Get BATON Edition
Returns the edition of BATON installed in your facility.
Get Content Locations
Retrieve a list of content locations registered with BATON.
Register Content Location
Register a new content location with the BATON system.
Change esviewer Authentication Password
Change the password of the esviewer user for Elasticsearch server authentication.
Get Report Template List
Retrieve the list of report templates.
Verify File / Profile File
Schedules a media file for verification against a Test Plan with the specified parameters.
Delete Tasks Based on Status or ID
This API is used to delete tasks based on their status. You can also provide task IDs in the request body to delete tasks accordingly.
| parameter | value | result |
| ---------------- | ------------| -----------------------------------|
| status | cancelled |Delete Canceled Tasks |
| status | aborted | Delete Aborted Tasks |
| status | completed | Delete Completed Tasks |
| taskList | _your task id_ | Delete Task by ID |
Abort All Tasks in Progress
This API is used to abort all tasks that are in progress. Once a task is aborted, the verification of the associated media file stops. You may access a partial verification report if the report is available. Use List Tasks in Progress to know the tasks in progress. Use Search Task to access the verification report.
Cancel All Tasks in Queue
This API is used to cancel all tasks that are in queue. Once a task is canceled, verification of the associated media file does not take place. Use List Tasks in Queue to know the tasks in queue.
Number of Tasks based on specific criteria.
This API is used to return the number of tasks based on specific criteria.
| query parameter | value | result |
| ---------------- | ------------| -----------------------------------|
| none | |Number of All Tasks |
| source | inqueue | Number of Tasks in Queue |
| source | inprogress | Number of Tasks in Progress |
| result | passed | Number of Passed Tasks |
| result | failed | Number of Failed Tasks |
| status | completed| Number of Tasks Completed |
List Tasks
This API is used to return a list of task IDs of the tasks that are present in the BATON system.
| query parameter | value | result |
| ---------------- | ------------| -----------------------------------|
| none | |List All Tasks |
| source | inqueue | List Tasks in Queue |
| source | inprogress | List Tasks in Progress |
| result | passed | List Tasks Passed |
| result | failed | List Tasks Failed |
| status | completed| List Tasks Completed |
| type | correctable| List Correctable Tasksd |
| type | profile| List Profiled Tasks |
Search Task
Used to search tasks based on various parameters.
Get Profile Reports
Retrieve specific profile reports in different formats (XML, BVR, Excel, PDF, JSON) for a task.
Get Profile Info
Retrieve summary information about a particular profiled task in the BATON system.
Get Task Info
Get information about a specific task.
Abort Task in Progress
This API is used to abort a list of tasks that are in progress.
Get CC Report in XLS
Export closed captions/subtitles/burnt-in text report in Excel format for a task.
Finish Task Review
Finish review of a specified task.
Get Post QC Information
This API is used to return detailed information about the post QC actions associated with a task.
Change Task Priority
This API is used to change the priority of a given task in queue.
Get Task Progress
Returns the progress of a given task as the task verifies a media file.
Get Task Report / Profile Report
Retrieve verification reports in different formats (XML, BVR, Excel, PDF, JSON, Flashiness JSON) for a task.
Task Review Actions
Execute review actions of a specified task.
Start Task Review
Used to start review of a specified task.
Get Task Status
Returns the status of a given verification task.
Get Task Info / Profile Info
This API is used to return summarized information about a task.
Get Test Plan XML
This API is used to return the contents of a Test Plan, associated with a given task, as an XML description.
Get List of Test Plans
Used to return a list of Test Plans.
Register Test Plan
Used to register a test plan with the BATON system.
Delete Test Plans
Used to remove a specified Test Plan registered with BATON.
Export Test Plans XML
Used to export a specified Test Plan to an XML description.
Get Test Plan Info
Used to return information about a specific Test Plan.
Get BATON Up Time
Returns the uptime of the VM service.
Get BATON Major, Minor, and Patch Version
Returns the major, minor, and patch version number of BATON installed in your facility.