Ateme Titan Live
TranscodingPublished by
Ateme Titan Live
TranscodingTITAN Live is a high video quality, high density software compression solution, designed for Cable, DTH, OTT Live delivery of SD, HD and Ultra HD content. TITAN Live is a virtualized software based solution, pure CPU solution, hardware agnostic, running on any host: Linux, Virtual Machines and Micro-Services.
TITAN Live is based on ATEME 5th Generation STREAM compression engine, delivers the highest video quality at minimum bitrates with accelerated parallel processing.
Addressing main screens and multiscreen applications, from small resolutions up to UHDp60, TITAN Live addresses current and future requirements.
Alarms Management API
Get the alarms list
By doing a GET on this resource the full list of alarms is returned
Create/close alarms entry
By doing a post on this resource new alarms will be created or existing alarms will be closed. This part of the API should only be used in internal by the other modules. Before to post an alarm this type must have been registered.
Clear non open alarms from the alarms list
doing a delete on this resource will clean the entire alarms list, only open alarms will remain
Get number of opened alarms
Get number of opened alarms
Get configuration
return the configuration of the alarm module
Registering an alarm list
Add or modify the alarm list and the associated parameters. This method should only be use by other modules, not by an external client
Update the configuration
update the alarm module configuration
Delete alarms
doing a delete on this resource will unregister alarms for a specific module
Get profiles
Return the list of configuration profiles of the alarm module
Registering alarm configuration profile
create a new alarm configuration profile
Update profile name
Update the alarm configuration profile name
Unregister profile
doing a delete on this resource will remove selected profile. Alarms using this profiles will switch to default profile
Get services profiles
return the list of services and the alarm profile used by each
Select service alarm profile
Select the alarm configuration profile used by service
Unregister service profile
Stop using any profile for given service
Services management API
Get services management configuration
This method returns the services configuration
Set services management configuration
This method set the services configuration
Get statmux configuration
This method returns the statmux configuration
Add or modify statmux
Add or modify statmux with given UID
Delete a statmux
Delete a statmux given its UID
Get statmux communication state.
This method returns the statmux communication state.
Set statmux communication state.
Sets the communication state.
Get thumbnails size
This method returns the thumbnails size
Modify thumbnails size
Modify the width and the height of the thumbnails
Get the services list
This method can be use to get the complete list of services currently configured on this equipment. By default each service returned in the list will also contain the complete template that it use. So, this method can be use to export the whole service configuration of the system.
Create new services or modify services
This method can be use to create or modify multiple services. If a service in the list does not have an UID or its UID does not already exist on the system, the service will be created. If a service in the list has an UID that exist on the system the service will be modified. As many service parameters cannot be dynamically changed, a service modification could lead to a service restart. If after a modification the service CPU load is increased, the system can choose to stop it to avoid a system overload (for example: in case of output resolution change).<br>This method can be use to import a configuration previously export using the GET method on the same endpoint.<br>Templates can be provides along with services. See the document of the PUT method of the endpoint "/Services/{UID}" to understand what the sytem do when templates are provided along with services.
Delete all services
Stop and remove all services.
Estimate the load of a given service, including its inputs
Estimate the load of a given service, including its inputs
Estimate the load of given services, including their inputs
Estimate the load of given services, including their inputs
Get services export
Get the state of the global mute.
This method retrieves the state of the global mute.
Mute or unmute all service outputs
This changes the state of service outputs (mute or unmute).
Submit service updates to check restart status
Return a global status for all services and a list for each service
Get the states of all services.
This method retrieves the states of all services, in a lighter way compared to retrieving the whole configuration.
Set state of all services
This method changes the state of a list fo services. Services that already are in the requested state will no be impacted by this request. The only allowed states for this request are Starting and Stopped.<br>Remark: a small delay could appear between a starting request and the real start of a service. This delay depends on whether the load estimation is activated or not. This delay can be avoided by using the "immediate" parameter. This parameter should only be use to manage quick redundancy when the services load is already known
Validate service
This make a validation of the service provided and return 400 and the error list if not compliant or 200 the service can be created.
Get service by ID
This method returns the details about the service that has the UID provided int the request URL. The template associated to the service is always present in the response (not only its UID).
Create or modify a service
This method can be use to create or modify a service. If the resource already exists the service will be updated else it will be created. If a template that already exist on the system is provided along with the service, all the services that depends on this template could be impacted if the templates changed. Note that if the template is used by other services, then it is not possible to modify the number of tracks or profiles of the template. If a new template is provided, it will be created in the template list. If only a template UID is provided, the service will be associated to this template.
Update API attribute of a service
This method allows modifying one or multiple attributes of a service instead of the whole service.
Delete service by ID
This method removes the service corresponding the UID provided in the URL. The service will be stopped and its configuration will deleted. The associated template will be kept.
Get alternate content status
This method gets the alternate content status (on alternate content : true/on main stream : false) of a service.
Start blackout mode
This method blackouts the service
Get blackout status
This method gets the blackout status (on/off) of a service.
Stop blackout mode
This method stop the blackout on a service
Get ETR statistics
This method returns ETR-related statistics of the service that has the UID provided in the URL.
Reset ETR statistics
This method reset ETR-related statistics for the service that has the UID provided in the URL.
Create new ID3 tag or modify ID3 tag
This method can be use to create or modify multiple ID3 tag. The ID3 tag will be created (or updated if frame ID already exists) and will be inserted in the metadata track.
Delete a ID3 tag.
Remove a periodic ID3 tag for the metadata track.
Switch on chosen IP source for the specified input
Switch on chosen IP source for the specified input
Select the active output
Select the active output
Trigger service recording
This method triggers a service recording
Get the recording state
This method gets the recording state (on/off) on a service.
Stop service recording
This method stop the recording of the service
Check restart status of the modification of an API attribute
This method check if modifying one or multiple attributes of a service instead of the whole service will require a restart.
Send a splice abort
This method send a splice abort to the service that has the UID provided in the URL. This request contains the id of the splice to abort.
Send a splice request
This method send a splice request to the service that has the UID provided in the URL.
Get the state of a service.
This method retrieves the state of the specified service.
Set service state
This changes the state of the service identified by the UID provided int the URL.<br>Remark: a small delay could appear between a starting request and the real start of a service. This delay depends on whether the load estimation is activated or not. This delay can be avoided by using the "immediate" parameter. This parameter should only be use to manage quick redundancy when the services load is already known.
Switch back on main IP input
Switch back on main IP input
Get thumbnail by ID
This method returns the thumbnail of the service that has the UID provided in the URL. The thumbnail is a png image with the following content-type : image/png. Whenever the thumbnail can't be found (radio service, stopped service,...) it will return a black image unless 'quiet' parameter is set to 0 in which cas it will return a 404 response.
Trigger service recording of all file outputs
This method triggers a service recording of all file outputs
Stop service recording of all file outputs
This method stop the service recording of all file outputs
Get the global logo list of service video track
This method can be use to get the complete list of logo insertion configured in the video track of the service that has the UID provided in the URL.
Import global logo configuration
This method send a logo configuration array to replace existing video track logo configuration to the service that has the UID provided in the URL. This request contains a json formated array of LogoInsertion elements.
Services management API (Extension)
Get services management configuration
This method returns the services configuration
Set services management configuration
This method set the services configuration
Get statmux configuration
This method returns the statmux configuration
Add or modify statmux
Add or modify statmux with given UID
Delete a statmux
Delete a statmux given its UID
Get statmux communication state.
This method returns the statmux communication state.
Set statmux communication state.
Sets the communication state.
Get thumbnails size
This method returns the thumbnails size
Modify thumbnails size
Modify the width and the height of the thumbnails
Get the FileServers list
This method can be use to get the complete list of FileServers currently configured on this equipment.
Create new FileServers or modify FileServers
This method can be use to create or modify multiple FileServers. If a FileServer in the list does not have an UID or its UID does not already exist on the system, the FileServer will be created. If a FileServer in the list has an UID that exist on the system the service, an error will be raised.
Get FileServer by ID
This method returns the details about the FileServer that has the UID provided int the request URL. The template associated to the FileServer is always present in the response (not only its UID).
Create or modify a FileServer
This method can be use to create or modify a FileServer. If the resource already exists the FileServer will be updated else it will be created.
Delete FileServer by ID
This method removes the FileServer corresponding the UID provided in the URL.
Get the system estimated overall load
This method returns the system estimated overall load
Get Probe of a given input
This method returns the details of an input TS stream.
Get SDI input information
This method returns the list of SDI input and their status.
Get sdi product and software versions.
Return details information about sdi product and software versions.
Get all splice requests.
Get details about the splice requests for all services.
Get Probe of a given input
Get Probe of a given input
Get the template list
This method return the complete list of templates.
Create new templates or modify templates
This method can be use to create or modify multiple templates. If a template in the list has the same UID than one that already exist on the system, the template on the system will be updated. Otherwise, it will be crated.<br>All the services that are associated to a modified template are immediately impacted by the modification. This could lead to service restart. It is not possible to change the number of tracks or profiles of a template which is used by services.
Get template by ID
This method returns the template with the UID provided in the URL.
Create or modify a template by ID
This method create or modify the template with the UID provided in the URL. If the resource already exists the template will be updated else it will be created.<br>All the services that are associated to a modified template are immediately impacted by the modification. This could lead to service restart. It is not possible to change the number of tracks or profiles of a template which is used by services.
Delete a template by ID
This method removes the template with the UID provided in the URL.<br>A template with that is use by existing services cannot be removed.
System API:system information
Get the system CPU quota
Get the CPU quota applied to the system (in percent)
Set the system CPU quota
Set the CPU quota to apply to the system (in percent)
Get custom LUTs list
Get custom LUTs list
Upload custom LUT file
Upload custom LUT file, supported extension is cube
Get LUT by name
This method returns the LUT resource for a given name.
Delete LUT file
Delete LUT file by name
Get fonts list
Get fonts list
Upload font file
Upload font file, supported extension is ttf
Get font by name
This method returns the font resource for a given name.
Delete font file
Delete font file by name
Make a LDAP bind and return result
This method makes simple LDAP action:configure the connection with the server and bind it
Get LDAP configuration
Get LDAP server info
Set LDAP configuration
Set LDAP LDAP server info
Get logos list
Get logos list
Upload logo file
Upload logo file, supported extension are gif,png
Get logo by name
This method returns the logo resource for a given name.
Delete logo file
Delete logo file by name
Get NMOS configuration information
Return the addresses and interfaces for NMOS registry and management.
Set NMOS Configuration
Set the the addresses and interfaces for NMOS registry and management.
Set password
Set a new password for the given user
Get SNMP configuration
Get SNMP ro/rw communities, trap activation and trap forwarding receivers
Set SNMP configuration
Set SNMP ro/rw communities, trap activation and trap forwarding receivers
Get syslog configuration
Return the syslog configuration
Set Syslog configuration
Set Syslog configuration.
Get date/time configuration
Return the date time configuration
Set date/time configuration
Set the date/time configuration.
Get the current date
Return the current date and the timezone fo the system. The date is an UTC timestamp expressed in ISO 8601 format. Ex:2015-05-10T15:56:12Z
System API:system hardware monitoring
Get the list of GPU nodes
Get the list of GPU nodes
Get the list of sensors, status and configuration
Get the list of sensors, status and configuration
Get a sensor status and configuration
Get a sensor status and configuration
Get sensor configuration
Get sensor configuration
Set sensor configuration
Set sensor configuration
Get sensor status
Get sensor status
System API:system information
Get the machine capabilities
Get detailed information about the machine CPU, RAM, VCA, and SDI
Get system configuration package information
This method returns the status and the information about the last generated system configuration package.
Request system configuration package generation
This method starts the generation of a new system configuration package. The previous system configuration package will be removed and a new one will be created. The GET method can be use to know the current state of the generation.
Apply system configuration package
This method applies system configuration package. Warning:the system will restart.
Upload system configuration package
POST this resource to upload a system configuration package.
Get cpu information
Return details about CPU
Modify the tab name
This method can be use to modify the tab name.
Get debug package information
Return details about the status of debug package generation and information about the last generated package.
Request the debug package generation
Starts generation of a new debug package. The previous debug package will be removed and a new one will be created. This method return immediately, the GET method must be use to know the current state of the generation.
Get the list of GPU nodes
Get the list of GPU nodes, with their current state
Get Mellanox cards information
Return details about Mellanox cards.
Get Memory information
Return details about memory
Reboot the system
Reboot TITAN Live system.
Get SDI cards information
Return details about SDI cards.
Modify alias for an SDI card
This method can be use to modify the alias for an SDI card.
Status of TITAN Live services
Indicates status of main TITAN Live services.
Get software product versions
Return the list of products and their associated software version.
System API:network configuration
Get dns configuration
Return the detected dns network
Set dns configuration.
Set dns network configuration. If the configuration does not change, the system will do nothing.
Create a new NIC Bonding
Create a NIC bonding and its associated network interface
Remove a NIC bonding
Remove a NIC bonding
Get NIC bonding configuration.
Return the NIC bonding configuration. This configuration contains all the parameters that can be modified.
Set NIC bonding configuration.
Set configuration parameters for the NIC bonding. If the configuration does not change, the system will do nothing.
Get physical interfaces configuration
Return the list of detected physical network interfaces, with their current configuration
Get physical interface configuration and status
Return the configuration and status of the physical interface
Get physical interface configuration.
Return the physical interface configuration. This configuration contains all the parameters that can be modified.
Set physical interface configuration.
Set configuration parameters for this physical interface. If the configuration does not change, the system will do nothing.
Get physical interface state (Up or Down)
Get the physical interface state
Set the interface state
Set the physical interface state. This method gives a direct access to the interface's state configuration. This avoid to have to provide a full configuration when the need is only to deactivate or deactivate an interface. If the current state of the interface is the same than the proviced one, the interface's state will not change.
Get the physical interface status
Return the status of the physical interface. This status contains all the parameters currently used by the interface.
Get traffic control configuration.
Return the interface configuration. This configuration contains all the parameters that can be modified.
Set traffic control configuration.
Set configuration parameters for traffic control. If the configuration does not change, the system will do nothing.
Remove traffic control configuration
Remove traffic control configuration
Get network interfaces configuration
Return the list of detected physical network interfaces, with their current configuration
Create a new VLAN
Create a VLAN and its associated network interface
Get vlan configuration and status
Return the configuration and status of the interface
Remove a vlan
Remove a vlan
Get vlan interface configuration.
Return the interface configuration. This configuration contains all the parameters that can be modified.
Set vlan network interface configuration.
Set configuration parameters for this VLAN. If the configuration does not change, the system will do nothing.
Get interface state (Up or Down)
Get the interface state
Set the interface state
Set the interface state. This method gives a direct access to the interface's state configuration. This avoid to have to provde a full configuration when the need is only to deactivate or deactivate an interface. If the current state of the interface is the same than the proviced one, the interface's state will not change.
Get the vlan interface state
Return the status of the interface. This status contains all the parameters currently used by the interface.
Get network routes list
Create a new route
Create a new route on a given interface
Get route configuration and status by uid
Remove a route
Remove a route
Get route configuration by uid.
Return the route configuration.
Set route configuration.
Set configuration parameters for this route. If the configuration does not change, the system will do nothing.
Get the route status
Return the status of the route.
This item is available for early access. It is still in development and may contain experimental features or limitations.
7 months ago