
BRIA’s Generative AI technology allows you to generate high-quality visual content with a click of a button. Integrate Bria’s technology via qibb nodes to open up a world of endless creative possibilities for your users.

Get camera-perfect visuals with a simple API call

Bria combines multiple advanced and patented technologies to generate photo-realistic images and video from scratch.

Add 3D motion to any image

Grab attention and drive engagement online. Transform static images by adding 3D camera movement with Motion by Bria.

Localize and personalize at scale

Create visuals that resonate with every audience by adjusting facial expressions to change people’s sentiment and recasting new presenters.

Instantly tailor your visuals to different target demographics and A/B test variations to see which best deliver your business goals.

Rapidly remove redundant objects

Focus attention on your main message by removing distracting objects in one click

Find the perfect visual

Instantly locate exactly the image you need with Bria’s label-free Smart Search. The AI contextualises visuals to enable complex search queries and deliver perfect results.

Supported Operations

The Bria API

Generate an image based on any text you choose.

**Description** The *Generate Img From Txt Route* is used to generate a completely new visual, based on any input text

Register an image

**Description** A new visual can be registered to Bria without being uploaded to the database using the *Register Route*. You can register the visual with any labels you would like, and those labels can be used as part of the /search route. This route returns a visual identification to the user. It's the first step for consuming the Bria API for new visuals (instead of using the /upload route). **Response** The visual id in the response of the *Register Route* must be kept by the user in order to query image info and make changes to it ```{ "visual_id": "9ea9a4d2d19977a7c" }``` The *visual_id* in the response of the /register route can be used for all other routes. **Bria generative Web tool** The registered visual can be seen and used in the Bria generative web tool in cases where the tool is licensed as part of the project. To do so, the user can access the following url: ```{visual_id}```, where the *{visual_id}* comes from the response of the */register route*. In Bria's web tool, the user has the ability to make many changes to the visual and also generate live videos, using an intuitive interactive platform. Bria's web tool can also be embedded in other websites, with the use of an iframe HTML element: <img src="" /> **Constraints** Bria API currently only supports JPEG files, which are not larger than 12MB.

Search for images matching the given text query

**Description** By using the *Search Route*, you can utilize Bria's generative search capabilities, which don't require labels or keywords. The user can send any text query and receive relevant images that match the query. It is possible if needed, to connect labels to images when uploading or registering them, and as well by using the /add_labels route. Any labels you've added to images can also be included in the text query as part of the *Search Route*. The *Search Route* returns the images, sorted by the match score, from highest match to lowest match. The images are returned in batches, and you can specify how many images to receive in one batch, and which batch to receive in each call.

Search for images matching the given image

**Description** By using the *Search On Image Route*, you can send an image as a query and receive relevant images that match the image. The *Search On Image Route* returns the images, sorted by the match score, from highest match to lowest match. The images are returned in batches, and you can specify how many images to receive in one batch, and which batch to receive in each call.

Connect new labels to an image.

**Description** Labels can be added to images that have already been uploaded or registered. The /search route can include labels you have added to images as part of the text query.

Get a caption that describes the image

**Description** The *Caption Route* is used to get a caption that describes the given image.

Create a new image based on changes requested by the user

**Description** The *Create Route* is used to create a new visual, based on the changes requested by the user for a previously uploaded visual. The *Create Route* will return the url for accessing the new generated visual and the confidence that Bria has in the quality of the new visual.

Delete labels from an image.

**Description** Labels can be deleted from images that have already been uploaded or registered.

Get image info and available actions

**Description** The *Info Route* is used to retrieve useful information on a specific visual that was previously uploaded to the database. Additionally, it provides a description of each object and element within the scene along with its available changes, which are supported by the Bria API.

Remove the background of an image

**Description** The *Remove BG Route* is used to remove the background of a previously uploaded image. This route can also be used on an image that has been changed by the user using the /create route. The *Remove BG Route* will return the URL for accessing the updated image.

Replace the background of an image

**Description** The *Replace BG Route* is used to replace the background of a previously uploaded image, with a generated background. This route can also be used on an image that has been changed by the user using the /create route. The *Replace BG Route* will return the URL for accessing the updated image.

Generate a video from a still image

**Description** The *Video Route* is used to create a new video, based on a previously uploaded single still image. This route can also be used on an image that has been changed by the user using the /create route. The *Video Route* will return the URL for accessing the new generated video and the confidence that Bria has in the quality of this video.

Last Update

1 week ago
