
Airtable is a cloud-based relational database and collaboration platform that combines the simplicity of a spreadsheet with the complexity of a database. It allows users to create, organize, and manage data in a flexible and user-friendly interface, making it suitable for a wide range of tasks, from project management and content planning to inventory tracking and customer relationship management (CRM).

The Airtable API is a versatile programming interface that allows developers to integrate, automate, and extend the functionality of Airtable. It enables data integration with other applications, facilitates the creation of custom apps, automates tasks and workflows, supports reporting and analysis, and manages content stored in Airtable, making it a valuable tool for various data-related tasks and processes.

Supported Operations

Airtable Base Data API

List webhooks

Lists all webhooks that are registered for a base, along with their statuses.

Create a webhook

Creates a new webhook in the specified base. Payloads may be generated and the notification URL (if given) will get a ping shortly after this completes.

Delete a webhooks

Deletes a webhook.

Enable/disable webhook notifications

Enables or disables notification pings for a webhook. See notification delivery. Creator level permissions are required in order to enable or disable webhook notification pings.

List webhook payloads

Enumerate the update messages for a client to consume. Clients should call this after they receive a ping.

Refresh a webhook

Extend the life of a webhook. The new expiration time will be 7 days after the refresh time. Note that this endpoint only applies to active webhooks with an expiration time. Creator level permissions are required in order to refresh a webhook.

List bases

Returns the list of bases the API key can access in the order they appear on the user's home screen, 1000 bases at a time. If there is another page to request, pass the offset as a URL query parameter. (e.g. ?offset=itr23sEjsdfEr3282/appSW9R5uCNmRmfl6)

Create base

Creates a new base with the provided tables and returns the schema for the newly created base.

Get base schema

Returns the schema of the tables in the specified base.

Create table

Creates a new table and returns the schema for the newly created table.

Update table

Updates the name and/or description of a table. At least one of name or description must be specified.

Create field

Creates a new column and returns the schema for the newly created column.

Update field

Updates the name and/or description of a field. At least one of name or description must be specified.

List views

Lists basic information of base views.

Get view metadata

Get basic information of base view.

Delete view

Delete a view.

Get user info

Retrieve the user's ID.

Upload attachment to Airtable attachment cell

Upload an attachment (up to 5 MB) to an attachment cell in Airtable.

List records

List records in a table.

Create records

Creates multiple records. Your request body should include an array of up to 10 record objects. Each of these objects should have one key whose value is an inner object containing your record's cell values, keyed by either field name or field id.

Update multiple records

Updates up to 10 records, or upserts them when performUpsert is set (see below).

Update multiple records

Delete multiple records

Deletes records given an array of record ids.

Sync CSV data

Syncs raw CSV data into a Sync API table.

Get record

Retrieve a single record. Any "empty" fields (e.g. "", [], or false) in the record will not be returned.

Update record

Updates a single record.

Update record

Updates a single record.

Delete record

Deletes a single record

List comments

Returns a list of comments for the record from newest to oldest.

Create comment

Creates a comment on a record.

Update comment

Updates a comment on a record. API users can only update comments they have created.

Delete comment

Deletes a comment from a record. Non-admin API users can only delete comments they have created. Enterprise Admins can delete any comment from a record.

Airtable Org Management API

Delete base

Deletes the specified base. Deleted bases can be restored by workspace owners from the Trash UI, up to the workspace's billing plan retention period.

List block installations

Lists basic information of base block installations.

Manage block installations

Manages block installation state.

Delete block installations

A deleted block installation is recoverable.

Get enterprise

Returns basic information relevant to the enterprise account.

Audit log events

Retrieve audit log events for an enterprise. By default, this will walk all the data we're currently storing and continue walking data into the future.

Change events

Retrieve change events for enterprise bases. This endpoint requires enablement; please contact your account manager for access.

List eDiscovery exports

Get the status and result of all eDiscovery exports.

Create eDiscovery export

Create an eDiscovery export request. The response includes an id, which is then used to check the status of and download your export.

Get eDiscovery export

Get the status and result of an eDiscovery export.

Get user by id or email

Returns basic information relevant to both internal and external user.

Manage user batched

Batch manage enterprise account users. One of id or email must supplied in the body. If both are supplied, id will be used as the identifier in changing user email to the email specified in the request.

Delete users by email

Delete multiple users by email.

Manage user membership

Batch manage organizations enterprise account users.

Grant admin access

Grant admin access to users. To use this endpoint, provide either the user's id or email in the request body. If both are supplied, the email will be ignored.

Revoke admin access

Revokes admin access from users. To use this endpoint, provide either the user's id or email in the request body. If both are supplied, the email will be ignored.

Get user by id

Returns basic information relevant to both internal and external user.

Manage user

Manage enterprise account managed users.

Delete user by id

Delete ELA enterprise account internal users and "claiming" enterprise account managed users.

Logout user

Logout the user.

Remove user from enterprise

Unshare a user from all enterprise workspaces, bases, and interfaces. If applicable, the user will also be removed from as an enterprise admin.

Get user group

Returns basic information relevant to the user group.

Delete workspace

Deletes the specified workspace. Deleted workspaces can be restored by workspace owners from the Trash UI, up to the workspace's billing plan retention period.

Move base

Move a base between two workspaces owned by the enterprise.

Update workspace restrictions

Update sharing restrictions settings for the workspace.

Airtable Permissions API

Get base collaborators

Returns basic information on the base.

Add base collaborator

Add a new base collaborator. Despite the name, this route currently only supports adding one collaborator at a time.

Update collaborator base permission

Updates the permission level of a collaborator on a base.

Delete base collaborator

Delete a base collaborator.

Get interface

Returns general information on the interface.

Update interface collaborator

Use this to update permissions for an interface-only collaborator.

Delete interface collaborator

Delete an interface collaborator.

Delete interface invite

Delete base invite

List shares

Lists basic information of base shares.

Manage share

Manages share state.

Delete share

WARNING: Hard deleted share is NOT recoverable!

Get workspace collaborators

Returns basic information on the workspace.

Add workspace collaborator

Add a new workspace collaborator. Despite the name, this route currently only supports adding one collaborator at a time.

Update workspace collaborator

Updates the permission level of a collaborator on a workspace.

Delete workspace collaborator

Delete a workspace collaborator.

Delete workspace invite

Add interface collaborator

Use this to add a collaborator to an interface.

Airtable Org Management SCIM API

List groups

List groups as SCIM Groups objects.

Create group

Create a new group from a SCIM Group object.

Get group

Get a single group as a SCIM Group object.

Put group

Replace a Groups's attributes with all new values.

Patch group

SCIM patch an array of operations to a Group and applies them sequentially.

Delete group

Delete a single SCIM Group.

List users

List users as SCIM User objects.

Create user

Create a new user from a SCIM User object.

Get user

Get a single user as a SCIM User object.

Put user

Replace a user's attributes with all new values.

Patch user

Perform a list of SCIM patch operations in sequence on an existing user.

Delete user

Delete a single SCIM user.

Last Update

3 months ago
