
Adobe Photoshop API allows users to integrate the functionality of Adobe Photoshop into their own applications or workflows. Adobe Photoshop API provides access to a wide range of image editing and manipulation features, such as layer management, filters, transformations, and text editing, enabling them to build applications that leverage Photoshop's capabilities.

With Adobe Photoshop API you can process images, remove backgrounds, adjust lighting and more, automatically and programmatically. It is also possible to create mockups of products using smart object replacement, and crop products automatically from larger images.

The Photoshop API also supports the integration of third-party tools, libraries, and services, making it possible to extend Photoshop's capabilities further and integrate it with other creative tools or services in a streamlined manner.

Supported Operations

Photoshop API documentation


Initiates an asynchronous job to auto straighten an image. \ To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/acrstatus).\ To know more about this feature refer [AutoStraighten](../features/#autoStraighten)


Initiates an asynchronous job to auto tone an image. To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/acrstatus).\ To know more about this feature refer [AutoTone](../features/#autotone)


Initiates an asynchronous job to apply a set of edit parameters on an image. To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/acrstatus).\ To know more about this feature refer [Edit](../features/#edit)


Initiates an asynchronous job to apply a preset on an image. To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/acrstatus).\ To know more about this feature refer [Presets](../features/#presets)


Returns the status of a job. Please expand `200 Successful operation` under `Responses` to know details of the status returned.


Initiates an asynchronous job to apply an XMP setting to an image. To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/acrstatus).\ To know more about this feature refer [XMP](../features/#xmp)


Playback photoshop actions in ActionJSON format. To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus). \ To know more about this feature refer [Rendering Conversions](../features/#rendering--conversions)


Creates an artboard. To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus).\ To know more about this feature refer [Artboards](../features/#artboards)


Executes Depth Blur on a given image. To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus). \ To know more about this feature refer [DepthBlur](../features/#depthblur)


Create a new psd optionaly with layers and generate renditions or save as PSD. To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus).


Get information about the PSD document, including metadata about the file as a whole as well as detailed information about the layers included in the file. To get status of this job, call [Manifest Status API](./#operation/documentManifestStatus).


Apply psd edits. To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus).\ To know more about this feature refer [Document Level Edits](../features/#document-level-edits) and [Layer Level Edits](../features/#layer-level-edits)


Executes Photoshop Actions on a given image. To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus). \ To know more about this feature refer [Photoshop Actions](../features/#photoshop-actions)


Executes Product Crop on a given image. To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus).\ To know more about this feature refer [ProductCrop](../features/#productcrop)


Create renditions. To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus). \ To know more about this feature refer [Rendering Conversions](../features/#rendering--conversions)


Edits a PSD for replacing embedded smart object and then generate renditions and/or save a new psd. To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus).\ To know more about this feature refer [SmartObject](../features/#smartobject)


Returns the status of a job. Please expand `200 Successful operation` under `Responses` to know details of the status returned. This API is used for returning the status of a job for the apis [Create Renditions](./#operation/renditionCreate), [Execute actionJSON](./#operation/actionJSON), [Replace SmartObject](./#operation/smartObject), [Execute Photoshop Actions](./#operation/photoshopActions), [Execute Product Crop](./#operation/productCrop), [Execute Depth Blur](./#operation/depthBlur), [Edit Text Layers](./#operation/text), [Apply psd edits](./#operation/documentOperations), [Create a new psd](./#operation/documentCreate), [Create an artboard](./#operation/artboardCreate)


Returns the status of the Get Manifest API. Please expand `200 Successful operation` under `Responses` to know details of the status returned.


Edit one or more text layers. To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/pitsstatus). \ To know more about this feature refer [Text](../features/#text)


Generates a PNG file in 4 channel RGBA format with the generated cutout mask \ applied to the input image generate a PNG file in 4 channel RGBA format with the generated cutout \ mask applied to the input image. To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/icstatus).\ To know more about this feature refer [Remove Background](../features/#remove-background)


Generates a mask PNG. To get status of this job, call [Status API](./#operation/icstatus).\ To know more about this feature refer [Image Mask](../features/#image-mask)


Returns the status of a job. Please expand `200 Successful operation` under `Responses` to know details of the status returned.


This item is available for early access. It is still in development and may contain experimental features or limitations.

Last Update

7 months ago
