
Azure Video Indexer is a video analytics service that uses AI to extract actionable insights from stored videos. Enhance ad insertion, digital asset management, and media libraries by analyzing audio and video content—no machine learning expertise necessary.

Supported Operations

Azure Video Indexer Operations

Get Accounts Authorization

Get Accounts, authentication by subscription key

Get Account Access Token

Gets an account access token

Get Account Access Token With Permission (PREVIEW)

This API is a preview API subject to preview terms available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. It’s not final and might change. Gets an account access token with permission

Get Project Access Token

Gets a project access token

Get Video Access Token

Gets a video access token

Get User Access Token

Gets a user access token

Get Accounts With Token

Get Accounts

Create Paid Account

Creates a new paid account connected to the given Media Services account.

Get Account

Get Account Details

Get Custom Vision Account

Gets Custom Vision account information.

Connect Custom Vision Account

Connect Custom vision account to your Azure Video Indexer account.

Disconnect Custom Vision Account

Disconnect Custom Vision account from your Azure Video Indexer account.

Get Animation Models (PREVIEW)

This API is a preview API subject to preview terms available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. It’s not final and might change. Lists all animation models created in Azure Video Indexer.

Create Animation Model (PREVIEW)

This API is a preview API subject to preview terms available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. It’s not final and might change. Create animation model in Custom Vision.

Get Animation Model (PREVIEW)

This API is a preview API subject to preview terms available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. It’s not final and might change. Get an animation model from Custom Vision.

Delete Animation Model (PREVIEW)

This API is a preview API subject to preview terms available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. It’s not final and might change. Delete the animation model in Azure Video Indexer. In paid accounts: Custom Vision models won't be deleted. In trial accounts: Custom Vision models will be deleted.

Train Animation Model (PREVIEW)

This API is a preview API subject to preview terms available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. It’s not final and might change. Train an animation model in Custom Vision.

Get Animation Model Training Operation (PREVIEW)

This API is a preview API subject to preview terms available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. It’s not final and might change. Gets the status of animation model training.

Get Brands

Get Brands

Create Brand

Creates a new custom brand for the specified account

Get Brand

Get specific brand

Update Brand

Update Brand

Delete Brand

Removes a brand in the specified account

Get Brands Model Settings

Gets the model settings which determines which brands to use

Update Brands Model Settings

Update the brand model settings

Get Language Models

Get language models.

Create Language Model

Creates a language model. There are two ways to upload files in the body using form-data. 1. Key will be the file name and value will be the file. 2. Key will be the file name and value will be a URL to a txt/vtt/srt/ttml file.

Get Language Model

Get language model.

Update Language Model

Updates a language model. There are two ways to upload files in the body using form-data. 1. Key will be the file name and value will be the file. 2. Key will be the file name and value will be a URL to a txt/vtt/srt/ttml file.

Delete Language Model

Delete language model.

Get Language Model File Data

Get language model file data and metadata.

Update Language Model file

Update a language model file name or state.

Delete Language Model File

Delete language model file.

Download Language Model File Content

Downlaod language model file content.

Train Language Model

Train the language model based on the enabled files.

Cancel Training Model

Cancel the training model operation.

Get Language Model Edits History (PREVIEW)

This API is a preview API subject to preview terms available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. It’s not final and might change.<br/>Get language model edits history.

Get Person Models

Gets all person models with persons who start with the given prefix in the account.

Create Person Model

Creates a new person model in the specified account.

Update Person Model

Update a person model.

Delete Person Model

Deletes the given person model.

Get Persons

Gets all the persons that start with the given prefix in the given person model.

Create Person

Creates a new person in the specified person model.

Update Person

Update a person.

Delete Person

Deletes the given person.

Get Custom Faces

Gets all the faces in the given person with the given source type.

Create Custom Face

Creates new faces in the specified person.

Get Custom Faces Sprite

Gets a sprite of all the faces in the given person and with the given source type.

Get Custom Face Picture

Gets the picture of the given face.

Delete Custom Face

Deletes the given face.

Update Paid Account Azure Media Services

Updates the Azure Media Services (AMS) connection for a paid account, to support a scenario in which AMS resource moved to another subscription/resource group, and to support a scenario in which client wants to update the AAD application used to access the AMS resource, for example because the application key is about to expire. If new AAD application details are provided, client should make the AAD application has at least Contributor role permissions to the AMS resource, or else an error response will be returned.

Create Project

Creates a new project. Projects can be empty, e.g. a not have video ranges, but such projects can't be rendered

Update Project

Updates an existing project. If the project has an ongoing render operation, updating its video ranges isn't allowed; you can use the cancellation API to cancel the render operation so video ranges update is allowed. If the project's video ranges are updated, it resets any render information available for the project, which means it will no longer be possible to get the project's render operation, and if the project has a rendered media file it will be deleted and no longer be available for download.

Delete Project

Deletes an existing project. If the project is rendered the rendered media file will be deleted as well.

Get Project Captions

Get project captions

Get Project Index

Get an existing project's index, which includes indices of all project's source videos, and if the project is rendered then render info that enables streaming in a player is included in the response

Get Project Insights Widget

Get Project Insights Widget

Get Project Player Widget

Get Project Player Widget

Get Project Thumbnail

Get thumbnail of a project

Render Project

Renders a media file for an existing project. If the project is already rendered the response body will include the last render operation result, otherwise an asynchronous render operation will start and a 202 Accepted response will be returned and then you can poll for the operation's status by using the API to get a project's render operation. A project can have a single ongoing render operation at a time, therefore requesting a project render is not allowed if there's already an ongoing render operation. Additionally, while a project is ongoing rendering it's not allowed to update its video ranges, you can use the cancellation API to cancel an ongoing render operation in order to be allowed to update the project's video ranges.

Download Project Rendered File Url

Gets a download url for the media file of an existing project that is rendered. Can be used to download the rendered media file, and also to index it as a new independent video by using the API to upload a video from URL.

Get Project Render Operation

Gets the render operation of an existing project that was requested to render. Meant to be used to check the status of an ongoing render operation following a successful request to render a project. A render operation can be in one of the following states: InProgress/Cancelling/Succeeded/Failed/Canceled: The state 'InProgress' is a non-terminal state that means the render operation is in progress, and cancellation can be requested using the cancellation API. While in this state, the project is render-locked, meaning until the render completes or cancellation is requested the project's video ranges can't be updated and it's not allowed to request render. The state 'Cancelling' is a non-terminal state that means that cancellation was requested for the render operation but it hasn't completed yet. In this state the project is no longer render-locked, so its video ranges can be updated and it's allowed to request render. From this state the project doesn't necessarily transition to the 'Canceled' state, since it's possible render already completed by the time the cancellation request was acknowledged. The state 'Canceled' is a terminal state that means that cancellation was requested for the render operation and the cancellation completed. The state 'Failed' is a terminal state that means that the render operation has completed with failure during processing. In that case the response body will contain error information. The state 'Succeeded' is a terminal state that means that the render operation has completed successfully. In that case the response body will contain the operation's result. A project is referred to as a rendered project if it has a render operation in this state.

Cancel Project Render Operation

Cancels the ongoing render operation of an existing project. If the project's render operation's state isn't 'InProgress', the request won't do anything. If the render operation's state is 'InProgress' it will transition to state 'Cancelling' from which it usually reaches the 'Canceled' state but can reach another terminal state if the render operation already completed by the time cancellation was acknowledged. The API to get a project's render operation has documentation that explains possible render operation states in detail.

List Videos

Get a list of videos and projects in the account

Upload Video

Uploads the given video, starts indexing it and returns a new Video id. The supported formats are listed <a href= target="_blank"> here</a>

Get Video Id By External Id

Get Video Id by External Id.

Search Videos

Search videos and projects in the specified account

Delete Video

Deletes the specified video and all related insights created from when the video was indexed

Get Video Artifact Download Url

Artifacts are intermediate outputs of the indexing process. They are essentially raw outputs of the various AI engines that analyze the videos. For this reason, the output formats may change over time. We do not recommend that you use data directly from the artifacts folder for production purposes. It is recommended that you use the Get Video Index API for most insights. This API returns a URL only with a link to the specific resource type you request. An additional GET request must be made to this URL for the specific artifact. The file types for each artifact type vary depending on the artifact. For the specific schemas of the output JSON see <a href= target="_blank">here</a>.

Get Video Captions

Get video captions

Get Video Index

Get Video Index

Update Video Index

Updates the video index. The method accepts a JsonPatchDocument (in the request body) consisting of the operations that need to be applied. <a href= target="_blank">How to construct a JSON patch request.</a>.

Change Animation Character Name (PREVIEW)

This API is a preview API subject to preview terms available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. It’s not final and might change. Change a character name in an animation model in Custom Vision.

Delete Animated Character From Insights (PREVIEW)

This API is a preview API subject to preview terms available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. It’s not final and might change. Delete animated character from insights.

Update Video Face

Update Video Face.

Delete Video Face

Delete Video Face.

Update Video Transcript

Updates the video with the given transcript. If the specified language is the source language of the video, then the video will be re-indexed with the given transcript, and the transcript of all the other languages will be re-generated. If the specified language is not the source language, the transcript of that language will be updated and the new text will be written into the existing lines and blocks of that language.

Get Video Insights Widget

Get Video Insights Widget

Get Video Player Widget

Get Video Player Widget

Re-Index Video

Re-index video

Delete Video Source File

Deletes only the video source file, while keeping all insights created from when the video was indexed.

Get Video Source File Download Url

Get video source file download url.

Get Video Thumbnail

Get thumbnail of a video

Get Video Streaming URL

Get Video Streaming URL

Last Update

1 week ago
