and organize information, including text, images, and multimedia content, in a centralized location.

With Confluence, teams can document and track their work, brainstorm ideas, share knowledge, and streamline communication, all within one platform. The platform offers a range of features, including page templates, macros, and add-ons, to help users customize their content and workflows to their specific needs.

Confluence integrates seamlessly with other Atlassian products, such as Jira, Bitbucket, and Trello, to provide a comprehensive solution for project management and collaboration.

Supported Operations

The Confluence Cloud REST API v2

Get content properties for attachment

Retrieves all Content Properties tied to a specified attachment. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the attachment.

Create attachment property

Creates a new attachment property. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to update the attachment.

Get content property for attachment by id

Retrieves a specific Content Property by ID that is attached to a specified attachment. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the attachment.

Update attachment property by id

Update an attachment property by its id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to edit the attachment.

Delete attachment property by id

Deletes a attachment property by its id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to attachment the page.

Get version details for attachment version

Retrieves version details for the specified attachment and version number. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the attachment.

Get attachment by id

Returns a specific attachment. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the attachment's container.

Get labels for attachment

Returns the labels of specific attachment. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the parent content of the attachment and its corresponding space.

Get attachment versions

Returns the versions of specific attachment. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the attachment and its corresponding space.

Get blog posts

Returns all blog posts. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to access the Confluence site ('Can use' global permission). Only blog posts that the user has permission to view will be returned.

Create blog post

Creates a new blog post in the space specified by the spaceId. By default this will create the blog post as a non-draft, unless the status is specified as draft. If creating a non-draft, the title must not be empty. Currently only supports the storage representation specified in the body.representation enums below

Get content properties for blog post

Retrieves all Content Properties tied to a specified blog post. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the blog post.

Create blog post property

Creates a new blog post property. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to update the blog post.

Get content property for blog post by id

Retrieves a specific Content Property by ID that is attached to a specified blog post. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the blog post.

Update blog post property by id

Update a blog post property by its id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to edit the blog post.

Delete blog post property by id

Deletes a blog post property by its id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to edit the blog post.

Get version details for blog post version

Retrieves version details for the specified blog post and version number. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the blog post.

Get blog post by id

Returns a specific blog post. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the blog post and its corresponding space.

Update blog post

Update a blog post by id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the blog post and its corresponding space. Permission to update blog posts in the space.

Delete blog post

Delete a blog post by id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the blog post and its corresponding space. Permission to delete blog posts in the space.

Get attachments for blog post

Returns the attachments of specific blog post. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the blog post and its corresponding space.

Get custom content by type in blog post

Returns all custom content for a given type within a given blogpost. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the custom content, the container of the custom content (blog post), and the corresponding space.

Get footer comments for blog post

Returns the root footer comments of specific blog post. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the blog post and its corresponding space.

Get inline comments for blog post

Returns the root inline comments of specific blog post. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the blog post and its corresponding space.

Get labels for blog post

Returns the labels of specific blog post. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the blog post and its corresponding space.

Get blog post versions

Returns the versions of specific blog post. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the blog post and its corresponding space.

Get content properties for comment

Retrieves Content Properties attached to a specified comment. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the comment.

Create comment property

Creates a new comment property. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to update the comment.

Get content property for comment by id

Retrieves a specific Content Property by ID that is attached to a specified comment. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the comment.

Update comment property by id

Update a comment property by its id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to edit the comment.

Delete comment property by id

Deletes a comment property by its id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to edit the comment.

Convert content ids to content types

Converts a list of content ids into their associated content types. This is useful for users migrating from v1 to v2 who may have stored just content ids without their associated type. This will return types as they should be used in v2. Notably, this will return `inline-comment` for inline comments and `footer-comment` for footer comments, which is distinct from them both being represented by `comment` in v1. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the requested content. Any content that the user does not have permission to view or does not exist will map to `null` in the response.

Get custom content by type

Returns all custom content for a given type. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the custom content, the container of the custom content, and the corresponding space (if different from the container).

Create custom content

Creates a new custom content in the given space, page, blogpost or other custom content. Only one of `spaceId`, `pageId`, `blogPostId`, or `customContentId` is required in the request body. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page or blogpost and its corresponding space. Permission to create custom content in the space.

Get content properties for custom content

Retrieves Content Properties tied to a specified custom content. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the custom content.

Create custom content property

Creates a new custom content property. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to update the custom content.

Get content property for custom content by id

Retrieves a specific Content Property by ID that is attached to a specified custom content. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the page.

Update custom content property by id

Update a custom content property by its id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to edit the custom content.

Delete custom content property by id

Deletes a custom content property by its id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to edit the custom content.

Get custom content versions

Returns the versions of specific custom content. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the custom content and its corresponding page and space.

Get version details for custom content version

Retrieves version details for the specified custom content and version number. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the page.

Get custom content by id

Returns a specific piece of custom content. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the custom content, the container of the custom content, and the corresponding space (if different from the container).

Update custom content

Update a custom content by id. `spaceId` is always required and maximum one of `pageId`, `blogPostId`, or `customContentId` is allowed in the request body. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page or blogpost and its corresponding space. Permission to update custom content in the space.

Delete custom content

Delete a custom content by id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page or blogpost and its corresponding space. Permission to delete custom content in the space.

Get attachments for custom content

Returns the attachments of specific custom content. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the custom content and its corresponding space.

Get child custom content

Returns all child custom content for given custom content id. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to access the Confluence site ('Can use' global permission). Only custom content that the user has permission to view will be returned.

Get labels for custom content

Returns the labels for a specific piece of custom content. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the custom content and its corresponding space.

Create footer comment

Create a footer comment. This can be at the top level (specifying pageId or blogPostId in the request body) or as a reply (specifying parentCommentId in the request body). **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page or blogpost and its corresponding space. Permission to create comments in the space.

Get footer comment by id

Retrieves a footer comment by id **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page or blogpost and its corresponding space.

Update footer comment

Update a footer comment. This can be used to update the body text of a comment. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page or blogpost and its corresponding space. Permission to create comments in the space.

Delete footer comment

Deletes a footer comment. This is a permanent deletion and cannot be reverted. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page or blogpost and its corresponding space. Permission to delete comments in the space.

Get children footer comments

Returns the children footer comments of specific comment. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page and its corresponding space.

Get footer comment versions

Retrieves the versions of the specified footer comment. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page or blog post and its corresponding space.

Get version details for footer comment version

Retrieves version details for the specified footer comment version. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page or blog post and its corresponding space.

Create inline comment

Create an inline comment. This can be at the top level (specifying pageId or blogPostId in the request body) or as a reply (specifying parentCommentId in the request body). Note the inlineCommentProperties object in the request body is used to select the text the inline comment should be tied to. This is what determines the text highlighting when viewing a page in Confluence. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page or blogpost and its corresponding space. Permission to create comments in the space.

Get inline comment by id

Retrieves an inline comment by id **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page or blogpost and its corresponding space.

Update inline comment

Update an inline comment. This can be used to update the body text of a comment and/or to resolve the comment **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page or blogpost and its corresponding space. Permission to create comments in the space.

Delete inline comment

Deletes an inline comment. This is a permanent deletion and cannot be reverted. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page or blogpost and its corresponding space. Permission to delete comments in the space.

Get children inline comments

Returns the children inline comments of specific comment. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page and its corresponding space.

Get inline comment versions

Retrieves the versions of the specified inline comment. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page or blog post and its corresponding space.

Get version details for inline comment version

Retrieves version details for the specified inline comment version. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page or blog post and its corresponding space.

Get attachments for label

Returns the attachments of specified label. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the attachment and its corresponding space.

Get blog posts for label

Returns the blogposts of specified label. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page and its corresponding space.

Get pages for label

Returns the pages of specified label. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page and its corresponding space.

Get pages

Returns all pages. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to access the Confluence site ('Can use' global permission). Only pages that the user has permission to view will be returned.

Create page

Creates a page in the space. Pages are created as published by default unless specified as a draft in the status field. If creating a published page, the title must be specified. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the corresponding space. Permission to create a page in the space.

Get page by id

Returns a specific page. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the page and its corresponding space.

Update page

Update a page by id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the page and its corresponding space. Permission to update pages in the space.

Delete page

Delete a page by id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the page and its corresponding space. Permission to delete pages in the space.

Get attachments for page

Returns the attachments of specific page. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page and its corresponding space.

Get child pages

Returns all child pages for given page id. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to access the Confluence site ('Can use' global permission). Only pages that the user has permission to view will be returned.

Get custom content by type in page

Returns all custom content for a given type within a given page. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the custom content, the container of the custom content (page), and the corresponding space.

Get footer comments for page

Returns the root footer comments of specific page. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page and its corresponding space.

Get inline comments for page

Returns the root inline comments of specific page. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page and its corresponding space.

Get labels for page

Returns the labels of specific page. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the content of the page and its corresponding space.

Get page versions

Returns the versions of specific page. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the page and its corresponding space.

Get content properties for page

Retrieves Content Properties tied to a specified page. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the page.

Create page property

Creates a new page property. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to update the page.

Get content property for page by id

Retrieves a specific Content Property by ID that is attached to a specified page. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the page.

Update page property by id

Update a page property by its id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to edit the page.

Delete page property by id

Deletes a page property by its id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to edit the page.

Get version details for page version

Retrieves version details for the specified page and version number. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the page.

Get spaces

Returns all spaces. The results will be sorted by id ascending. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to access the Confluence site ('Can use' global permission). Only spaces that the user has permission to view will be returned.

Get space by id

Returns a specific space. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the space.

Get blog posts in space

Returns all blog posts in a space. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to access the Confluence site ('Can use' global permission) and view the space. Only blog posts that the user has permission to view will be returned.

Get custom content by type in space

Returns all custom content for a given type within a given space. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the custom content and the corresponding space.

Get pages in space

Returns all pages in a space. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to access the Confluence site ('Can use' global permission) and 'View' permission for the space. Only pages that the user has permission to view will be returned.

Get space properties in space

Returns all properties for the given space. Space properties are a key-value storage associated with a space. The limit parameter specifies the maximum number of results returned in a single response. Use the `link` response header to paginate through additional results. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to access the Confluence site ('Can use' global permission) and 'View' permission for the space.

Create space property in space

Creates a new space property. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to access the Confluence site ('Can use' global permission) and 'Admin' permission for the space.

Get space property by id

Retrieve a space property by its id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to access the Confluence site ('Can use' global permission) and 'View' permission for the space.

Update space property by id

Update a space property by its id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to access the Confluence site ('Can use' global permission) and 'Admin' permission for the space.

Delete space property by id

Deletes a space property by its id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to access the Confluence site ('Can use' global permission) and 'Admin' permission for the space.

Get tasks

Returns all tasks. The number of results is limited by the `limit` parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the `next` URL present in the `Link` response header. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to access the Confluence site ('Can use' global permission). Only tasks that the user has permission to view will be returned.

Get task by id

Returns a specific task. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to view the containing page or blog post and its corresponding space.

Update task

Update a task by id. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to edit the containing page or blog post and view its corresponding space.

Check site access for a list of emails

Returns the list of emails from the input list that do not have access to site. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to access the Confluence site ('Can use' global permission).

Invite a list of emails to the site

Invite a list of emails to the site. **[Permissions]( required**: Permission to access the Confluence site ('Can use' global permission).

Last Update

2 months ago
