Description is a video API platform designed for content providers, pay-TV operators, and OTT service providers. Its primary goal is to offer a seamless and high-quality streaming experience to subscribers.

The platform achieves this by dynamically adjusting video streams in real-time, tailoring them to individual viewers based on various factors like user preferences, content rights, network conditions, location, and device used. introduces innovative features like Content Replacement, Virtual Channel, and Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI).

Supported Operations API

List all categories

Create a category

Get a category

Update a category

Delete a category

Aggregate consumptions within a date range

Create or update a MediaPoint

For details, refer to

Get a MediaPoint

For details, refer to

Create samples

List all services

Create an ad insertion service

Get an ad insertion service

Update an ad insertion service

Delete an ad insertion service

Create a content replacement service

Get a content replacement service

Update a content replacement service

Delete a content replacement service

List all content replacement slots

Create a content replacement slot

Get a content replacement slot

Update a content replacement slot

Delete a content replacement slot

Create a virtual channel service

Get a virtual channel service

Update a virtual channel service

Delete a virtual channel service

List all virtual channel slots

Create a virtual channel slot

Get a virtual channel slot

Update a virtual channel slot

Delete a virtual channel slot

List all sources

Create an ad server source

Get an ad server source

Update an ad server source

Delete an ad server source

Create an asset source

Create an asset catalog source

Get an asset catalog source

Update an asset catalog source

Delete an asset catalog source

Get an asset source

Update an asset source

Delete an asset source

Create a live source

Get a live source

Update a live source

Delete a live source

Create a slate source

Get a slate source

Update a slate source

Delete a slate source

Check and analyze a source

Get application status

List all API keys

Create an API key

Delete an API key

List all transcoding profiles

Get a transcoding profile

List all users

Create a user

Get a user

Update a user

Delete a user


This item is available for early access. It is still in development and may contain experimental features or limitations.

Last Update

7 months ago
