Ateme Plus
TranscodingPublished by
Ateme Plus
TranscodingIntegrate seamlessly into existing workflows and ecosystems with Ateme+ APIs. Enjoy Ateme technology for the best video quality and lowest bitrates.
Ateme+ untangles complexity to deliver high-quality experiences built with Ateme’s technology – from TITAN, NEA and PILOT – as a service.
It offers infrastructure management and security you can rely on, thanks to a team of dedicated experts.
Ateme+ Cloud API
List all labels in the managing org
You have to be superadmin or part of the managing organisation to make this call
Create an access permissions label
Can be done by superadmin, admin or operator from the<br/>source org. This is used for events.<br/>Done for managing organisation
Update label text
Allowed to super admins, admins and operators of managing organisation
Delete label
Can be deleted only if it is not referenced by anything. Allowed to superusers, admins and operators of managing org
Get activity log
Returns activity logs for the managing organisation
Get dropdown values for permanent agreement price selectors
Callable by any authenticade user
List permanent schedule agreements
Callable by superuser or anyone with the access to managing organisation<br/>This is to be used for both the settings page and the dropdown when creating an output<br/>Agreements with is_finished == True or is_assigned == True can not be used to assign to outputs
Create a permanent schedule agreement
Callable by superuser, admin and operator<br/>The result is an un-assigned agreement with an expiry date, that you can use to create<br/>a permanently scheduled destination<br/>number_of_agreements = how many agreements would you like to purchase. If not provided, defaults to one.<br/>You can purchase up to 10 agreements at once
List credit cards of managing organisation
Can be called by superusers, admins or operators of the managing organisation<br/>Youn need to have customer in stripe before making this call
List credits
List all credits for the managing organisation<br/>No exceptions done for superusers.
Get customer billing details from the current currency
Returns managing organisation billing details<br/>Callable by superuser, accounts and admin of managing organisation
Create/Update managing organisation's billing details per currency
Callable by superusers and admins of the managing organisation<br/><br/>This creates a customer in stripe if it does not exist and updates billing details<br/><br/>Limits for input fields:<br/>company_name:up to 150 characters alphanumericals, space, period, hyphen<br/>first_name:up to 150 characters alphanumericals, space, period, hyphen<br/>last_name:up to 150 characters alphanumericals, space, period, hyphen<br/>phone:up to 100 characters numericals, space, hyphen, +<br/>address_line1:up to 300 characters alphanumericals, space, period, hyphen, comma<br/>address_line2:up to 300 characters alphanumericals, space, period, hyphen, comma<br/>address_city:up to 85 characters alphanumericals, space, hyphen, period<br/>address_state:up to 85 characters alphanumericals, space, hyphen, period<br/>address_postal_code:up to 20 characters alphanumericals, numbers, space, hyphen<br/>address_country_code:Two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).<br/>org_reg_number:Letters, numbers, spaces and hyphens<br/>org_vat_number:Letters, numbers, spaces and hyphens<br/><br/>org_reg_number and org_vat_number is mandatory if it's a UK or EU based customer<br/><br/>switch_org_billing_to_account - if True - switches the billing method and sends email to cerberues team<br/><br/>currency - eur, gbp and usd - when we have support for them
Change organisation's default payment method
Can be called by superusers and admins for the managing organisation<br/>id is the stripe payment method id that you get from the list credit_cards call (it normally starts with pm_)
Get pricing for managing organisation
This to be used by Livelink UI<br/>Callable by members of managing organisation and superuser
Create custom price
Creates or updates a custom price for organisation<br/>Callable by supersuser and accounts users
Get default pricing (for accounts)
This to be used by Accounts<br/>Callable by superusers and account users
Get pricing for permanent schedules
Callable by superuser or anyone with the access to managing organisation
Update default pricing price
Updates default price creating a new version of it<br/>Callable by supersuser and accounts users
Get pricing for organisation (for accounts)
This to be used by Accounts<br/>Callable by superusers, account users, account admins and users with matching managing organisation
Get service consumption report for customer's current currency
Returns service consumption report for managing organisation<br/>Start and end dates are in datetime format 0000-00-00<br/>(for example 2020-08-25 to 2020-08-25)
Get service consumption hourly breakdown
Returns service consumption report for managing organisation<br/>Start and end dates are in datetime format 0000-00-00<br/>(for example 2020-01-01 to 2021-12-30)<br/>items_per_page max limit is 500
Get service consumption report V2 for customer's current currency
Returns service consumption report for managing organisation<br/>Start and end dates are in datetime format 0000-00-00<br/>(for example 2020-08-25 to 2020-08-25)
Get supported cloud providers
Gives you a list of supported clouds.
Update supported region latitude and longitude
Callable by superuser, accounts admin and accounts user
Get instance types / sizes in region and cloud provider
Lists all the supported instance types within the chose cloud provider and region.<br/>You need to have managing organisation to make this call.
Get supported regions in selected cloud provider
Lists supported regions in the particular cloud provider selected.
Create COGS report
Starts the calculation in the backend and will post a notification when the report is done.<br/>Callable by superuser, account user or account admin.<br/>Date range is used EXACTLY as stated. For example - if you want to generate a report for one full day, you would use times like this:<br/>2023-01-01 00:00:00.00+00<br/>2023-01-01 23:59:59.99+00<br/>Also, please make sure that report from time is lesser than report to time<br/>Also, there is a date range limit of 365 days for a single organisation and 90 days for all organisations.
Get COGS report details
Callable by superuser, accounts user and accounts admin
Create new environment
Checks whether user calling this is Admin for the organisation or a Superadmin.<br/>Starts the creation of a new environment.<br/>Registers entry in DB, fires off SQS message.<br/>ALSO generates a system admin user for this environment in order to allow c_env talk to cloud API<br/>name maxLength = 255
Get environment details
You must be on the active organisation of this organisation to get the details.<br/>Also you have to be part of this organisation - guests dont get to see all the individual details.<br/>On the first response where the env creation has been finished, you get a jwt_token value populated<br/>and the user (in database) is switched to this new environment and organisation
Upgrading customer environment (not for normal usage)
This is not a scheduled upgrade. And normally customer would not do this. Use scheduled upgrade for this.<br/>Can be done by admins and superadmins.
Delete customer environment
Sends and SQS message to start delete customer env.<br/>You have to be an admin for the organisation or superadmin.<br/>If environment has destinations on permanent schedule agreements - it releases the agreements.
Do a quick customer environment update from git
Soft restart customer environment
Start customer environment
The API call is used to start a customer environment and switch it into a running state.<br/>You have to be an admin for the organisation or superadmin.
Generate MTR report
This is to START generating MTR report. It can take some time (especially depending on options used).<br/>As a result of this request you get a REPORT ID that, when report is ready, you can use to get the result details.<br/>There will be a notification raised when the report is ready.<br/>Callable by superusers, admins, and operators.<br/><br/>To point to a host, please provide ONE of the following:<br/>- "hostname"<br/>- "mtr_host_id"<br/>- "mtr_host_group_id"<br/><br/>if "geolocate"is set to true, the report will be enhanced with geolocations straight after the basic report is done.<br/><br/>The options available:<br/>ipv4_onlyuse IPv4 only<br/>ipv6_onlyuse IPv6 only<br/>udpuse UDP instead of ICMP echo<br/>tcpuse TCP instead of ICMP echo<br/>interface NAME use named network interface<br/>address ADDRESSbind the outgoing socket to ADDRESS<br/>first-ttl NUMBER set what TTL to start<br/>max-ttl NUMBER maximum number of hops<br/>max-unknown NUMBER maximum unknown host<br/>port PORTtarget port number for TCP, SCTP, or UDP<br/>localport LOCALPORTsource port number for UDP<br/>psize PACKETSIZE set the packet size used for probing<br/>bitpattern NUMBERset bit pattern to use in payload<br/>interval SECONDS ICMP echo request interval<br/>gracetime SECONDSnumber of seconds to wait for responses<br/>tos NUMBER type of service field in IP header<br/>mpls display information from ICMP extensions<br/>timeout SECONDSseconds to keep probe sockets open<br/>report-cycles COUNTset the number of pings sent<br/>no-dns do not resolve host names<br/>show-ips show IP numbers and host names<br/>aslookup display AS number<br/><br/>Grouping options:<br/>create_new_mtr_host_name - if provided - saves a new mtr hostname. If not provided - the lower 2 options are ignored.<br/>create_new_mtr_host_name must be 3 to 50 characters long with characters in range:a-zA-Z0-9. _-<br/>create_new_mtr_host_group_name - if provided - creates a new host group name<br/>if both create_new_mtr_host_name and create_new_mtr_host_group_name is provided - creates the named host and assigns it to the newly created group<br/>add_to_existing_host_group_id - if provided together with create_new_mtr_host_name - adds the newly created mtr hostename to the existing group
Stop customer environment
The API call is used to stop a customer environment and switch it into a stopped state.<br/>You have to be an admin for the organisation or superadmin.
Create c_env images
Callable by superuser
Delete c_env images
Deletes c_env images.<br/>Callable by superuser
List dashboard groups
Dashboard groups is a way of grouping sources and destinations on a map.
Create dashboard group
Creates a dashboard group in your managing organisation.<br/>The allowed group_type options are:source, destination, mv (stands for multi viewer), transcoder
Update dashboard group
Delete dashboard group
Callable by superuser, admin and operator of managing organisation
Get environments running in active org
Get current alerts
You need to be admin, superuser or operator to get current alerts.<br/>Gets all alerts for an overview of c_env -> inputs / outputs -> alerts
Create alerts on inputs and/or outputs
You need to be admin, superuser or operator to create an alert.<br/><br/>You can set up alerts on many metrics that we collect from the environments and store into influx db.<br/><br/>You can set up more than one alert on the same input.<br/><br/>"alert_method_id"is the notification/alert method used to deliver the alerts. Currently they are emails.<br/><br/>Valid values and their meaning for "alert_on_query"(metric name) are:<br/>- "net_send.rtt":Round Trip Time<br/>- "net_recv.bitrate":Bitrate<br/>- "net_recv.jitter":Jitter<br/>- "net_recv.loss_millipercent":Packet Loss % in millipercent (0 to 100,000)<br/>- "arq_recv.dropped":Not Recovered Packets<br/>- "is_connected":Whether it's connected. 1 for Yes 0 for No<br/><br/>Valid values and their meaning for "query_param"(comparison operator for metric value) are:<br/>- "gt":Greater Than<br/>- "lt":Less Than<br/>- "outside_range":Outside range of 2 Values<br/>- "within_range":Within range of 2 Values<br/>- "no_value":Has no value<br/><br/>Valid values for "query_value"are:<br/>list containing value/s corresponding to query param eg. gt -> [ 100]<br/><br/>Valid values for "query_time_range".<br/>Alert looks at average value over time range in the past. Valid values are:<br/>- "10s"<br/>- "1m"<br/>- "5m"<br/>- "10m"<br/>- "15m"<br/>- "1h"<br/><br/>Valid values for "alert_check_frequency". This is how often the alerts checks if there is anything wrong.<br/>For example "1m"or "3h"or "1h30m"<br/><br/>Valid values for "alert_after_time". This is how long alert must be ongoing before message is sent to api (can be None).<br/>For example "5m"or "15s"or "1h"<br/><br/>Valid values for "alert_repeat". This is how often alert is resent if alert is ongoing<br/>Valid values are:<br/>- "5m"<br/>- "10m"<br/>- "15m"<br/>- "20m"<br/>- "25m"<br/>- "30m"<br/>- "45m"<br/>- "1h"<br/>- "1h30m"<br/>- "2h"<br/>- "2h30m"<br/>- "3h"<br/>- "4h"<br/>- "5h"<br/>- "7m30m"<br/>- "10h"<br/>- "15h"<br/>- "20h"<br/>- "24h"<br/><br/>source_id and destination_id are now deprecated.<br/>Please use input_ids and output_ids fields
Delete alerts by environment
Deletes all channel and destination alerts on the environment.<br/>Destination alerts are deleted by taker organisation<br/>You need to be admin, superuser or operator to delete alerts.
Delete multiple alerts
You need to be admin, superuser or operator to delete alerts.
Get inputs and outputs for alerts from active environment
Callable by superuser and anyone from active organisation as well as guests of active organisation
Mute multiple alerts
You need to be admin, superuser or operator for this.
Unmute multiple alerts
You need to be admin, superuser or operator for this.
Update alert parameters
You need to be admin, superuser or operator to do this.<br/>"alert_method_id"is the notification/alert method used to deliver the alerts. Currently they are emails.<br/><br/>Valid values and their meaning for "alert_on_query"(metric name) are:<br/>- "net_send.rtt":Round Trip Time<br/>- "net_recv.bitrate":Bitrate<br/>- "net_recv.jitter":Jitter<br/>- "net_recv.loss_millipercent":Packet Loss % in millipercent (0 to 100,000)<br/>- "arq_recv.dropped":Not Recovered Packets<br/>- "is_connected":Whether it's connected. 1 for Yes 0 for No<br/><br/>Valid values and their meaning for "query_param"(comparison operator for metric value) are:<br/>- "gt":Greater Than<br/>- "lt":Less Than<br/>- "outside_range":Outside range of 2 Values<br/>- "within_range":Within range of 2 Values<br/>- "no_value":Has no value<br/><br/>Valid values for "query_value"are:<br/>list containing value/s corresponding to query param eg. gt -> [ 100]<br/><br/>Valid values for "query_time_range".<br/>Alert looks at average value over time range in the past. Valid values are:<br/>- "10s"<br/>- "1m"<br/>- "5m"<br/>- "10m"<br/>- "15m"<br/>- "1h"<br/><br/>Valid values for "alert_check_frequency". This is how often the alerts checks if there is anything wrong.<br/>For example "1m"or "3h"or "1h30m"<br/><br/>Valid values for "alert_after_time". This is how long alert must be ongoing before message is sent to api (can be None).<br/>For example "5m"or "15s"or "1h"<br/><br/>Valid values for "alert_repeat". This is how often alert is resent if alert is ongoing<br/>Valid values are:<br/>- "5m"<br/>- "10m"<br/>- "15m"<br/>- "20m"<br/>- "25m"<br/>- "30m"<br/>- "45m"<br/>- "1h"<br/>- "1h30m"<br/>- "2h"<br/>- "2h30m"<br/>- "3h"<br/>- "4h"<br/>- "5h"<br/>- "7m30m"<br/>- "10h"<br/>- "15h"<br/>- "20h"<br/>- "24h"
Delete single alert
Callable by superuser, admin or operator from org owning the env or admin or operator of guest org who<br/>created the alert
Mute alert / Unmute alert
You have to be admin, operator or superadmin to do this<br/>valid actions are 'activate', 'deactivate'<br/>You can activate and deactivate alerts only on inputs and outputs.<br/>Deactivating alert means deleting the alert from grafana, but keeping a record about the alert in cloud api.
Gets Zixi configuration information about single input
Can be called by superuser or member of managing org owning the input
List inputs
List all inputs from your active organisation. Active organisation might be an organisation that you are<br/>part of or you might have access to it through source invitation.<br/>Technical details (technical_details) are visible only to members of the organisation (admin, operator, viewer)<br/>and superadmins. Those are details that engineers need to connect their their kit to push the data into the<br/>input.<br/>Fields:<br/> - input_settings<br/> - livelink_args<br/> - is_transcoded_input<br/> - associated_transcoder_id<br/> - is_being_transcoded<br/> - has_alerts<br/>are populated only if the user calling this has superuser permission or part of the organisation owning the input
Update Local-TS input (resulting multi-viewer input)
user_description maxLength = 255<br/>Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the organisation<br/>max_allowed_bitrate_kbps is the value your input should not exceed (otherwise it will be stopped)
Get inputs overview
Done on the active environment basis<br/>Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation
Create PULL input on customer environment
pull_port is the port that zixi pulls from<br/>latency default should be 6000<br/>id maxLength = 128<br/>user_description maxLength = 255<br/>max_allowed_bitrate_kbps is the value your input should not exceed (otherwise it will be stopped)<br/>Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation
Update PULL input on customer environment
pull_port is the port that zixi pulls from<br/>latency default should be 6000<br/>user_description maxLength = 255<br/>max_allowed_bitrate_kbps is the value your input should not exceed (otherwise it will be stopped)<br/>Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation
Create PUSH input on customer environment
port = range of preselected input ports<br/>default latency should be 6000<br/>id maxLength = 128<br/>user_description maxLength = 255<br/>max_allowed_bitrate_kbps is the value your input should not exceed (otherwise it will be stopped)<br/>latency = -1 to 600000<br/>Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation
Update PUSH input
port = range of preselected input ports<br/>id maxLength = 128<br/>user_description maxLength = 255<br/>latency = -1 to 600000<br/>Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation<br/>max_allowed_bitrate_kbps is the value your input should not exceed (otherwise it will be stopped)<br/>input will be stopped.
Create SRT Pull input (SRT Caller)
latency default should be 6000<br/>id maxLength = 128<br/>user_description maxLength = 255<br/>Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the organisation<br/>bitrate is in kb<br/>max_allowed_bitrate_kbps is the value your input should not exceed (otherwise it will be stopped)
Update SRT Pull input (SRT Caller)
id maxLength = 128<br/>user_description maxLength = 255<br/>Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the organisation<br/>bitrate is in kb<br/>max_allowed_bitrate_kbps is the value your input should not exceed (otherwise it will be stopped)
Create SRT push input (SRT Listener)
latency default should be 6000<br/>id maxLength = 128<br/>user_description maxLength = 255<br/>Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation<br/>max_allowed_bitrate_kbps is the value your input should not exceed (otherwise it will be stopped)<br/>max bitrate used for zixi is taken from max_allowed_bitrate_kbps
Update SRT push input (SRT Listener)
latency default should be 6000<br/>id maxLength = 128<br/>user_description maxLength = 255<br/>Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation<br/>max_allowed_bitrate_kbps is the value your input should not exceed (otherwise it will be stopped)<br/>max bitrate used for zixi is taken from max_allowed_bitrate_kbps
Create UDP RIST input on customer environment
Max Latency default should be 1000<br/>Max Bitrate [kbps] default should be 8000<br/>port can be any valid port number<br/>Rist Remote Port can be nullable, and zixi will default to outbound port of sender +1 if so<br/>id maxLength = 128<br/>user_description maxLength = 255<br/>max_allowed_bitrate_kbps is the value your input should not exceed (otherwise it will be stopped)<br/>Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation
Update UDP RIST input on customer environment
port can be any valid port number<br/>Rist Remote Port can be nullable, and zixi will default to outbound port of sender +1 if so<br/>id maxLength = 128<br/>user_description maxLength = 255<br/>max_allowed_bitrate_kbps is the value your input should not exceed (otherwise it will be stopped)<br/>Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation
List inputs
List all inputs from your active organisation. Active organisation might be an organisation that you are<br/>part of or you might have access to it through source invitation.<br/>Technical details (technical_details) are visible only to members of the organisation (admin, operator, viewer)<br/>and superadmins. Those are details that engineers need to connect their their kit to push the data into the<br/>input.<br/>Fields:<br/> - input_settings<br/> - livelink_args<br/> - is_transcoded_input<br/> - associated_transcoder_id<br/> - is_being_transcoded<br/> - has_alerts<br/>are populated only if the user calling this has superuser permission or part of the organisation owning the input
Delete input source
Deletes the input source from customer environment and marks resource deleted<br/>Callable by superadmin, admin or operator of the managing organisation
Get alerts associated with Input
Call can be made by superuser or any user part of the organisation<br/><br/>status field is for - is it active or paused<br/>is_alerting - is for when the alert is currently on-going or has recovered/in ok state
Get input analysis
Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation owning input source
Query customer environment for most recent statistics for input
You need to be part of the organisation owning the input OR a superuser
Reset input analysis
You have to be superuser, admin or operator for the organisation
Reset statistics for an input on customer environment
You have to be superuser, admin or operator for the organisation
Get input schedule information
Get information for history tab. Shows all the schedules associated with the input.<br/>Can be called by superusers and users part of the organisation owning the input.<br/>We do not show history to destination taker organisations.
Start input analysis
Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation owning input source
Start an input on c_env
This also marks the warning_sent to false and input stopped to false<br/>Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation owning input source
Stop input analysis
Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation owning input source
Stop an input on c_env
Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation owning input source
Get thumbnail for input source
Sends a request to c_env to start generating thumbnails and gets one from S3 bucket<br/>Checks if you have permission to this source<br/>You have to be superadmin, part of the organisation of managing organisation or have source invitation<br/>(for the managing org) with show_all_channels or have source invitation that shows this exact channel
Update input dashboard group
Dashboard groups have 4 types:source, destination, mv, transcoder<br/>So when you associate the input with a dashboard group, you need to ensure that the input is being associated with the correct type of dashboard group.<br/>Callable by superuser, admin and operator
Update input latitude and longitude
Callable by superuser, admin and operator
Mark input stopped
This is done when maximum bitrate defined on an input exceeds the bitrate coming into an input, in order<br/>to stop the environment from being crashed.<br/>Callable only by c_env user
Warn input running hot
This sends a warning to all users of the organisation of the source that is running hot.<br/>And marks it accordingly<br/>Callable only by c_env user
List inputs for dropdowns
Returns only active inputs on running environments<br/>Returns ALL inputs which includes different bitrate ladder inputs
List outputs
Done by taker organisation ID
Get outputs state
Call is done for active environment in running state for destinations that are active<br/>Callable by superuser and anyone with access to active environment
Get outputs overview
Done on the active environment basis<br/>Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation
Create pull output
latency left null or negative to set to latency of 'Remote Configuration'<br/>port must be in predefined output port range<br/>potentially give option to generate id for user<br/><br/>Callable by:<br/>-> superuser<br/>-> admin or operator in his managing organisation AND:<br/>active organisation = managing organisation<br/>OR<br/>managing org has been invited through OrganisationSourceInvitation to env org AND:<br/> show_all_channels = True OR show_all_events = True<br/> OR there is a specific permission in OrganisationSourcePermission for the input in the relevant c_env<br/> OR you have access to an event that has label that you have access to and the source is on the relevant c_env<br/><br/>stream_id max length:100 characters<br/>remote_id max length:100 characters
Update pull output
<br/>Permissions the same as for output creation.<br/><br/>max lenght for user_description:255<br/>stream_id max length:100 characters<br/>remote_id max length:100 characters
Create push output
latency left null or negative to set to latency of 'Remote Configuration'<br/>default latency should be remote configuration<br/>latency is in ms<br/>latency refers to max latency<br/>port has to be an integer between 0 and 65535<br/>potentially give option to generate id<br/><br/>Callable by:<br/>-> superuser<br/>-> admin or operator in his managing organisation AND:<br/>active organisation = managing organisation<br/>OR<br/>managing org has been invited through OrganisationSourceInvitation to env org AND:<br/> show_all_channels = True OR show_all_events = True<br/> OR there is a specific permission in OrganisationSourcePermission for the input in the relevant c_env<br/> OR you have access to an event that has label that you have access to and the source is on the relevant c_env<br/><br/>max length for id:128<br/>max lenght for user_description:255<br/>max_length for stream_id:100
Update push output
<br/>Permissions the same as for output creation.<br/><br/>max lenght for user_description:255<br/>max length for stream_id:100
Create rtmp output
bitrate default should be 0<br/>reconnect default should be 5<br/><br/>Callable by:<br/>-> superuser<br/>-> admin or operator in his managing organisation AND:<br/>active organisation = managing organisation<br/>OR<br/>managing org has been invited through OrganisationSourceInvitation to env org AND:<br/> show_all_channels = True OR show_all_events = True<br/> OR there is a specific permission in OrganisationSourcePermission for the input in the relevant c_env<br/> OR you have access to an event that has label that you have access to and the source is on the relevant c_env<br/><br/>url and backup_url needs to start with rtmp:// or rtmps://
Update rtmp output
<br/>Permissions the same as for output creation.<br/><br/>bitrate default should be 0<br/>reconnect default should be 5<br/><br/>url and backup_url needs to start with rtmp:// or rtmps://
Create SRT pull output
<br/>Callable by:<br/>-> superuser<br/>-> admin or operator in his managing organisation AND:<br/>active organisation = managing organisation<br/>OR<br/>managing org has been invited through OrganisationSourceInvitation to env org AND:<br/> show_all_channels = True OR show_all_events = True<br/> OR there is a specific permission in OrganisationSourcePermission for the output in the relevant c_env<br/> OR you have access to an event that has label that you have access to and the source is on the relevant c_env<br/><br/>Latency must be a positive integer less than 600000<br/>Password must be between 10 and 80 characters<br/>Port must be between 1025 and 65535<br/><br/>encryption_type:<br/>- 0 = None<br/>- 1 = AES-128<br/>- 2 = AES-192<br/>- 3 = AES-256
Update SRT pull output
<br/>Permissions the same as for output creation.<br/><br/>Latency must be a positive integer less than 600000<br/>Password must be between 10 and 80 characters<br/>Port must be between 1025 and 65535<br/><br/>encryption_type:<br/>- 0 = None<br/>- 1 = AES-128<br/>- 2 = AES-192<br/>- 3 = AES-256
Create SRT push output (SRT Caller)
<br/>Callable by:<br/>-> superuser<br/>-> admin or operator in his managing organisation AND:<br/>active organisation = managing organisation<br/>OR<br/>managing org has been invited through OrganisationSourceInvitation to env org AND:<br/> show_all_channels = True OR show_all_events = True<br/> OR there is a specific permission in OrganisationSourcePermission for the output in the relevant c_env<br/> OR you have access to an event that has label that you have access to and the source is on the relevant c_env<br/><br/>Latency must be a positive integer less than 600000<br/>Password must be between 10 and 80 characters<br/>Port must be between 1025 and 65535<br/>host = Broadcaster Host Name or IP<br/><br/>encryption_type:<br/>- 0 = None<br/>- 1 = AES-128<br/>- 2 = AES-192<br/>- 3 = AES-256
Update SRT push output (SRT Caller)
<br/>Permissions the same as for output creation.<br/><br/>Latency must be a positive integer less than 600000<br/>Password must be between 10 and 80 characters<br/>Port must be between 1025 and 65535<br/><br/>host = Broadcaster Host Name or IP<br/><br/>encryption_type:<br/>- 0 = None<br/>- 1 = AES-128<br/>- 2 = AES-192<br/>- 3 = AES-256
Create udp rist output
<br/>Callable by:<br/>-> superuser<br/>-> admin or operator in his managing organisation AND:<br/>active organisation = managing organisation<br/>OR<br/>managing org has been invited through OrganisationSourceInvitation to env org AND:<br/> show_all_channels = True OR show_all_events = True<br/> OR there is a specific permission in OrganisationSourcePermission for the input in the relevant c_env<br/> OR you have access to an event that has label that you have access to and the source is on the relevant c_env<br/><br/>fec (forward error correction) if supplied, must be 0, 1 or 2 (0 being Disabled, 1 = 1D, 2 = 2D)<br/>if fec is enabled (values 1 or 2) the valid values for:<br/>rows_d = 4 to 20<br/>columns_l = 1 to 20<br/>rows_d and columns_l are defaulted to 10 if not provided<br/><br/>port must be > 1024 and < 65535<br/>local port can be 0 OR > 1024 and < 65535 AND it must exclude the zixi reserved ports<br/><br/>TTL must be between 0 and 225
Update udp rist output
<br/>Permissions the same as for output creation.<br/><br/>fec (forward error correction) if supplied, must be 0, 1 or 2 (0 being Disabled, 1 = 1D, 2 = 2D)<br/>if fec is enabled (values 1 or 2) the valid values for:<br/>rows_d = 4 to 20<br/>columns_l = 1 to 20<br/>rows_d and columns_l are defaulted to 10 if not provided<br/><br/>port must be > 1024 and < 65535<br/>local port can be 0 OR > 1024 and < 65535 AND it must exclude the zixi reserved ports<br/><br/>TTL must be between 0 and 225
Delete output
Can be done superuser, admin and operator of the taker organisation<br/>Managing organisation must be the taker organisation.<br/>If an output is assigned to a permanent schedule - the agreement gets released<br/>The finishing of the agreement happens in the worker when doing hourly consumptions
Get single output
Get alerts associated with Output
Call can be made by supersuser or anyone with access to the organisation owning output - which is taker<br/>organisation id (because you could be a guest who created the output)<br/><br/>status field is for - is it active or paused<br/>is_alerting - is for when the alert is currently on-going or has recovered/in ok state
Query customer environment for most recent statistics for output
You need to be a superuser or part of the taker organisation owning the output
Schedule a permanent output
This schedules an input to a permanent schedule output<br/>The output has to be a permanent schedule output and the input bitrate can not exceed what the agreement is for<br/>Can be called by admin, superuser or operator<br/>Destination must be a permanently scheduled destination with an agreement ID
Resets statistics for an output on customer environment
You have to be superuser, admin or operator for the taker organisation and managing organisation
Get output schedule information
Get information for history tab. Shows all the schedules associated with the output.<br/>Can be called by superusers and members of takers organisation
Start an output on c_env
Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation owning output
Stop an output on c_env
Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation owning output
Update output dashboard group
Dashboard groups have 4 types:source, destination, mv, transcoder<br/>So when you associate the output with a dashboard group, you need to ensure that the output is being associated with the correct type of dashboard group.<br/>Callable by superuser, admin and operator
Update output latitude and longitude
Callable by superuser, admin and operator
List all outputs in environments
Callable by superuser, admin or operator of the managing organisation<br/>This returns all outputs and all environments - including the deleted ones.<br/>Primary use is for the billing break down where you need to be able to see the deleted items too.
Push alerts to c_envs
Pushes all none-muted, none-deleted alerts to c_envs<br/>Callable only by c_envs
Switch active environment
This gives us new JWT<br/>You can switch to the your chosen environment if:<br/>- you are a superadmin<br/>- you are member of that organisation<br/>- you have an active source permission in that organisation
List environments for dropdowns
Shows both active and deleted environments from managing organisation
Allow destination taker access to an event label
Can be done by superadmin, admin or operator from the source org
Remove destination taker access from an event label
Can be done by superadmin, admin or operator from the source org
Get events for administration
Returns all active events that are part of managing organisation.<br/>This is not for listing events user has access to as a destination taker.<br/>This is purely for managing events. Callable by admin, superadmin or operator
Create an Event for source on running environment
Requires admin, superadmin or operator permission.<br/>name maxLength = 255<br/>description maxLength = 1000<br/>start_time and end_time are in format "0000-00-00T00:00:00+00:00"(but the type with the "z"will work too)
Update an Event for source on running environment
Requires admin, superadmin or operator permission.<br/>name maxLength = 255<br/>description maxLength = 1000<br/>remove_old_image will remove an associated image without replacing it with a new one<br/>other fields will only update only if a value is passed except label_ids which will remove labels if nothing is passed<br/>Not allowed to change to a source from a different environment, because customers taking the event<br/>would have to create outputs to that environment. If you need to do this - delete this event and create a new one,<br/>asking your customers to take the event from that new environment.<br/>start_time and end_time are in format "0000-00-00T00:00:00+00:00"(but the type with the "z"will work too)
Delete event
Can be done by admin, superadmin or operator
Gets image associated with event
Can be called by anybody within the organisation or through event access labels or superadmin<br/>The permissions check against the event is done through ALL organisations user has access to - not just the<br/>active organisation ID
Create event subscription / Consume event
This creates a schedule entry and pushes down to c_env scheduler.<br/>If timed_by_event_owner is false, the start_time and end_time must be provided<br/>Can be created by admin, operator or superadmin of the organisation that owns the output.<br/>User has to have any of the following permissions to the event:<br/> -> Superadmin status<br/> -> Part of the organisation owning the event<br/> -> Access to the event through source invitations<br/>Event input ID must be on the same environment as the output<br/>Listing of event subscriptions can be done in /api/schedules (look for is_event_subscription = True entries)<br/>Deletion of event subscription can be done in /api/schedules/schedule_id<br/>DateTimes are in format:0000-00-00T00:00:00.000Z (for example 2020-08-25T16:30:00.000Z or 2020-08-25T16:30:00.000+02:00)
Update event subscription
Change output / and or timed_by_event_owner parameters<br/>If timed_by_event_owner is false, the start_time and end_time must be provided<br/>Can be done by admin, operator or superadmin of the organisation that owns the output.<br/>User has to have any of the following permissions to the event:<br/> -> Superadmin status<br/> -> Part of the organisation owning the event<br/> -> Access to the event through source invitations<br/>Event input ID must be on the same environment as the output<br/>DateTimes are in format:0000-00-00T00:00:00.000Z (for example 2020-08-25T16:30:00.000Z or 2020-08-25T16:30:00.000+02:00)<br/><br/>Deletion of event subscription is the same as deleting a schedule entry - done in '/api/schedules/<string:schedule_id>'<br/>Listing of schedules are done in '/api/schedules'
Change saved IP address to environment which will become the main environment.
Allows an admin user to change the IP address to another environment or between environments.<br/>target_c_env_id = customer environment ID<br/>cloud_details => the environment you are switching AWAY FROM. For example in DO it is something like "249421054"
Delete saved IP address
Allows an admin user to delete an IP address.
Change saved IP address name
Allows an admin user to change the IP address name.
Get saved IP addresses
Gives you a list of IP addresses for your managing account.
Add external IP addresses
Allows an admin user add IP address details into the system.<br/>For GCP please use the zone.
Log in and get JWT to make further API calls
Callable by anybody.
Get Cloud Resources Usage
Returns the items that are currently running on cloud
Add free credits to organisation
Callable by superuser and accounts.
Delete organisation
Callable only by superuser.<br/>Send an SQS message to delete organisation with all its assets. If there are any running services - stops them.
Switch monthly billing report on or off
Callable by superuser, accounts user and accounts admin
Switch organisation to account
Callable by superuser and accounts.
Get Running State Overview
Provides overview of running / being paid for "things"by organisations<br/>Callable by superuser, accounts users and accounts admins
Delete user.
This de-references the user and deletes it. It does not touch organisation.<br/>Callable only by superuser.
List organisations that I can manage
This is for choosing which organisation you will be managing. This is DIFFERENT from your active organisation.<br/>You active organisation could be an organisation that you are not part of, but your managing organisation<br/>will always be something where you have at least monitor permission<br/>Superusers and accounts can list all organisations
Switch managing organisation
Switches users managing_organisation_id in database and gives you a new jwt token<br/>Also switches active organisation and active environment to be the same as managing organisation
Update MTR Host Group
Update MTR host group<br/>Callable by superuser, admin and operator of the managing organisation
Delete MTR host group
Deletes an MTR host group with all the hosts in it<br/>Callable by superuser, admin and operator
Add a host to MTR Host Group
If host_id is provided - adds existing host to the group.<br/>If host_name and host is provided - creates a new host and adds to the group.<br/>Both of them can be executed at the same time as well.<br/>Callable by superuser, admin and operator of the managing organisation
Get MTR Host Groups
Returns MTR host groups and hosts in your managing organisation<br/>All the hosts that have not been assigned a group get returned with the group_id "null"
Create MTR Host Group
Creates an MTR host group with optional named hosts in the group<br/>Callable by superuser, admin and operator of the managing organisation
Delete MTR host
Deletes a named MTR host<br/>Callable by superuser, admin and operator
List MTR Hosts
Returns all named MTR hosts for managing organisation
List MTR reports
Callable by superuser, admin and operator
Get MTR report result
Get results of the MTR report.<br/>Callable by superuser, admin and operator
Delete MTR report
Callable by superuser, admin and operator
GeoLocate MTR report results
This takes a result from the MTR report and enriches each entry with latitude and longitude if possible.<br/>Callable by superuser, admin and operator
Get multi-viewer layouts
Callable by any authenticated user
Create multi-viewer
The environment is your current active environment from JWT<br/>layout_id = the layout you get from multi-viewer layouts<br/>tile_inputs = tile number pointing to an input/channel id. Tiles start with nr 1.<br/>Validation for this is forgiving. I'm taking only valid values if any are provided.<br/>Also, input_id does not have to be populated - you can create MV with empty inputs.<br/>max_allowed_bitrate_kbps:Integer. Must be from 500 to 30000. If you exceed it, you get cut off - same as normal input.<br/><br/>Encoder settings:<br/>encoder_uhd_tech_type_id:"SDI over IP format". Integer with options:<br/>1:HD-SDI (interlaced)<br/>2:HD/3G-SDI (progressive)<br/>4:Quad Split (progressive)<br/>5:Quad Split (interlaced)<br/>6:2SI (progressive)<br/>7:2SI (interlaced)<br/>8:6G/12G-SDI<br/><br/>is_interlaced:"Interlaced"- boolean<br/>encoder_gop_size_id:"GOP size". Integer with options:<br/>1:24<br/>2:50<br/>3:12<br/>4:1<br/><br/>encoder_frame_rate_id:"Frame Rate". Integer with options:<br/>1:25 fps<br/>2:12.5/25 fps<br/>3:5/25 fps<br/>4:2.5/25 fps<br/>5:2/25 fps<br/>6:1/25 fps<br/>7:23.976 fps<br/>8:24 fps<br/>9:29.97 fps<br/>10:30 fps<br/>11:50 fps<br/>12:59.94 fps<br/>13:60 fps<br/><br/>encoder_gop_size_mode_id:"GOP Size Mode". Integer with options:<br/>1:Static, IPB<br/>2:Dynamic, IPB<br/>3:Static, IP<br/>4:Dynamic, IP<br/><br/>Transport Stream settings:<br/><br/>program_number:"Transport Stream Program Number". Positive integer. Between 1 and 65535. Default to 1<br/><br/>pmt_pid:"Transport Stream PMT PID". Positive integer. Between 33 and 8190. Default to 200. ! Dont use the same pid on other pid fields!<br/><br/>video_pid:"Transport Stream Video PID". Positive integer. Between 33 and 8190. Default to 201 ! Dont use the same pid on other pid fields!<br/><br/>transcoded_audio_pid:"Transport Stream AAC Audio PID". Integer. Between 33 and 8190. Can also be 0 (which means none). Default to 555 ! Dont use the same pid on other pid fields!<br/><br/>passthrough_audio_pid:"Transport Stream Passthrough Audio PID". Integer. Between 33 and 8190. Can also be 0 (which means none). Default to 556 ! Dont use the same pid on other pid fields!<br/><br/>Preset fields are:<br/>-> store_preset:boolean (set true if you want to create or update a preset)<br/>-> preset_id:integer or null (set to id of the preset if you want to update the preset)<br/>-> preset_name:string or null (set to some value if you want to create a new preset)<br/><br/>Callable by superusers and admins of managing org
List multi-viewer presets
Callable by superuser, admin and operator of managing organisation
Delete multi-viewer preset
Callable by superuser, admin and operator of managing organisation
Get multi-viewer details
Returns the details you need for update (encoder and transport stream. Not tiles)<br/>Callable by superusers and admins of managing org
Update multi-viewer
<br/>Multi viewer must be in running state<br/><br/>max_allowed_bitrate_kbps:Integer. Must be from 500 to 30000. If you exceed it, you get cut off - same as normal input.<br/><br/>Encoder settings:<br/>encoder_uhd_tech_type_id:"SDI over IP format". Integer with options:<br/>1:HD-SDI (interlaced)<br/>2:HD/3G-SDI (progressive)<br/>4:Quad Split (progressive)<br/>5:Quad Split (interlaced)<br/>6:2SI (progressive)<br/>7:2SI (interlaced)<br/>8:6G/12G-SDI<br/><br/>is_interlaced:"Interlaced"- boolean<br/>encoder_gop_size_id:"GOP size". Integer with options:<br/>1:24<br/>2:50<br/>3:12<br/>4:1<br/><br/>encoder_frame_rate_id:"Frame Rate". Integer with options:<br/>1:25 fps<br/>2:12.5/25 fps<br/>3:5/25 fps<br/>4:2.5/25 fps<br/>5:2/25 fps<br/>6:1/25 fps<br/>7:23.976 fps<br/>8:24 fps<br/>9:29.97 fps<br/>10:30 fps<br/>11:50 fps<br/>12:59.94 fps<br/>13:60 fps<br/><br/>encoder_gop_size_mode_id:"GOP Size Mode". Integer with options:<br/>1:Static, IPB<br/>2:Dynamic, IPB<br/>3:Static, IP<br/>4:Dynamic, IP<br/><br/>Transport Stream settings:<br/><br/>program_number:"Transport Stream Program Number". Positive integer. Between 1 and 65535. Default to 1<br/><br/>pmt_pid:"Transport Stream PMT PID". Positive integer. Between 33 and 8190. Default to 200 ! Dont use the same pid on other pid fields!<br/><br/>video_pid:"Transport Stream Video PID". Positive integer. Between 33 and 8190. Default to 201 ! Dont use the same pid on other pid fields!<br/><br/>transcoded_audio_pid:"Transport Stream AAC Audio PID". Integer. Between 33 and 8190. Can also be 0 (which means none). Default to 555 ! Dont use the same pid on other pid fields!<br/><br/>passthrough_audio_pid:"Transport Stream Passthrough Audio PID". Integer. Between 33 and 8190. Can also be 0 (which means none). Default to 556 ! Dont use the same pid on other pid fields!<br/><br/>Preset fields are:<br/>-> store_preset:boolean (set true if you want to create or update a preset)<br/>-> preset_id:integer or null (set to id of the preset if you want to update the preset)<br/>-> preset_name:string or null (set to some value if you want to create a new preset)<br/><br/>Callable by superusers and admins of managing org
Delete multi-viewer
Sends and SQS message to start deleting multi-viewer<br/>Can be done by superuser or admin of the organisation
List multi-viewer audio tracks
Callable by superuser or any user who are part of the organisation owning the multi-viewer
Switch multi-viewer active audio track
Switch multi viewer active audio to specific track (one tile could have many tracks) or switch the active<br/>audio off.<br/>To switch off active audio track you need to pass "turn_active_input_off":true<br/>Callable by superuser admin and operator of the organisation owning the multi-viewer
Switch multi-viewer tile video sources and update titles
Allows to specify which video input goes into which tile<br/>You can specify only the tiles that you want to update - dont have to do all of them.<br/>If you want to switch a tile off - send empty string ("") in input_id<br/>Callable by superusers and admins of managing org
Get notifications for managing organisation
Delete multiple notifications
Mark multiple notifications to read
Mute notifications by category for managing organisation
Get muted notification categories of managing organisation
Get notifications for managing organisation
Mark notification to read
Delete notification
Add user to organisation
Adds user to your managing organisation. If user does not exists - creates the user and displays the password.
List alert methods for the managing organisation
Create alert method for managing organisation
Can be called by superadmins, admins or operators<br/>alert_type must be valid alert type eg. 'email', 'slack'<br/>notification_parameters must be a list of valid addressses<br/>max length for name - 65 characters
Update alert method
You have to do be admin, superadmin or operator to do this<br/>max length for name - 65 characters<br/>Alert type must be 'email' or 'slack'
Delete alert method
You have to do be admin, superadmin or operator to do this
Remove user from organisation
Removes user from organisation.<br/>If the user being deleted is not calling user and not the creator of the organisation - the user record gets deleted too.
Update organisation user permission
If enabled == False - deletes the permission<br/>Valid values for permission_type are:'admin', 'operator', 'monitor'<br/>Can be called by admins of the organisation and superusers and account admins<br/>Does not do any checks if you are updating your own user. So be careful about taking off admin permissions from yourself - the effect is immediate.
Get users in organisation
Returns only your details if you are not admin of the organisation or you're not superuser or not account's user.
Get organisations for the organisations dropdown.
First on the list will be management organisation, after that guest organisations.<br/>Superusers are treated exactly the same as normal users.<br/>There will be only one managing organisation and any number of quest orgs (regardless if you are an admin in those)
Create organisation and become an admin for it
DOES NOT change active organisation, unless this is your first organisation OR this is your only organisation because of decline<br/>name maxLength = 150<br/>Anyone logged in can create a new organisation, however there should be no other organisation created that is<br/>still on free_credits payment method. If there is - we dont allow to create another org.<br/>The newly created organisation can get free credits, subject to IP checks on organisations that have ran out of<br/>funds. If your IP matches the ones that have ran out of money, you wont get free credits.<br/>When creating more than one organisation, the newly created organisation WILL NOT be visible in /organisations - because it is not your managing_organisation_id
List organisations Im guest of
Gives also the shared contacts<br/>Callable by superuser and anyone who has access to managing org
Change root user of organisation
Only managing organisation user with root privilege can make this call
Remove organisation invitation by email
Can be called by superuser or admin of the managing organisation that created the inviation
Decline organisation invitation
Deletes the OrganisationInvitation<br/>Deletes organisation user permissions too for that organisation<br/>Callable by user whos's email is on the invitation
Leave managing organisation
Create Organisation Source Invitation
This is for inviting other organisations to ACCESS your resources, NOT TO invite a user to become part of your<br/>organisation.<br/>Can be called by superadmins and admins of the organisation.<br/>Destination temporary name is what you think the taker company is called - organisation name.<br/>In response you get source_invitation_token that you then send to the taking organisation yourself.<br/>Source organisation is your managing organisation NOT active organisation<br/><br/>destination_temporary_name field maximum length:30 characters
Accept Organisation Source Invitation NOT ORGANISATION INVITATION
Organisation that this will be accepted in is your managing organisation NOT active organisation
Switch to a new active organisation ID
You can switch to an active organisation if:<br/> -> You are part of that organisation<br/> -> You have an organisation source invitation that is accepted for that org. (This does not check event or source permissions)<br/>is_member_of_active_org means whether you are an admin, operator or viewer of that organisation - opposed<br/>to having just a source invitation. is_member_of_active_org is switched on to superadmins
Update organisation details
Available only to superusers, account admins and account users<br/>name must be at 3 to 150 characters<br/>currency can be usd, gbp or eur<br/>purchase_order_number can not exceed 100 characters
List recording buckets and their values
Returns all recording buckets in your managing organisation.<br/>You Have to be superadmin, admin or operator for this.
Create a recording bucket
Create a recording bucket. This is where the recording will be uploaded to when the recording is finished and<br/>/ or transcoded. You need admin, operator or superadmin permission to the active org for this<br/>For s3 delivery:<br/>bucket_path looks like:bucket_name/folder_within_bucket<br/>bucket has to exist, folder/subfolder will be created if it does not exist<br/>name maxLength 255
Create a new recording shcedule
Sets up a new recording - when to start, when to stop, whether to transcode and which bucket to deliver to.<br/>You have to have superadmin, admin or operator permission for this<br/>start_time and stop_time:2020-06-12T11:05:00+0000
Update recording schedule
Updates the db entry and sends all the active schedules down to C_ENV.<br/>You need to be admin, operator or superadmin for this.
Delete recording schedule
Depending what the recording status is - sends or does not send payloads down to c_env too.<br/>You need to be admin, superadmin or operator for this.
Get upcoming recording schedules in environment
You have to be admin, superadmin, operator or monitor for the organisation who owns the environment.
List pending scheduled upgrades for environments in active org.
You have to be superuser or member of the organisation to make this call<br/>instance_id refers to both evnironment_id and transcoder_id<br/>unit_type for now can be 'c_env' or 'transcoder'
Update scheduled environment upgrade / start upgrade now
You need to be superadmin or admin of the organisation to do this<br/>When starting c_env upgrade, you can get the progress of the c_env upgrade by doing a GET call to<br/>/api/customer_environment/<environment_id>
Get schedules for managing organisation
Filters out schedules for the organisation that you are managing at the moment - regardless if your superuser<br/>Also filters out deleted schedules.
Create schedule entry
DateTimes are in format:0000-00-00T00:00:00.000Z (for example 2020-08-25T16:30:00.000Z or 2020-08-25T16:30:00.000+02:00)<br/>Admin, superadmin or operator operation needed for this<br/>start_time can be a datetime or a string "NOW"which means - start it now
Get schedule overview
Returns schedules in period selected for the active environment.
Request Schedule Refresh
This is called upon scheduler starting on c_env.<br/>The purpose of this call is to reshuffle outputs in terms of who will start and who will not.<br/>It can be scale up or scale down event.<br/>It will recalculate who will start and then push out the new state to the C_ENV.<br/>Callable only by c_envs
Request Schedule Refresh FROM WORKER
Callable only by cloud worker.
Dump scheduler state
This is for debugging purposes only<br/>Calls c_env, dumps json state and also dumps the internal state from scheduler
Get schedule info
Can be called by superuser, member of the organisation who created the destination
Update schedule entry
Sends all the active schedules down to C_ENV.<br/>Not allowing to change source or destination, for that you need to use delete and create new one.<br/>Also, start time is an optional field. This is so that we can update something to run for a bit longer,<br/>if it has started already. The same applies to end time - we can amend start time only if we want to.<br/>DateTimes are in format:0000-00-00T00:00:00.000Z (for example 2020-08-25T16:30:00.000Z or 2020-08-25T16:30:00.000+02:00)<br/>start_time can be a datetime or a string "NOW"which means - start it now<br/><br/>Admin, operator or superadmin permission needed for this<br/><br/>!!!!! SUPER IMPORTANT. The principle here is that you send schedules to C_ENV only ONCE.<br/>Scheduler works with the principle of - clear all running ones then start up again the ones that need to be<br/>running. So on EVERY call you make to c_env you have to push ALL schedule entries that still need to do something
Delete schedule
Superuser, admin or operator permission needed<br/>Depending what the recording status is - sends or does not send payloads down to c_env.
Get schedule status
Can be called by superuser, member of the organisation who created the destination
Get contacts that I'm sharing
Returns shared contacts from the managing organisation. These are the ones I AM SHARING WITH OTHERS<br/>Callable by superuser and any user part of the managing org
Create new shared contact
name:max characters 80<br/>email:mach character 150<br/>phone:mach character 150<br/>Callable by superuser, admin and operator of managing org<br/>name, email and phone fields can contain:letters, numbers, spaces, period, comma, hyphen(-), @, _, +, !
Get shared contacts with me
Returns shared contacts from organisation I am a guest IN<br/>Callable by superuser and any user part of the managing org
Update shared contact
name:max characters 80<br/>email:mach character 150<br/>phone:mach character 150<br/>Callable by superuser, admin and operator of managing org<br/>name, email and phone fields can contain:letters, numbers, spaces, period, comma, hyphen, @, _,
Delete shared contact
Callable by superuser, admin and operator of managing org
List Organisation Source Invitations / Permissions for managing organisation
Users belonging to the organisation or superadmins can make this call.
Allow destination taker access to input / channel
Can be done by superadmin, admin or operator from the source organisations side<br/>Done for managing organisation
Remove destination taker access from input/channel
Can be done by superadmin, admin or operator from the source org
Update Source Permissions from owners point of view
This allows to:<br/>-> switch show_all_channels<br/>-> switch billing_source (values can be 'source_owner' or 'destination_taker')<br/>-> switch show_all_events<br/>-> switch registered (essentially kick someone out - that should result in all sources / events revoked)<br/>-> Set the global number of destinations per environment that the guest can create<br/>Superadmins, admins and operators who own this org can make this call<br/>This is done for the managing organisation<br/><br/>global_max_destinations valid values are from 1 to 10
Delete source invitation / Leave organisation
This deletes source invitation, destinations and schedules for the guest organisation as well as deletes alerts.<br/>Superadmins, admins and operators who own this org can make this call<br/>Also, an admin from guest organisation can delete this too (equivalent of them leaving the organisation)
Update channel visibility per invitation per environment
token = source invitation token<br/>Callable by superuser and admins of managing org
Delete all destinations from guest in c_env
token = source invitation token<br/>Callable by superuser and admins of managing org<br/>Deletes all active destinations from guest organisation.<br/>Also deletes alerts if there are any associated with those destinations.
Update max destinations count for guest org
token = source invitation token<br/>Callable by superuser and admins of managing org
List transcoders
Lists none-deleted transcoders<br/>You need to be a member of the organisation or super user to do this
Create transcoder for input source
Checks whether user calling this is Admin for the organisation or Superadmin.<br/>Checks whether environment is running, does source exist.<br/>Creates a pull output for the input, creates push input.<br/>Starts the creation of source transcoder.<br/>Registers entry in DB, fires off SQS message.<br/>FOR NOW, not intending to talk to Cloud API from the transcoder. Transcoder will have API on it, but will be<br/>talked to only from cloud. So WE DO NOT CREATE A System User when we create a transcoder.<br/>supported instance type ID is picked automatically<br/><br/>Valid video settings:<br/>-> video_codec:"HEVC"or "MPEG-4",<br/>-> video_frame_size:"426x240","640x360","720x480","720x576","854x480","1280x720","1920x1080","3840x2160"<br/>-> video_frame_rate:"23.98","24","25","29.97","30","50","59.94","60"HOWEVER!if you use "video_frame_type"the max video_frame_rate you can pick is 50<br/>-> video_bitrate:1 to 30000 (this is in kilobits - in titan we multiply this by 1000)<br/>-> video_gop:positive integer between 1 and 599<br/>-> video_frame_type:"Progressive"or "Interlaced"<br/><br/>Valid audio settings:<br/>-> audio_codec:"MPEG AAC"or "MPEG Layer2"<br/>-> audio_sample_rate:<br/>---> for audio_codec "MPEG AAC":"8 kHz","11.025 kHz","12 kHz","16 kHz","22.05 kHz","24 kHz","32 kHz","44.1 kHz","48 kHz","64 kHz","88.2 kHz","96 kHz"<br/>---> for audio_codec "MPEG Layer2":"32 kHz","44.1 kHz","48 kHz"<br/>-> audio_bitrate:<br/>---> for audio_codec "MPEG AAC":"64Kbps","128Kbps","192Kbps","256Kbps"<br/>---> for audio_codec "MPEG Layer2":"64Kbps","96Kbps","128Kbps","160Kbps","192Kbps","224Kbps","256Kbps","320Kbps","384Kbps"<br/>-> number_of_audio_tracks:1 to 20<br/><br/>Valid mpeg4_avc_encoder_profile values (this is only for MPEG-4 video):<br/>"Baseline","Main","High","High 4:2:2 10"<br/><br/>The resulting input and output will have 150 milliseconds latency.<br/><br/>PRESETS<br/>You can create or update a preset if you choose to do so.<br/>Preset fields are:<br/>-> store_preset:boolean (set true if you want to create or update a preset)<br/>-> preset_id:integer or null (set to id of the preset if you want to update the preset)<br/>-> preset_name:string or null (set to some value if you want to create a new preset)<br/><br/>create_from_image is an optional field, which defaults to true. So if the image is available - it will be built from image.<br/>However, you can explicitlyu say that you don't want to build it from image. That's more for development really.<br/><br/>extra_video_tracks - video_track_number 0 is reserved for the "base"entry. Up to 5 extra video tracks (so the total is 6)<br/><br/>Inside extra video tracks:<br/> -> "program_number":1 - 65535<br/> -> "pcr_pid":0, 32 - 8189<br/> -> "pmt_pid":0, 32 - 8189<br/> -> video_bitrate:1 to 30000 and must be in descending or equal order (starting from "video_bitrate"that is in the main payload). For example 8000, 5000, 5000 is valid, but 5000, 5000, 8000 is not.<br/><br/>video_track_pid:0 - 8189<br/><br/>first_video_program_number: 1 - 65535<br/>first_video_pcr_pid:0, 32 - 8189<br/>first_video_pmt_pid:0, 32 - 8189<br/><br/>-> audio_pid_overrides:List of PIDs that you want the output to have. Value 0 to 8190 with no repeating numbers (unless 0)
List transcoder presets
Callable by superuser, admin and operator of managing organisation
Delete transcoder preset
Callable by superuser, admin and operator of managing organisation
Get single transcoder details
Update transcoding service parameters
Have to be superadmin or admin or operator of the source owner organisation<br/><br/>Valid video settings:<br/>-> video_codec:"HEVC"or "MPEG-4",<br/>-> video_frame_size:"426x240","640x360","720x480","720x576","854x480","1280x720","1920x1080","3840x2160"<br/>-> video_frame_rate:"23.98","24","25","29.97","30","50","59.94","60"HOWEVER!if you use "video_frame_type"the max video_frame_rate you can pick is 50<br/>-> video_bitrate:1 to 30000 (this is in kilobits - in titan we multiply this by 1000)<br/>-> video_gop:positive integer between 1 and 599<br/>-> video_frame_type:"Progressive"or "Interlaced"<br/><br/>Valid audio settings:<br/>-> audio_codec:"MPEG AAC"or "MPEG Layer2"<br/>-> audio_sample_rate:<br/>---> for audio_codec "MPEG AAC":"8 kHz","11.025 kHz","12 kHz","16 kHz","22.05 kHz","24 kHz","32 kHz","44.1 kHz","48 kHz","64 kHz","88.2 kHz","96 kHz"<br/>---> for audio_codec "MPEG Layer2":"32 kHz","44.1 kHz","48 kHz"<br/>-> audio_bitrate:<br/>---> for audio_codec "MPEG AAC":"64Kbps","128Kbps","192Kbps","256Kbps"<br/>---> for audio_codec "MPEG Layer2":"64Kbps","96Kbps","128Kbps","160Kbps","192Kbps","224Kbps","256Kbps","320Kbps","384Kbps"<br/>-> audio_track_pid_list:List of PIDs of audios in the order you want them. You acquire them by doing a probe request. For example:[103, 104]<br/><br/>Valid mpeg4_avc_encoder_profile values (this is only for MPEG-4 video):<br/>"Baseline","Main","High","High 4:2:2 10"<br/><br/>PRESETS<br/>You can create or update a preset if you choose to do so.<br/>Preset fields are:<br/>-> store_preset:boolean (set true if you want to create or update a preset)<br/>-> preset_id:integer or null (set to id of the preset if you want to update the preset)<br/>-> preset_name:string or null (set to some value if you want to create a new preset)
Delete transcoder
Sends and SQS message to start delete transcoder<br/>Can be done by superuser or admin of the organisation
Probe transcoder audio tracks
Can be done Superuser and anyone part of the organisation.<br/>The customer environment and the transcoder must be in running state
Restart Transcoder
Restarts the transcoding service on titan live
Start a stopped transcoder
Sends a message to start and wait for the transcoder to start.<br/>Can be done by superuser or admin of the organisation
Stop transcoder
Marks the transcoder straight away, sends message to stop and wait for the transcoder to be stopped.<br/>Can be done by superuser or admin of the organisation
Update transcoder audio tracks
-> audio_track_pid_list:List of PIDs of audios in the order you want them. You acquire them by doing a probe request. For example:[103, 104]<br/>-> audio_pid_overrides:List of PIDs that you want the output to have. Value 0 to 8190 with no repeating numbers (unless 0)
Update transcoding service parameters (without pids)
Have to be superadmin or admin or operator of the source owner organisation<br/><br/>Valid video settings:<br/>-> video_codec:"HEVC"or "MPEG-4",<br/>-> video_frame_size:"426x240","640x360","720x480","720x576","854x480","1280x720","1920x1080","3840x2160"<br/>-> video_frame_rate:"23.98","24","25","29.97","30","50","59.94","60"HOWEVER!if you use "video_frame_type"the max video_frame_rate you can pick is 50<br/>-> video_bitrate:1 to 30000 (this is in kilobits - in titan we multiply this by 1000)<br/>-> video_gop:positive integer between 1 and 599<br/>-> video_frame_type:"Progressive"or "Interlaced"<br/><br/>Valid audio settings:<br/>-> audio_codec:"MPEG AAC"or "MPEG Layer2"<br/>-> audio_sample_rate:<br/>---> for audio_codec "MPEG AAC":"8 kHz","11.025 kHz","12 kHz","16 kHz","22.05 kHz","24 kHz","32 kHz","44.1 kHz","48 kHz","64 kHz","88.2 kHz","96 kHz"<br/>---> for audio_codec "MPEG Layer2":"32 kHz","44.1 kHz","48 kHz"<br/>-> audio_bitrate:<br/>---> for audio_codec "MPEG AAC":"64Kbps","128Kbps","192Kbps","256Kbps"<br/>---> for audio_codec "MPEG Layer2":"64Kbps","96Kbps","128Kbps","160Kbps","192Kbps","224Kbps","256Kbps","320Kbps","384Kbps"<br/><br/>Valid mpeg4_avc_encoder_profile values (this is only for MPEG-4 video):<br/>"Baseline","Main","High","High 4:2:2 10"<br/><br/>PRESETS<br/>You can create or update a preset if you choose to do so.<br/>Preset fields are:<br/>-> store_preset:boolean (set true if you want to create or update a preset)<br/>-> preset_id:integer or null (set to id of the preset if you want to update the preset)<br/>-> preset_name:string or null (set to some value if you want to create a new preset)<br/><br/>input_id is optional. If provided will check if we are already on this input, if not - will switch the input.<br/><br/>extra_video_tracks - video_track_number 0 is reserved for the "base"entry. Up to 5 extra video tracks (so the total is 6)<br/><br/>Inside extra video tracks:<br/> -> "program_number":1 - 65535<br/> -> "pcr_pid":0, 32 - 8189<br/> -> "pmt_pid":0, 32 - 8189<br/> -> video_bitrate:1 to 30000 and must be in descending or equal order (starting from "video_bitrate"that is in the main payload). For example 8000, 5000, 5000 is valid, but 5000, 5000, 8000 is not.<br/><br/>video_track_pid:0 - 8189<br/><br/>first_video_program_number: 1 - 65535<br/>first_video_pcr_pid:0, 32 - 8189<br/>first_video_pmt_pid:0, 32 - 8189
Create transcoder images
Transcoder_size is "small"or "big". Region can be passed if you just want to create one specific image.<br/>Callable by superuser
Delete transcoder images
Deletes transcoder images.<br/>Callable by superuser
Get Destination Organisation Statistics
Get a list of environments taking an output. This could be destination or guest organisations.<br/>By default, destination output is shown. If there are no outputs no organisations will be returned.<br/>Callable by superuser and user who is part of the organisation owning the destination taker organisation.<br/>time_from and time_to parameters Format:2020-09-16T12:37:00+0000
Get input traffic stats
Callable by superusers and any user part of the organisation<br/>time_from and time_to are mandatory parameters Format:2020-09-16T12:37:00+0000
Get output traffic stats
Callable by superusers and any user part of the organisation<br/>time_from and time_to are mandatory parameters Format:2020-09-16T12:37:00+0000<br/>For now this returns ALL statistics about outputs on the env. If this is to be used by UI, we probably need<br/>to filter out the outputs by taker organisation ID
Get packets report
Callable by superusers and any user part of the organisation<br/>time_from and time_to are mandatory parameters Format:2020-09-16
Get TitanFile supported cloud providers
Get TitanFile supported regions in selected cloud provider
List TitanFile credentials
Get all the existing credentials from specified titanfile deployment.
Create TitanFile credentials
For payload arguments see the titan file documentation.<br/>Sample payload for S3 credentials:<br/>{<br/>"name":"credentials_name",<br/>"protocol":"s3",<br/>"access_key":"YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY",<br/>"secret_key":"YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY",<br/>"buckets_creation_options":{<br/>"region":"us-east-1"<br/>}<br/>}
Get TitanFile credentials
Get a credential, using the name as the unique identifier in specified TitanFile deployment.
Create or Update TitanFile credentials
For payload arguments see the titan file documentation.<br/>Sample payload for S3 credentials:<br/>{<br/>"name":"credentials_name",<br/>"protocol":"s3",<br/>"access_key":"YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY",<br/>"secret_key":"YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY",<br/>"buckets_creation_options":{<br/>"region":"us-east-1"<br/>}<br/>}
Delete TitanFile credentials
List TitanFile Deployments
Lists titan file deployments in managing organisation
Create TitanFile deployment
Creates a new deployment for the managing organisation<br/>Callable by superuser and admin of the managing organisation<br/>Valid name is 1 to 100 characters long consisting of any of "a-zA-Z0-9. _-"<br/>Current valid version IDs:<br/> - "2.13.3"<br/> - "2.13.4"
Delete TitanFile deployment
Callable by superuser and admin of the managing organisation
Start TitanFile deployment
Callable by superuser and admin of the managing organisation
Stop TitanFile deployment
Callable by superuser and admin of the managing organisation
Upgrade TitanFile deployment
Callable by superuser and admin of the managing organisation<br/>Current valid version IDs:<br/> - "2.13.3"<br/> - "2.13.4"
Query tf job costs with specified parameters.
The following parameteres can be used to filter TF job costs:<br/><br/>id:integer.<br/>Job id.<br/><br/>name:string.<br/>job name.<br/><br/>region:string.<br/>TF deployment region.<br/><br/>deployment_name:string.<br/>TF Deployment name.<br/><br/>offset:integer.<br/>Offset of the first element to return.<br/><br/>limit:integer.<br/>Maximum number of items that may be returned. Maximum limit can not exceed 200 entries.<br/><br/>sort:array of objects.<br/>This parameter is a comma-separated list of sort keys.<br/>Example value:[{"field":"job_id","direction":"asc"}]<br/>Allowed 'fields':job_id, created_at, job_name, status, job_start_time, job_finish_time, source_filename,<br/>destination_filename, duration, cost_calculated, job_type, region, deployment_name.<br/><br/>status:string.<br/>The possible values are:finished, aborted, crashed.<br/><br/>created_at:object.<br/>Example value:{"gt":"1991-09-25T13:22:18","lt":"1992-09-25T13:22:18"},<br/><br/>job_start_time:object.<br/>Example value:{"gt":"1991-09-25T13:22:18","lt":"1992-09-25T13:22:18"},<br/><br/>job_finish_time:object.<br/>Example value:{"gt":"1991-09-25T13:22:18","lt":"1992-09-25T13:22:18"},<br/><br/>type:string.<br/>Filter by job type. Possible values:hd, uhd, sd.<br/><br/>source_filename:string<br/>Filter by source file name.<br/><br/>destination_filename:string.<br/>Filter by destination file name.<br/><br/>duration:object<br/>Filter by duration of a job.<br/>Example value:{"gt":90,"lt":180},<br/>'gt', 'lt' values specified in seconds.<br/><br/>cost_calculated:object<br/>Filter job costs greater or less than a value.<br/>Example value:{"gt":90,"lt":180},<br/>'gt', 'lt' values specified in customer currency units.<br/><br/>Additionally if 'Deployment-Id' header is present the filtering will happen for the specified deployment.
Get tf job templates.
Create titanfile job template.
Get tf job templates.
Update tf job template.
Delete tf job template.
Get TitanFile jobs
Returns jobs for the specified deployment id.<br/>status = livelink status<br/>state = Titan File status (you get that only when it's sent to titan file)<br/>id = Livelink job ID. All the subsequent interactions (getting, stopping, starting, deleting a job) is done using this ID.<br/>tf_job_id = Titan File job ID. You get it only when the job is pushed into Titan File for processing.<br/><br/>The other fields returned (like configuration, workflows, index etc.) are documented in Titan File documentation
Create TitanFile job
See titan file api documentation for arguments<br/>Payload has the same specification as creating job in Titanfile REST API.<br/>Swagger document showing name and configuration has been added for the convenience only (to allow to post jobs using swagger).
Get TitanFile jobs
Returns jobs for the specified deployment id.<br/>status = livelink status<br/>state = Titan File status (you get that only when it's sent to titan file)<br/>id = Livelink job ID. All the subsequent interactions (getting, stopping, starting, deleting a job) is done using this ID.<br/>tf_job_id = Titan File job ID. You get it only when the job is pushed into Titan File for processing.<br/><br/>The other fields returned (like configuration, workflows, index etc.) are documented in Titan File documentation
Delete TitanFile job
See titan file api documentation for arguments<br/>Delete a job from the specified deployment.
Change TitanFile job priority
Priority can be changed for jobs in pending status only.<br/>new_priority field must be a positive integer.
Get esam report
Restart TitanFile job
Restart a crashed titan file job.<br/>Job needs to be in titan file and the cluster needs to be in a running state.
Start TitanFile job
See titan file api documentation for arguments<br/>Start a stopped job on the specified deployment.<br/>Job can be started only while it's not in Titan File. Failed and aborted jobs can not be started.<br/>Starting a job while it's NOT in titan file sets it to be active in queue.
Get job state
Get job state from the specifed deployment.
Stop TitanFile job
See titan file api documentation for arguments<br/>Stop a job on the specified deployment.<br/>Job can be stopped while it's not in Titan File or while it's in titan file.<br/>Stopping a job while it's NOT in titan file prevents it from progressing through the queue INTO titan file.
Get tf templates.
Retrieve templates from specified titanfile deployment or global ones.
Create titanfile templates.
See titan file api documentation for arguments<br/>Templates are global by default and created in all titanfile<br/>deployments. When a deployment_id is specified as header and local_only<br/>they re created only to the specified deployment. See titanfile documentation for<br/>job configuration payload.
Get tf templates.
Retrieve templates from specified titanfile deployment or global ones.
Update tf template.
This will update the related template in all the titanfile deployments<br/>that the template are deployed.
Delete tf template.
This will delete the specified template in all the titanfile deployments<br/>that the template is deployed.
Get logged in user details
is_invitation_suspended values mean the following:<br/>-> null = you are owner of this org and there's is not invitation for this<br/>-> true = invitation is suspended (but was accepted at some point)<br/>-> false = invitation is active
Mark getting started seen
Mute notifications by category for user.
Get logged in users active organisation details
DEPRECATED. Use /api/user call to get the name of org.
Get logged in user permissions
No permission check on this call
Get user details
Return user details for myself or anybody if I am a superuser<br/>This is a very questionable API call. Probably we should get rid of it.
Action Slack Webhooks
List Zixi Configs for C Env
Lists all the available configs for an environment.<br/>The configs are ordered by most recent to least recent (descending order of creation).
7 months ago