Photoshop API documentation
Initiates an asynchronous job to auto straighten an image. \
To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/acrstatus).\
To know more about this feature refer [AutoStraighten](../features/#autoStraighten)
Initiates an asynchronous job to auto tone an image.
To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/acrstatus).\
To know more about this feature refer [AutoTone](../features/#autotone)
Initiates an asynchronous job to apply a set of edit parameters on an image.
To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/acrstatus).\
To know more about this feature refer [Edit](../features/#edit)
Initiates an asynchronous job to apply a preset on an image.
To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/acrstatus).\
To know more about this feature refer [Presets](../features/#presets)
Returns the status of a job. Please expand `200 Successful operation` under `Responses` to know details of the status returned.
Initiates an asynchronous job to apply an XMP setting to an image.
To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/acrstatus).\
To know more about this feature refer [XMP](../features/#xmp)
Playback photoshop actions in ActionJSON format.
To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus). \
To know more about this feature refer [Rendering Conversions](../features/#rendering--conversions)
Creates an artboard.
To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus).\
To know more about this feature refer [Artboards](../features/#artboards)
Executes Depth Blur on a given image.
To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus). \
To know more about this feature refer [DepthBlur](../features/#depthblur)
Create a new psd optionaly with layers and generate renditions or save as PSD.
To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus).
Get information about the PSD document, including metadata about the file as a whole as well as detailed information about the layers included in the file.
To get status of this job, call [Manifest Status API](./#operation/documentManifestStatus).
Apply psd edits.
To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus).\
To know more about this feature refer [Document Level Edits](../features/#document-level-edits) and [Layer Level Edits](../features/#layer-level-edits)
Executes Photoshop Actions on a given image.
To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus). \
To know more about this feature refer [Photoshop Actions](../features/#photoshop-actions)
Executes Product Crop on a given image.
To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus).\
To know more about this feature refer [ProductCrop](../features/#productcrop)
Create renditions.
To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus). \
To know more about this feature refer [Rendering Conversions](../features/#rendering--conversions)
Edits a PSD for replacing embedded smart object and then generate renditions and/or save a new psd.
To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus).\
To know more about this feature refer [SmartObject](../features/#smartobject)
Returns the status of a job. Please expand `200 Successful operation` under `Responses` to know details of the status returned. This API is used for returning the status of a job for the apis [Create Renditions](./#operation/renditionCreate), [Execute actionJSON](./#operation/actionJSON), [Replace SmartObject](./#operation/smartObject), [Execute Photoshop Actions](./#operation/photoshopActions), [Execute Product Crop](./#operation/productCrop), [Execute Depth Blur](./#operation/depthBlur), [Edit Text Layers](./#operation/text), [Apply psd edits](./#operation/documentOperations), [Create a new psd](./#operation/documentCreate), [Create an artboard](./#operation/artboardCreate)
Returns the status of the Get Manifest API. Please expand `200 Successful operation` under `Responses` to know details of the status returned.
Edit one or more text layers.
To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus). \
To know more about this feature refer [Text](../features/#text)
Generates a PNG file in 4 channel RGBA format with the generated cutout mask \
applied to the input image generate a PNG file in 4 channel RGBA format with the generated cutout \
mask applied to the input image.
To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/icstatus).\
To know more about this feature refer [Remove Background](../features/#remove-background)
Generates a mask PNG.
To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/icstatus).\
To know more about this feature refer [Image Mask](../features/#image-mask)
Returns the status of a job. Please expand `200 Successful operation` under `Responses` to know details of the status returned.