
Box is a cloud content management and file sharing platform designed for businesses and individuals to securely store, manage, and collaborate on files.

It offers features like document sharing, version control, and advanced security measures, including data encryption and compliance certifications. The platform integrates with popular applications enhancing workflow efficiency.

Box also supports automation, enabling users to create workflows for content management and approval processes.

Supported Operations

Box Platform API

Ask question

Sends an AI request to supported LLMs and returns an answer specifically focused on the user's question given the provided context.

Extract metadata (freeform)

Sends an AI request to supported Large Language Models (LLMs) and extracts metadata in form of key-value pairs. Freeform metadata extraction does not require any metadata template setup before sending the request.

Extract metadata (structured)

Sends an AI request to supported Large Language Models (LLMs) and returns extracted metadata as a set of key-value pairs. For this request, you need to use an already defined metadata template or a define a schema yourself. To learn more about creating templates, see [Creating metadata templates in the Admin Console]( or use the [metadata template API](g://metadata/templates/create).

Generate text

Sends an AI request to supported Large Language Models (LLMs) and returns generated text based on the provided prompt.

Get AI agent default configuration

Get the AI agent default config

Authorize user

Authorize a user by sending them through the [Box]( website and request their permission to act on their behalf. This is the first step when authenticating a user using OAuth 2.0. To request a user's authorization to use the Box APIs on their behalf you will need to send a user to the URL with this format.

List allowed collaboration domains

Returns the list domains that have been deemed safe to create collaborations for within the current enterprise.

Add domain to list of allowed collaboration domains

Creates a new entry in the list of allowed domains to allow collaboration for.

Get allowed collaboration domain

Returns a domain that has been deemed safe to create collaborations for within the current enterprise.

Remove domain from list of allowed collaboration domains

Removes a domain from the list of domains that have been deemed safe to create collaborations for within the current enterprise.

List users exempt from collaboration domain restrictions

Returns a list of users who have been exempt from the collaboration domain restrictions.

Create user exemption from collaboration domain restrictions

Exempts a user from the restrictions set out by the allowed list of domains for collaborations.

Get user exempt from collaboration domain restrictions

Returns a users who has been exempt from the collaboration domain restrictions.

Remove user from list of users exempt from domain restrictions

Removes a user's exemption from the restrictions set out by the allowed list of domains for collaborations.

List pending collaborations

Retrieves all pending collaboration invites for this user.

Create collaboration

Adds a collaboration for a single user or a single group to a file or folder. Collaborations can be created using email address, user IDs, or a group IDs. If a collaboration is being created with a group, access to this endpoint is dependent on the group's ability to be invited. If collaboration is in `pending` status, the following fields are redacted: - `login` and `name` are hidden if a collaboration was created using `user_id`, - `name` is hidden if a collaboration was created using `login`.

Get collaboration

Retrieves a single collaboration.

Update collaboration

Updates a collaboration. Can be used to change the owner of an item, or to accept collaboration invites.

Remove collaboration

Deletes a single collaboration.

List all collections

Retrieves all collections for a given user. Currently, only the `favorites` collection is supported.

List collection items

Retrieves the files and/or folders contained within this collection.

Create comment

Adds a comment by the user to a specific file, or as a reply to an other comment.

Get comment

Retrieves the message and metadata for a specific comment, as well as information on the user who created the comment.

Update comment

Update the message of a comment.

Remove comment

Permanently deletes a comment.

Get device pin

Retrieves information about an individual device pin.

Remove device pin

Deletes an individual device pin.

List enterprise device pins

Retrieves all the device pins within an enterprise. The user must have admin privileges, and the application needs the "manage enterprise" scope to make this call.

List user and enterprise events

Returns up to a year of past events for a given user or for the entire enterprise. By default this returns events for the authenticated user. To retrieve events for the entire enterprise, set the `stream_type` to `admin_logs_streaming` for live monitoring of new events, or `admin_logs` for querying across historical events. The user making the API call will need to have admin privileges, and the application will need to have the scope `manage enterprise properties` checked.

Get file request

Retrieves the information about a file request.

Update file request

Updates a file request. This can be used to activate or deactivate a file request.

Delete file request

Deletes a file request permanently.

Copy file request

Copies an existing file request that is already present on one folder, and applies it to another folder.

List file version legal holds

Get a list of file versions on legal hold for a legal hold assignment. Due to ongoing re-architecture efforts this API might not return all file versions for this policy ID. Instead, this API will only return file versions held in the legacy architecture. Two new endpoints will available to request any file versions held in the new architecture. For file versions held in the new architecture, the `GET /legal_hold_policy_assignments/:id/file_versions_on_hold` API can be used to return all past file versions available for this policy assignment, and the `GET /legal_hold_policy_assignments/:id/files_on_hold` API can be used to return any current (latest) versions of a file under legal hold. The `GET /legal_hold_policy_assignments?policy_id={id}` API can be used to find a list of policy assignments for a given policy ID. Once the re-architecture is completed this API will be deprecated.

Get file version legal hold

Retrieves information about the legal hold policies assigned to a file version.

List file version retentions

Retrieves all file version retentions for the given enterprise. **Note**: File retention API is now **deprecated**. To get information about files and file versions under retention, see [files under retention](e://get-retention-policy-assignments-id-files-under-retention) or [file versions under retention](e://get-retention-policy-assignments-id-file-versions-under-retention) endpoints.

Get retention on file

Returns information about a file version retention. **Note**: File retention API is now **deprecated**. To get information about files and file versions under retention, see [files under retention](e://get-retention-policy-assignments-id-files-under-retention) or [file versions under retention](e://get-retention-policy-assignments-id-file-versions-under-retention) endpoints.

Upload file

Uploads a small file to Box. For file sizes over 50MB we recommend using the Chunk Upload APIs. The `attributes` part of the body must come **before** the `file` part. Requests that do not follow this format when uploading the file will receive a HTTP `400` error with a `metadata_after_file_contents` error code.

Create upload session

Creates an upload session for a new file.

Get upload session

Return information about an upload session. The actual endpoint URL is returned by the [`Create upload session`](e://post-files-upload-sessions) endpoint.

Upload part of file

Uploads a chunk of a file for an upload session. The actual endpoint URL is returned by the [`Create upload session`](e://post-files-upload-sessions) and [`Get upload session`](e://get-files-upload-sessions-id) endpoints.

Remove upload session

Abort an upload session and discard all data uploaded. This cannot be reversed. The actual endpoint URL is returned by the [`Create upload session`](e://post-files-upload-sessions) and [`Get upload session`](e://get-files-upload-sessions-id) endpoints.

Commit upload session

Close an upload session and create a file from the uploaded chunks. The actual endpoint URL is returned by the [`Create upload session`](e://post-files-upload-sessions) and [`Get upload session`](e://get-files-upload-sessions-id) endpoints.

List parts

Return a list of the chunks uploaded to the upload session so far. The actual endpoint URL is returned by the [`Create upload session`](e://post-files-upload-sessions) and [`Get upload session`](e://get-files-upload-sessions-id) endpoints.

Get file information

Retrieves the details about a file.

Restore file

Restores a file that has been moved to the trash. An optional new parent ID can be provided to restore the file to in case the original folder has been deleted.

Update file

Updates a file. This can be used to rename or move a file, create a shared link, or lock a file.

Delete file

Deletes a file, either permanently or by moving it to the trash. The the enterprise settings determine whether the item will be permanently deleted from Box or moved to the trash.

Add shared link to file

Adds a shared link to a file.

Get shared link for file

Gets the information for a shared link on a file.

Remove shared link from file

Removes a shared link from a file.

Update shared link on file

Updates a shared link on a file.

List file app item associations

**This is a beta feature, which means that its availability might be limited.** Returns all app items the file is associated with. This includes app items associated with ancestors of the file. Assuming the context user has access to the file, the type/ids are revealed even if the context user does not have **View** permission on the app item.

List file collaborations

Retrieves a list of pending and active collaborations for a file. This returns all the users that have access to the file or have been invited to the file.

List file comments

Retrieves a list of comments for a file.

Download file

Returns the contents of a file in binary format.

Upload file version

Update a file's content. For file sizes over 50MB we recommend using the Chunk Upload APIs. The `attributes` part of the body must come **before** the `file` part. Requests that do not follow this format when uploading the file will receive a HTTP `400` error with a `metadata_after_file_contents` error code.

Copy file

Creates a copy of a file.

List metadata instances on file

Retrieves all metadata for a given file.

Get classification on file

Retrieves the classification metadata instance that has been applied to a file. This API can also be called by including the enterprise ID in the URL explicitly, for example `/files/:id//enterprise_12345/securityClassification-6VMVochwUWo`.

Add classification to file

Adds a classification to a file by specifying the label of the classification to add. This API can also be called by including the enterprise ID in the URL explicitly, for example `/files/:id//enterprise_12345/securityClassification-6VMVochwUWo`.

Update classification on file

Updates a classification on a file. The classification can only be updated if a classification has already been applied to the file before. When editing classifications, only values are defined for the enterprise will be accepted.

Remove classification from file

Removes any classifications from a file. This API can also be called by including the enterprise ID in the URL explicitly, for example `/files/:id//enterprise_12345/securityClassification-6VMVochwUWo`.

List Box Skill cards on file

List the Box Skills metadata cards that are attached to a file.

Create Box Skill cards on file

Applies one or more Box Skills metadata cards to a file.

Update Box Skill cards on file

Updates one or more Box Skills metadata cards to a file.

Remove Box Skill cards from file

Removes any Box Skills cards metadata from a file.

Get metadata instance on file

Retrieves the instance of a metadata template that has been applied to a file.

Create metadata instance on file

Applies an instance of a metadata template to a file. In most cases only values that are present in the metadata template will be accepted, except for the `` template which accepts any key-value pair.

Update metadata instance on file

Updates a piece of metadata on a file. The metadata instance can only be updated if the template has already been applied to the file before. When editing metadata, only values that match the metadata template schema will be accepted. The update is applied atomically. If any errors occur during the application of the operations, the metadata instance will not be changed.

Remove metadata instance from file

Deletes a piece of file metadata.

List tasks on file

Retrieves a list of all the tasks for a file. This endpoint does not support pagination.

Get file thumbnail

Retrieves a thumbnail, or smaller image representation, of a file. Sizes of `32x32`,`64x64`, `128x128`, and `256x256` can be returned in the `.png` format and sizes of `32x32`, `160x160`, and `320x320` can be returned in the `.jpg` format. Thumbnails can be generated for the image and video file formats listed [found on our community site][1]. [1]:

Get trashed file

Retrieves a file that has been moved to the trash. Please note that only if the file itself has been moved to the trash can it be retrieved with this API call. If instead one of its parent folders was moved to the trash, only that folder can be inspected using the [`GET /folders/:id/trash`](e://get_folders_id_trash) API. To list all items that have been moved to the trash, please use the [`GET /folders/trash/items`](e://get-folders-trash-items/) API.

Permanently remove file

Permanently deletes a file that is in the trash. This action cannot be undone.

Create upload session for existing file

Creates an upload session for an existing file.

List all file versions

Retrieve a list of the past versions for a file. Versions are only tracked by Box users with premium accounts. To fetch the ID of the current version of a file, use the `GET /file/:id` API.

Promote file version

Promote a specific version of a file. If previous versions exist, this method can be used to promote one of the older versions to the top of the version history. This creates a new copy of the old version and puts it at the top of the versions history. The file will have the exact same contents as the older version, with the the same hash digest, `etag`, and name as the original. Other properties such as comments do not get updated to their former values. Don't use this endpoint to restore Box Notes, as it works with file formats such as PDF, DOC, PPTX or similar.

Get file version

Retrieve a specific version of a file. Versions are only tracked for Box users with premium accounts.

Restore file version

Restores a specific version of a file after it was deleted. Don't use this endpoint to restore Box Notes, as it works with file formats such as PDF, DOC, PPTX or similar.

Remove file version

Move a file version to the trash. Versions are only tracked for Box users with premium accounts.

Get watermark on file

Retrieve the watermark for a file.

Apply watermark to file

Applies or update a watermark on a file.

Remove watermark from file

Removes the watermark from a file.

List folder locks

Retrieves folder lock details for a given folder. You must be authenticated as the owner or co-owner of the folder to use this endpoint.

Create folder lock

Creates a folder lock on a folder, preventing it from being moved and/or deleted. You must be authenticated as the owner or co-owner of the folder to use this endpoint.

Delete folder lock

Deletes a folder lock on a given folder. You must be authenticated as the owner or co-owner of the folder to use this endpoint.

Create folder

Creates a new empty folder within the specified parent folder.

List trashed items

Retrieves the files and folders that have been moved to the trash. Any attribute in the full files or folders objects can be passed in with the `fields` parameter to retrieve those specific attributes that are not returned by default. This endpoint defaults to use offset-based pagination, yet also supports marker-based pagination using the `marker` parameter.

Get folder information

Retrieves details for a folder, including the first 100 entries in the folder. Passing `sort`, `direction`, `offset`, and `limit` parameters in query allows you to manage the list of returned [folder items](r://folder--full#param-item-collection). To fetch more items within the folder, use the [Get items in a folder](e://get-folders-id-items) endpoint.

Restore folder

Restores a folder that has been moved to the trash. An optional new parent ID can be provided to restore the folder to in case the original folder has been deleted. During this operation, part of the file tree will be locked, mainly the source folder and all of its descendants, as well as the destination folder. For the duration of the operation, no other move, copy, delete, or restore operation can performed on any of the locked folders.

Update folder

Updates a folder. This can be also be used to move the folder, create shared links, update collaborations, and more.

Delete folder

Deletes a folder, either permanently or by moving it to the trash.

Add shared link to folder

Adds a shared link to a folder.

Get shared link for folder

Gets the information for a shared link on a folder.

Remove shared link from folder

Removes a shared link from a folder.

Update shared link on folder

Updates a shared link on a folder.

List folder app item associations

**This is a beta feature, which means that its availability might be limited.** Returns all app items the folder is associated with. This includes app items associated with ancestors of the folder. Assuming the context user has access to the folder, the type/ids are revealed even if the context user does not have **View** permission on the app item.

List folder collaborations

Retrieves a list of pending and active collaborations for a folder. This returns all the users that have access to the folder or have been invited to the folder.

Copy folder

Creates a copy of a folder within a destination folder. The original folder will not be changed.

List items in folder

Retrieves a page of items in a folder. These items can be files, folders, and web links. To request more information about the folder itself, like its size, use the [Get a folder](#get-folders-id) endpoint instead.

List metadata instances on folder

Retrieves all metadata for a given folder. This can not be used on the root folder with ID `0`.

Get classification on folder

Retrieves the classification metadata instance that has been applied to a folder. This API can also be called by including the enterprise ID in the URL explicitly, for example `/folders/:id/enterprise_12345/securityClassification-6VMVochwUWo`.

Add classification to folder

Adds a classification to a folder by specifying the label of the classification to add. This API can also be called by including the enterprise ID in the URL explicitly, for example `/folders/:id/enterprise_12345/securityClassification-6VMVochwUWo`.

Update classification on folder

Updates a classification on a folder. The classification can only be updated if a classification has already been applied to the folder before. When editing classifications, only values are defined for the enterprise will be accepted.

Remove classification from folder

Removes any classifications from a folder. This API can also be called by including the enterprise ID in the URL explicitly, for example `/folders/:id/enterprise_12345/securityClassification-6VMVochwUWo`.

Get metadata instance on folder

Retrieves the instance of a metadata template that has been applied to a folder. This can not be used on the root folder with ID `0`.

Create metadata instance on folder

Applies an instance of a metadata template to a folder. In most cases only values that are present in the metadata template will be accepted, except for the `` template which accepts any key-value pair. To display the metadata template in the Box web app the enterprise needs to be configured to enable **Cascading Folder Level Metadata** for the user in the admin console.

Update metadata instance on folder

Updates a piece of metadata on a folder. The metadata instance can only be updated if the template has already been applied to the folder before. When editing metadata, only values that match the metadata template schema will be accepted. The update is applied atomically. If any errors occur during the application of the operations, the metadata instance will not be changed.

Remove metadata instance from folder

Deletes a piece of folder metadata.

Get trashed folder

Retrieves a folder that has been moved to the trash. Please note that only if the folder itself has been moved to the trash can it be retrieved with this API call. If instead one of its parent folders was moved to the trash, only that folder can be inspected using the [`GET /folders/:id/trash`](e://get_folders_id_trash) API. To list all items that have been moved to the trash, please use the [`GET /folders/trash/items`](e://get-folders-trash-items/) API.

Permanently remove folder

Permanently deletes a folder that is in the trash. This action cannot be undone.

Get watermark for folder

Retrieve the watermark for a folder.

Apply watermark to folder

Applies or update a watermark on a folder.

Remove watermark from folder

Removes the watermark from a folder.

Add user to group

Creates a group membership. Only users with admin-level permissions will be able to use this API.

Get group membership

Retrieves a specific group membership. Only admins of this group or users with admin-level permissions will be able to use this API.

Update group membership

Updates a user's group membership. Only admins of this group or users with admin-level permissions will be able to use this API.

Remove user from group

Deletes a specific group membership. Only admins of this group or users with admin-level permissions will be able to use this API.

List groups for enterprise

Retrieves all of the groups for a given enterprise. The user must have admin permissions to inspect enterprise's groups.

Create group

Creates a new group of users in an enterprise. Only users with admin permissions can create new groups.

Create jobs to terminate user group session

Validates the roles and permissions of the group, and creates asynchronous jobs to terminate the group's sessions. Returns the status for the POST request.

Get group

Retrieves information about a group. Only members of this group or users with admin-level permissions will be able to use this API.

Update group

Updates a specific group. Only admins of this group or users with admin-level permissions will be able to use this API.

Remove group

Permanently deletes a group. Only users with admin-level permissions will be able to use this API.

List group collaborations

Retrieves all the collaborations for a group. The user must have admin permissions to inspect enterprise's groups. Each collaboration object has details on which files or folders the group has access to and with what role.

List members of group

Retrieves all the members for a group. Only members of this group or users with admin-level permissions will be able to use this API.

List Slack integration mappings

Lists [Slack integration mappings]( in a users' enterprise. You need Admin or Co-Admin role to use this endpoint.

Create Slack integration mapping

Creates a [Slack integration mapping]( by mapping a Slack channel to a Box item. You need Admin or Co-Admin role to use this endpoint.

Update Slack integration mapping

Updates a [Slack integration mapping]( Supports updating the Box folder ID and options. You need Admin or Co-Admin role to use this endpoint.

Delete Slack integration mapping

Deletes a [Slack integration mapping]( You need Admin or Co-Admin role to use this endpoint.

Create user invite

Invites an existing external user to join an enterprise. The existing user can not be part of another enterprise and must already have a Box account. Once invited, the user will receive an email and are prompted to accept the invitation within the Box web application. This method requires the "Manage An Enterprise" scope enabled for the application, which can be enabled within the developer console.

Get user invite status

Returns the status of a user invite.

List all legal hold policies

Retrieves a list of legal hold policies that belong to an enterprise.

Create legal hold policy

Create a new legal hold policy.

Get legal hold policy

Retrieve a legal hold policy.

Update legal hold policy

Update legal hold policy.

Remove legal hold policy

Delete an existing legal hold policy. This is an asynchronous process. The policy will not be fully deleted yet when the response returns.

List legal hold policy assignments

Retrieves a list of items a legal hold policy has been assigned to.

Assign legal hold policy

Assign a legal hold to a file, file version, folder, or user.

Get legal hold policy assignment

Retrieve a legal hold policy assignment.

Unassign legal hold policy

Remove a legal hold from an item. This is an asynchronous process. The policy will not be fully removed yet when the response returns.

List previous file versions for legal hold policy assignment

Get a list of previous file versions for a legal hold assignment. In some cases you may only need the latest file versions instead. In these cases, use the `GET /legal_hold_policy_assignments/:id/files_on_hold` API instead to return any current (latest) versions of a file for this legal hold policy assignment. Due to ongoing re-architecture efforts this API might not return all files held for this policy ID. Instead, this API will only return past file versions held in the newly developed architecture. The `GET /file_version_legal_holds` API can be used to fetch current and past versions of files held within the legacy architecture. This endpoint does not support returning any content that is on hold due to a Custodian collaborating on a Hub. The `GET /legal_hold_policy_assignments?policy_id={id}` API can be used to find a list of policy assignments for a given policy ID.

List files with current file versions for legal hold policy assignment

Get a list of files with current file versions for a legal hold assignment. In some cases you may want to get previous file versions instead. In these cases, use the `GET /legal_hold_policy_assignments/:id/file_versions_on_hold` API instead to return any previous versions of a file for this legal hold policy assignment. Due to ongoing re-architecture efforts this API might not return all file versions held for this policy ID. Instead, this API will only return the latest file version held in the newly developed architecture. The `GET /file_version_legal_holds` API can be used to fetch current and past versions of files held within the legacy architecture. This endpoint does not support returning any content that is on hold due to a Custodian collaborating on a Hub. The `GET /legal_hold_policy_assignments?policy_id={id}` API can be used to find a list of policy assignments for a given policy ID.

List metadata cascade policies

Retrieves a list of all the metadata cascade policies that are applied to a given folder. This can not be used on the root folder with ID `0`.

Create metadata cascade policy

Creates a new metadata cascade policy that applies a given metadata template to a given folder and automatically cascades it down to any files within that folder. In order for the policy to be applied a metadata instance must first be applied to the folder the policy is to be applied to.

Get metadata cascade policy

Retrieve a specific metadata cascade policy assigned to a folder.

Remove metadata cascade policy

Deletes a metadata cascade policy.

Force-apply metadata cascade policy to folder

Force the metadata on a folder with a metadata cascade policy to be applied to all of its children. This can be used after creating a new cascade policy to enforce the metadata to be cascaded down to all existing files within that folder.

Query files/folders by metadata

Create a search using SQL-like syntax to return items that match specific metadata. By default, this endpoint returns only the most basic info about the items for which the query matches. To get additional fields for each item, including any of the metadata, use the `fields` attribute in the query.

Find metadata template by instance ID

Finds a metadata template by searching for the ID of an instance of the template.

List all metadata templates for enterprise

Used to retrieve all metadata templates created to be used specifically within the user's enterprise

List all classifications

Retrieves the classification metadata template and lists all the classifications available to this enterprise. This API can also be called by including the enterprise ID in the URL explicitly, for example `/metadata_templates/enterprise_12345/securityClassification-6VMVochwUWo/schema`.

Add classification

Adds one or more new classifications to the list of classifications available to the enterprise. This API can also be called by including the enterprise ID in the URL explicitly, for example `/metadata_templates/enterprise_12345/securityClassification-6VMVochwUWo/schema`.

Update classification

Updates the labels and descriptions of one or more classifications available to the enterprise. This API can also be called by including the enterprise ID in the URL explicitly, for example `/metadata_templates/enterprise_12345/securityClassification-6VMVochwUWo/schema`.

List all global metadata templates

Used to retrieve all generic, global metadata templates available to all enterprises using Box.

Create metadata template

Creates a new metadata template that can be applied to files and folders.

Add initial classifications

When an enterprise does not yet have any classifications, this API call initializes the classification template with an initial set of classifications. If an enterprise already has a classification, the template will already exist and instead an API call should be made to add additional classifications.

Get metadata template by name

Retrieves a metadata template by its `scope` and `templateKey` values. To find the `scope` and `templateKey` for a template, list all templates for an enterprise or globally, or list all templates applied to a file or folder.

Update metadata template

Updates a metadata template. The metadata template can only be updated if the template already exists. The update is applied atomically. If any errors occur during the application of the operations, the metadata template will not be changed.

Remove metadata template

Delete a metadata template and its instances. This deletion is permanent and can not be reversed.

Get metadata template by ID

Retrieves a metadata template by its ID.

Revoke access token

Revoke an active Access Token, effectively logging a user out that has been previously authenticated.

Request access token

Request an Access Token using either a client-side obtained OAuth 2.0 authorization code or a server-side JWT assertion. An Access Token is a string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session. In the normal order of operations you will begin by requesting authentication from the [authorize](#get-authorize) endpoint and Box will send you an authorization code. You will then send this code to this endpoint to exchange it for an Access Token. The returned Access Token can then be used to to make Box API calls.

Refresh access token

Refresh an Access Token using its client ID, secret, and refresh token.

List recently accessed items

Returns information about the recent items accessed by a user, either in the last 90 days or up to the last 1000 items accessed.

List retention policies

Retrieves all of the retention policies for an enterprise.

Create retention policy

Creates a retention policy.

Get retention policy

Retrieves a retention policy.

Update retention policy

Updates a retention policy.

Delete retention policy

Permanently deletes a retention policy.

List retention policy assignments

Returns a list of all retention policy assignments associated with a specified retention policy.

Assign retention policy

Assigns a retention policy to an item.

Get retention policy assignment

Retrieves a retention policy assignment

Remove retention policy assignment

Removes a retention policy assignment applied to content.

Get file versions under retention

Returns a list of file versions under retention for a retention policy assignment.

Get files under retention

Returns a list of files under retention for a retention policy assignment.

Search for content

Searches for files, folders, web links, and shared files across the users content or across the entire enterprise.

Find file for shared link

Returns the file represented by a shared link. A shared file can be represented by a shared link, which can originate within the current enterprise or within another. This endpoint allows an application to retrieve information about a shared file when only given a shared link. The `shared_link_permission_options` array field can be returned by requesting it in the `fields` query parameter.

Find folder for shared link

Return the folder represented by a shared link. A shared folder can be represented by a shared link, which can originate within the current enterprise or within another. This endpoint allows an application to retrieve information about a shared folder when only given a shared link.

Find web link for shared link

Returns the web link represented by a shared link. A shared web link can be represented by a shared link, which can originate within the current enterprise or within another. This endpoint allows an application to retrieve information about a shared web link when only given a shared link.

List shield information barrier reports

Lists shield information barrier reports.

Create shield information barrier report

Creates a shield information barrier report for a given barrier.

Get shield information barrier report by ID

Retrieves a shield information barrier report by its ID.

List shield information barrier segment members

Lists shield information barrier segment members based on provided segment IDs.

Create shield information barrier segment member

Creates a new shield information barrier segment member.

Get shield information barrier segment member by ID

Retrieves a shield information barrier segment member by its ID.

Delete shield information barrier segment member by ID

Deletes a shield information barrier segment member based on provided ID.

List shield information barrier segment restrictions

Lists shield information barrier segment restrictions based on provided segment ID.

Create shield information barrier segment restriction

Creates a shield information barrier segment restriction object.

Get shield information barrier segment restriction by ID

Retrieves a shield information barrier segment restriction based on provided ID.

Delete shield information barrier segment restriction by ID

Delete shield information barrier segment restriction based on provided ID.

List shield information barrier segments

Retrieves a list of shield information barrier segment objects for the specified Information Barrier ID.

Create shield information barrier segment

Creates a shield information barrier segment.

Get shield information barrier segment with specified ID

Retrieves shield information barrier segment based on provided ID..

Update shield information barrier segment with specified ID

Updates the shield information barrier segment based on provided ID..

Delete shield information barrier segment

Deletes the shield information barrier segment based on provided ID.

List shield information barriers

Retrieves a list of shield information barrier objects for the enterprise of JWT.

Create shield information barrier

Creates a shield information barrier to separate individuals/groups within the same firm and prevents confidential information passing between them.

Add changed status of shield information barrier with specified ID

Change status of shield information barrier with the specified ID.

Get shield information barrier with specified ID

Get shield information barrier based on provided ID.

List Box Sign requests

Gets signature requests created by a user. If the `sign_files` and/or `parent_folder` are deleted, the signature request will not return in the list.

Create Box Sign request

Creates a signature request. This involves preparing a document for signing and sending the signature request to signers.

Get Box Sign request by ID

Gets a sign request by ID.

Cancel Box Sign request

Cancels a sign request.

Resend Box Sign request

Resends a signature request email to all outstanding signers.

List Box Sign templates

Gets Box Sign templates created by a user.

Get Box Sign template by ID

Fetches details of a specific Box Sign template.

Update all Box Skill cards on file

An alternative method that can be used to overwrite and update all Box Skill metadata cards on a file.

List storage policies

Fetches all the storage policies in the enterprise.

Get storage policy

Fetches a specific storage policy.

List storage policy assignments

Fetches all the storage policy assignment for an enterprise or user.

Assign storage policy

Creates a storage policy assignment for an enterprise or user.

Get storage policy assignment

Fetches a specific storage policy assignment.

Update storage policy assignment

Updates a specific storage policy assignment.

Unassign storage policy

Delete a storage policy assignment. Deleting a storage policy assignment on a user will have the user inherit the enterprise's default storage policy. There is a rate limit for calling this endpoint of only twice per user in a 24 hour time frame.

Assign task

Assigns a task to a user. A task can be assigned to more than one user by creating multiple assignments.

Get task assignment

Retrieves information about a task assignment.

Update task assignment

Updates a task assignment. This endpoint can be used to update the state of a task assigned to a user.

Unassign task

Deletes a specific task assignment.

Create task

Creates a single task on a file. This task is not assigned to any user and will need to be assigned separately.

Get task

Retrieves information about a specific task.

Update task

Updates a task. This can be used to update a task's configuration, or to update its completion state.

Remove task

Removes a task from a file.

List task assignments

Lists all of the assignments for a given task.

List terms of service user statuses

Retrieves an overview of users and their status for a terms of service, including Whether they have accepted the terms and when.

Create terms of service status for new user

Sets the status for a terms of service for a user.

Update terms of service status for existing user

Updates the status for a terms of service for a user.

List terms of services

Returns the current terms of service text and settings for the enterprise.

Create terms of service

Creates a terms of service for a given enterprise and type of user.

Get terms of service

Fetches a specific terms of service.

Update terms of service

Updates a specific terms of service.

List enterprise users

Returns a list of all users for the Enterprise along with their `user_id`, `public_name`, and `login`. The application and the authenticated user need to have the permission to look up users in the entire enterprise.

Create user

Creates a new managed user in an enterprise. This endpoint is only available to users and applications with the right admin permissions.

Get current user

Retrieves information about the user who is currently authenticated. In the case of a client-side authenticated OAuth 2.0 application this will be the user who authorized the app. In the case of a JWT, server-side authenticated application this will be the service account that belongs to the application by default. Use the `As-User` header to change who this API call is made on behalf of.

Create jobs to terminate users session

Validates the roles and permissions of the user, and creates asynchronous jobs to terminate the user's sessions. Returns the status for the POST request.

Get user

Retrieves information about a user in the enterprise. The application and the authenticated user need to have the permission to look up users in the entire enterprise. This endpoint also returns a limited set of information for external users who are collaborated on content owned by the enterprise for authenticated users with the right scopes. In this case, disallowed fields will return null instead.

Update user

Updates a managed or app user in an enterprise. This endpoint is only available to users and applications with the right admin permissions.

Delete user

Deletes a user. By default this will fail if the user still owns any content. Move their owned content first before proceeding, or use the `force` field to delete the user and their files.

Get user avatar

Retrieves an image of a the user's avatar.

Add or update user avatar

Adds or updates a user avatar.

Delete user avatar

Removes an existing user avatar. You cannot reverse this operation.

List user's email aliases

Retrieves all email aliases for a user. The collection does not include the primary login for the user.

Create email alias

Adds a new email alias to a user account..

Remove email alias

Removes an email alias from a user.

Transfer owned folders

Move all of the items (files, folders and workflows) owned by a user into another user's account Only the root folder (`0`) can be transferred. Folders can only be moved across users by users with administrative permissions. All existing shared links and folder-level collaborations are transferred during the operation. Please note that while collaborations at the individual file-level are transferred during the operation, the collaborations are deleted when the original user is deleted. This call will be performed synchronously which might lead to a slow response when the source user has a large number of items in all of its folders. If the destination path has a metadata cascade policy attached to any of the parent folders, a metadata cascade operation will be kicked off asynchronously. There is currently no way to check for when this operation is finished. The destination folder's name will be in the format `{User}'s Files and Folders`, where `{User}` is the display name of the user. To make this API call your application will need to have the "Read and write all files and folders stored in Box" scope enabled. Please make sure the destination user has access to `Relay` or `Relay Lite`, and has access to the files and folders involved in the workflows being transferred. Admins will receive an email when the operation is completed.

List user's groups

Retrieves all the groups for a user. Only members of this group or users with admin-level permissions will be able to use this API.

Create web link

Creates a web link object within a folder.

Get web link

Retrieve information about a web link.

Restore web link

Restores a web link that has been moved to the trash. An optional new parent ID can be provided to restore the web link to in case the original folder has been deleted.

Update web link

Updates a web link object.

Remove web link

Deletes a web link.

Add shared link to web link

Adds a shared link to a web link.

Get shared link for web link

Gets the information for a shared link on a web link.

Remove shared link from web link

Removes a shared link from a web link.

Update shared link on web link

Updates a shared link on a web link.

Get trashed web link

Retrieves a web link that has been moved to the trash.

Permanently remove web link

Permanently deletes a web link that is in the trash. This action cannot be undone.

List all webhooks

Returns all defined webhooks for the requesting application. This API only returns webhooks that are applied to files or folders that are owned by the authenticated user. This means that an admin can not see webhooks created by a service account unless the admin has access to those folders, and vice versa.

Create webhook

Creates a webhook.

Get webhook

Retrieves a specific webhook

Update webhook

Updates a webhook.

Remove webhook

Deletes a webhook.

List workflows

Returns list of workflows that act on a given `folder ID`, and have a flow with a trigger type of `WORKFLOW_MANUAL_START`. You application must be authorized to use the `Manage Box Relay` application scope within the developer console in to use this endpoint.

Starts workflow based on request body

Initiates a flow with a trigger type of `WORKFLOW_MANUAL_START`. You application must be authorized to use the `Manage Box Relay` application scope within the developer console.

Create zip download

Creates a request to download multiple files and folders as a single `zip` archive file. This API does not return the archive but instead performs all the checks to ensure that the user has access to all the items, and then returns a `download_url` and a `status_url` that can be used to download the archive. The limit for an archive is either the Account's upload limit or 10,000 files, whichever is met first. **Note**: Downloading a large file can be affected by various factors such as distance, network latency, bandwidth, and congestion, as well as packet loss ratio and current server load. For these reasons we recommend that a maximum ZIP archive total size does not exceed 25GB.

Download zip archive

Returns the contents of a `zip` archive in binary format. This URL does not require any form of authentication and could be used in a user's browser to download the archive to a user's device. By default, this URL is only valid for a few seconds from the creation of the request for this archive. Once a download has started it can not be stopped and resumed, instead a new request for a zip archive would need to be created. The URL of this endpoint should not be considered as fixed. Instead, use the [Create zip download](e://post_zip_downloads) API to request to create a `zip` archive, and then follow the `download_url` field in the response to this endpoint.

Get zip download status

Returns the download status of a `zip` archive, allowing an application to inspect the progress of the download as well as the number of items that might have been skipped. This endpoint can only be accessed once the download has started. Subsequently this endpoint is valid for 12 hours from the start of the download. The URL of this endpoint should not be considered as fixed. Instead, use the [Create zip download](e://post_zip_downloads) API to request to create a `zip` archive, and then follow the `status_url` field in the response to this endpoint.


This item is available for early access. It is still in development and may contain experimental features or limitations.

Last Update

5 days ago
