
Azure OpenAI Service provides REST API access to OpenAI's powerful language models including the GPT-3, Codex and Embeddings model series. In addition, the new GPT-4 and ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo) model series have now reached general availability. These models can be easily adapted to your specific task including but not limited to content generation, summarization, semantic search, and natural language to code translation.

Supported Operations

Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-01

Get a list of all files

Get a list of all files owned by the Azure OpenAI resource. These include user uploaded content like files with purpose "fine-tune" for training or validation of fine-tunes models as well as files that are generated by the service such as "fine-tune-results" which contains various metrics for the corresponding fine-tune job.

Create a new file entity

Create a new file entity by uploading data from a local machine. Uploaded files can, for example, be used for training or evaluating fine-tuned models.

Create a new file entity by importing data from a provided url

Create a new file entity by importing data from a provided url. Uploaded files can, for example, be used for training or evaluating fine-tuned models.

Get details for a single file

Get details for a single file specified by the given file-id including status, size, purpose, etc.

Delete the file

Delete the file with the given file-id. Deletion is also allowed if a file was used, e.g., as training file in a fine-tune job.

Get the content of a specific file

Get the content of the file specified by the given file-id. Files can be user uploaded content or generated by the service like result metrics of a fine-tune job.

Get a list of all fine-tune jobs

Get a list of all fine-tune jobs owned by the Azure OpenAI resource. The details that are returned for each fine-tune job contain besides its identifier the base model, training and validation files, hyper parameters, time stamps, status and events. Events are created when the job status changes, e.g. running or complete, and when results are uploaded.

Create a job that fine-tunes a specified model from a given training file

Create a job that fine-tunes a specified model from a given training file. Response includes details of the enqueued job including job status and hyper parameters. The name of the fine-tuned model is added to the response once complete.

Get details for a single fine-tune job

Get details for a single fine-tune job specified by the given fine-tune-id. The details contain the base model, training and validation files, hyper parameters, time stamps, status and events. Events are created when the job status changes, e.g. running or complete, and when results are uploaded.

Delete the fine-tune job

Delete the fine-tune job specified by the given fine-tune-id.

Cancel the fine-tune job by id

Cancel the processing of the fine-tune job specified by the given fine-tune-id.

Get the events for the fine-tune job by id

Get the events for the fine-tune job specified by the given fine-tune-id. Events are created when the job status changes, e.g. running or complete, and when results are uploaded.

Get a list of all models

Get a list of all models that are accessible by the Azure OpenAI resource. These include base models as well as all successfully completed fine-tuned models owned by the Azure OpenAI resource.

Get details for the model by id

Get details for the model specified by the given modelId.

Azure OpenAI Service API

Transcribe audio

Transcribe audio into the input language.

Transcribe and translates input audio into English text

Transcribe and translates input audio into English text.

Create a completion for the chat message

Create a completion for the chat message

Create a completion

Create a completion for the provided prompt, parameters and chosen model. Please note that although max token is an optional parameter, when undefined the response is limited to 16 response tokens.

Get a vector representation of a given input

Get a vector representation of a given input that can be easily consumed by machine learning models and algorithms.

Generate a batch of images from a text caption

Generate a batch of images from a text caption on a given DALLE model deployment

Last Update

1 week ago
