
Asana is a web-based application that helps teams and individuals manage projects and tasks. With Asana, users can create projects, assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress. It also allows for team communication and file sharing.

Asana offers customizable workflows and integrations with other tools such as calendars, email, and file-sharing platforms, making it a versatile solution for team collaboration and productivity. With Asana, teams can stay organized and on track to achieve their goals.

Supported Operations


Get an attachment

Get the full record for a single attachment.

Delete an attachment

Deletes a specific, existing attachment. Returns an empty data record.

Submit parallel requests

Make multiple requests in parallel to Asana's API.

Create a custom field

Creates a new custom field in a workspace. Every custom field is required to be created in a specific workspace, and this workspace cannot be changed once set. A custom field’s name must be unique within a workspace and not conflict with names of existing task properties such as ‘Due Date’ or ‘Assignee’. A custom field’s type must be one of ‘text’, ‘enum’, or ‘number’. Returns the full record of the newly created custom field.

Get a custom field

Get the complete definition of a custom field’s metadata. Since custom fields can be defined for one of a number of types, and these types have different data and behaviors, there are fields that are relevant to a particular type. For instance, as noted above, enum_options is only relevant for the enum type and defines the set of choices that the enum could represent. The examples below show some of these type-specific custom field definitions.

Update a custom field

A specific, existing custom field can be updated by making a PUT request on the URL for that custom field. Only the fields provided in the `data` block will be updated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged When using this method, it is best to specify only those fields you wish to change, or else you may overwrite changes made by another user since you last retrieved the custom field. A custom field’s `type` cannot be updated. An enum custom field’s `enum_options` cannot be updated with this endpoint. Instead see “Work With Enum Options” for information on how to update `enum_options`. Locked custom fields can only be updated by the user who locked the field. Returns the complete updated custom field record.

Delete a custom field

A specific, existing custom field can be deleted by making a DELETE request on the URL for that custom field. Locked custom fields can only be deleted by the user who locked the field. Returns an empty data record.

Create an enum option

Creates an enum option and adds it to this custom field’s list of enum options. A custom field can have at most 50 enum options (including disabled options). By default new enum options are inserted at the end of a custom field’s list. Locked custom fields can only have enum options added by the user who locked the field. Returns the full record of the newly created enum option.

Reorder a custom field's enum

Moves a particular enum option to be either before or after another specified enum option in the custom field. Locked custom fields can only be reordered by the user who locked the field.

Update an enum option

Updates an existing enum option. Enum custom fields require at least one enabled enum option. Locked custom fields can only be updated by the user who locked the field. Returns the full record of the updated enum option.

Get events on a resource

Returns the full record for all events that have occurred since the sync token was created. A GET request to the endpoint /[path_to_resource]/events can be made in lieu of including the resource ID in the data for the request. *Note: The resource returned will be the resource that triggered the event. This may be different from the one that the events were requested for. For example, a subscription to a project will contain events for tasks contained within the project.*

Get goals

Returns compact goal records.

Create a goal

Creates a new goal in a workspace or team. Returns the full record of the newly created goal.

Get a goal

Returns the complete goal record for a single goal.

Update a goal

An existing goal can be updated by making a PUT request on the URL for that goal. Only the fields provided in the `data` block will be updated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged. Returns the complete updated goal record.

Delete a goal

A specific, existing goal can be deleted by making a DELETE request on the URL for that goal. Returns an empty data record.

Add a collaborator to a goal

Adds followers to a goal. Returns the goal the followers were added to. Each goal can be associated with zero or more followers in the system. Requests to add/remove followers, if successful, will return the complete updated goal record, described above.

Add a subgoal to a parent goal

Adds a subgoal to a parent goal. *A goal can have at most 100 subgoals, and a subgoal can have at most 4 parent goals. Returns an empty data block.

Add a project/portfolio as supporting work for a goal.

Adds a project or portfolio as supporting work for a goal. *A goal can have at most 10 supporting projects/portfolios, and a project/portfolio can support at most 10 goals*.

Get parent goals from a goal

Returns a compact representation of all of the parent goals of a goal.

Remove a collaborator from a goal

Removes followers from a goal. Returns the goal the followers were removed from. Each goal can be associated with zero or more followers in the system. Requests to add/remove followers, if successful, will return the complete updated goal record, described above.

Remove a subgoal from a goal

Removes a goal as a subgoal of a specified parent goal.

Remove a project/portfolio as supporting work for a goal.

Removes a project or portfolio as supporting work for a goal.

Create a goal metric

Creates and adds a goal metric to a specified goal. Note that this replaces an existing goal metric if one already exists.

Update a goal metric

Updates a goal's existing metric's `current_number_value` if one exists, otherwise responds with a 400 status code. Returns the complete updated goal metric record.

Get subgoals from a goal

Returns a compact representation of all of the subgoals of a goal.

Get supporting work from a goal

Returns any portfolios or projects associated with specified goal.

Get a job by id

Returns the full record for a job.

Create an organization export request

This method creates a request to export an Organization. Asana will complete the export at some point after you create the request.

Get details on an org export request

Returns details of a previously-requested Organization export.

Get teams in an organization

Returns the compact records for all teams in the organization visible to the authorized user.

Get multiple portfolio memberships

Returns a list of portfolio memberships in compact representation. You must specify `portfolio`, `portfolio` and `user`, or `workspace` and `user`.

Get a portfolio membership

Returns the complete portfolio record for a single portfolio membership.

Get multiple portfolios

Returns a list of the portfolios in compact representation that are owned by the current API user.

Create a portfolio

Creates a new portfolio in the given workspace with the supplied name. Note that portfolios created in the Asana UI may have some state (like the “Priority” custom field) which is automatically added to the portfolio when it is created. Portfolios created via our API will *not* be created with the same initial state to allow integrations to create their own starting state on a portfolio.

Get a portfolio

Returns the complete portfolio record for a single portfolio.

Update a portfolio

An existing portfolio can be updated by making a PUT request on the URL for that portfolio. Only the fields provided in the `data` block will be updated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged. Returns the complete updated portfolio record.

Delete a portfolio

An existing portfolio can be deleted by making a DELETE request on the URL for that portfolio. Returns an empty data record.

Add a custom field to a portfolio

Custom fields are associated with portfolios by way of custom field settings. This method creates a setting for the portfolio.

Add a portfolio item

Add an item to a portfolio. Returns an empty data block.

Add users to a portfolio

Adds the specified list of users as members of the portfolio. Returns the updated portfolio record.

Get a portfolio's custom fields

Returns a list of all of the custom fields settings on a portfolio, in compact form.

Get portfolio items

Get a list of the items in compact form in a portfolio.

Get memberships from a portfolio

Returns the compact portfolio membership records for the portfolio.

Remove a custom field from a portfolio

Removes a custom field setting from a portfolio.

Remove a portfolio item

Remove an item from a portfolio. Returns an empty data block.

Remove users from a portfolio

Removes the specified list of users from members of the portfolio. Returns the updated portfolio record.

Get a project membership

Returns the complete project record for a single project membership.

Get a project status

Returns the complete record for a single status update.

Delete a project status

Deletes a specific, existing project status update. Returns an empty data record.

Get multiple projects

Returns the compact project records for some filtered set of projects. Use one or more of the parameters provided to filter the projects returned. *Note: This endpoint may timeout for large domains. Try filtering by team!*

Create a project

Create a new project in a workspace or team. Every project is required to be created in a specific workspace or organization, and this cannot be changed once set. Note that you can use the `workspace` parameter regardless of whether or not it is an organization. If the workspace for your project is an organization, you must also supply a `team` to share the project with. Returns the full record of the newly created project.

Get a project

Returns the complete project record for a single project.

Update a project

A specific, existing project can be updated by making a PUT request on the URL for that project. Only the fields provided in the `data` block will be updated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged. When using this method, it is best to specify only those fields you wish to change, or else you may overwrite changes made by another user since you last retrieved the task. Returns the complete updated project record.

Delete a project

A specific, existing project can be deleted by making a DELETE request on the URL for that project. Returns an empty data record.

Add a custom field to a project

Custom fields are associated with projects by way of custom field settings. This method creates a setting for the project.

Add followers to a project

Adds the specified list of users as followers to the project. Followers are a subset of members, therefore if the users are not already members of the project they will also become members as a result of this operation. Returns the updated project record.

Add users to a project

Adds the specified list of users as members of the project. Returns the updated project record.

Get a project's custom fields

Returns a list of all of the custom fields settings on a project, in compact form. Note that, as in all queries to collections which return compact representation, `opt_fields` can be used to include more data than is returned in the compact representation. See the [getting started guide on input/output options]( for more information.

Duplicate a project

Creates and returns a job that will asynchronously handle the duplication.

Get memberships from a project

Returns the compact project membership records for the project.

Get statuses from a project

Returns the compact project status update records for all updates on the project.

Create a project status

Creates a new status update on the project. Returns the full record of the newly created project status update.

Remove a custom field from a project

Removes a custom field setting from a project.

Remove followers from a project

Removes the specified list of users from following the project, this will not affect project membership status. Returns the updated project record.

Remove users from a project

Removes the specified list of users from members of the project. Returns the updated project record.

Get sections in a project

Returns the compact records for all sections in the specified project.

Create a section in a project

Creates a new section in a project. Returns the full record of the newly created section.

Move or Insert sections

Move sections relative to each other. One of `before_section` or `after_section` is required. Sections cannot be moved between projects. Returns an empty data block.

Get task count of a project

Get an object that holds task count fields. **All fields are excluded by default**. You must [opt in](/docs/input-output-options) using `opt_fields` to get any information from this endpoint. This endpoint has an additional [rate limit](/docs/standard-rate-limits) and each field counts especially high against our [cost limits](/docs/cost-limits). Milestones are just tasks, so they are included in the `num_tasks`, `num_incomplete_tasks`, and `num_completed_tasks` counts.

Get tasks from a project

Returns the compact task records for all tasks within the given project, ordered by their priority within the project. Tasks can exist in more than one project at a time.

Get a section

Returns the complete record for a single section.

Update a section

A specific, existing section can be updated by making a PUT request on the URL for that project. Only the fields provided in the `data` block will be updated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged. (note that at this time, the only field that can be updated is the `name` field.) When using this method, it is best to specify only those fields you wish to change, or else you may overwrite changes made by another user since you last retrieved the task. Returns the complete updated section record.

Delete a section

A specific, existing section can be deleted by making a DELETE request on the URL for that section. Note that sections must be empty to be deleted. The last remaining section cannot be deleted. Returns an empty data block.

Add task to section

Add a task to a specific, existing section. This will remove the task from other sections of the project. The task will be inserted at the top of a section unless an insert_before or insert_after parameter is declared. This does not work for separators (tasks with the resource_subtype of section).

Get tasks from a section

*Board view only*: Returns the compact section records for all tasks within the given section.

Get a story

Returns the full record for a single story.

Update a story

Updates the story and returns the full record for the updated story. Only comment stories can have their text updated, and only comment stories and attachment stories can be pinned. Only one of `text` and `html_text` can be specified.

Delete a story

Deletes a story. A user can only delete stories they have created. Returns an empty data record.

Get multiple tags

Returns the compact tag records for some filtered set of tags. Use one or more of the parameters provided to filter the tags returned.

Create a tag

Creates a new tag in a workspace or organization. Every tag is required to be created in a specific workspace or organization, and this cannot be changed once set. Note that you can use the workspace parameter regardless of whether or not it is an organization. Returns the full record of the newly created tag.

Get a tag

Returns the complete tag record for a single tag.

Update a tag

Updates the properties of a tag. Only the fields provided in the `data` block will be updated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged. When using this method, it is best to specify only those fields you wish to change, or else you may overwrite changes made by another user since you last retrieved the tag. Returns the complete updated tag record.

Delete a tag

A specific, existing tag can be deleted by making a DELETE request on the URL for that tag. Returns an empty data record.

Get tasks from a tag

Returns the compact task records for all tasks with the given tag. Tasks can have more than one tag at a time.

Get multiple tasks

Returns the compact task records for some filtered set of tasks. Use one or more of the parameters provided to filter the tasks returned. You must specify a `project` or `tag` if you do not specify `assignee` and `workspace`. For more complex task retrieval, use [workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tasks/search](/docs/search-tasks-in-a-workspace).

Create a task

Creating a new task is as easy as POSTing to the `/tasks` endpoint with a data block containing the fields you’d like to set on the task. Any unspecified fields will take on default values. Every task is required to be created in a specific workspace, and this workspace cannot be changed once set. The workspace need not be set explicitly if you specify `projects` or a `parent` task instead.

Get a task

Returns the complete task record for a single task.

Update a task

A specific, existing task can be updated by making a PUT request on the URL for that task. Only the fields provided in the `data` block will be updated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged. When using this method, it is best to specify only those fields you wish to change, or else you may overwrite changes made by another user since you last retrieved the task. Returns the complete updated task record.

Delete a task

A specific, existing task can be deleted by making a DELETE request on the URL for that task. Deleted tasks go into the “trash” of the user making the delete request. Tasks can be recovered from the trash within a period of 30 days; afterward they are completely removed from the system. Returns an empty data record.

Set dependencies for a task

Marks a set of tasks as dependencies of this task, if they are not already dependencies. *A task can have at most 15 dependencies*.

Set dependents for a task

Marks a set of tasks as dependents of this task, if they are not already dependents. *A task can have at most 30 dependents*.

Add followers to a task

Adds followers to a task. Returns an empty data block. Each task can be associated with zero or more followers in the system. Requests to add/remove followers, if successful, will return the complete updated task record, described above.

Add a project to a task

Adds the task to the specified project, in the optional location specified. If no location arguments are given, the task will be added to the end of the project. `addProject` can also be used to reorder a task within a project or section that already contains it. At most one of `insert_before`, `insert_after`, or `section` should be specified. Inserting into a section in an non-order-dependent way can be done by specifying section, otherwise, to insert within a section in a particular place, specify `insert_before` or `insert_after` and a task within the section to anchor the position of this task. Returns an empty data block.

Add a tag to a task

Adds a tag to a task. Returns an empty data block.

Get attachments for a task

Returns the compact records for all attachments on the task.

Upload an attachment

Upload an attachment. This method uploads an attachment to a task and returns the compact record for the created attachment object. It is not possible to attach files from third party services such as Dropbox, Box & Google Drive via the API. You must download the file content first and then upload it as any other attachment. The 100MB size limit on attachments in Asana is enforced on this endpoint. This endpoint expects a multipart/form-data encoded request containing the full contents of the file to be uploaded. Requests made should follow the HTTP/1.1 specification that line terminators are of the form `CRLF` or `\r\n` outlined [here]( in order for the server to reliably and properly handle the request.

Get dependencies from a task

Returns the compact representations of all of the dependencies of a task.

Get dependents from a task

Returns the compact representations of all of the dependents of a task.

Duplicate a task

Creates and returns a job that will asynchronously handle the duplication.

Get projects a task is in

Returns a compact representation of all of the projects the task is in.

Unlink dependencies from a task

Unlinks a set of dependencies from this task.

Unlink dependents from a task

Unlinks a set of dependents from this task.

Remove followers from a task

Removes each of the specified followers from the task if they are following. Returns the complete, updated record for the affected task.

Remove a project from a task

Removes the task from the specified project. The task will still exist in the system, but it will not be in the project anymore. Returns an empty data block.

Remove a tag from a task

Removes a tag from a task. Returns an empty data block.

Set the parent of a task

parent, or no parent task at all. Returns an empty data block. When using `insert_before` and `insert_after`, at most one of those two options can be specified, and they must already be subtasks of the parent.

Get stories from a task

Returns the compact records for all stories on the task.

Create a story on a task

Adds a story to a task. This endpoint currently only allows for comment stories to be created. The comment will be authored by the currently authenticated user, and timestamped when the server receives the request. Returns the full record for the new story added to the task.

Get subtasks from a task

Returns a compact representation of all of the subtasks of a task.

Create a subtask

Creates a new subtask and adds it to the parent task. Returns the full record for the newly created subtask.

Get a task's tags

Get a compact representation of all of the tags the task has.

Get team memberships

Returns compact team membership records.

Get a team membership

Returns the complete team membership record for a single team membership.

Create a team

Creates a team within the current workspace.

Get a team

Returns the full record for a single team.

Add a user to a team

The user making this call must be a member of the team in order to add others. The user being added must exist in the same organization as the team.

Get a team's projects

Returns the compact project records for all projects in the team.

Create a project in a team

Creates a project shared with the given team. Returns the full record of the newly created project.

Remove a user from a team

The user making this call must be a member of the team in order to remove themselves or others.

Get memberships from a team

Returns the compact team memberships for the team.

Get users in a team

Returns the compact records for all users that are members of the team. Results are sorted alphabetically and limited to 2000. For more results use the `/users` endpoint.

Get time periods

Returns compact time period records.

Get a time period

Returns the full record for a single time period.

Get a user task list

Returns the full record for a user task list.

Get tasks from a user task list

Returns the compact list of tasks in a user’s My Tasks list. *Note: Access control is enforced for this endpoint as with all Asana API endpoints, meaning a user’s private tasks will be filtered out if the API-authenticated user does not have access to them.* *Note: Both complete and incomplete tasks are returned by default unless they are filtered out (for example, setting `completed_since=now` will return only incomplete tasks, which is the default view for “My Tasks” in Asana.)*

Get multiple users

Returns the user records for all users in all workspaces and organizations accessible to the authenticated user. Accepts an optional workspace ID parameter. Results are sorted by user ID.

Get a user

Returns the full user record for the single user with the provided ID.

Get a user's favorites

Returns all of a user's favorites in the given workspace, of the given type. Results are given in order (The same order as Asana's sidebar).

Get memberships from a user

Returns the compact team membership records for the user.

Get teams for a user

Returns the compact records for all teams to which the given user is assigned.

Get a user's task list

Returns the full record for a user's task list.

Get workspace memberships for a user

Returns the compact workspace membership records for the user.

Get multiple webhooks

Get the compact representation of all webhooks your app has registered for the authenticated user in the given workspace.

Establish a webhook

Establishing a webhook is a two-part process. First, a simple HTTP POST request initiates the creation similar to creating any other resource. Next, in the middle of this request comes the confirmation handshake. When a webhook is created, we will send a test POST to the target with an `X-Hook-Secret` header. The target must respond with a `200 OK` or `204 No Content` and a matching `X-Hook-Secret` header to confirm that this webhook subscription is indeed expected. We strongly recommend storing this secret to be used to verify future webhook event signatures. The POST request to create the webhook will then return with the status of the request. If you do not acknowledge the webhook’s confirmation handshake it will fail to setup, and you will receive an error in response to your attempt to create it. This means you need to be able to receive and complete the webhook *while* the POST request is in-flight (in other words, have a server that can handle requests asynchronously). Invalid hostnames like localhost will recieve a 403 Forbidden status code. ``` # Request curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <personal_access_token>" \ -X POST \ -d "resource=8675309" \ -d "target=" ``` ``` # Handshake sent to POST /receive-webhook/7654 X-Hook-Secret: b537207f20cbfa02357cf448134da559e8bd39d61597dcd5631b8012eae53e81 ``` ``` # Handshake response sent by HTTP/1.1 200 X-Hook-Secret: b537207f20cbfa02357cf448134da559e8bd39d61597dcd5631b8012eae53e81 ``` ``` # Response HTTP/1.1 201 { "data": { "gid": "43214", "resource": { "gid": "8675309", "name": "Bugs" }, "target": "", "active": false, "last_success_at": null, "last_failure_at": null, "last_failure_content": null } } ```

Get a webhook

Returns the full record for the given webhook.

Delete a webhook

This method *permanently* removes a webhook. Note that it may be possible to receive a request that was already in flight after deleting the webhook, but no further requests will be issued.

Get a workspace membership

Returns the complete workspace record for a single workspace membership.

Get multiple workspaces

Returns the compact records for all workspaces visible to the authorized user.

Get a workspace

Returns the full workspace record for a single workspace.

Update a workspace

A specific, existing workspace can be updated by making a PUT request on the URL for that workspace. Only the fields provided in the data block will be updated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged. Currently the only field that can be modified for a workspace is its name. Returns the complete, updated workspace record.

Add a user to a workspace or organization

Add a user to a workspace or organization. The user can be referenced by their globally unique user ID or their email address. Returns the full user record for the invited user.

Get a workspace's custom fields

Returns a list of the compact representation of all of the custom fields in a workspace.

Get all projects in a workspace

Returns the compact project records for all projects in the workspace. *Note: This endpoint may timeout for large domains. Prefer the `/teams/{team_gid}/projects` endpoint.*

Create a project in a workspace

Returns the compact project records for all projects in the workspace. If the workspace for your project is an organization, you must also supply a team to share the project with. Returns the full record of the newly created project.

Remove a user from a workspace or organization

Remove a user from a workspace or organization. The user making this call must be an admin in the workspace. The user can be referenced by their globally unique user ID or their email address. Returns an empty data record.

Get tags in a workspace

Returns the compact tag records for some filtered set of tags. Use one or more of the parameters provided to filter the tags returned.

Create a tag in a workspace

Creates a new tag in a workspace or organization. Every tag is required to be created in a specific workspace or organization, and this cannot be changed once set. Note that you can use the workspace parameter regardless of whether or not it is an organization. Returns the full record of the newly created tag.

Search tasks in a workspace

To mirror the functionality of the Asana web app's advanced search feature, the Asana API has a task search endpoint that allows you to build complex filters to find and retrieve the exact data you need. #### Premium access Like the Asana web product's advance search feature, this search endpoint will only be available to premium Asana users. A user is premium if any of the following is true: - The workspace in which the search is being performed is a premium workspace - The user is a member of a premium team inside the workspace Even if a user is only a member of a premium team inside a non-premium workspace, search will allow them to find data anywhere in the workspace, not just inside the premium team. Making a search request using credentials of a non-premium user will result in a `402 Payment Required` error. #### Pagination Search results are not stable; repeating the same query multiple times may return the data in a different order, even if the data do not change. Because of this, the traditional [pagination]( available elsewhere in the Asana API is not available here. However, you can paginate manually by sorting the search results by their creation time and then modifying each subsequent query to exclude data you have already seen. Page sizes are limited to a maximum of 100 items, and can be specified by the `limit` query parameter. #### Eventual consistency Changes in Asana (regardless of whether they’re made though the web product or the API) are forwarded to our search infrastructure to be indexed. This process can take between 10 and 60 seconds to complete under normal operation, and longer during some production incidents. Making a change to a task that would alter its presence in a particular search query will not be reflected immediately. This is also true of the advanced search feature in the web product. #### Rate limits You may receive a `429 Too Many Requests` response if you hit any of our [rate limits]( #### Custom field parameters | Parameter name | Custom field type | Accepted type | |---|---|---| | custom_fields.{gid}.is_set | All | Boolean | | custom_fields.{gid}.value | Text | String | | custom_fields.{gid}.value | Number | Number | | custom_fields.{gid}.value | Enum | Enum option ID | | custom_fields.{gid}.starts_with | Text only | String | | custom_fields.{gid}.ends_with | Text only | String | | custom_fields.{gid}.contains | Text only | String | | custom_fields.{gid}.less_than | Number only | Number | | custom_fields.{gid}.greater_than | Number only | Number | For example, if the gid of the custom field is 12345, these query parameter to find tasks where it is set would be `custom_fields.12345.is_set=true`. To match an exact value for an enum custom field, use the gid of the desired enum option and not the name of the enum option: `custom_fields.12345.value=67890`. Searching for multiple exact matches of a custom field is not supported. *Note: If you specify `projects.any` and `sections.any`, you will receive tasks for the project **and** tasks for the section. If you're looking for only tasks in a section, omit the `projects.any` from the request.*

Get objects via typeahead

Retrieves objects in the workspace based via an auto-completion/typeahead search algorithm. This feature is meant to provide results quickly, so do not rely on this API to provide extremely accurate search results. The result set is limited to a single page of results with a maximum size, so you won’t be able to fetch large numbers of results. The typeahead search API provides search for objects from a single workspace. This endpoint should be used to query for objects when creating an auto-completion/typeahead search feature. This API is meant to provide results quickly and should not be relied upon for accurate or exhaustive search results. The results sets are limited in size and cannot be paginated. Queries return a compact representation of each object which is typically the gid and name fields. Interested in a specific set of fields or all of the fields?! Of course you are. Use field selectors to manipulate what data is included in a response. Resources with type `user` are returned in order of most contacted to least contacted. This is determined by task assignments, adding the user to projects, and adding the user as a follower to tasks, messages, etc. Resources with type `project` are returned in order of recency. This is determined when the user visits the project, is added to the project, and completes tasks in the project. Resources with type `task` are returned with priority placed on tasks the user is following, but no guarantee on the order of those tasks. Leaving the `query` string empty or omitted will give you results, still following the resource ordering above. This could be used to list users or projects that are relevant for the requesting user's api token.

Get users in a workspace or organization

Returns the compact records for all users in the specified workspace or organization. Results are sorted alphabetically and limited to 2000. For more results use the `/users` endpoint.

Get the workspace memberships for a workspace

Returns the compact workspace membership records for the workspace.

Last Update

4 months ago
